Why are all the boards allergic to racial discussions?


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
I mean they ....all of them...if they even allow such discussions try to hide them away from public view....put the topic and discussions in a sub forum or somewhere at the bottom of the list aka in the back, in the dark, in the corner.

Even though our racial problems are the number one issue facing America....thus it is the most popular topic on all the boards that allow such discussions.

I think the boards are afraid the communistic apparatus in D.C. will crack down on them and sic the FBI on them....well....understanding the current nonsense in Washington...one can hardly blame them for being paranoid.

One reason we have such huge racial problems is that it is almost impossible to get the truth out....the peeps are forced to endure the lies spread by the media....the unrest and social disorder you will witness this summer can be laid at the doorstep in the media and all the deaths that will occur this summer due to racial unrest can be directly linked to the media...they will have blood on their hands....but do they care? are they concerned? Of course not....all the blathering fools care about is their ratings.
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I think there have been many threads that addressed the issue of race. I really don't think there is a racial problem between the races when it comes to intelligent people. They accept one another and believe the American Dream belongs to all of us.

The problem exists with "Black Lives Matter" and Millennials who feel that they are entitled. Entitled to exist with what they want without work on their part. They think it is absurd to put effort into accomplishments or never take the time to see another point of view other than their own.
I mean they ....all of them...if they even allow such discussions try to hide them away from public view....put the topic and discussions in a sub forum or somewhere at the bottom of the list aka in the back, in the dark, in the corner.

Even though our racial problems are the number one issue facing America....thus it is the most popular topic on all the boards that allow such discussions.

I think the boards are afraid the communistic apparatus in D.C. will crack down on them and sic the FBI on them....well....understanding the current nonsense in Washington...one can hardly blame them for being paranoid.

One reason we have such huge racial problems is that it is almost impossible to get the truth out....the peeps are forced to endure the lies spread by the media....the unrest and social disorder you will witness this summer can be laid at the doorstep in the media and all the deaths that will occur this summer due to racial unrest can be directly linked to the media...they will have blood on their hands....but do they care? are they concerned? Of course not....all the blathering fools care about is their ratings.
This thread is in the wrong forum, it belongs in Conspiracy Theories, as it’s completely devoid of facts and truth, in addition to being ignorant, ridiculous, and wrong.
Racial problems are one of the least important issues in this country. The OP is a retard.
I mean they ....all of them...if they even allow such discussions try to hide them away from public view....put the topic and discussions in a sub forum or somewhere at the bottom of the list aka in the back, in the dark, in the corner.

Even though our racial problems are the number one issue facing America....thus it is the most popular topic on all the boards that allow such discussions.

I think the boards are afraid the communistic apparatus in D.C. will crack down on them and sic the FBI on them....well....understanding the current nonsense in Washington...one can hardly blame them for being paranoid.

One reason we have such huge racial problems is that it is almost impossible to get the truth out....the peeps are forced to endure the lies spread by the media....the unrest and social disorder you will witness this summer can be laid at the doorstep in the media and all the deaths that will occur this summer due to racial unrest can be directly linked to the media...they will have blood on their hands....but do they care? are they concerned? Of course not....all the blathering fools care about is their ratings.

Dear Sundance508 Ironically I've found some of the best, most productive influential outreach
on racism and diversity happen in context of trying to resolve conflicts between people with different cultural biases. This is REGARDLESS if the thread or topic is racism/diversity or not.
Just the spirit of INCLUDING each other in trying to resolve issues between any two people or groups
is going to bring up the same things as needed to address racism, diversity, religious or political beliefs.
Why? Because we as people project or bring our personal experiences into EVERY discussion
or perception we share with others. It's going to be there anyway because we bring our biases with us. And that's the best way to resolve anything, is to share one on one where we can see who's coming from where. If we addressed all racism/diversity with that same one-on-one approach, THAT'S where change comes from.
From within, In context in sharing and relations with others who each come from equally diverse perspectives!

See also Guidelines for Sharing
from the Center for the Healing of Racism
Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness
This is one of the best nonprofits I know that teaches
healing dialogue through constructive sharing in group forums
For those on the Left, an "honest" discussion about race is nothing more than an admission of White (Male) Guilt and agreement to permanent reparations to all who claim victimization as an excuse for personal irresponsibility.
I mean they ....all of them...if they even allow such discussions try to hide them away from public view....put the topic and discussions in a sub forum or somewhere at the bottom of the list aka in the back, in the dark, in the corner.

Even though our racial problems are the number one issue facing America....thus it is the most popular topic on all the boards that allow such discussions.

I think the boards are afraid the communistic apparatus in D.C. will crack down on them and sic the FBI on them....well....understanding the current nonsense in Washington...one can hardly blame them for being paranoid.

One reason we have such huge racial problems is that it is almost impossible to get the truth out....the peeps are forced to endure the lies spread by the media....the unrest and social disorder you will witness this summer can be laid at the doorstep in the media and all the deaths that will occur this summer due to racial unrest can be directly linked to the media...they will have blood on their hands....but do they care? are they concerned? Of course not....all the blathering fools care about is their ratings.
Im on the fence on this one. On one hand I think this society should provide every adult willing to work 40 hours a living wage, I also understand that's just not the real world. We live in a capitalistic society and capitalism needs ditch diggers janitors maids and Walmart workers. That's the reality of things.

Now a couple making a combined $20 hr can save if they are frugal. If they decide to have a kid they just put themselves in poverty. Doesn't everyone know this? Why isn't it taught in school? I bet it is. If it's not who's fault is that?

