Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

The most disgusting thing about a Union is that they take dues from all members, Republican and Democrat and all the rest, and then donate it to (generally) the Democratic party. That's unfuckingreal imo.

Unions give money to support politicians that -- gulp -- support Unions.

Damn, that's dastardly!

The most disgusting thing about a Union is that they take dues from all members, Republican and Democrat and all the rest, and then donate it to (generally) the Democratic party. That's unfuckingreal imo.

Unions give money to support politicians that -- gulp -- support Unions.

Damn, that's dastardly!


. . . and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need."

And she is correct. Many union workers have exactly the attitude that she describes.

Look at the absurd reaction that unions mounted to Gov. Walker's perfectly sane, reasonable labor reforms for state workers in Wisconsin. He did nothing more than bring state workers' bargaining rights and benefits into line with those of federal union workers.

And look what has happened since Wisconsin state employees have been given the option of not paying union dues: thousands of state workers have left their unions. The state's second-largest public employee union has lost over half its members.

The leaders of public sector unions frequently make irresponsible, unreasonable demands, and many counties and cities are in financial crises because they agreed to those demands and now the bills are finally coming due.

I have no problem with a union as long as the union is ethical and reasonable. Good unions can perform a valuable service for workers. But there are far too many rotten unions.
Once unions get big enough and strong enough, they invariably start using the members just like politicians do.
. . . and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need."

And she is correct. Many union workers have exactly the attitude that she describes.

Look at the absurd reaction that unions mounted to Gov. Walker's perfectly sane, reasonable labor reforms for state workers in Wisconsin. He did nothing more than bring state workers' bargaining rights and benefits into line with those of federal union workers.

And look what has happened since Wisconsin state employees have been given the option of not paying union dues: thousands of state workers have left their unions. The state's second-largest public employee union has lost over half its members.

The leaders of public sector unions frequently make irresponsible, unreasonable demands, and many counties and cities are in financial crises because they agreed to those demands and now the bills are finally coming due.

I have no problem with a union as long as the union is ethical and reasonable. Good unions can perform a valuable service for workers. But there are far too many rotten unions.

:eusa_hand: Stop the Bullshit and the Hate! :eusa_hand:

. . . and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need."

And she is correct. Many union workers have exactly the attitude that she describes.

Look at the absurd reaction that unions mounted to Gov. Walker's perfectly sane, reasonable labor reforms for state workers in Wisconsin. He did nothing more than bring state workers' bargaining rights and benefits into line with those of federal union workers.

And look what has happened since Wisconsin state employees have been given the option of not paying union dues: thousands of state workers have left their unions. The state's second-largest public employee union has lost over half its members.

The leaders of public sector unions frequently make irresponsible, unreasonable demands, and many counties and cities are in financial crises because they agreed to those demands and now the bills are finally coming due.

I have no problem with a union as long as the union is ethical and reasonable. Good unions can perform a valuable service for workers. But there are far too many rotten unions.

:eusa_hand: Stop the B...s... and the Hate! :eusa_hand: :lol:

It seems it is impossible to engage you in rational, credible discussion.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Partly resentment of someone making more money (Of course all the right wing posters here make way over $100k a year, right?) ,and partly the plantation sharecropper mentality is still alive "If the boss man is doing good, he'll take care of us." "These unions are ruining a good thing by asking for more money and benefits". I heard this stuff working down south in the 60's.
These southern red state workers ought to ask themselves why they have had low wages and high poverty for decades. Right to work. Vehemently anti union. Also, Along comes Reagan and convinces people that government is the problem. He was a very good salesman. You can still hear his voice through all these right wing posters as the say " whoopee and down with taxes, and hooray and down with us too!"
And she is correct. Many union workers have exactly the attitude that she describes.

Look at the absurd reaction that unions mounted to Gov. Walker's perfectly sane, reasonable labor reforms for state workers in Wisconsin. He did nothing more than bring state workers' bargaining rights and benefits into line with those of federal union workers.

And look what has happened since Wisconsin state employees have been given the option of not paying union dues: thousands of state workers have left their unions. The state's second-largest public employee union has lost over half its members.

The leaders of public sector unions frequently make irresponsible, unreasonable demands, and many counties and cities are in financial crises because they agreed to those demands and now the bills are finally coming due.

I have no problem with a union as long as the union is ethical and reasonable. Good unions can perform a valuable service for workers. But there are far too many rotten unions.

:eusa_hand: Stop the B...s... and the Hate! :eusa_hand: :lol:

It seems it is impossible to engage you in rational, credible discussion.

there is very little rational and credible in attacking unions as bad for workers.

saying there are 'far too many rotten unions" as some of you do is a talking point and opinion without basis in fact
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

Partly resentment of someone making more money (Of course all the right wing posters here make way over $100k a year, right?) ,and partly the plantation sharecropper mentality is still alive "If the boss man is doing good, he'll take care of us." "These unions are ruining a good thing by asking for more money and benefits". I heard this stuff working down south in the 60's.
These southern red state workers ought to ask themselves why they have had low wages and high poverty for decades. Right to work. Vehemently anti union. Also, Along comes Reagan and convinces people that government is the problem. He was a very good salesman. You can still hear his voice through all these right wing posters as the say " whoopee and down with taxes, and hooray and down with us too!"

