Why are the Ten (10) Poorist Countries in Non-Arab Africa or African Lead Countries

For cryin' out loud, give it a rest, Fisherman. You really need to see a shrink about that crippling insecurity.

Unkotare accept the fact that you don't know me.

We can only know you here by what you choose to post, and your posts don't paint a pretty picture so far...

Well, like my co-workers say: "I don't work to make friends..."

Similarly here. Making friends here is a bonus. We all share debatable positions here. We can't choose people to like our words it is what it is. Whatever picture I paint is what I paint. When I shut my computer off you and everyone else have no relevance in my life and vice versa. We all share opinions. If what I share is not acceptable to you, I can accept that.

You can think I am the most idiotic person on the planet. I can accept that. My main goal is truth and as a person of science if I have a question regarding something I will challenge it. Now, the thing I challenge, is that thing I challenge but as for the person whose position I question, I don't have to like the person I am merely here to challenge their position.

If their position is "blacks are unintelligent" I want someone to prove it. Specifically since I consider myself intelligent how can they demonstrate scientifically how I am this anomaly among African-Americans? What is so special about my genetic composition that I excel and others don't? My mother was an RN and my dad had a grade school education. I grew up with no foundation in math and only had 1 computer in my entire grade school experience. My family was a bunch of workers. No degree recipients nor any PH.D's in my family.

So by me mentioning that I want to know the outlier that I seem to be in all of this, so yes this is why I continually mention my education background. I want aN ANSWER.
Explain this....

An educated black man-

2 bachlors degrees, 1 masters, graduated Summa Cum Laude

Not in jail

30 years old.

Yes genetics play an important role

***Spolier Alert***

I continue to bring up my education so long as whites with an agenda to degrade blacks on intelligence continue their rant...

I want answers as to how someone can graduate top of their class in the hard science and they're black. If my ethnic group is inferior I want a scientific explanation as to how I have outdone whites, asians, hispanics, etc

The different races have different averages, but there is considerable overlap. Some whites get on professional basketball teams. Some blacks have genius level IQs. The following diagram of racial bell curves illustrates how this works.


  • $BellCurves.jpg
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Explain this....

An educated black man-

2 bachlors degrees, 1 masters, graduated Summa Cum Laude

Not in jail

30 years old.

Yes genetics play an important role

***Spolier Alert***

I continue to bring up my education so long as whites with an agenda to degrade blacks on intelligence continue their rant...

I want answers as to how someone can graduate top of their class in the hard science and they're black. If my ethnic group is inferior I want a scientific explanation as to how I have outdone whites, asians, hispanics, etc

The different races have different averages, but there is considerable overlap. Some whites get on professional basketball teams. Some blacks have genius level IQs. The following diagram of racial bell curves illustrates how this works.
Yes, it's not that complicated except, apparently for the guy with two bachelors and a masters who graduated Summa Cum Laude. Weird, ain't it?
Explain this....

An educated black man-

2 bachlors degrees, 1 masters, graduated Summa Cum Laude

Not in jail

For cryin' out loud, give it a rest, Fisherman. You really need to see a shrink about that crippling insecurity.

Unkotare accept the fact that you don't know me, nor my motives, nor why I continuously repeat my sayings. Like I said before if this bothers you please ignore me. My words aren't that powerful to compel you to respond to them everytime I mention something.

Indeed, but remnding Unkotare that your education is far superior to his is red rag to one terribly threatened bull - you can now look forward to months of mindless stalking and spamming of your threads until you 'admit' that he really is well educated.
Why are the Ten (10) Poorist Countries in Non-Arab Africa or African Lead Countries

I'd say much of it has to do with a culture of corruption. The tribal mentality of their leaders cause them to look after their extended family while ignoring everyone else. The leaders use their positions as an opportunity to enrich themselves, not to help anyone else.
Why are the Ten (10) Poorist Countries in Non-Arab Africa or African Lead Countries

I'd say much of it has to do with a culture of corruption. The tribal mentality of their leaders cause them to look after their extended family while ignoring everyone else. The leaders use their positions as an opportunity to enrich themselves, not to help anyone else.

Corruption is an absolutely massive problem, although less so today than 10 years ago. Tribalism is also a key issue, agreed.

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