Who killed Seth Rich?

I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.

You think we believe they're doing it personally?

27 investigations, $100 million dollars of tax payer money to investigate the Clintons and not one piece of evidence, not one witness, not one charge.

You cannot keep secrets in Washington - as Donald Trump is quickly finding out. Someone will always rat you out. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Johnson.

And yet not one person ratted out the Clintons, except for Bill's affairs.

Most of these investigations were based on rumours Republicans just made up with no evidence. Like the Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Foster's family knew that Vince was deeply depressed and his sister said she had been actively looking for a doctor to treat him when he died.

Ken Starr investigated the rumours and found nothing to lead him to believe the death was anything but a suicide.

Starr has publicly apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he called a partisan witch hunt. But here you are making sick partisan accusations of murder against people who you should be apologizing to for your ignorance and stupidity in promoting such lies.
Is there a single Democrat who actually cares about the lives of Seth Rich and the rest???


Democrats do not care about the lives of other Democrats. Democrats just care about

I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.

You think we believe they're doing it personally?

27 investigations, $100 million dollars of tax payer money to investigate the Clintons and not one piece of evidence, not one witness, not one charge.

You cannot keep secrets in Washington - as Donald Trump is quickly finding out. Someone will always rat you out. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Johnson.

And yet not one person ratted out the Clintons, except for Bill's affairs.

Most of these investigations were based on rumours Republicans just made up with no evidence. Like the Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Foster's family knew that Vince was deeply depressed and his sister said she had been actively looking for a doctor to treat him when he died.

Ken Starr investigated the rumours and found nothing to lead him to believe the death was anything but a suicide.

Starr has publicly apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he called a partisan witch hunt. But here you are making sick partisan accusations of murder against people who you should be apologizing to for your ignorance and stupidity in promoting such lies.

Yet you want us to spend a 100 millions more on Mueller witch hunt of Trump?

Have the Democrats ever gone this far in terms of pulling out all the stops as they have over the focusing of attention on the murder of Seth Rich?

That Seth Rich was the Wikileaks leaker of the DNC email database is indicated by:

1. Julian Assange has all but said it outright. The only reason he won’t do that is their policy of not officially identifying sources. He put a reward out to catch the killer.

2. The former UK ambassador who works with Wikileaks said he met Seth Rich in a DC park regarding leaking documents.

3. Kim Dotcom said he was in direct communication with Seth Rich and that Seth Rich was the leaker.

The above are first-hand witnesses. When the Dems say there is no evidence that Seth Rich was the leaker, they want you to overlook that.

And we have the circumstancial evidence:

1. The DNC refuses to let their email server be examined by the FBI. If the FBI were not so corrupt under Comey, they would have gotten a warrant and simply seized it. This is supposed to be a national security matter of the highest importance involving Russian government hackers, yada yada yada. The obvious implication is that if honest FBI agents did a forensic examination they would identify downloads of the email file by Seth Rich.

2. Former DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler contacted his old buddies in the DC police department to look into the murder and instead of calling him back they tipped off DNC chair and crooked cheater Donna Brazile who immediately called the Rich family and told them to get Wheeler to stand down.

3. The Dems set their attack dogs like Media Matters on the highest alert to go after anyone on any media platform who discusses the Seth Rich murder, and even attack companies advertising on any media show that mentions the case.

4. The counterclaim, that Russia hacked the emails, is supported by no evidence but rather an ‘analysis’ by CIA guys who were hand-picked by former CIA Director and political uber-hack John Brennan.

So what gives? All of this over a botched robbery? That’s rather hard to believe.

Again you're issue is you're quoting Julian Assange--a wanted criminal that has been hole'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 YEARS surrounded by the UK police avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Who recently leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents on the tactics used to catch terrorists. Who was just labeled a non-state Intelligence enemy of the United States by CIA chief Pompeo.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

The family of Seth Rich threatened FOX NEWS with a lawsuit over the same claims you're making. FOX News was forced to retract this made up bullshit--and YOU as all right wingers do--never have any links to back up your conspiracy theories. You've done it again.

The REASON Seth Rich is so important to FOX NEWS is because they along with every other right wing talk show host--owns DONALD TRUMP. It was Fox News that gave Trump and unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage throughout the primary while ignoring all other candidates. It was Sean Hannity, Ann Colter, and several others that couldn't get enough of Trump--and continually--(without hesitation) drove Trump home to their audiences.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump frequently referenced Julian Assange aka (Wikileaks founder)--and PRAISED HIM on numerous occassions.
Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…

So they used a tragic death of a DNC staffer, and framed a story around Seth Rich to spin this Russian investigation away from them and Julian Assange. That's all this is about.

