Why a special prosecutor needed for BenghaziGate...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The reason is the Obama administration were proudly beating their chests about "Osama is dead"... Terrorism is defeated thanks to Obama!
Using that as a theme Obama BEAT Osama the TERRORIST attack on Benghazi totally refuted that and therefore Obama could NOT allow that to disrupt his campaign theme!
Unlike Watergate though where NO ONE died 4 Americans murdered in BenghaziGate!

So is Obama guilty of NOT trying to prevent the deaths because to do so would be admit Terrorism was NOT defeated?
Did Obama put politics above people's safety by ignoring the pleas for help?

Representative Peter King stated that former CIA Director David Petraeus stated that he knew the Benghazi attack was terrorism
and that the talking points given to Ambassador Susan Rice were different from the ones prepared by the CIA.
Petraeus stated Rice's talking points were edited to demphasized the possibility of terrorism.
King: Petraeus Said CIA's Talking Points Were Edited to Play Down Terrorism | MRCTV
MORE PROOF from the CNN!!!

"When he looks at what Susan Rice said," CNN reports, "here is what Petraeus's take is, according to my source. Petraeus developed some talking points laying it all out. those talking points as always were approved by the intelligence community.
But then he sees Susan Rice make her statements and he sees input from other areas of the administration. Petraeus -- it is believed -- will tell the committee he is not certain where Susan Rice got all of her information."

Petraeus 'Knew Almost Immediately' Al Qaeda-Linked Group Responsible for Benghazi | The Weekly Standard
Don't see where the crime is that requires a special prosecutor. You seem to want to make hay out of unfortunate deaths and confusion over the cause, when we have a deficit to worry about. Don't derail important work with another failed witchhunt.
From Petraeus..
"The original talking points were much more specific about al-Qaeda involvement and yet the finals ones just said' indications of extremists.' It said 'indicate' even though there was clearly evidence at the CIA that there was al-Qaeda involvement."

Obviously, what we now know is that in their final format, the talking points in question focused exclusively on the false idea that the September 11 anniversary attack was motivated by a spontaneous protest over an anti-Muslim video.

Rep. Peter King: Petraeus Testified Rice's Original CIA Talking Points Contained al-Qaeda Element

The reason YOU don't see is because YOU are biased. You I'm sure had NO problem with Nixon impeachment and Nixon resigning did you and no one died in Watergate!

But here if the Obama administration LEFT out terrorism because it hurt the political narrative..i.e. Osama is dead...Obama the victor hence you should vote for Obama.
It means people died ONLY because the Obama administration DIDN"T want to harm the political narrative!
WaterGate was a crime covered up by Nixon.
Nixon was going to be impeached and resigned.

BenghaziGate was a crime in false information being presented BEFORE the election to falsely convince voters of Obama's success in reducing terrorism..remember "Osama is Dead"???
By manipulating Federal information for political gain is a CRIME!!!
Were there CIA whistleblowers whose bodies are now lying at the bottom of the Potomac? Was David Petraeus being blackmailed? Are William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright involved? Did Susan Rice fly to Tripoli, have a steamy liaison with a clone of Ayman al-Zawahiri created in a secret underground laboratory, then go to Benghazi where she personally killed Ambassador Chris Stevens with a hat pin? We won’t know unless we spin this out into a multi-week story!

So what’s going on here? I can sum it up in two words: scandal envy.

GOP’s scandal envy - Salon.com

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