Who pays with their life in a rape?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Akin's point was why is an innocent life taken for the possibility that someone said they were raped?
Akin said:
It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape,
the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something.
You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

So the woman who may or may not be at fault, doesn't have to pay.
The rapist May or may not be convicted and may or not pay with conviction and or sentence.
BUT the baby will pay with their life!

Does this seem quite fair?
I've read the many comments here and most of the hysterically rantings against Akin was the use of the phrase "legitimate rape" assuming he at the worst case advocated a woman can be legitimately raped!
But as is wont with the majority of the intellectually challenged.. they jumped to conclusions when someone was speaking over their heads!
If we have abortion that ends the life of the baby, why not death penalty for the rapist! Everyone agrees that the person truly at fault is the rapist. If anyone should pay with their lives, it should be him.

There might be several months between the rape and the abortion. Certainly a woman who uses that time to plan and execute a method to end the rapist's life should be equally as innocent of murder in that case as in abortion.
part of the problem that the majority of hysterical, jump to conclusion excited people that jumped all over Akin's comment is they suffer from reader's comprehension of 4th graders!
Nobody has the right to forcibly implant anything into someone else's body, and society doesn't have the right to forcibly make the woman go through a pregnancy and labor growing a demonic human being's (the Rapist's) DNA inside of her.
Akin's point was why is an innocent life taken for the possibility that someone said they were raped?
Akin said:
It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape,
the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something.
You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

So the woman who may or may not be at fault, doesn't have to pay.
The rapist May or may not be convicted and may or not pay with conviction and or sentence.
BUT the baby will pay with their life!

Does this seem quite fair?

This is a question you need to be asking those who

a) want to convey personhood to the fetus, but

b) still want to allow the killing of what they consider a person via exceptions for rape and incest.

The above is what the establishment Republicans, including Romney and Ryan, are now trying to present themselves as.

Most pro-choice people, if I am not mistaken, disagree with the fundamental argument that the fetus is a person.

If you believe a fetus is a person, then intellectual honesty as well as your own personal morality relating to that belief should compel you to accept NO exceptions,

except perhaps for 'life of the mother'.
By what hypocrisy do we maintain that we do not make decisions of life and death over people every day? Every month a woman is not pregnant, a 'life' passes unborn! True, but absurd! Many countries, most of the US included, execute people for crimes, putting acts and even material goods over life. Every day tax dollars kill living innocent beings all over the world for something someone calls a cause, but to the mother of the dead, the cause is much less clear and much less worthwhile.
No one but the potential mother should have the right to decide for that 'mother' whether or not she should go through the experience of bearing a child to term. If there are consequences in moral terms, they are hers.
If you agree to exceptions to the protection of the fetus for such as rape and incest,

you have essentially refuted your own argument that the fetus is a person.

I've been saying that for years.
If those who think abortion is killing were honest, they would attack the clinics and the doctors. If they really had the courage of their 'conviction', they would carry out acts to stop it. Then they would be confronted and bear the responsibility of their acts. They don't dare. Thus, they mouth words and spout accusations, but do not put themselves on the line. If they are not prepared to go the distance, they should keep their words to themselves.
Nobody has the right to forcibly implant anything into someone else's body, and society doesn't have the right to forcibly make the woman go through a pregnancy and labor growing a demonic human being's (the Rapist's) DNA inside of her.

So you are :
A) suggesting behavior modification i.e. SCHOOLS,education, college degrees won't help
because it is DNA the baby will be no good? So they baby should die?
B) Suggesting that I shouldn't be forced to pay through my tax dollars for an abortion that
I'm not in favor of using my tax dollars? Same thing as the woman going through pregnancy!

C) Finally if society doesn't have the right do you think it is right for a woman to be unquestioned when she cries rape "illegitimately"?

You can't be that naive to believe at least one or more abortions have been done and two innocent people hurt one by death one by imprisonment because a woman cried "rape"?


Check out the above Brian Banks story... oh did I mention he's a black man???
Brian Banks Rape Case | Breaking News for Black America
Akin's point was why is an innocent life taken for the possibility that someone said they were raped?
Akin said:
It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape,
the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something.
You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

So the woman who may or may not be at fault, doesn't have to pay.
The rapist May or may not be convicted and may or not pay with conviction and or sentence.
BUT the baby will pay with their life!

Does this seem quite fair?
The woman isn't at fault if she's raped, fuckwad.
Nobody has the right to forcibly implant anything into someone else's body, and society doesn't have the right to forcibly make the woman go through a pregnancy and labor growing a demonic human being's (the Rapist's) DNA inside of her.

So you are :
A) suggesting behavior modification i.e. SCHOOLS,education, college degrees won't help
because it is DNA the baby will be no good? So they baby should die?
B) Suggesting that I shouldn't be forced to pay through my tax dollars for an abortion that
I'm not in favor of using my tax dollars? Same thing as the woman going through pregnancy!

C) Finally if society doesn't have the right do you think it is right for a woman to be unquestioned when she cries rape "illegitimately"?

You can't be that naive to believe at least one or more abortions have been done and two innocent people hurt one by death one by imprisonment because a woman cried "rape"?

View attachment 20647

Check out the above Brian Banks story... oh did I mention he's a black man???
Brian Banks Rape Case | Breaking News for Black America

It's already illegal to falsely accuse someone of rape, that point is irrelevant.

My point still stands, and you haven't said much in dispute of it at all.
This whole rape/incest business is a distraction from the more important fact that Republicans want to criminalize either 100% or 99% of abortions.
Akin's point was why is an innocent life taken for the possibility that someone said they were raped?
Akin said:
It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape,
the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something.
You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

So the woman who may or may not be at fault, doesn't have to pay.
The rapist May or may not be convicted and may or not pay with conviction and or sentence.
BUT the baby will pay with their life!

Does this seem quite fair?

A zygote is not a baby
Akin's point was why is an innocent life taken for the possibility that someone said they were raped?
Akin said:
It seems to me, first of all, from what I understand from doctors, that's really rare. If it's a legitimate rape,
the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.
But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something.
You know, I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.
GOP Rep. Todd Akin Criticized For Rape Comment : NPR

So the woman who may or may not be at fault, doesn't have to pay.
The rapist May or may not be convicted and may or not pay with conviction and or sentence.
BUT the baby will pay with their life!

Does this seem quite fair?

The rapist should pay with their life. BIG PERIOD.
love those 'small government conservatives'...

except when they're legislating their morality into law.

and yet... yet... i've never seen anyone smart enough to make anyone else's moral decisions... particularly people who think the earth is 5,000 years old.
people have a right to control what happens INSIDE their bodies.

The second sceince can make it so a man can gestate a zygote then you can "adopt" them and gestate them.
This whole rape/incest business is a distraction from the more important fact that Republicans want to criminalize either 100% or 99% of abortions.

No dummy.... we are sick of the rape/incest excuse for abortions when only @ 5% of rapes result in pregnancies.

Why is that so hard to understand?

Oh its not.... you all just don't want to understand.

But you guys will bend over backwards to defend Biden... :eusa_clap: Way to go dipshits!

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