Since this Russian investigation has turned into a
Criminal Investigation, they are all in full panic spin mode. They are going to do whatever they can get away with to spin this away from Trump and Julian Assange simply to protect their own ass's.

Who loves Wikileaks? Trump and his supporters do.


For full detail on what has been going on in this Russian investigation scroll back to post # 604 on this thread.
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Have the Democrats ever gone this far in terms of pulling out all the stops as they have over the focusing of attention on the murder of Seth Rich?

That Seth Rich was the Wikileaks leaker of the DNC email database is indicated by:

1. Julian Assange has all but said it outright. The only reason he won’t do that is their policy of not officially identifying sources. He put a reward out to catch the killer.

2. The former UK ambassador who works with Wikileaks said he met Seth Rich in a DC park regarding leaking documents.

3. Kim Dotcom said he was in direct communication with Seth Rich and that Seth Rich was the leaker.

The above are first-hand witnesses. When the Dems say there is no evidence that Seth Rich was the leaker, they want you to overlook that.

And we have the circumstancial evidence:

1. The DNC refuses to let their email server be examined by the FBI. If the FBI were not so corrupt under Comey, they would have gotten a warrant and simply seized it. This is supposed to be a national security matter of the highest importance involving Russian government hackers, yada yada yada. The obvious implication is that if honest FBI agents did a forensic examination they would identify downloads of the email file by Seth Rich.

2. Former DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler contacted his old buddies in the DC police department to look into the murder and instead of calling him back they tipped off DNC chair and crooked cheater Donna Brazile who immediately called the Rich family and told them to get Wheeler to stand down.

3. The Dems set their attack dogs like Media Matters on the highest alert to go after anyone on any media platform who discusses the Seth Rich murder, and even attack companies advertising on any media show that mentions the case.

4. The counterclaim, that Russia hacked the emails, is supported by no evidence but rather an ‘analysis’ by CIA guys who were hand-picked by former CIA Director and political uber-hack John Brennan.

So what gives? All of this over a botched robbery? That’s rather hard to believe.

Again you're issue is you're quoting Julian Assange--a wanted criminal that has been hole'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 YEARS surrounded by the UK police avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Who recently leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents on the tactics used to catch terrorists. Who was just labeled a non-state Intelligence enemy of the United States by CIA chief Pompeo.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

The family of Seth Rich threatened FOX NEWS with a lawsuit over the same claims you're making. FOX News was forced to retract this made up bullshit--and YOU as all right wingers do--never have any links to back up your conspiracy theories. You've done it again.

The REASON Seth Rich is so important to FOX NEWS is because they along with every other right wing talk show host--owns DONALD TRUMP. It was Fox News that gave Trump and unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage throughout the primary while ignoring all other candidates. It was Sean Hannity, Ann Colter, and several others that couldn't get enough of Trump--and continually--(without hesitation) drove Trump home to their audiences.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump frequently referenced Julian Assange aka (Wikileaks founder)--and PRAISED HIM on numerous occassions.
Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…

So they used a tragic death of a DNC staffer, and framed a story around Seth Rich to spin this Russian investigation away from them and Julian Assange. That's all this is about.

Since this Russian investigation has turned into a
Criminal Investigation, they are all in full panic spin mode. They are going to do whatever they can get away with to spin this away from Trump and Julian Assange simply to protect their own ass's.

Who loves Wikileaks? Trump and his supporters do.


For full detail on what has been going on in this Russian investigation scroll back to post # 604 on this thread.

Old news!
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

Bullshit- what his family ACTUALLY says is for you politico quacks to stop exploiting Seth's death for another round of looney toons conspiracy theories at their expense.
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

Bullshit- what his family ACTUALLY says is for you politico quacks to stop exploiting Seth's death for another round of looney toons conspiracy theories at their expense.

So? Why would the D.C police notify the DNC that the Seth Rich family had hired a private investigator???????
Have the Democrats ever gone this far in terms of pulling out all the stops as they have over the focusing of attention on the murder of Seth Rich?

That Seth Rich was the Wikileaks leaker of the DNC email database is indicated by:

1. Julian Assange has all but said it outright. The only reason he won’t do that is their policy of not officially identifying sources. He put a reward out to catch the killer.

2. The former UK ambassador who works with Wikileaks said he met Seth Rich in a DC park regarding leaking documents.

3. Kim Dotcom said he was in direct communication with Seth Rich and that Seth Rich was the leaker.

The above are first-hand witnesses. When the Dems say there is no evidence that Seth Rich was the leaker, they want you to overlook that.