I don't have kids because they are expensive. My rich brother only has 2 because there expensive.

Fact is there's a lot of good black parents who don't have more kids than they can handle. They succeed so we all know the winning formula.

I think I could fix anyone but they'd have to take my advice.
I mean they ....all of them...if they even allow such discussions try to hide them away from public view....put the topic and discussions in a sub forum or somewhere at the bottom of the list aka in the back, in the dark, in the corner.

Even though our racial problems are the number one issue facing America....thus it is the most popular topic on all the boards that allow such discussions.

I think the boards are afraid the communistic apparatus in D.C. will crack down on them and sic the FBI on them....well....understanding the current nonsense in Washington...one can hardly blame them for being paranoid.

One reason we have such huge racial problems is that it is almost impossible to get the truth out....the peeps are forced to endure the lies spread by the media....the unrest and social disorder you will witness this summer can be laid at the doorstep in the media and all the deaths that will occur this summer due to racial unrest can be directly linked to the media...they will have blood on their hands....but do they care? are they concerned? Of course not....all the blathering fools care about is their ratings.
You sound fairly paranoid to me.

Better check for schizophrenia too.

Just to be safe.
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Im on the fence on this one. On one hand I think this society should provide every adult willing to work 40 hours a living wage, I also understand that's just not the real world. We live in a capitalistic society and capitalism needs ditch diggers janitors maids and Walmart workers. That's the reality of things.

Now a couple making a combined $20 hr can save if they are frugal. If they decide to have a kid they just put themselves in poverty. Doesn't everyone know this? Why isn't it taught in school? I bet it is. If it's not who's fault is that?

I don't have kids because they are expensive. My rich brother only has 2 because there expensive.

Fact is there's a lot of good black parents who don't have more kids than they can handle. They succeed so we all know the winning formula.

I think I could fix anyone but they'd have to take my advice.
I believe a living wage and a 40 hour week is feasible and plausible for everyone who wants to work.

Those are fancy words meaning possible. And do-able.

Just jack up the prices for McDonalds burgers with fries and a coke to cover it.
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Dear Sundance508 Ironically I've found some of the best, most productive influential outreach
on racism and diversity happen in context of trying to resolve conflicts between people with different cultural biases. This is REGARDLESS if the thread or topic is racism/diversity or not.
Just the spirit of INCLUDING each other in trying to resolve issues between any two people or groups
is going to bring up the same things as needed to address racism, diversity, religious or political beliefs.
Why? Because we as people project or bring our personal experiences into EVERY discussion
or perception we share with others. It's going to be there anyway because we bring our biases with us. And that's the best way to resolve anything, is to share one on one where we can see who's coming from where. If we addressed all racism/diversity with that same one-on-one approach, THAT'S where change comes from.
From within, In context in sharing and relations with others who each come from equally diverse perspectives!

See also Guidelines for Sharing
from the Center for the Healing of Racism
Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness
This is one of the best nonprofits I know that teaches
healing dialogue through constructive sharing in group forums
Right now at this moment the Negro community is in a state of unrest over trigger happy policing.

This has been a problem at least since the 1960's when Marvin Gaye first began to sing about it.

To curb trigger happy policing, the cops all need to be retrained.

And they all need to wear body cam's too.

And then as Johnny Depp would say, Robert's your uncle, Fanny's your aunt, problem solved.

I mean they ....all of them...if they even allow such discussions try to hide them away from public view....put the topic and discussions in a sub forum or somewhere at the bottom of the list aka in the back, in the dark, in the corner.

Even though our racial problems are the number one issue facing America....thus it is the most popular topic on all the boards that allow such discussions.

I think the boards are afraid the communistic apparatus in D.C. will crack down on them and sic the FBI on them....well....understanding the current nonsense in Washington...one can hardly blame them for being paranoid.

One reason we have such huge racial problems is that it is almost impossible to get the truth out....the peeps are forced to endure the lies spread by the media....the unrest and social disorder you will witness this summer can be laid at the doorstep in the media and all the deaths that will occur this summer due to racial unrest can be directly linked to the media...they will have blood on their hands....but do they care? are they concerned? Of course not....all the blathering fools care about is their ratings.
Well what is the truth?
Racial problems are one of the least important issues in this country. The OP is a retard.
Really that is true. For most of the whites complaining on usmb 99.9% of us are safe from Muslim and black violence. I happen to live near Dearborn and Detroit. The Muslim and murder capitals of the entire USA, and even I feel sheltered from the violence

I'd say the number one issue is the middle class
Right now at this moment the Negro community is in a state of unrest over trigger happy policing....

There is no "trigger happy policing," and only a juvenile little douchebag uses the term "negro" today because he gets some little pants-moistening thrill out of repeating an archaic term that he knows many African Americans today find offensive. Irresponsible, ignorant, idiotic assholes like the one responsible for the above post are entirely part of the problem we face today.

In summary: :fu:
Right now at this moment the Negro community is in a state of unrest over trigger happy policing....

There is no "trigger happy policing," and only a juvenile little douchebag uses the term "negro" today because he gets some little pants-moistening thrill out of repeating an archaic term that he knows many African Americans today find offensive. Irresponsible, ignorant, idiotic assholes like the one responsible for the above post are entirely part of the problem we face today.

In summary: :fu:

unless it's the united negro college fund and free money
Left-wing activists have deliberately radicalized this issue so as to stoke racial animosity and prevent meaningful dialogue.

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