Why are right wingers so darn afraid?

how do you know he wasnt referring to black friends when he spoke of good, hard-working people?

You a mind (or should I say finger) reader? Me neither. Well there is ONE finger we all can read. But that's not what I was saying. If you or I were talking about our good hard working black friends, wouldn't you have said so? I would have. I only have one black friend (if you don't count his family. I am friends with them to) and he's a good man and friend. We have been friends for 32 years now.

I got a white trash nephew I'll give you though. He only has three kids by two wives and can't provide for himself let alone his kids. So they got taken away from him. He is all fucked up.

My black friend has had the same wife forever, four kids and they all (including he and his wife) have college educations and are doing fine. Well one daughter struggles some.

Go figure eh?

Say what you mean though. If he (Tex) has black friends and is a stand up guy, he should have said so and get off the generalizing about all blacks. You can't apply everything to everybody. It don't work that way.
Better to die out in this world and accept our rewards in the next than to live in the sort of society you folks are pushing on humanity these days.

Again, this other poster echoes the same philosophy of ISIS....(who knows, maybe those virgins DO await your arrival.)

YAWN; the Left is going to extinguish themselves; and they are already. no need for ISIS
how do you know he wasnt referring to black friends when he spoke of good, hard-working people?

You a mind (or should I say finger) reader? Me neither. Well there is ONE finger we all can read. But that's not what I was saying. If you or I were talking about our good hard working black friends, wouldn't you have said so? I would have. I only have one black friend (if you don't count his family. I am friends with them to) and he's a good man and friend. We have been friends for 32 years now.

I got a white trash nephew I'll give you though. He only has three kids by two wives and can't provide for himself let alone his kids. So they got taken away from him. He is all fucked up.

My black friend has had the same wife forever, four kids and they all (including he and his wife) have college educations and are doing fine. Well one daughter struggles some.

Go figure eh?

Say what you mean though. If he (Tex) has black friends and is a stand up guy, he should have said so and get off the generalizing about all blacks. You can't apply everything to everybody. It don't work that way.

LOL you're quite the angry left-wing nutjob arent you?
Conservatives are all about preserving the status quo.

were you born stupid or got that way by attending liberfools schools ?

"status quo".., i'll bet you can not even begin to explain what that means.
I'd be mad also If I were as ignorant as you.

Conservative - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
": believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism

Conservative : of or relating to the conservative party in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada

: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas

I'l play poker with you any day :anj_stfu:

Golly... I wonder what species of reasoning the author of that definition was workin' with?

My guess is that it's the same one that defined "liberal" as being "... tolerance and acceptance of the differing ideas of others". :happy-1:
how do you know he wasnt referring to black friends when he spoke of good, hard-working people?

You a mind (or should I say finger) reader? Me neither. Well there is ONE finger we all can read. But that's not what I was saying. If you or I were talking about our good hard working black friends, wouldn't you have said so? I would have. I only have one black friend (if you don't count his family. I am friends with them to) and he's a good man and friend. We have been friends for 32 years now.

I got a white trash nephew I'll give you though. He only has three kids by two wives and can't provide for himself let alone his kids. So they got taken away from him. He is all fucked up.

My black friend has had the same wife forever, four kids and they all (including he and his wife) have college educations and are doing fine. Well one daughter struggles some.

Go figure eh?

Say what you mean though. If he (Tex) has black friends and is a stand up guy, he should have said so and get off the generalizing about all blacks. You can't apply everything to everybody. It don't work that way.

you ASSUMED he wasnt referring to anybody that is Black. you idiot; you're a freaking joke man; the problem with you left-wing idiots is you demand or thinnk everybody else has to qualify every statement in politically-correct terms. we arent cowards like you libs are
under obama Republicans have made the biggest gains in over 70 years; and that is just in the House. it's comical really; despite haveing nearly every news outlet and almost every school in america spewing left-wing propaganda, even to children; the pendulum is swinging back to the right on most issues.

Dude when the state legislatures re drew the districts, a Republican would have to kill his mom on Mainstreet to not get elected the way the districts are rigged.

Couple the gerrymandering with the low Democrat turn out and you get what we got. That'll change next census.
Don't make to much of it. (the midterms) You Repubs can't govern and have no vision for the country. You'll be the minority party again soon. Thank god.
Conservatives are all about preserving the status quo.

were you born stupid or got that way by attending liberfools schools ?

"status quo".., i'll bet you can not even begin to explain what that means.
I'd be mad also If I were as ignorant as you.

