Who's Gonna Answer?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.
I guess Amb. Stevens murderers don't have this to fear.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruNrdmjcNTc]Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American) - YouTube[/ame]
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Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Oh....wait a minute....we killed the guy responsible for it....

Anyone who enjoys reading understands that Obama has used the drone more than any other President in history.

He killed Bin Laden. Enabled the killing of Gaddafi, another American killer that three Republican Presidents did nothing about.

He also took out much of Al Qaeda's leadership, as well as an American turncoat when he droned that ass hole too.

So, I have no doubt in my mind that the minute we narrow it down to who was responsible, Obama's gonna get his drone and wipe those motherfuckers off the planet.

It would be in keeping with his track record thus far to actually get bad guys and not just talk about it the way neo-cons do.
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Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Oh....wait a minute....we killed the guy responsible for it....

Anyone who enjoys reading understands that Obama has used the drone more than any other President in history.

He killed Bin Laden. Enabled the killing of Gaddafi, another American killer that three Republican Presidents did nothing about.

He also took out much of Al Qaeda's leadership, as well as an American turncoat when he droned that ass hole too.

So, I have no doubt in my mind that the minute we narrow it down to who was responsible, Obama's gonna get his drone and wipe those motherfuckers off the planet.

It would be in keeping with his track record thus far to actually get bad guys and not just talk about it the way neo-cons do.


Hook line and stinker
Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Oh....wait a minute....we killed the guy responsible for it....

Anyone who enjoys reading understands that Obama has used the drone more than any other President in history.

He killed Bin Laden. Enabled the killing of Gaddafi, another American killer that three Republican Presidents did nothing about.

He also took out much of Al Qaeda's leadership, as well as an American turncoat when he droned that ass hole too.

So, I have no doubt in my mind that the minute we narrow it down to who was responsible, Obama's gonna get his drone and wipe those motherfuckers off the planet.

It would be in keeping with his track record thus far to actually get bad guys and not just talk about it the way neo-cons do.

Need a snorkel? :lmao:
Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Oh....wait a minute....we killed the guy responsible for it....

Anyone who enjoys reading understands that Obama has used the drone more than any other President in history.

He killed Bin Laden. Enabled the killing of Gaddafi, another American killer that three Republican Presidents did nothing about.

He also took out much of Al Qaeda's leadership, as well as an American turncoat when he droned that ass hole too.

So, I have no doubt in my mind that the minute we narrow it down to who was responsible, Obama's gonna get his drone and wipe those motherfuckers off the planet.

It would be in keeping with his track record thus far to actually get bad guys and not just talk about it the way neo-cons do.

The Navy Seals only killed Bin Laden because of intel they were able to get from policies that President Bush put in place. Left to his own devices, Obama would never have been able to give that kill order after failing to act the first three times.
Obama's use of drones stems from his desire to avoid captives because he would then have to send them to GITMO. Regardless of who he was or how nasty he was, that American turncoat was killed by the U.S. government without benefit of due process or a trial. While killing him, they also killed his teenaged American citizen child.
Who's Gonna Answer?
It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.

This historian nailed it. Obama can't do anything better than balance the condemnation of the murderers of 4 to a condemnation of a video.

Obama’s speeches all come in one tone – what the mainstream media calls “historic”.

All those grand hopes and calls for unity can be moving, but they can also be intellectually empty. His speech to the United Nations General Assembly was a classic example.

After the attacks on US embassies, this was time for a “screw you guys, I’m going home” type speech. He should’ve torn into the dictators, slammed the terrorists and explained why the US doesn’t censor its private citizens.

He did all of the above, but diluted with so much else that was painfully “historic” that it sounded more like “I Want to Teach the World to Sing.”

Obama’s message? The world wants freedom, but a handful of nasty people living in caves are distracting us. So let’s all be like Gandhi and try to get along. Here’s what Mr History got wrong.

And then he goes on from there. Great piece on Obama's UN speech.

Barack Obama to UN: another painfully 'historic' speech for young Democrats to download on their iPods – Telegraph Blogs

He covers all the bases in Obama's speech. It's worth the read.
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It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.

What would you like Obama to do? Should he send troops in and take over the country, turning it into another Iraq? How many troops should we send? Should we just bomb the shit out of Libya for a few days, killing as many people as possible as retribution?

I'm just curious what you think should be done. You guys find an issue to make a big deal about, because you see an opportunity. I'm calling your bluff. So what should Obama be doing? And be specific.
It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.

What would you like Obama to do? Should he send troops in and take over the country, turning it into another Iraq? How many troops should we send? Should we just bomb the shit out of Libya for a few days, killing as many people as possible as retribution?

I'm just curious what you think should be done. You guys find an issue to make a big deal about, because you see an opportunity. I'm calling your bluff. So what should Obama be doing? And be specific.

How about starting with taking a day off the talk show circuit and meeting with the leaders of Libya, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan? Do you think that might be a smart move? Maybe if he sat down and talked with those leaders he might remind them of where a huge portion of their incomes arrives from and that their income could change. Think maybe he could go that far?
But wait, it's far more important for Obama to go one The View and be "eye candy" and campaign for a job he doesn't seem to want to do.
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It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.

What would you like Obama to do? Should he send troops in and take over the country, turning it into another Iraq? How many troops should we send? Should we just bomb the shit out of Libya for a few days, killing as many people as possible as retribution?

