Why Darwinists call non-Darwinists "Flat Earthers"

The Jews borrowed the flood myth of Sumer which were based on real floods in the Euphrates river basin around 2900 BC. These floods built up the delta south of Basra. There's flood sediment 150 miles wide and 350 miles south to the Persian Gulf. The floods were fed by spring snowmelt from the Zagros mountains and spring rains. They lasted four days and disrupted shipping by barges downriver to sell livestock, grain and beer.

The Black Sea breech was thousands of years earlier and was very slow moving so there was plenty of time to move families and livestock to higher ground.. months to move.

The Herzogian-Finkelsteinian calculi on which surada's claim is ultimately predicated presupposes that the Exodus story was concocted between the 10th and 9th Centuries BC. But there is ample evidence that the Exodus is historical and occurred during the 13th Century just as the Bible asserts.

surda merely subscribes to the lack of decisive evidence available from the later period and the "scholarship" thereof while arbitrarily disregarding what is in fact a growing body of evidence from the period depicted by the Bible.

God's fingerprints are all over the universe. Michael Rawlings

Indeed. I describe a few of them here:


Review picture.png
I have been tested

Have you?
Let's see the evidence. I can accept that you're a flat Earther.

I have a bachelor of science and an MBA from a reputed university and believe in a spherical Earth and created universe. Nothing could pop up like the universe and be of the same age.

ETA: If you're so special, then tell us the age of the different planets.
I have a bachelor of science and an MBA from a reputed university
You should demand a refund and get your degrees from a university that definitely exists.

Nothing could pop up like the universe and be of the same age.

ETA: If you're so special, then tell us the age of the different planets.
Does anyone dispute the planets were formed at the same time?
You should demand a refund and get your degrees from a university that definitely exists.
Creation science is the truth and real science. This is why science backs it up. It is more than religion. Of course, the university can't teach that so one has to learn evolution today. However, one should think for themselves and figure out there isn't any science behind evolution. Light, spacetime, universe, Earth, animals, humans, etc. just can't come into being or one species become another. Otherwise, science would back up evolution.

Maybe more people should go to Christian schools.

Does anyone dispute the planets were formed at the same time?
Sure, evolution. It is creation that says the universe and the heavenly bodies were formed at the same time (different days) -- What happened on each of the days of Creation? | GotQuestions.org.
Creation science is the truth and real science. This is why science backs it up. It is more than religion. Of course, the university can't teach that so one has to learn evolution today. However, one should think for themselves and figure out there isn't any science behind evolution. Light, spacetime, universe, Earth, animals, humans, etc. just can't come into being or one species become another. Otherwise, science would back up evolution.

Maybe more people should go to Christian schools.

Sure, evolution. It is creation that says the universe and the heavenly bodies were formed at the same time (different days) -- What happened on each of the days of Creation? | GotQuestions.org.

Christian schools tend to be poor in the sciences...and new. Established Christian schools don't teach creation science.
Christian schools tend to be poor in the sciences...and new. Established Christian schools don't teach creation science.
First, you don't discuss much science here. I can't remember one post you made regarding it. I assume you don't have much of an education, maybe HS graduate, and don't know about Christian schools let alone secular ones. Secular ones have trouble with morality and discipline. Is it any wonder we are going to hell in a hand basket.
First, you don't discuss much science here. I can't remember one post you made regarding it. I assume you don't have much of an education, maybe HS graduate, and don't know about Christian schools let alone secular ones. Secular ones have trouble with morality and discipline. Is it any wonder we are going to hell in a hand basket.

I went to excellent schools. We didn't have problems with morality and discipline. My episcopal school had vespers every day. They didn't teach creation science or Bible myths. We studied Job and Jonah as literature... for the message not as history. The crappy little Christian schools that popped up in the 1970s after desegregation were fundamentalist and very poor in academics.

Have you ever worked as a chemical engineer?
I went to excellent schools. We didn't have problems with morality and discipline. My episcopal school had vespers every day. They didn't teach creation science or Bible myths. We studied Job and Jonah as literature... for the message not as history. The crappy little Christian schools that popped up in the 1970s after desegregation were fundamentalist and very poor in academics.

Have you ever worked as a chemical engineer?
Are you saying you were a chem engineer? What did you create/work on?
Creation science is the truth and real science. This is why science backs it up. It is more than religion. Of course, the university can't teach that so one has to learn evolution today. However, one should think for themselves and figure out there isn't any science behind evolution. Light, spacetime, universe, Earth, animals, humans, etc. just can't come into being or one species become another. Otherwise, science would back up evolution.

Sure, evolution. It is creation that says the universe and the heavenly bodies were formed at the same time (different days) -- What happened on each of the days of Creation? | GotQuestions.org.
I missed that lecture in evolution school. Where does the theory say the planets were NOT made concurrently?

I missed that lecture in evolution school. Where does the theory say the planets were NOT made concurrently?
You should wag that finger to yourself in the mirror. Evolution doesn't know. You can't even explain the age of the planets. It's creationists like I who know.
You should wag that finger to yourself in the mirror. Evolution doesn't know. You can't even explain the age of the planets. It's creationists like I who know.
You're confusing evolution with astrophysics. News flash, they are not the same. So what do creationists know about the age of the planets that others do not?
So what do creationists know about the age of the planets that others do not?
I'm not a creationist but:
That the ability to put a number on the age of creation is not possible if the means to do so were not available until the 4th day.
Since then [4th day] a day has consisted of how long it takes the earth to rotate from point "A" back to point "A" in coordination with the sun [24 hours], but with no sun, the first three days have no reference of time and would be indefinite.

I'm an atheist who does believe in evolution, but the deeper I get into the origin of species and the origin of the universe the easier it is to see how evolution works in just as many mysterious and unexplainable ways as does a supreme being.
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Evolution occurs, that is a proven fact
How and why it occurs are subject to theories. But evolution occurring is a FACT
TRANSLATION: evolution is a fact, there is just no proof that it is a fact.
Simple creatures evolved into complex creatures
That is undeniable
which easily could have been their/our creators intent...and they actually evolved into things like sponges and cuttlefish and efts/newts ...all sorts of things along the way, if of course that really did happen

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