Conservative - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
": believing in the value of established and traditional practices in politics and society : relating to or supporting political conservatism

Conservative : of or relating to the conservative party in countries like the United Kingdom and Canada

: not liking or accepting changes or new ideas

I'l play poker with you any day :anj_stfu:

Golly... I wonder what species of reasoning the author of that definition was workin' with?

My guess is that it's the same one that defined "liberal" as being "... tolerance and acceptance of the differing ideas of others". :happy-1:

libs are tolerant because they say they are; progressive because the say they are, open-minded because they say they are. disagree with that and you will get some seriouis hate spewed at you. No wonder you find left-wingers with the same mindset as the so-called moderate muslims rationalizing barbarity; it's all about the denial.
under obama Republicans have made the biggest gains in over 70 years; and that is just in the House. it's comical really; despite haveing nearly every news outlet and almost every school in america spewing left-wing propaganda, even to children; the pendulum is swinging back to the right on most issues.

Dude when the state legislatures re drew the districts, a Republican would have to kill his mom on Mainstreet to not get elected the way the districts are rigged.

Couple the gerrymandering with the low Democrat turn out and you get what we got. That'll change next census.
Don't make to much of it. (the midterms) You Repubs can't govern and have no vision for the country. You'll be the minority party again soon. Thank god.

Actually, we see what people with "vision" have done.. they have fucked everything up beyond belief. I'd be happy if they'd just get about the business of running the country. Spare me your "vision" of how you'd like things to be... our founders had the vision, and it was working pretty well until you progressive fucktards started tinkering with everything.
under obama Republicans have made the biggest gains in over 70 years; and that is just in the House. it's comical really; despite haveing nearly every news outlet and almost every school in america spewing left-wing propaganda, even to children; the pendulum is swinging back to the right on most issues.

Dude when the state legislatures re drew the districts, a Republican would have to kill his mom on Mainstreet to not get elected the way the districts are rigged.

Couple the gerrymandering with the low Democrat turn out and you get what we got. That'll change next census.
Don't make to much of it. (the midterms) You Repubs can't govern and have no vision for the country. You'll be the minority party again soon. Thank god.

YAWN; obama's Census was the yardstick used to redraw district lines. People and jobs are leaving crumbling Blue states and heading to Red states. true story

try again
only a left-wing idiot could breathlessly use as an excuse that republicans were not really favored that much in the last election, the fact that the Left couldnt get their own peoeple to the polls (low turnout).

liberals are laughable!! lol
under obama Republicans have made the biggest gains in over 70 years; and that is just in the House. it's comical really; despite haveing nearly every news outlet and almost every school in america spewing left-wing propaganda, even to children; the pendulum is swinging back to the right on most issues.

Dude when the state legislatures re drew the districts, a Republican would have to kill his mom on Mainstreet to not get elected the way the districts are rigged.

Couple the gerrymandering with the low Democrat turn out and you get what we got. That'll change next census.
Don't make to much of it. (the midterms) You Repubs can't govern and have no vision for the country. You'll be the minority party again soon. Thank god.

You destroy your own argument. Why the low Democrat turn out hmmm? You have a black man in the White House, you have had 6 years of Democratic party policy. Democrat voter turn out should be at historic highs. lol
you ASSUMED he wasnt referring to anybody that is Black. you idiot; you're a freaking joke man;

OK then. I didn't assume anything you stupid mother fucker. I read what he wrote. It didn't say a thing about his "black" friends.

Let me see if you can read fingers;:321:

the problem with you left-wing idiots is you demand or thinnk everybody else has to qualify every statement in politically-correct terms. we arent cowards like you libs are

You off the deep end dude. I didn't ask Tex to qualify anything. He wrote what he wrote.
But really, in an effort at better communication; what did you mean by; "we aren't cowards like you libs are"

Can you explain what you meant. I wouldn't want to make an ass of you and me. Just you.
Dems have Hillary and nobody after that; and even she was thrown under the bus
I'm being serious here, almost everything and everyone seems to scare right wingers into believing that "their world is ending."

Just looking at some of the threads' titles, we can see that their anger (which is really an expression of their fears) is now directed toward gays, especially since Pence of Indiana is running backwards so fast that its surprising that he's still standing.

So, we can now add to right wingers' new trepidations, gays and lesbians........
Of course, these poor evangelical, gun toting tea partiers, are also threatened by progressives, libs, democrats, dark skinned people, Iranians, unions, and scientists.

You know, good folks, Charles Darwin was and is correct.....adapt or perish in time.

I don't know. Lefties are pretty panic stricken too. The incessant propaganda from the left about so called man made global warming puts every right winger paranoid claim to shame. Below is a PARTIAL list of all the things blamed on global warming.

