Why are right wingers so darn afraid?


Yep, Yep Chi town be looking like a good place to die from homicide, now if only we had some racial statistics to go with it.

You need to provide a link to the source of your graphics.

Stick it back in google for source. The left wouldn't care even if I sourced it .....................

2015 Stats Chicago Murder Crime Mayhem HeyJackass

You're right about the left, but the posting rules require you supply your source for copy right material, just trying to help out.

Actually, I think you wanted to know where that graph came from but were too stupid to reverse google it / check a source link.

You thought by prodding me I would give you the source ..................

Or did you think I posted total shit and you were trying to make me look like a liar??

No, I believe the first, curious but too stupid to source ..........................

Take you own advice and go fuck yourself.

Yep, Yep Chi town be looking like a good place to die from homicide, now if only we had some racial statistics to go with it.

You need to provide a link to the source of your graphics.

Stick it back in google for source. The left wouldn't care even if I sourced it .....................

2015 Stats Chicago Murder Crime Mayhem HeyJackass

You're right about the left, but the posting rules require you supply your source for copy right material, just trying to help out.

No you were just being a jerk, pictures, which are copy righted materials are routinely posted on this forum without sources ..............

Keep your fucking meddlesome nose out of my business, there are mods and they do know how to contact me.

Now you can kindly go fuck yourself ........................

Fine, I'll just report your violations in the future instead of trying to be friendly and let the mods deal with your arrogant ass.

They have a whole bunch of whiny little bitches like you every day ............................
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

Uhm... who is it again freaking out over everything real and imagined? Oh, it's the lefties that think the world will stop turning if a lone baker in Indiana doesn't make a cake for gays.

No thanks, seems like you lefties need all the crutches to prop up your meaningless little lives. You know like starting ridiculously infantile threads like this one. Now you've doubled down with this post, really?

Such gratitude you're showing toward folks who are trying to help you with your insecurities. tsk, tsk......

YAWN; save yourself leftard
why are flame threads allowed to stay in politics?

why can't leftist follow the basic rules of where to post threads?

are they inherently rude?
were they poorly raised?
are they just natural assholes?

on a side note; Why do leftist pussies need study after study after study that tells them they are better than the rest of us?

answer; weakness

You missed the whole point. I talk to a radical right and can see and hear the fear in their voices. The Hatred and fear just bubbles out. For the next less than 2 years, republicans are on trial. Either they get it done or they are done. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. In this case, you got your wish but it's a trial. Fail it and the results will be a showing of many republicans the door. Succeed and it means more will be elected. So far, the trial has been a failure.

YAWN; Republicans dont get 8 years of failure? i mean Progressives were the majority of the US government from january 2007 until Jan of THIS YEAR; and poverty is at a FIFTY YEAR HIGH.
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."
Their world is ending, is why. Whether that's a good or bad thing is up to the individual but change necessarily means the old ways go away, and Conservatives are all about preserving the status quo.

It all fits together nicely when you step back and think about it.

YAWN; next year when we elect a president the change-bots on the Left will be begging people to "stay the course". idiots and hypocrites
Republican fear fest includes;
fear of black men and women
fear of gay men and women
fear of Muslims
fear if illegals
fear of MW workers earning a little more money
fear that the ultra rich won't be given even more money
fear of unions
fear of education
fear of science
fear of change
fear that their opinions are being given less and less credence by normal Americans.

There are fear threads started by right wingers on every one of those topics. (except the last one)

Better question; what are Republicans NOT afraid of?

[QUOTE="bedowin62, post: 11097079, member: 47248

murder rates in liberal cities are rising again; especially in those places like NYC and Seattle where the Left has the police on the run. how many people did the Left let die through failed policies?[/QUOTE]

NOT nearly as many as your side of the aisle cheered when we invaded Iraq.
Republican fear fest includes;
fear of black men and women
fear of gay men and women
fear of Muslims
fear if illegals
fear of MW workers earning a little more money
fear that the ultra rich won't be given even more money
fear of unions
fear of education
fear of science
fear of change
fear that their opinions are being given less and less credence by normal Americans.

There are fear threads started by right wingers on every one of those topics. (except the last one)

Better question; what are Republicans NOT afraid of?


