Why Did You Leave Christianity Behind?

Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.

What does this have to do with the question/topic of this thread?

Well... it was an experience and it was related to the topic.

You answered a question that was never asked.
I'll also say I sometimes meet people who are 'church people'. They're often the rudest and nastiest people I encounter.
but then i see bulkshit like this...

I take it you don't like something I said.
One thing you should ask yourself. What is a Christian? I have no idea what a church person is. One of Christs disciples asked Him how people would know they were Christians. Jesus said they would know you by your love. He that does not have love does not have the Father. It's that simple. Anyone can claim to be a Christian. Doesn't mean anything. Their actions are what's important. Wouldn't you agree?
"Church person" is a derisive term for Christian. More hate.
You're probably correct. The older I get, the more hate I see around me. I honestly believe that Satan has been given free reign on this Earth. You only have to watch the news to see this. The Middle East is in flames. Terrorists are popping up everywhere. Homosexuals are getting too big for their rainbow colored britches. Every perversion imaginable is on the internet. I could go on and on. The Bible tells us what things were like in the time of Noah, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah. America is looking a lot like that. It is the spitting image of a people God destroyed for immorality. Call me crazy, but I don't think we have much time left. God will surely judge us before too long.

Wow! You see, to me, this just sounds like insanity.
but then i see bulkshit like this...

I take it you don't like something I said.
One thing you should ask yourself. What is a Christian? I have no idea what a church person is. One of Christs disciples asked Him how people would know they were Christians. Jesus said they would know you by your love. He that does not have love does not have the Father. It's that simple. Anyone can claim to be a Christian. Doesn't mean anything. Their actions are what's important. Wouldn't you agree?
"Church person" is a derisive term for Christian. More hate.
You're probably correct. The older I get, the more hate I see around me. I honestly believe that Satan has been given free reign on this Earth. You only have to watch the news to see this. The Middle East is in flames. Terrorists are popping up everywhere. Homosexuals are getting too big for their rainbow colored britches. Every perversion imaginable is on the internet. I could go on and on. The Bible tells us what things were like in the time of Noah, as well as Sodom and Gomorrah. America is looking a lot like that. It is the spitting image of a people God destroyed for immorality. Call me crazy, but I don't think we have much time left. God will surely judge us before too long.

Wow! You see, to me, this just sounds like insanity.
I agree. Often times when I hear a schpiel along these lines; I sense a bit of anticipation, an eagerness if you will, from the speaker. It seems almost to be a hopeful/wishful thinking. As though it happening within their life time, would be the final vindication that puts to rest the lingering doubts they harbor deep inside, that they dare not voice aloud.
I went to a Catholic school, sunday school... the whole 9 yards, except from getting molested by a priest, lol, and even as a little kid, all this stuff sounded so made up to me, like Santa Claus. Nobody here, but NOBODY, was been able to show me solid proof that any of it is true.
I was around 12 and realized the stories in church were not much different than Santa Claus
Wisdom is not given to just anyone. You see what you want to see.
At a certain age you develop a bull shit meter
dingbat's is broken and he doesn't want it fixed.
When you are threatened with hell if you stop believing..... you keep saying
I believe
I believe
I believe
If you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in satan either. :rolleyes-41:

Its not a matter of belief its a matter of perception and understanding.

Many people who do not believe in satan have had conversations with people who fit the detailed description of the mythological being perfectly and for some mysterious reason cannot make the connection between a teaching in a fairy tale and the actual reality it alludes to even though they have been stalked by, bitten, or disputing with talking serpents in one disguise or another for their entire lives..


What is astonishing is that grown people would believe such things!

Its astonishing that grown people should believe what things?

That the bible uses figurative language and hidden instruction like any fairy tale that teaches among other things that there are despicable and deceitful lowlifes in the world, talking serpents, who take advantage of the gullible and fuck up their minds for life?

You don't believe this?

