Why are so many Supreme Court Justices from New York?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Will the Supreme Court really reflect America? - The Week

If Elena Kagan is confirmed to the Supreme Court, four of the nine justices will have grown up in New York — Kagan in Manhattan; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Brooklyn; Sonia Sotomayor, the Bronx; and Antonin Scalia, Queens. The court would also be entirely Ivy League–educated, and consist of three Jews and six Catholics. Can such a court represent the rest of America?

Now all we need is a Justice from Staten Island
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

Sandra Day O'Connor was from Texas. You have NO point, except the one on your head. The appointment of SCOTUS justices is political, period and every time left-goobs are in power they seem to somehow appoint a bunch of fuckwits to the Supreme Court.

Republican justices retire, Leftwingnut justices hold on until they die in the freakin' chair.

When you get some sort of argument, come on back.:cuckoo:
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

Sandra Day O'Connor was from Texas. You have NO point, except the one on your head. The appointment of SCOTUS justices is political, period and every time left-goobs are in power they seem to somehow appoint a bunch of fuckwits to the Supreme Court.

Republican justices retire, Leftwingnut justices hold on until they die in the freakin' chair.

When you get some sort of argument, come on back.:cuckoo:

Doesn't that apply to all Justices?

Rightwing fuckwits are around till they die also
i don't know. I think RW has a point here. I think we should see actual diversity on the Supreme Court. Their gender and race have absolutely no bearing on their qualifications and yet it seems like that's the only one anyone ever cares about.

And there are plenty of intelligent people who didn't go to Ivy league schools.
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

do you think someone who went to the university of idaho would be as equipped for the job as someone from an ivy league?

not that ivy league is a guarantee of intellect. justice thomas was ivy.
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And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

do you think someone who went to the university of idaho would be as equipped for the job as someone from an ivy league?

not that ivy league is a guarantee of intellect. justice thomas was ivy.

If not the Supreme Court.......maybe Vice President...or even President
do you think someone who went to the university of idaho would be as equipped for the job as someone from an ivy league?

not that ivy league is a guarantee of intellect. justice thomas was ivy.

Easily. Why wouldn't they? It's not like the Ivy league has given us spectacular Justices in the past 50 years.
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

do you think someone who went to the university of idaho would be as equipped for the job as someone from an ivy league?

not that ivy league is a guarantee of intellect. justice thomas was ivy.

If not the Supreme Court.......maybe Vice President...or even President

the more this country refuses to pass election reform. and the more that corporatist losers decide things like corporations are 'people' with first amendment rights to free speech, you will see more and more that only the wealthiest and most privileged will be in government.

and frankly, they know each other and when they pick people for office, whether the supreme court or the cabinet, they are going to pick other people like them.
do you think someone who went to the university of idaho would be as equipped for the job as someone from an ivy league?

not that ivy league is a guarantee of intellect. justice thomas was ivy.

Easily. Why wouldn't they? It's not like the Ivy league has given us spectacular Justices in the past 50 years.

They haven't given us very much anything spectacular.... Kerry, Bush, Obama.... once dunce after another.
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

Sandra Day O'Connor was from Texas. You have NO point, except the one on your head. The appointment of SCOTUS justices is political, period and every time left-goobs are in power they seem to somehow appoint a bunch of fuckwits to the Supreme Court.

Republican justices retire, Leftwingnut justices hold on until they die in the freakin' chair.

When you get some sort of argument, come on back.:cuckoo:

um... isn't she replacing a liberal judge who is.. uh.. retiring?

but, as to the op, this kind of concentration of influence is dangerous as hell. Even ivy league schools have fuck ups and there is no reason the believe that the third branch of government cannot be manned by worthwhile candidates who come from somewhere other than new york and an ivy league school.
do you think someone who went to the university of idaho would be as equipped for the job as someone from an ivy league?

not that ivy league is a guarantee of intellect. justice thomas was ivy.

Easily. Why wouldn't they? It's not like the Ivy league has given us spectacular Justices in the past 50 years.

i don't know... i wouldn't quarrel with scalia's intellect. he's smart enough. his poliics suck and he imposes those politics on his opinions..... and he's ethically challenged, but

as for spectacular justices... souter was pretty great, as was sandra day o'connor... and within the last 50 years? hmmmmmm.... douglas, thurgood marshall? pretty darn spectacular.

the current crop maybe not so much because the confirmation process has become a joke.
Will the Supreme Court really reflect America? - The Week

If Elena Kagan is confirmed to the Supreme Court, four of the nine justices will have grown up in New York — Kagan in Manhattan; Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Brooklyn; Sonia Sotomayor, the Bronx; and Antonin Scalia, Queens. The court would also be entirely Ivy League–educated, and consist of three Jews and six Catholics. Can such a court represent the rest of America?

Now all we need is a Justice from Staten Island

Neaux Yawkers rawk, rightwinger. Ivy Leaguers on the Court is nothing new. Should we recruit instead from schools with lesser reputations?

Most/all Supremes have likely been rather wealthy too, compared to the rest of us. Their ability to render high quality decisions would not be enhanced if they "resembled us more". Much as I may like the chicks who wait on me at McDonald's, I don't happen to think there's a World Class Legal Mind hidden among the bunch.

Genius is rare. Somewhat less rare in New York than in any of the outlying areas, but still, rare. We ought to elevate the Very Finest Mind we can echo-locate to the Supreme Court, not Joe The Plumber.

New Jersey is the biggest shithole I've ever been to.... Got conned into going to Seaside Heights one time... geeze what a bore/dump.
Cause people from NY are open minded and have experienced all cultures that the US has to offer, as NY is the biggest melting pot their can be
And whats with the Ivy League schools?

Shouldn't there be a Justice who graduated from the University of Idaho like "Real Americans" do?

Sandra Day O'Connor was from Texas. You have NO point, except the one on your head. The appointment of SCOTUS justices is political, period and every time left-goobs are in power they seem to somehow appoint a bunch of fuckwits to the Supreme Court.

Republican justices retire, Leftwingnut justices hold on until they die in the freakin' chair.

When you get some sort of argument, come on back.:cuckoo:

and this gibberish is what you consider an argument? :lol::cuckoo:

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