Why are republicans so critical of government but delude themselves into thinking...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
Because we realize that it's only by limiting government power that big business can be checked. The more regulation government enacts the more expensive costs get ensuring that big business is the only business that survives. Why do you think big business is always in bed with government?
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
They already send jobs overseas anyway lol.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
They already send jobs overseas anyway lol.
That is why it will be up to the people to take away their incentive to do so. How many people are invested with these companies or an investment firm that are merely in it for the gain regardless of the long term cost? The people willingly sold themselves for nothing as eventually it all plays a piece and a part of taking liberty to her knees and even farther down if the people allow it to continue.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
They already send jobs overseas anyway lol.

They have been justified in doing so.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
They already send jobs overseas anyway lol.

They have been justified in doing so.
No, it's un American.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
They already send jobs overseas anyway lol.
Like GM? And Trump will make them pay a tariff for every car! You agree it's that?
What will ewe replace corporations with?
I'm not suggesting that. They just need better regulation. Much better.
I what makes ewe think they will stay in the USA under heavy thumbed libtarded regulation?
They already send jobs overseas anyway lol.

They have been justified in doing so.
No, it's un American.

Like you would know.

It is quintessentially American.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?...s.

It is easy when confronted by communists who hate wealth and people that create it, to assume that their intended prey is always in the right.

But yes, sometimes the corporations are the bad guys, and need to be regulated.

But it is hard to have a real discussion about that, with the LEft filling the airwaves with shit.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
It would be interesting to discover what it is you claim as 'corruption'. In either case, the only expense to the poor and middle class would be if Wall Street ended.

You claim wages remain stagnant at the lower classes. Do you realize how mislead you are in this particular talking point? The lower classes are not a stagnant and fixed group of people. While those in that class face the same wages year after year, a majority of them have moved on to better jobs and higher wages. So, this is pretty meaningless as a hit point.

Number three is just an outright lie.

Corporate welfare is also just a made up term that is nothing more than a lie. What you and the left term as subsidies is actually just corporations keeping their own money.

I agree with you on six. Private companies ARE giving them jobs and they need to be fined into bankruptcy as an example. However, that will NEVER be a justification for putting illegals on public assistance. Just ship the fucks back to their country of origin.
The problem for lefties is that they live in a world full of cliches and in their profound ignorance they believe them. Republicans don't hate government. They want to drain the swamp and make it better.
Liberals aren't smart enough to realize they are the true tools of big corporations.

All the regulations are lobbied for by the big corporations to shut out the little guys.

Liberals rich idols like Zuckerberg and Buffet are only rich because of big government and will never pay the taxes they support.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
It would be interesting to discover what it is you claim as 'corruption'. In either case, the only expense to the poor and middle class would be if Wall Street ended.

You claim wages remain stagnant at the lower classes. Do you realize how mislead you are in this particular talking point? The lower classes are not a stagnant and fixed group of people. While those in that class face the same wages year after year, a majority of them have moved on to better jobs and higher wages. So, this is pretty meaningless as a hit point.

Number three is just an outright lie.

Corporate welfare is also just a made up term that is nothing more than a lie. What you and the left term as subsidies is actually just corporations keeping their own money.

I agree with you on six. Private companies ARE giving them jobs and they need to be fined into bankruptcy as an example. However, that will NEVER be a justification for putting illegals on public assistance. Just ship the fucks back to their country of origin.
1) Wall Street took many risky financial moves that helped begin the Great Recession. Fraud is also rampant but the only punishment these companies get is petty fines.

2) The majority move on to better job? Um no. Jobs in the middle and wealthy classes are highly competitive. Millions of people inevitably stay in poverty because there is too much competition for a very limited number of decent paying jobs. The huge disparity in wealth inequality is a very real thing.

3) It is very much true. Trump reversed an environmental regulation that allows companies to dump their waste into rivers.

4) No liberals really do mean subsidies. You're referring to tax breaks which is entirely different. Close to 100 billion per year in tax payer money is spent in subsidies to private industry.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
It would be interesting to discover what it is you claim as 'corruption'. In either case, the only expense to the poor and middle class would be if Wall Street ended.

You claim wages remain stagnant at the lower classes. Do you realize how mislead you are in this particular talking point? The lower classes are not a stagnant and fixed group of people. While those in that class face the same wages year after year, a majority of them have moved on to better jobs and higher wages. So, this is pretty meaningless as a hit point.

Number three is just an outright lie.

Corporate welfare is also just a made up term that is nothing more than a lie. What you and the left term as subsidies is actually just corporations keeping their own money.

I agree with you on six. Private companies ARE giving them jobs and they need to be fined into bankruptcy as an example. However, that will NEVER be a justification for putting illegals on public assistance. Just ship the fucks back to their country of origin.
1) Wall Street took many risky financial moves that helped begin the Great Recession. Fraud is also rampant but the only punishment these companies get is petty fines.

2) The majority move on to better job? Um no. Jobs in the middle and wealthy classes are highly competitive. Millions of people inevitably stay in poverty because there is too much competition for a very limited number of decent paying jobs. The huge disparity in wealth inequality is a very real thing.

3) It is very much true. Trump reversed an environmental regulation that allows companies to dump their waste into rivers.

