Who was the last honorable president in your opinion?

Probably Carter although i dont respect his leadership.
There isnt many i do respect though... lol
Honorable? I would say Obama. He was and is in tune with what the United States is all about. Dubya might have been had he not surrounded himself with the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld and ceded the presidency to them, but I don't think that Dubya is very bright. He fell victim to PNAC and the Ayn Rand people. He was too weak.
Honorable? I would say Obama. He was and is in tune with what the United States is all about. Dubya might have been had he not surrounded himself with the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld and ceded the presidency to them, but I don't think that Dubya is very bright. He fell victim to PNAC and the Ayn Rand people. He was too weak.
Yes, we are all about arming terrorists, giving them billions of dollars, bombing multiple multiple countries and spying on our allies.
De facto president Obama told you that there would be no American boots on the ground in Libya, then American warriors were killed in Benghazi.

Obama did not get congressional approval to go to war against Libya. Obama violated his oath of office.

Why do you consider those actions to be honorable?
Boots on the ground means soldiers not diplomats
We did not go to war with Libya
Obama is an honorable man who has shown dedication to our basic American principles. Go question the two whores in the White House, who have no sense of honor between the two of them.
Honorable? I would say Obama. He was and is in tune with what the United States is all about. Dubya might have been had he not surrounded himself with the likes of Cheney and Rumsfeld and ceded the presidency to them, but I don't think that Dubya is very bright. He fell victim to PNAC and the Ayn Rand people. He was too weak.
Na, not really.
He was a fucking globalist control freak and a piece of shit to the greatest degree...
All career politicians are fucking morons...
In all 57 states and under sniper fire…

So shut the fuck up
George Washington
He did not want the job whatsoever, his peers begged him and he felt it was his duty to lead the nation into the future. He had no blueprint to go off of.... a great man.

No one else is even close

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