Echos of George Wallace and Ronald Reagan.:cool:
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.
not every union member has a good job !! some fast food chains have unions !! being a business owner and making over 250,000 a yr is a good job !! but the left wants to tax them into oblivion !!!
The most disgusting thing about a Union is that they take dues from all members, Republican and Democrat and all the rest, and then donate it to (generally) the Democratic party. That's unfuckingreal imo.

Unions give money to support politicians that -- gulp -- support Unions.

Damn, that's dastardly!


The money is taken from union members by force. That is the very definition of a hold-up.
there is very little rational and credible in attacking unions as bad for workers.

saying there are 'far too many rotten unions" as some of you do is a talking point and opinion without basis in fact

The term "good union" is an oxymoron.
When you say good job, you mean good pay. When a person gets good pay, we expect good work out of them. Sometimes, union people are lazy. When a company has unions, things don't always get done.

My brother worked in a factory and most workers were union. One day, an overhead light went out and one of the workers grabbed a ladder to put a new bulb in. He was stopped from doing that because it wasn't in his job description. The guy whose job it was had gone out to lunch and then had a meeting, so production was halted for several hours while they waited for the guy to get back. It's insane. The union bosses at the same factory made a deal with management to give up vision insurance for the company providing an extra pair of steel toed boots. The workers were already getting two free pair a year and the cost of one pair was cheaper than a visit to the eye doctor. The non-union workers suffered because of some decisions the unions made. Having unions sometimes means less production and no real help for workers. Non-union workers often got the short end of the stick when any issues arose. Of course, the unions always side with union members, whether they are right or wrong and they bully people.

My brother joined the union when he first started, but then quit. He realized that unions never really allow you to quit. They claim you are still a member who is behind in your dues. The workers never got anything for the money spent on dues, which was a bit pricey. All the unions do is take that money and spend it on campaigns.

It's ridiculous that union workers aren't expected to contribute to their own retirement and other benefits like the rest of the free world. And even the worst worker will benefit without worry of being fired or reprimanded.
She doesn't despise "Americans with good jobs." She despises union thugs.

Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

THANK YOU! That is exactly what i was saying!
I knew i'd get a response out of that thread!!! Lol! I also knew my words would be twisted :)

I feel sorry for people that are forced to join a union just to have a job. We have a union where i work, the factory is union, the office is non. My husband and i both work there...he's in the factory, i'm in the office. The union is a farce...There's talk of getting rid of it.
Looks like i got YOUR attention anyway! And i stand by what i said.....
I have a friend that is VERY liberal and her job is with the UAW here in Michigan.
Believe me, her job is her LIFE....all she cares about is what SHE gets and the nice perks
she gets with her job. If you think she really cares about the little guy....you would be WRONG!

Actually....we used to be good friends, very seldom talk to her anymore.
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

i think it's worse... i think she's a dumbass who doesn't have a pot but thinks that the 'job creators' will create jobs because they have extra cash.. .no matter what the reality.

leadership: convincing people who have nothing to do without so you can have more. :thup:
The most disgusting thing about a Union is that they take dues from all members, Republican and Democrat and all the rest, and then donate it to (generally) the Democratic party. That's unfuckingreal imo.

Unions give money to support politicians that -- gulp -- support Unions.

Damn, that's dastardly!


The money is taken from union members by force. That is the very definition of a hold-up.

I've worked for the same company for almost 20 yrs. The first 6 years i was in the factory. When i hired in you didn't have to join the union....but they STILL took out union dues! Never really understood that....and IF i needed union representation, even tho i wasn't a member, i would get it. (Never had to!).....the only thing i couldn't do is vote in the elections. All this made no sense to me and still doesn't! All they want is their money.....
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

i think it's worse... i think she's a dumbass who doesn't have a pot but thinks that the 'job creators' will create jobs because they have extra cash.. .no matter what the reality.

leadership: convincing people who have nothing to do without so you can have more. :thup:

Not at all....

I have more than a POT....
I have a loving husband of 32 years, 4 kids, 5 grandkids, a home on 3 acres, a good job for 20 years. Just hoping i can afford to retire in a few years......
How bout you???
Why Are Conservatives So Resentful Of Americans With Good Jobs?

An example of this is a conservative poster who goes by the name of carol.

get this she starts out with this bit of nasty myth: "union thug crap"

then she puts in the bullcrap: "I have nothing against the average person that is in a union job...everyone needs a job!"

and here is where the meat in her resentment exposes itself "Some (actually a lot) of people have their lives wrapped up so tight into their unions that they can't see beyond their nose. They think that companies are obligated to give them everything they want, not necessarily what they need.

Sounds just like the red meat Mitt Romney threw out to Super Wealthy fools who hate "average" people who need a job. Whether Super Wealthy or more average, conservatives despise the 'average' person who needs a job yet wants more.

I was coerced into membership in a lousy fucking union where I work and I live in a Right To Work state. A bunch of assholes from northern states moved here years ago because they got tired of the shit weather, ridiculous real estate prices and hated working at Newark's airport.........those imbeciles pushed to get a lousy fucking union for years promising incredible benefits and wages.......all we have now is dues we owe every month for the union "leaders" to fly around in a Lear jet and have idiot conventions in Vegas. Union believers are nothing more than rabid lemmings, their union is their God......pathetic really. Useless ripoff organizations.

so did you stay in the Union?......

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