Why Are Liberals Always Trying to Silence Those With Opposing Viewpoints?

To say that someone is against free speech for exercising speech pretty much is an attempt to silence someone. They are essentially, being presured into being quiet or facing ridicule by all.


The right is ridiculing the women's groups etc., who are voicing objections to the ad. The title of this thread is an accusation against liberals for trying to silence someone.
That is correct. They are trying to silence Focus on the Family by pressuring the networks into dropping an advertisement that Focus on the Family has every right to run, provided they pay the same price for the ad that everyone else pays. Intentionally misrepresenting Focus on the Family for the purpose of silencing them is intolerant.

That they can criticize Focus on the Family shows that they have not been denied their rights. They simply cannot call someone they disagree with as anti anything without themselves being labeled anti as well.

Game over. Have a good morning.

NO, they don't have every right to run, its CBS choice to decide which ads they should run or not.
Keeping your baby IS a choice. A damned fine choice at that.

We are all denied the right to murder the innocent. It is just morally wrong to do so.

Why not just call it quits? They are going to run this ad and the pro-abortionists can gripe all they want, they simply cannot stop it.

It's a choice NOW, but anti-abortionists want that to stop being a choice. Anti-abortionists want to use the law to force every pregnant woman in America to have a baby.
This is a lie.

They want to stop the murder of innocent human beings. Everyone should want that.
Human beings is your word here. which implies actual independent viability, and a higher brain function. Different from a embryo/fetus at early stages of development without brain function that makes us aware and sentient, and this is when most abortions occur and most pro choice people agree should have a time limit.
Here is a copy of the letter from the WMC (Women's Media Center)

According to them if you choose to have a baby instead of abort it you are anti-choice... WTF? Soggy was right, they are not pro-choice, they are pro abortion and this letter proves it....

Sorry libs... Check mate...

</title> <style> .targets { display:none; } #salsa{ padding-top: 90px !important; } h1{ margin:0px 0 10px !important; margin-top: 0px !important; } </style> <meta name="renderTime" content="711"/> <title>Stop CBS Attack on Choice

This letter is in response to the reported CBS decision to air an anti-choice advertisement during Super Bowl XLIV, sponsored by the controversial organization Focus on the Family. As united organizations dedicated to reproductive rights, tolerance, and social justice, we urge you to immediately cancel this ad and refuse any other advertisement promoting Focus on the Family’s agenda.

CBS has a well-documented history of prohibiting advocacy ads it deems controversial, rejecting ads from organizations such as PETA, MoveOn.org, United Church of Christ, and even ones that carry only an “implicit” endorsement for a side in a public debate. Last year, NBC made the prudent decision to not air anti-choice messages during the Super Bowl. CBS executives have indicated in the past that they would not air Super Bowl ads where “substantial elements of the community (are) in opposition to one another.” Abortion is a controversial issue and anti-abortion vitriol has resulted in escalated violence against reproductive health service providers and their patients, including the murder of Dr. George Tiller during Sunday morning service at his church. We sincerely hope you do not want CBS associated with this brand of un-American hate.

Focus on the Family has waged war on non-traditional families, tried its hand at race baiting during the 2008 election, and is now attempting to use the Super Bowl to further ramp up the vitriolic rhetoric surrounding reproductive rights. By offering one of the most coveted advertising spots of the year to an anti-equality, anti-choice, homophobic organization, CBS is aligning itself with a political stance that will alienate viewers and discourage consumers from supporting its shows and advertisers. The decision to air this ad would be ethically, economically and politically disastrous for CBS. The content of this ad endangers women's health, uses sports to divide rather than to unite, and promotes an organization that opposes the equality of Americans based on gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, and reproductive freedom. Focus on the Family’s ad is surrealistic in its argument that a woman who chooses not to have a child may be depriving the Super Bowl of a football player. It uses one family’s story to dictate morality to the American public, and encourages young women to disregard medical advice, putting their lives at risk.

The Super Bowl is an entertainment event that brings people together regardless of background, faith, ideology or political affiliation. Focus on the Family’s ad goes against the approximately 70% majority American view that reproductive decisions should be left up to a woman and her physician; against the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court that such decisions are protected by a constitutionally guaranteed right to privacy; and against the health needs of the 1 in 3 American women who will need an abortion at some time in her life.

Though women comprise only 9% of CBS’s board, they are a key constituency for the CBS network and 40% of Super Bowl viewers. If you contradict your policy and air this ad, you will be throwing these women under the bus. American values of privacy and freedom should be respected, not undermined during the Super Bowl. The last thing Americans need is CBS or its advertisers telling us how and when to have a family. CBS must take action now, by cancelling the airing of Focus on the Family’s ad.

Check out this excerpt from the letter...

As united organizations dedicated to reproductive rights, tolerance, and social justice, we urge you to immediately cancel this ad and refuse any other advertisement promoting Focus on the Family’s agenda.

This group is a joke... It's tolerance for their position only....
That may give you a hint where their money comes from.
Focus On The Family Boycotts Wells Fargo For Supporting Gay Rights

Robert Paul ReyesDecember 05, 2005

Focus on the Family, the conservative group headed by James Dobson, announced that it would be ending its banking relationship with Well Fargo, because of its support of groups that advance the "radical homosexual agenda."

oh my, such tolerance...
Focus on the Family puts retailers on Christmas naughty, nice list

By Mark Barna, The Gazette

Published November 16, 2008 at 4:01 p.m.

