Who should we believe....Our President or El Chapo?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling
Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling
Obviously he is terrified of walls.
Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling

So full closure of the southern border then? Americans would have their wall in a week.
A fleet of Narcosubmarines could care less about any wall........

Come on RW, you're smart enough to know that if you intensify screening at the ports-of-entry, the cartels will use tunnels, planes, boats, or horses to smuggle drugs in. The solution has to be an "all of the above". My brother was in the AF on the southern border, and said that radar could track all the drug planes coming over, but were not allowed to coordinate with DEA or local police.

Also, the wall isn't just about drug smuggling, its also about human trafficking as well as stopping the flood of migrants and MS-13 members coming up by the thousands in cartel promoted caravans.
Trump is an ignoramus.

He did not know what the nuclear triad was (while he was running for POTUS), he doesn't read and this imbecile thought you needed ID to buy groceries.

Trump Said You Need ID to Buy Groceries

Of course drugs are not sent through the open parts of the border. You are not going to send a million dollars worth of cocaine over a border in the open...that is just begging to get caught.
You smuggle it through in the most congested area possible - where the border guards are overwhelmed and are only looking for obvious cases.
So, you blend in, look normal and smuggle over almost anything you want.

That is common knowledge for anyone with ANY decent amount of street sense.
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Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling
As terrifying as it is, I would say El Chapo has more credibility that dOnald tRump.
Come on RW, you're smart enough to know that if you intensify screening at the ports-of-entry, the cartels will use tunnels, planes, boats, or horses to smuggle drugs in. The solution has to be an "all of the above". My brother was in the AF on the southern border, and said that radar could track all the drug planes coming over, but were not allowed to coordinate with DEA or local police.

Also, the wall isn't just about drug smuggling, its also about human trafficking as well as stopping the flood of migrants and MS-13 members coming up by the thousands in cartel promoted caravans.

Most illegals come in through either ports of entry or through legally-acquired, expired visa's...NOT through scurrying through the border in the middle of nowhere. It's common knowledge to anyone that bothers to read about it.

Most illegal immigration doesn't come through the Mexican border where Trump wants to build a wall
The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)

Besides, Trump's fence is a joke if he thinks that thing is going to keep anyone remotely determined out. I would guess a welding/cutting torch and less than 30 minutes will make mince meat of his latest joke of a 'wall'.

And why is Trump not calling for FAR tougher sentences for those who hire illegals? That is a cheap and easy way to discourage illegals.

The answer is obvious - lots of Reps hire LOTS of illegals.
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Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling
When the border agents showed the drugs, guns, and money they caught at the border, doesn't that suggest something different than the Mexican Don says?
Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling

"I believe El Chapo" - Progressive slogan
Trump is an ignoramus.

He did not know what the nuclear triad was (while he was running for POTUS), he doesn't read and this imbecile thought you needed ID to buy groceries.

Trump Said You Need ID to Buy Groceries

Of course drugs are not sent through the open parts of the border. You are not going to send a million dollars worth of cocaine over a border in the open...that is just begging to get caught.
You smuggle it through in the most congested area possible - where the border guards are overwhelmed and are only looking for obvious cases.
So, you blend in, look normal and smuggle over almost anything you want.

That is common knowledge for anyone with ANY decent amount of street sense.

Common sense tells me you are in the final stages of TDS..


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I believe the El Chapo drug cartel members are telling the truth. They have the money and sophistication to smuggle several tons of drugs at a time into the U.S. using airplanes, large boats, and hidden places in semi trucks.

Whereas, it's small independent drug smugglers who use thousands of illegal immigrants to hand carry smaller amounts of drugs across the border everyday. These are the people the Wall is being build to stop. .:cool:
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Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling

El Chapo ... hero of the loony left and beloved of the fake media parasites

Definitely .. I would trust Trump, after all, why wallow in liberal duplicity and despair.. :lol:
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Come on RW, you're smart enough to know that if you intensify screening at the ports-of-entry, the cartels will use tunnels, planes, boats, or horses to smuggle drugs in. The solution has to be an "all of the above". My brother was in the AF on the southern border, and said that radar could track all the drug planes coming over, but were not allowed to coordinate with DEA or local police.

Also, the wall isn't just about drug smuggling, its also about human trafficking as well as stopping the flood of migrants and MS-13 members coming up by the thousands in cartel promoted caravans.
You concentrate on your greatest weakness

Right now, that weakness is not the lack of walls in remote areas
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Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling

El Chapo ... hero of the loony left and beloved of the fake media parasites

Definitely .. I would trust Trump, why wallow in liberal duplicity..

Let’s see....

Who is more trustworthy?
A ruthless drug lord or the President of the United States?

That is how low we have sunk
Traffickers at El Chapo trial say drugs aren't coming into the US through open parts of the border - CNN

Most drugs are smuggled into the United States onboard fishing boats, trains, tractor-trailers and ordinary cars that come into the country at legal ports of entry, according to former cartel members who've testified in the trial of notorious cartel leader Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman.

Some cartel members have testified about using underground tunnels. But none have said they've transported drugs into the United States at unwalled sections of the border.

So much for the Presidents fear mongering that his wall is needed to stop drug smuggling

El Chapo ... hero of the loony left and beloved of the fake media parasites

Definitely .. I would trust Trump, why wallow in liberal duplicity..

Let’s see....

Who is more trustworthy?
A ruthless drug lord or the President of the United States?

That is how low we have sunk

No doubt, you Democrats are loooosing it.. but thanks, I'm entertained ...:wink_2:

Come on RW, you're smart enough to know that if you intensify screening at the ports-of-entry, the cartels will use tunnels, planes, boats, or horses to smuggle drugs in. The solution has to be an "all of the above". My brother was in the AF on the southern border, and said that radar could track all the drug planes coming over, but were not allowed to coordinate with DEA or local police.

Also, the wall isn't just about drug smuggling, its also about human trafficking as well as stopping the flood of migrants and MS-13 members coming up by the thousands in cartel promoted caravans.

Most illegals come in through either ports of entry or through legally-acquired, expired visa's...NOT through scurrying through the border in the middle of nowhere. It's common knowledge to anyone that bothers to read about it.

Most illegal immigration doesn't come through the Mexican border where Trump wants to build a wall
The 2,000 Mile Wall in Search of a Purpose: Since 2007 Visa Overstays have Outnumbered Undocumented Border Crossers by a Half Million - The Center for Migration Studies of New York (CMS)

Besides, Trump's fence is a joke if he thinks that thing is going to keep anyone remotely determined out. I would guess a welding/cutting torch and less than 30 minutes will make mince meat of his latest joke of a 'wall'.

And why is Trump not calling for FAR tougher sentences for those who hire illegals? That is a cheap and easy way to discourage illegals.

The answer is obvious - lots of Reps hire LOTS of illegals.

1. Your point that visa overstays outnumber illegal border crossers is correct but misleading. They are BOTH about 400,000 per year. So Congress needs to address BOTH problems.
2. The wall works, please read the link below. The Border Patrol are the only EXPERTS in this matter.
Border Patrol Makes Its Case For An Expanded 'Border Barrier'
3. If anyone tries to cut thru the wall video cameras will notify Border Patrol
4. The dems in Congress need to revise the immigration laws to make sentences touigher, not Trump. He would gladly support that effort.

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