I'm just curious what you think should be done. You guys find an issue to make a big deal about, because you see an opportunity. I'm calling your bluff. So what should Obama be doing? And be specific.

How about starting with taking a day off the talk show circuit and meeting with the leaders of Libya, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan? Do you think that might be a smart move? Maybe if he sat down and talked with those leaders he might remind them of where a huge portion of their incomes arrives from and that their income could change. Think maybe he could go that far?
But wait, it's far more important for Obama to go one The View and be "eye candy" and campaign for a job he doesn't seem to want to do.

Not only a job he don't want to do, but a job he admittedly said can't be done inside Washington.
Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Not Bush, he was an utter failure and the rightwingloons never complained. Now they want instant results from Obama since he oversaw the killing of bin laden....but sadly, nothing in warfare is instant.

But notice that NONE of them want to go over and avenge the death of the Ambassador.
What would you like Obama to do? Should he send troops in and take over the country, turning it into another Iraq? How many troops should we send? Should we just bomb the shit out of Libya for a few days, killing as many people as possible as retribution?

I'm just curious what you think should be done. You guys find an issue to make a big deal about, because you see an opportunity. I'm calling your bluff. So what should Obama be doing? And be specific.

How about starting with taking a day off the talk show circuit and meeting with the leaders of Libya, Egypt, Pakistan and Afghanistan? Do you think that might be a smart move? Maybe if he sat down and talked with those leaders he might remind them of where a huge portion of their incomes arrives from and that their income could change. Think maybe he could go that far?
But wait, it's far more important for Obama to go one The View and be "eye candy" and campaign for a job he doesn't seem to want to do.

Not only a job he don't want to do, but a job he admittedly said can't be done inside Washington.

Well hell, he even lied about that. He said that ObamaTax was passed because of the American people putting on pressure for it from the outside. There was plenty of pressure from the people. Ten to one AGAINST What he should have said was that HE can't do the job from the inside because he is unwilling to actually go to freaking work. He went to the U.N. long enough to vote "present".
Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Not Bush, he was an utter failure and the rightwingloons never complained. Now they want instant results from Obama since he oversaw the killing of bin laden....but sadly, nothing in warfare is instant.

But notice that NONE of them want to go over and avenge the death of the Ambassador.

Can you point out why Obama won't take time to meet with the world leaders? And we're not saying bomb anyone. I'm saying the man should do his job. He doesn't even attend most of the security briefings. Can you honestly say that you think Obama is doing the right things and truly LEADING in the M.E. ?
Who's gonna answer for 9/11?

Not Bush, he was an utter failure and the rightwingloons never complained. Now they want instant results from Obama since he oversaw the killing of bin laden....but sadly, nothing in warfare is instant.

But notice that NONE of them want to go over and avenge the death of the Ambassador.

Can you point out why Obama won't take time to meet with the world leaders? And we're not saying bomb anyone. I'm saying the man should do his job. He doesn't even attend most of the security briefings. Can you honestly say that you think Obama is doing the right things and truly LEADING in the M.E. ?
Can you honestly be honest? No, of course you can't.
Not Bush, he was an utter failure and the rightwingloons never complained. Now they want instant results from Obama since he oversaw the killing of bin laden....but sadly, nothing in warfare is instant.

But notice that NONE of them want to go over and avenge the death of the Ambassador.

Can you point out why Obama won't take time to meet with the world leaders? And we're not saying bomb anyone. I'm saying the man should do his job. He doesn't even attend most of the security briefings. Can you honestly say that you think Obama is doing the right things and truly LEADING in the M.E. ?
Can you honestly be honest? No, of course you can't.

In other words, you can't answer the question.
It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.

What do you mean, exactly?

The FBI has been dispatched to help the Libyans search for the killers. The Libyan people protested against Al Qaeda and took militia strongholds away from them. By in large the Libyans are disgusted with this act. And there have been arrests made.

What are you looking for here? An invasion? :confused:

This is what your pea sized brain could come up with?

Perhaps we have people there gathering intel? You are such a fucking wingnut, you seem to assume that because you hear nothing regarding our operations in Libya to find these people that there is, in fact, nothing happening. Remember: absence of evidence is NOT evidence of absence, and keeping in mind how the US Gov't works in regards to terrorism in other countries will tell you that we will never know ANYTHING until the people involved are dead and the president tells us.

And if Obama did come out and say "we have people gathering intel" you would complain that he exposed the men and women in the armed forces.

Vel, you are the ultimate Obama hater/super troll.. All you want to do is complain about the balck man in office.. Fuck off. :lol:
It's been two weeks. Is anyone going to answer for the deaths of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and the three other Americans that were murdered there? Can Al Qaeda brazenly walk onto U.S. sovereign territory and feel no repercussions from the U.S. government for it? Our president is hiding behind a video. We should hang our heads in shame.

What do you mean, exactly?

The FBI has been dispatched to help the Libyans search for the killers. The Libyan people protested against Al Qaeda and took militia strongholds away from them. By in large the Libyans are disgusted with this act. And there have been arrests made.

What are you looking for here? An invasion? :confused:

Libyan official said militants may have had inside help

Read more from this Tulsa World article at Libyan official said militants may have had inside help | Tulsa World

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