Why are republicans against abortions' when they were the main cause of abortions.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.
/——/ That doesn’t prove anything, you dolt.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

The main cause is getting pregnant
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.
So republicans are the real champions of a woman's reproductive rights? in fact the above shows that the left had almost nothing to do with those rights
We know for a fact that because a reputably conservative president puts a justice on the Supreme Court
that is no indication that justice will always do what's right, i.e. John Roberts and Obama Care.

The thread is a dim witted failure but who is surprised? Definitely not me.
The republicans should not have made abortion a political issue, since government should remain neutral in theological disputes. People who seek abortions or are otherwise involved in them, regardless of their religious leanings, obviously do not agree with the republicans' position. These people are entitled to all of the rights and privileges afforded to citizens under the U.S. Constitution, including freedom of speech, privacy, freedom of religion, and freedom of association,. But government at both the federal and state levels has imposed gag rules, forced people to attend sectarian religious indoctrination sessions, withheld funding, knowingly distributed false information, advanced false accusations, and otherwise has intervened on behalf of one side of the dispute in ways that interfere with the personal liberty of ordinary people. This is evil and un-American.

The republicans' simultaneous stand against birth control indicates that they have an ulterior motive. Use of birth control greatly lessens the need for abortions and responsible people use it. We humans are tool-makers. We create and use tools to solve our problems, from wheels, dams, levies, antibiotics, medical equipment, airplanes, and so much more. Yet republicans oppose the use of tools to prevent problematic pregnancies. What gives?

They also oppose informative, complete sex education that would prepare people to pursue their sexual lives responsibly, as if ignorance and its accompanying dangers were preferable. And don't attempt to discuss these matters with them, as they will zip their lips and run out the back door.

This is one more way in which republicans attempt to subvert American principles and one more reason that I will never vote for a republican.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

In today's America, conservatives/republicans are the cause for abortion.

They don't support contraceptives. They don't support responsible and effective sex education.

They don't support women. They don't support equal pay for equal work. They don't support health care. They don't support child care or anything that a woman will need to raise a child.

Republicans don't support making the man responsible for every life they create then turn their back on and walk away from.

So women get abortions.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

Good grief how stupid. Your ignorance is mind numbing.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

Good grief how stupid. Your ignorance is mind numbing.

Tell me what is so stupid about posting truths?

What is ignorant about pointing out truths?
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

Because of the value of human life. What part of that don't you get?
Left wing logic? Republicans should support abortion because (mostly) Nixon nominees to the Supreme Court found a "right to privacy" that didn't exist in the Constitution. Duh.

Historically and politically, Richard Nixon was only a "conservative" in terms of his virulent anti communism.

In domestic policy he was decidedly liberal or to be fair, he left a great deal of his administrations domestic policies up to his staff and cabinet.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

In today's America, conservatives/republicans are the cause for abortion.

They don't support contraceptives. They don't support responsible and effective sex education.

They don't support women. They don't support equal pay for equal work. They don't support health care. They don't support child care or anything that a woman will need to raise a child.

Republicans don't support making the man responsible for every life they create then turn their back on and walk away from.

So women get abortions.

I have no problems holding men responsible financially, culturally, and everything.
Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court

The vote on Roe vs. Wade was 7-2. Those justices supporting the case’s pro-choice outcome were as follows, including the president nominating each and the president’s party affiliation:

Harry Blackmun (Nixon, R)

Warren Burger (Nixon, R)

William Douglas (FDR, D)

William Brennan (Eisenhower, R)

Potter Stewart (Eisenhower, R)

Thurgood Marshall (LBJ, D)

Lewis Powell (Nixon, R)

Those dissenting on Roe vs. Wade — only two – and both were not Republican-president-nominated to the Court:

Byron White (Kennedy, D)

William Rehnquist (Nixon, R; chief justice under Reagan, R)

Roe v. Wade Was Decided By A Republican-Nominated Supreme Court
5 republicans were pro choice. How can the supreme court rule any differently. 2 Democrat ruled with them

and 1 Dem and 1 Republican were pro life.

Good grief how stupid. Your ignorance is mind numbing.
Tell me what is so stupid about posting truths?

What is ignorant about pointing out truths?
So are you going to tell me the Democratic Party is link to the KKK today?

The political affiliations back then were totally different than today. You had Republicans & Democrats were not defined the same way as we have been told many many times by the left, yet now when it suits your political purpose, you redefine.
I doubt Roe v Wade will be an issue anyway.

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