If you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in satan either. :rolleyes-41:

Its not a matter of belief its a matter of perception and understanding.

Many people who do not believe in satan have had conversations with people who fit the detailed description of the mythological being perfectly and for some mysterious reason cannot make the connection between a teaching in a fairy tale and the actual reality it alludes to even though they have been stalked by, bitten, or disputing with talking serpents in one disguise or another for their entire lives..


What is astonishing is that grown people would believe such things!

Its astonishing that grown people should believe what things?

That the bible uses figurative language and hidden instruction like any fairy tale that teaches among other things that there are despicable and deceitful lowlifes in the world, talking serpents, who take advantage of the gullible and fuck up their minds for life?

You don't believe this?


Those are just scumbag people, not "talking serpents."
How many of you have ever seen or experienced something that defies the laws of physics? Call it a miracle or what ever you wish have you ever experienced anything you cannot explain? Like having having survived something when by all rights you should have died?
How many of you have ever seen or experienced something that defies the laws of physics? Call it a miracle or what ever you wish have you ever experienced anything you cannot explain? Like having having survived something when by all rights you should have died?
Decent question. However it also good enough to start a separate thread about. I mean that too. Plus; it will also help keep this thread from getting off topic.
I posted the question because most people have no real experience with G_d. They have an idea in their head of what they think G_d is or what they have been told what G_d is but how many people have ever really been in a place where they have encountered something outside of themselves that breaks all the laws they understand as reality in an event they are a part of. When that happens to you your whole paradigm of reality changes! Most people read the Bible as a Book of fiction or fairy tails but when those pages step of into your realty everything changes and nothing can ever be the same again. I understand 99.5% of humanity has no frame of reference but there are those who understand exactly what I am speaking about.

I'm not going to go far afield here but I am one who has experienced near death and other experiences. I understand falling away and not believing all too well. I was not always a believer and I am far from a perfect Christian but seek G_d and He will answer you.
If you don't believe in god, then you don't believe in satan either. :rolleyes-41:

Its not a matter of belief its a matter of perception and understanding.

Many people who do not believe in satan have had conversations with people who fit the detailed description of the mythological being perfectly and for some mysterious reason cannot make the connection between a teaching in a fairy tale and the actual reality it alludes to even though they have been stalked by, bitten, or disputing with talking serpents in one disguise or another for their entire lives..


What is astonishing is that grown people would believe such things!

Its astonishing that grown people should believe what things?

That the bible uses figurative language and hidden instruction like any fairy tale that teaches among other things that there are despicable and deceitful lowlifes in the world, talking serpents, who take advantage of the gullible and fuck up their minds for life?

You don't believe this?


Those are just scumbag people, not "talking serpents."

ugh. Whats the difference?

talking serpents are metaphorical for scumbag people who pretend to be enlightened and use religion based on distortions of the truth and perverse interpretations of scripture in particular as a means of deception and control over others..

Wouldn't scumbag people think that any story condemning talking serpents as the lowest form of life was a harmless delusional fantasy?

How would you warn your children about the dangers of falling under the spell of scumbag people during times when scumbag people could maim or kill you for trivial reasons and would slaughter your entire family for passing on such a seditious teaching?

It still works like a charm!

How do you think Jesus survived for so long openly condemning serpents and every sort of foul and loathsome beast or bird to their faces and all they could do in response was say "you're nuts" except by speaking over their heads?

If they understood what he was teaching do you think that he would have survived even one day after he started running amok?

And while those in high places were freaking out over the nutty things that Jesus said, lines were being drawn, storm clouds were gathering, and watchers were watching.
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How many of you have ever seen or experienced something that defies the laws of physics? Call it a miracle or what ever you wish have you ever experienced anything you cannot explain? Like having having survived something when by all rights you should have died?
I am usually very careful to follow the laws of physics
Many Americans grew up steeped in Christian culture. Went to church events. Celebrated the holidays. Even took part in the rituals.