Well no shit. Why would they be afraid of me? I check "none of the above" on my list. I am white, male, old and have a little money and property. I am one of those paying for your SNAP benefits. Arguing that you should get a raise.
No reason to be afraid of me.
Republican fear fest includes;
fear of black men and women
fear of gay men and women
fear of Muslims
fear if illegals
fear of MW workers earning a little more money
fear that the ultra rich won't be given even more money
fear of unions
fear of education
fear of science
fear of change
fear that their opinions are being given less and less credence by normal Americans.

There are fear threads started by right wingers on every one of those topics. (except the last one)

Better question; what are Republicans NOT afraid of?

Well it works mainly like this... Set up a team mentality i.e. with us or against us. Create atmosphere that to compromise is to decent(i.e.RINO.)... The only conservative is the true conservative, ie you can't be conservative enough....

Then get them to watch a News Channel which speaks also in absolutes... Speak like they know even if they don't... Important to be first before right... Then get channel (and other media) to tell them everything wrong is because of the blue team (and any other group that questions Red team)...

Just like a cult make sure no one moves from the path in fear of being ridiculed and ostracized from the safety of the Red Team...

Fear is a main tool to use, you have to get them all scared and the Red Team is ones with the answers... Facts have to be blurred, twisted and used to our advantage...

This is why... Basic Tribalism mixed with cult behaviour...

hilarious! we just ended 8 straight years of Progressive majority rule; Poverty is at a FIFTY YEAR HIGH; but the very richest, the "1%", are making more money than they ever made under those mean ol Republicans. the Left's excuses for this are that a smaller number of people the genius above things he has all figured out, who "fear" everything and are controlled by their fears; nevertheless were able to foil the best laid plans of a superior number of fearless Progressives time and time again
idiots and hypocrites
[QUOTE="bedowin62, post: 11097079, member: 47248

murder rates in liberal cities are rising again; especially in those places like NYC and Seattle where the Left has the police on the run. how many people did the Left let die through failed policies?

NOT nearly as many as your side of the aisle cheered when we invaded Iraq.[/QUOTE]

um; no actually ALOT MORE genius. 6,300 Black Americans murdeered JUST LAST YEAR, and a similar number evewry year. that is just the Black murder victims, mostly in liberal cities of coursek, for just one year. it is MORE THAN THE TEN-YEAR TOTAL OF IRAQ WAR DEATHS

try again
Why should I concern myself when people trash black criminals, none of my friends are criminals, just good hard working people.

Here's an example for you bear. One of the biggest racists on the board. You gonna step up for your black friends, Or do you agree with this racist?

how do you know he wasnt referring to black friends when he spoke of good, hard-working people?
WOW....I didn't expect this thread to be discussed so much.....

The O/P was my reaction to the several other threads (and media reports) actually supporting the Indiana moronic law, and the constant barrage of posts that, essentially, try to sabotage any peaceful resolution to the Iran vs. Israel nuke issues.

I fully understand that the term "conservative" means just that......To CONSERVE a status quo that, like trying to stop a clock from advancing with every tick-tock, is impossible......Ergo, for conservatives ANY change threatens a perceived status.....and rather than adapting to the inevitable changes, conservatives judge the changes as "bad."

lol!1 what a bunch of stupidity? How do you get to "bad" from "change in a perceived status"? is liberal status also "perceived"? is all change good? are liberals guilty of changing things for the sake of change without actually thinking things through?
if Americans vote in a Republican President next year; wont that be CHANGE? wont that be a good thing then?
No one is "afraid of change", that is a buzz phrase your side uses to character assassinate an entire group of people solely based on their political bias.

So, this IS a flame thread, and retards like you only wish to cloud the true issues by engaging in childish behavior.
Actually most people are afraid of change, which is can be so very hard to make happen.

exactly genius!! MOST people are afraid of change in some way; hence the left-wing talking point trying to slur people on the Right regardiing change is just idiotic and irrelevant. thanks!
"Afraid"? So when conservatives disagree with a policy, they're "afraid," but when liberals disagree with something--why, that's just progressive enlightenment?

Gee, how would you characterize the recent liberal threads that screamed "treason" over the GOP 47 letter to Iran and that claimed that the letter "undermined America's position at the negotiations"? (I notice you guys fell silent when, a couple weeks later, some 100 House Democrats joined House Republicans in signing a strongly worded open letter to President Obama regarding the Iran negotiations. Obviously, those House Democrats were "fearful" about the kind of deal that Obama has been negotiating.)