And we have the circumstancial evidence:

1. The DNC refuses to let their email server be examined by the FBI. If the FBI were not so corrupt under Comey, they would have gotten a warrant and simply seized it. This is supposed to be a national security matter of the highest importance involving Russian government hackers, yada yada yada. The obvious implication is that if honest FBI agents did a forensic examination they would identify downloads of the email file by Seth Rich.

2. Former DC homicide detective Rod Wheeler contacted his old buddies in the DC police department to look into the murder and instead of calling him back they tipped off DNC chair and crooked cheater Donna Brazile who immediately called the Rich family and told them to get Wheeler to stand down.

3. The Dems set their attack dogs like Media Matters on the highest alert to go after anyone on any media platform who discusses the Seth Rich murder, and even attack companies advertising on any media show that mentions the case.

4. The counterclaim, that Russia hacked the emails, is supported by no evidence but rather an ‘analysis’ by CIA guys who were hand-picked by former CIA Director and political uber-hack John Brennan.

So what gives? All of this over a botched robbery? That’s rather hard to believe.

Again you're issue is you're quoting Julian Assange--a wanted criminal that has been hole'd up in the Ecuador embassy in London for the last 4 YEARS surrounded by the UK police avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges on what he did to G.W. Bush. Who recently leaked 1000's of CIA classified documents on the tactics used to catch terrorists. Who was just labeled a non-state Intelligence enemy of the United States by CIA chief Pompeo.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

The family of Seth Rich threatened FOX NEWS with a lawsuit over the same claims you're making. FOX News was forced to retract this made up bullshit--and YOU as all right wingers do--never have any links to back up your conspiracy theories. You've done it again.

The REASON Seth Rich is so important to FOX NEWS is because they along with every other right wing talk show host--owns DONALD TRUMP. It was Fox News that gave Trump and unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage throughout the primary while ignoring all other candidates. It was Sean Hannity, Ann Colter, and several others that couldn't get enough of Trump--and continually--(without hesitation) drove Trump home to their audiences.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity and Donald Trump frequently referenced Julian Assange aka (Wikileaks founder)--and PRAISED HIM on numerous occassions.
Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…

So they used a tragic death of a DNC staffer, and framed a story around Seth Rich to spin this Russian investigation away from them and Julian Assange. That's all this is about.

Since this Russian investigation has turned into a
Criminal Investigation, they are all in full panic spin mode. They are going to do whatever they can get away with to spin this away from Trump and Julian Assange simply to protect their own ass's.

Who loves Wikileaks? Trump and his supporters do.


For full detail on what has been going on in this Russian investigation scroll back to post # 604 on this thread.

Have you done any research about the Seth Rich murder and all that things that are being revealed about it? Seth was the leaker to Wikileaks....no two ways about it....and this Russia narrative is nothing but pure deflection. Fortunately,this isn't going away any time soon and it is festering within the truther community. Sean Hannity has been shut down from talking about it but alternative media has taken this up because it ties into the major players pf "Pizzagate" and the world wide pedophile ring as well. The level of corruption including the D.C police department and how Seth Rich's personal laptop was confiscated is absolutely staggering. They took his laptop..... but yet they seem to have misplaced it? If it was a botched robbery attempt? Why would they need to hold his laptop?? When the Rich family hired a private investigator, why did someone within the D.C police department contact the DNC to notify them?

Why did the DNC (after learning of the hiring of the private investigator did they persuade Seth's family to take on DNC "fixer" and public relations guru to be their spokesperson? Bob Bauman is like the Harvey Keitel character "The Wolf" in the movie "Pulp Fiction"....he is the "fixer"...the one that is called in for damage control. Why did Seth Rich's family publicly express thanks for those looking into his murder suddenly backtrack and then claim that they had full faith in the D.C police department? If they had full faith in the D.C police department, why did they want a private investigator? Why did Julian Assange offer a 20,000 dollar reward for information leading to the arrest of the culprit shortly after the death of Seth Rich? We have the testimony of a U.K ambassador to Uzbekistan by the name of Craig Murray that took the thumb drive containing the damning evidence of corruption and collusion of high crimes and treason of the DNC through Wikileaks contact via Gavin MacFadyen that is also dead......what are the odds? They claim he had lung cancer and died shortly after the diagnosis.......whether he truly died of cancer and so quickly is not proof that he was injected with a fast acting cancer, but it is just another incredible coincidence.