Then... Many have an awakening, or change of heart if you will. And ultimately walk away; or reject the Christian religion out right. In the end, there are probably as many reasons as there are people...

What was yours?
I got tired of wading through ugly troll posts and decided to answer your original post. I've ignored it, laughed at it, tried a couple other beliefs..then went to Christianity.
For me, there is no other way. I have all the "proof" I will ever need.

What does this have to do with the question/topic of this thread?

Well... it was an experience and it was related to the topic.

You answered a question that was never asked.
Not really, I just gave an answer that was different than what was expected.
I posted the question because most people have no real experience with G_d. They have an idea in their head of what they think G_d is or what they have been told what G_d is but how many people have ever really been in a place where they have encountered something outside of themselves that breaks all the laws they understand as reality in an event they are a part of. When that happens to you your whole paradigm of reality changes! Most people read the Bible as a Book of fiction or fairy tails but when those pages step of into your realty everything changes and nothing can ever be the same again. I understand 99.5% of humanity has no frame of reference but there are those who understand exactly what I am speaking about.

I'm not going to go far afield here but I am one who has experienced near death and other experiences. I understand falling away and not believing all too well. I was not always a believer and I am far from a perfect Christian but seek G_d and He will answer you.
Well I'm afraid it does go far afield... In fact it takes the conversation in the exact opposite direction from that intended by the thread. It does merit a thread of its own. But in the context of this thread it's trolling. Your discussion would be about what confirmed/ reaffirmed your faith. This thread is about why people left it.
i was 12.....in the baptist church 12 is considered the age of decision....and i was being pressured to be baptized...i was not wanting that just yet...and was in sunday school class and was ask why i was not baptized.....i told the class i had concerns with the belief that if you were not a southern baptist you went to hell....orlynn ward stood up....and yes i remember her name and that day ....after what 50 years......orlynn stood up and as she pointed her finger in my face..told me i was not a true christian cause i did not belief everyone else was going to hell this went on for a long time....5 or so minutes...which when you are being called out at church seems like forever....
not one person in that class said a word to her.....just watched and listened....that was the day i decided not to be baptized and to leave the baptist sect all together....i have gone to other churches..and have wondered...somewhere in the bible...it says god touches ones heart and brings you to him.....apparently i am not wanted....

plus the hypocrisy of the church and its followers...how they cherry pick the bible and ignore other parts of it...i think more important than the big ten are these words....

matthew 25: 31 to 40..

the most important being:

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

read it let it sink it.....you are being told that what you did to that begger or refugee you did to god/jesus

now how the hell are you feeling right now? are you doing to the least of his people as you would do to him?
That would be horrible. I almost went to a baptist church here. They just seemed to be able preach the whole truth without sugar coating everything and I respected that. After awhile I also sensed they excluded others and I couldn't be a part of that. Btw you are wanted Bones...whether you like it or not. :2up:
I posted the question because most people have no real experience with G_d. They have an idea in their head of what they think G_d is or what they have been told what G_d is but how many people have ever really been in a place where they have encountered something outside of themselves that breaks all the laws they understand as reality in an event they are a part of. When that happens to you your whole paradigm of reality changes! Most people read the Bible as a Book of fiction or fairy tails but when those pages step of into your realty everything changes and nothing can ever be the same again. I understand 99.5% of humanity has no frame of reference but there are those who understand exactly what I am speaking about.

I'm not going to go far afield here but I am one who has experienced near death and other experiences. I understand falling away and not believing all too well. I was not always a believer and I am far from a perfect Christian but seek G_d and He will answer you.
Well I'm afraid it does go far afield... In fact it takes the conversation in the exact opposite direction from that intended by the thread. It does merit a thread of its own. But in the context of this thread it's trolling. Your discussion would be about what confirmed/ reaffirmed your faith. This thread is about why people left it.

Actually you do have a point. My responses were mostly meant to be light hearted though and not meant to take it off topic. ::quietly exiting::

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