COLORADO SPRINGS — Focus on the Family wants shoppers to know which retailers are naughty and which ones are nice - at least when it comes to holiday lingo.

On Thursday the Colorado Springs-based ministry's political action arm launched its second-annual holiday campaign by posting an online shoppers guide with three categories: "Christmas-friendly" retailers, "Christmas-negligent" retailers and "Christmas-offensive" retailers.

Oh my, such tolerance.
What does that have to do with what I said? I said that keeping your baby is a choice. Most sane people want laws the stop the killing of innocent human beings. Don't you?

He's just trying to divert the topic... The topic is liberals are trying to silence opposition when they bitch and moan about having the right to an opposing viewpoint... total hypocrisy...

So the conservative position is that liberals have no right to an opposing viewpoint? How interesting that you use the term "hypocrisy".

They can have an 'opposing viewpoint' by paying for and running their own ad, not trying to keep someone else's voice from being heard. Why is this a difficult concept to grasp?
He's just trying to divert the topic... The topic is liberals are trying to silence opposition when they bitch and moan about having the right to an opposing viewpoint... total hypocrisy...

So the conservative position is that liberals have no right to an opposing viewpoint? How interesting that you use the term "hypocrisy".

They can have an 'opposing viewpoint' by paying for and running their own ad, not trying to keep someone else's voice from being heard. Why is this a difficult concept to grasp?

why don't you tell that to FoF and other organizations like that that often threaten advertisers when they dont' like certain programming, complain about sexuality and violence on TV, try to ban video games and protest mustical artist if they have vulgar language, or how about the entire stupid nipple incident during the superbowl. that's where hypocrisy is, and the articles posted above these comments show that. It works both ways.

Why is that so hard to understand?

I do agree though, don't like something, don't watch it. plain and simple, both conservative or liberal. But how much you want to bet if CBS aired the pro gay ad, FoF would go nuts? Think CBS is a pussy for not doing so. They should of aired them back to back, that would of been nice.
Because, like conservatives, they are sooo worried about anything with the word 'abortion' in it, they just go bonkers. But you should be familiar with that, it happens on both sides.
He's just trying to divert the topic... The topic is liberals are trying to silence opposition when they bitch and moan about having the right to an opposing viewpoint... total hypocrisy...

So the conservative position is that liberals have no right to an opposing viewpoint? How interesting that you use the term "hypocrisy".

They can have an 'opposing viewpoint' by paying for and running their own ad, not trying to keep someone else's voice from being heard. Why is this a difficult concept to grasp?

So they're not allowed to express their views any other way? Like say, speaking out? Talking to the media? Writing letters? Organizing petitions? Calling for a boycott? BOTH sides have the right to their views and to express them in any legal way they see fit. That's called freedom of speech.

CBS made a business decision to accept the money and air the ad. If CBS were to pull the ad due to pressure from these groups (and I doubt it will) then that's the company making a business decision based on input from its customers. In no way is anyone's "Free Speech" being trampled by any of this. Only government can infringe on First Amendment rights. Private individuals and companies can do pretty much whatever they want.

Why is it so few of the nutters yelling "censorship" actually understand what free speech is all about?
As I seem to recall from the not to distant past, back when the shrub and dead-eye dick(less) were running things, anyone who dared to disagree with them were called "Saddam Supporters" "Bin Laden Lovers." "Troop Haters." and the like.

Where was all this phony outrage then, or were you one of the ones doing the calling?
He's just trying to divert the topic... The topic is liberals are trying to silence opposition when they bitch and moan about having the right to an opposing viewpoint... total hypocrisy...

So the conservative position is that liberals have no right to an opposing viewpoint? How interesting that you use the term "hypocrisy".

They can have an 'opposing viewpoint' by paying for and running their own ad, not trying to keep someone else's voice from being heard. Why is this a difficult concept to grasp?

They're not asking government to censor it they're asking CBS to not show it, which is entirely within their right.

Besides CBS used to have a no-issues policy and have refused to run anti-Bush ads in the past.
They're not asking government to censor it they're asking CBS to not show it, which is entirely within their right.

Besides CBS used to have a no-issues policy and have refused to run anti-Bush ads in the past.

I agree very much with the above statement.

I have no problems with any public speech really, or boycotts or putting public pressure on advertisers or those who employ them. The only "real" censorship (or at least IMO illegal censorship) can be done by the government.

For example, when the FEC overreached in their authority against Citizens United. :lol:
CBS should just offer the baby haters the same opportunity to have an opposing aid in the sb commercial time slot. Problem solved.
I believe nobody commenting on the ad has actually seen the ad. They have only seen what is said of what it is about.

I have heard it said, however, that the ad does not even mention abortion or pro life. What it does it tell the story of a family who made a difficult decision that had a happy ending. If that is the case, it should offend nobody, it should not be threatening to anybody but pro-abortionist who want to stifle anything even remotely supportive of pro life, and it does not violate any CBS policy.

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