4) No liberals really do mean subsidies. You're referring to tax breaks which is entirely different. Close to 100 billion per year in tax payer money is spent in subsidies to private industry.
Risky move are not corruption, and fraud? I've never seen that proven.

2. No. Look at it this way. A kid takes a job at a fast food joint and stays there a few years, then moves on to a better job that pays a bit more...This continues on until such time as he reaches his plateau. Usually upper middle class (which is usually considered very well off). If you want more, then you need to risk more like starting a business. No one ever gets rich working for others and neither should they.

3. He did no such thing. I've read the regulation is reversed, and it did not give permission for anyone to dump anything. Enviromental regulations continue to be enforced. It is an outright lie.

4. Subsidies are money given to entities. The government does not give any money to any corporation. They give them tax breaks and that is NOT welfare.
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?

No one wants to replace corporations, but in the Guilded Age they realized that when corporations get too large, they undercut the competition until its gone, destroying fair prices for both wages and products. That's why they passed laws to promote competition and to keep businesses from getting to be "too big to fail".

Reagan gutted the anti-trust legislation and companies like Walmart expanding, choking out all the competition and then lowering wages to retail employees who had nowhere else to work.

At the same time, Reagan began systematically destroying unions and legislation which protected workers. 35 years later big corporations pay crap wages to workers who produce their products while lavishly rewarding executives.

Big corporations like Walmart need to be broken up into smaller entities to restore healthy competition for both gods and services, and the basic labour which makes and sells their products.
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...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
What will ewe replace corporations with?

No one wants to replace corporations, but in the Guilded Age they realized that when corporations get too large, they undercut the competition until its gone, destroying fair prices for both wages and products. That's why they passed laws to promote competition and to keep businesses from getting to be "too big to fail".

Reagan gutted the anti-trust legislation and companies like Walmart expanding, choking out all the competition and then lowering wages to retail employees who had nowhere else to work.

Big corporations like Walmart need to be broken up into smaller entities to restore healthy competition.
Walmart has competition. Target being one of them. I cannot remember the last time I stepped into a Walmart. I am sure you do not patronize them either! How will you go about " breaking up" Walmart?
...big business isn't a threat to the poor and middle class?

1) Wall Street corruption runs rampant at the expense of the poor and middle class

2) Corporare profits and worker productivity are at all time highs yet wages remain mostly stagnant in the lower classes and are way behind on inflation.

3) Corporations, under Orange Clown deregulation, are free to dump their waste into our bodies of water and in case you republicans are too stupid to know this, we get our drinking water from those bodies of water.

4) Corporate welfare is absolutely out of control. Oil subsidies specifically cost more to tax payers per year than food stamps does.

5) Automation is inevitable to our economy.

6) Oh and guess what republicans? Illegal immigrants stay here because private businesses give them jobs. Idiots.
It would be interesting to discover what it is you claim as 'corruption'. In either case, the only expense to the poor and middle class would be if Wall Street ended.

You claim wages remain stagnant at the lower classes. Do you realize how mislead you are in this particular talking point? The lower classes are not a stagnant and fixed group of people. While those in that class face the same wages year after year, a majority of them have moved on to better jobs and higher wages. So, this is pretty meaningless as a hit point.

Number three is just an outright lie.

Corporate welfare is also just a made up term that is nothing more than a lie. What you and the left term as subsidies is actually just corporations keeping their own money.

I agree with you on six. Private companies ARE giving them jobs and they need to be fined into bankruptcy as an example. However, that will NEVER be a justification for putting illegals on public assistance. Just ship the fucks back to their country of origin.
1) Wall Street took many risky financial moves that helped begin the Great Recession. Fraud is also rampant but the only punishment these companies get is petty fines.

2) The majority move on to better job? Um no. Jobs in the middle and wealthy classes are highly competitive. Millions of people inevitably stay in poverty because there is too much competition for a very limited number of decent paying jobs. The huge disparity in wealth inequality is a very real thing.

3) It is very much true. Trump reversed an environmental regulation that allows companies to dump their waste into rivers.

4) No liberals really do mean subsidies. You're referring to tax breaks which is entirely different. Close to 100 billion per year in tax payer money is spent in subsidies to private industry.
Risky move are not corruption, and fraud? I've never seen that proven.

2. No. Look at it this way. A kid takes a job at a fast food joint and stays there a few years, then moves on to a better job that pays a bit more...This continues on until such time as he reaches his plateau. Usually upper middle class (which is usually considered very well off). If you want more, then you need to risk more like starting a business. No one ever gets rich working for others and neither should they.

3. He did no such thing. I've read the regulation is reversed, and it did not give permission for anyone to dump anything. Enviromental regulations continue to be enforced. It is an outright lie.

4. Subsidies are money given to entities. The government does not give any money to any corporation. They give them tax breaks and that is NOT welfare.
2) You're talking about something that has become impossible in today's economy. There is mass shortage of decent paying jobs. That inevitably leaves millions in poverty. For instance, in 2014, 1 million people competed for 50,000 McDonald's jobs.

Here is proof of Trump's reversal:


And yes, corporate subsidies, NOT tax breaks amounts to close 100 billion per year.

The 8 Biggest Corporate Welfare Recipients in America

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