World Not Ready for Climate Change, New Report Says

World Not Ready for Climate Change New Report Says

"suicide , swordfish in the Baltic , Tabasco tragedy , taxes , tectonic plate movement , teenage drinking , terrorism , threat to peace , ticks move northward (Sweden) , tides rise , tigers eat people , tomatoes rot , tornado outbreak , tourism increase , trade barriers, trade winds weakened , traffic jams , transportation threatened , tree foliage increase (UK), tree growth slowed , trees in trouble , trees less colourful , trees more colourful , trees lush , tropics expansion , tropopause raised , truffle shortage, truffles down , turtles crash , Turbulence in air travel , turtle feminised , turtles lay earlier , UFO sightings , UK coastal impact , UK Katrina , uprooted - 6 million , Vampire bats , Vampire moths , Venice flooded , violin decline , volcanic eruptions , volcanic eruptions redux , Iceland volcano eruption, walrus pups orphaned , walrus stampede , war , war between US and Canada , wars over water , wars sparked , wars threaten billions , wasps , water bills double , water scarcity (20% of increase), water stress , weather out of its mind , weather patterns awry , Western aid cancelled out, West Nile fever , whales lose weight , whales move north , whales wiped out , wheat yields crushed in Australia , wildfires, wind shift , wind reduced, wine - harm to Australian industry , wine industry damage (California), wine industry disaster (France), wine - more English wine industry disaster (US), wine - more English , wine - England too hot , wine -German boon , wine - no more French , wine passé (Napa) , wine stronger , winters in Britain colder , winter in Britain dead , witchcraft executions , wolves eat more moose , wolves eat less, workers laid off , World at war , World War 4 , World bankruptcy , World in crisis , World in flames , Yellow fever.

A Complete List Of Things Supposedly Caused By Global Warming

And have you ever heard them wax hysteric about how there are too many PEOPLE on the planet? Or the eternally imminent eradication of oil reserves? I'm particularly fond of their fanatical assertions that it's child abuse to send your children to Sunday School.
You destroy your own argument. Why the low Democrat turn out hmmm?

Because there is a history that was followed of low turn out in the Presidential off year by the party holding the WH.
Would have happened if a Republican had been in office as well.

Lets face it, you Republicans have no success going into the next election. Nothing to crow about so to speak. You all are gonna get your asses kicked because you have nothing to offer. Again.

But thank god for gerrymandering eh? If only you all could gerrymander a national election.
you ASSUMED he wasnt referring to anybody that is Black. you idiot; you're a freaking joke man;

OK then. I didn't assume anything you stupid mother fucker. I read what he wrote. It didn't say a thing about his "black" friends.

Let me see if you can read fingers;:321:

the problem with you left-wing idiots is you demand or thinnk everybody else has to qualify every statement in politically-correct terms. we arent cowards like you libs are

You off the deep end dude. I didn't ask Tex to qualify anything. He wrote what he wrote.
But really, in an effort at better communication; what did you mean by; "we aren't cowards like you libs are"

Can you explain what you meant. I wouldn't want to make an ass of you and me. Just you.

yawn; you didnt ask him to qualify. um yes you certainly did. stop lying to yourself and admit you're wrong, like a man
You destroy your own argument. Why the low Democrat turn out hmmm?

Because there is a history that was followed of low turn out in the Presidential off year by the party holding the WH.
Would have happened if a Republican had been in office as well.

Lets face it, you Republicans have no success going into the next election. Nothing to crow about so to speak. You all are gonna get your asses kicked because you have nothing to offer. Again.

But thank god for gerrymandering eh? If only you all could gerrymander a national election.


you left-wing losers are a bag of excuses
hilarious! we just ended 8 straight years of Progressive majority rule; Poverty is at a FIFTY YEAR HIGH; but the very richest, the "1%", are making more money than they ever made under those mean ol Republicans.

You really should learn how congress works before typing such dribble....I understand that Rush encouraged you to repeat this imbecility, but try, please try to think on your own.....and find out how even, EVEN a majority in the senate does not mean crap....Just ask McConnell and his ever attempts to reverse the ACA...

So, before you spout stupidity because "it feels good"...THINK.
hilarious! we just ended 8 straight years of Progressive majority rule; Poverty is at a FIFTY YEAR HIGH; but the very richest, the "1%", are making more money than they ever made under those mean ol Republicans.

You really should learn how congress works before typing such dribble....I understand that Rush encouraged you to repeat this imbecility, but try, please try to think on your own.....and find out how even, EVEN a majority in the senate does not mean crap....Just ask McConnell and his ever attempts to reverse the ACA...

So, before you spout stupidity because "it feels good"...THINK.

YAWN. you left-wing nutjobs really should find better excuses

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