And the right-wing thread titles are no more bombastic and polemical than the left-wing thread titles.

The problem is that you and other liberals here have zero objectivity and seem to have never taken a logic or critical thinking course.
Yep, you got it. Progressives are for progress. Conservatives are for being stick in the muds. As far as the Iran issue, that's not about change...duh.

If you all aren't so fearful of change, why did all of you react so strongly to the claim implicit in the OP? Gotcha going didn't it?

poverty is at a FIFTY YEAR HIGH after 8-straight years of Progressive majority rule. if that is "progress" i have a bridge yo umight be interested in.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
Why should I concern myself when people trash black criminals, none of my friends are criminals, just good hard working people.

Here's an example for you bear. One of the biggest racists on the board. You gonna step up for your black friends, Or do you agree with this racist?

how do you know he wasnt referring to black friends when he spoke of good, hard-working people?

It knows I was, but that's irrelevant to the left, they just want to accuse people of their own short comings. Commiecrats ignore blacks except at election time, they could care less how many are dying in our streets.
Relativism. The assumption that there is no right, no wrong, and everybody is exactly the same.

Screw that.

No shit. We wouldn't have a reason to trash each other out if we weren't trying to make each other's side look wrong.and different.
What would be the fun in that? It's not like we can do anything about anything. Right?

well; liberals cant
hey punk you got something to say to me? I'm right here, what is it exactly you're afraid of besides the right wingers? Oh, your own shadow.[/QUOTE]

Another example of why spinach should be thoroughly washed before digesting......
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

Conservatives always lose on the social issues, over time. Currrently, the gay rights issue is being settled,

and they're losing. And they're hysterical over it.

It's the final battle, and they're like Hitler in the bunker,

drafting old men and children into the army and throwing them into battle.

Now that is funny,the right is hysterical,yet it clowns like yourself,that have started most ot the threads,bashing a whole state any everyone in it,your right it is hysterical.

under obama Republicans have made the biggest gains in over 70 years; and that is just in the House. it's comical really; despite haveing nearly every news outlet and almost every school in america spewing left-wing propaganda, even to children; the pendulum is swinging back to the right on most issues. there are demonstrations FOR charter schools in the heart of harlem nowadays; even as left-wing teachers unions tries to destroy them. but then again it is denial and failure that got the Left where it is today
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

I don't know. Lefties are pretty panic stricken too. The incessant propaganda from the left about so called man made global warming puts every right winger paranoid claim to shame. Below is a PARTIAL list of all the things blamed on global warming.

World Not Ready for Climate Change, New Report Says

World Not Ready for Climate Change New Report Says

"suicide , swordfish in the Baltic , Tabasco tragedy , taxes , tectonic plate movement , teenage drinking , terrorism , threat to peace , ticks move northward (Sweden) , tides rise , tigers eat people , tomatoes rot , tornado outbreak , tourism increase , trade barriers, trade winds weakened , traffic jams , transportation threatened , tree foliage increase (UK), tree growth slowed , trees in trouble , trees less colourful , trees more colourful , trees lush , tropics expansion , tropopause raised , truffle shortage, truffles down , turtles crash , Turbulence in air travel , turtle feminised , turtles lay earlier , UFO sightings , UK coastal impact , UK Katrina , uprooted - 6 million , Vampire bats , Vampire moths , Venice flooded , violin decline , volcanic eruptions , volcanic eruptions redux , Iceland volcano eruption, walrus pups orphaned , walrus stampede , war , war between US and Canada , wars over water , wars sparked , wars threaten billions , wasps , water bills double , water scarcity (20% of increase), water stress , weather out of its mind , weather patterns awry , Western aid cancelled out, West Nile fever , whales lose weight , whales move north , whales wiped out , wheat yields crushed in Australia , wildfires, wind shift , wind reduced, wine - harm to Australian industry , wine industry damage (California), wine industry disaster (France), wine - more English wine industry disaster (US), wine - more English , wine - England too hot , wine -German boon , wine - no more French , wine passé (Napa) , wine stronger , winters in Britain colder , winter in Britain dead , witchcraft executions , wolves eat more moose , wolves eat less, workers laid off , World at war , World War 4 , World bankruptcy , World in crisis , World in flames , Yellow fever.

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

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