Who was the last honorable president in your opinion?

Reagan....he was treated like Trump is treated by the left and by the establishment....and the media.....
Anytime the people elect a man that can make life better for them the establishment gets together with the state run media and goes after him.....the way to tell if a president is Honorable and is working for the people is to watch the swamp and how they act...and to watch the media...when they lie like they are doing now you know we have a good man in the white house.....

Globalist piece of shit Reagan,seriously ? you should start a comedy club.,damn you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
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Reagan....he was treated like Trump is treated by the left and by the establishment....and the media.....
Anytime the people elect a man that can make life better for them the establishment gets together with the state run media and goes after him.....the way to tell if a president is Honorable and is working for the people is to watch the swamp and how they act...and to watch the media...when they lie like they are doing now you know we have a good man in the white house.....

globalasit piece of shit Reagan,seriously ? you should start a comedy club.,damn you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
I don't like you...you are an uneducated creep....you must be very young...and you are mostly wrong about most everything so go away kid.....go watch your lambs play football or something...
Reagan....he was treated like Trump is treated by the left and by the establishment....and the media.....
Anytime the people elect a man that can make life better for them the establishment gets together with the state run media and goes after him.....the way to tell if a president is Honorable and is working for the people is to watch the swamp and how they act...and to watch the media...when they lie like they are doing now you know we have a good man in the white house.....

globalasit piece of shit Reagan,seriously ? you should start a comedy club.,damn you have been brainwashed by our corrupt school system.:abgg2q.jpg::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
I don't like you...you are an uneducated creep....you must be very young...and you are mostly wrong about most everything so go away kid.....go watch your lambs play football or something...

It's prolly up to the mod staff to tell members to leave; are you a mod now?
Did you get a free ballon with your new position?
Define 'honorable'.

Bush Sr ran the CIA, a lying, often rogue bunch of vipers....for 'God and Country'... just like. Brennan. :p

JFK had an affair with Monroe....his daddy was a bootlegger....

Abe didn't give a crap if slavery existed or not. He said if he could have found a solution to prevent war, keep the country together, and keep slavery he would have. The 1st 2 was all that mattered...

Bush Jr invaded Iraq, a 'JFK' move, it was still a wrong move IMO.

Clinton was a lying, self-serving career-long sexual deviant.

Obama was a lying, terrorist-aiding, enemy abetting, criminal-supporting violator of both Constitution and law.

Trump is a crude, crass non-politician who says what he thinks rather than say / do the politically correct 'statesman' / 'politician' thing to say / do.

Carter was 'honorable' but an incompetent doof of a President. He has been a far better US Rep at times than he ever was a President.

....but my point is that in order to name an 'honorable' President one must know your / the definition of 'honorable'.
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'reagan' started the amnesty and third world invasion .
Yes that was his big mistake...it ruined California....he was promised more security at the border but of course the Dems and the swampy GOP lie....
Reagan's darkest hour indeed....
Jimmy Carter. The man still lives in less than a $200K home and is still out building houses with Habitat for Humanity.
yep , i gotta agree , he is 'jimmy carter' but a pretty good guy , honorable would describe him i believe Lew .
'reagan' started the amnesty and third world invasion .
Yes that was his big mistake...it ruined California....he was promised more security at the border but of course the Dems and the swampy GOP lie....
Reagan's darkest hour indeed....
------------------------------- reagan was a feck head no matter the reason and i actually blame ' old man bush' and reagans possibly being senile . No matter what , we got third worlders up the ying yang due to 'reagan' .
'reagan' started the amnesty and third world invasion .
Yes that was his big mistake...it ruined California....he was promised more security at the border but of course the Dems and the swampy GOP lie....
Reagan's darkest hour indeed....
------------------------------- reagan was a feck head no matter the reason and i actually blame ' old man bush' and reagans possibly being senile . No matter what , we got third worlders up the ying yang due to 'reagan' .
How is Reagan to blame for the Clintons, Obamas, Schumer, Pelosi,...???

'reagan' started the amnesty and third world invasion .
Yes that was his big mistake...it ruined California....he was promised more security at the border but of course the Dems and the swampy GOP lie....
Reagan's darkest hour indeed....
------------------------------- reagan was a feck head no matter the reason and i actually blame ' old man bush' and reagans possibly being senile . No matter what , we got third worlders up the ying yang due to 'reagan' .
How is Reagan to blame for the Clintons, Obamas, Schumer, Pelosi,...???

--------------------------------------------------- reagan , he started the problem of the invasion Easy .
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'reagan' started the amnesty and third world invasion .
Yes that was his big mistake...it ruined California....he was promised more security at the border but of course the Dems and the swampy GOP lie....
Reagan's darkest hour indeed....
------------------------------- reagan was a feck head no matter the reason and i actually blame ' old man bush' and reagans possibly being senile . No matter what , we got third worlders up the ying yang due to 'reagan' .
How is Reagan to blame for the Clintons, Obamas, Schumer, Pelosi,...???

--------------------------------------------------- he started the problem of the invasion Easy .
The invasion was already happening...that is why it was an issue the president had to deal with...it was ongoing way before Reagan...he chose the wrong solution but a solution was needed...and still is...
'reagan' started the amnesty and third world invasion .
Yes that was his big mistake...it ruined California....he was promised more security at the border but of course the Dems and the swampy GOP lie....
Reagan's darkest hour indeed....
------------------------------- reagan was a feck head no matter the reason and i actually blame ' old man bush' and reagans possibly being senile . No matter what , we got third worlders up the ying yang due to 'reagan' .
How is Reagan to blame for the Clintons, Obamas, Schumer, Pelosi,...???

--------------------------------------------------- reagan , he started the problem of the invasion Easy .
How so...and which one?

Bush into Iraq?
Obama and Al Qaeda into Libya?
Obama into Syria?

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