What absolutely floors me is that the revelations of the links never come into play....the stealing of the nomination for Hillary, the collusion of the press and the dirty tactics of the DNC to steal the election never comes up in the conversation at all.....it's all about which entity revealed it and that it had to be the ROOSKIES!!!! You can't put this genie back in the bottle. Alternative media has grabbed onto it because we don't have a swamp in D.C, we have a cesspool of corrupted pedophiles that are compromised from both political parties. If the sheeple were to ever learn the things that I know? There would be a storming of the capital of D.C that would shake this country to it's very core.
Anyone figured out yet who ordered the DC police to drop the case and stick to the lie that it was a robbery?
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

Bullshit- what his family ACTUALLY says is for you politico quacks to stop exploiting Seth's death for another round of looney toons conspiracy theories at their expense.

So? Why would the D.C police notify the DNC that the Seth Rich family had hired a private investigator???????

THEY DID NOT, what you just said is pure fabrication.
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

Bullshit- what his family ACTUALLY says is for you politico quacks to stop exploiting Seth's death for another round of looney toons conspiracy theories at their expense.

So? Why would the D.C police notify the DNC that the Seth Rich family had hired a private investigator???????

THEY DID NOT, what you just said is pure fabrication.

Yeah, they did.........and why did the D.C police take his laptop computer into custody and then claim that they can't find it?

This might need to go to the conspiracy theory area.
I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.

You think we believe they're doing it personally?

27 investigations, $100 million dollars of tax payer money to investigate the Clintons and not one piece of evidence, not one witness, not one charge.

You cannot keep secrets in Washington - as Donald Trump is quickly finding out. Someone will always rat you out. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Johnson.

And yet not one person ratted out the Clintons, except for Bill's affairs.

Most of these investigations were based on rumours Republicans just made up with no evidence. Like the Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Foster's family knew that Vince was deeply depressed and his sister said she had been actively looking for a doctor to treat him when he died.

Ken Starr investigated the rumours and found nothing to lead him to believe the death was anything but a suicide.

Starr has publicly apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he called a partisan witch hunt. But here you are making sick partisan accusations of murder against people who you should be apologizing to for your ignorance and stupidity in promoting such lies.

Yet you want us to spend a 100 millions more on Mueller witch hunt of Trump?


Here's the difference. This Russia investigation is based on facts, not Democrat rumours. Flynn was in pay of the Turkish government, which violated the law. He was in touch with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions after the inauguration and lied about it. Trump knew about this and only fired Flynn when this knowledge became public.

Trump has business ties to both Russian oligarchs and banks. The extent of which is unknown because he refuses to release his tax returns.

Last but certainly not least, Trump is acting very guilty - firing Comey, trying to prevent Susan Yates from testifying, and lying about Obama wiretapping his campaign. That's what guilty people do.

At no time in the 27 investigations against them, did the Clintons fire those investigating them or do anything other than cooperate. That's how you act when you have nothing to hide.
I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.

You think we believe they're doing it personally?

27 investigations, $100 million dollars of tax payer money to investigate the Clintons and not one piece of evidence, not one witness, not one charge.

You cannot keep secrets in Washington - as Donald Trump is quickly finding out. Someone will always rat you out. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Johnson.

And yet not one person ratted out the Clintons, except for Bill's affairs.

Most of these investigations were based on rumours Republicans just made up with no evidence. Like the Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Foster's family knew that Vince was deeply depressed and his sister said she had been actively looking for a doctor to treat him when he died.

Ken Starr investigated the rumours and found nothing to lead him to believe the death was anything but a suicide.

Starr has publicly apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he called a partisan witch hunt. But here you are making sick partisan accusations of murder against people who you should be apologizing to for your ignorance and stupidity in promoting such lies.

Yet you want us to spend a 100 millions more on Mueller witch hunt of Trump?


Here's the difference. This Russia investigation is based on facts, not Democrat rumours. Flynn was in pay of the Turkish government, which violated the law. He was in touch with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions after the inauguration and lied about it. Trump knew about this and only fired Flynn when this knowledge became public.

Trump has business ties to both Russian oligarchs and banks. The extent of which is unknown because he refuses to release his tax returns.

Last but certainly not least, Trump is acting very guilty - firing Comey, trying to prevent Susan Yates from testifying, and lying about Obama wiretapping his campaign. That's what guilty people do.

At no time in the 27 investigations against them, did the Clintons fire those investigating them or do anything other than cooperate. That's how you act when you have nothing to hide.
There is no evidence, period!
I pray and and sincerely hope justice is served in the killing of Seth Rich.

The Clinton trail of bodies can not continue to go unabated!

What has this become? a banana Republic?:mad-61:

If you believe the Clintons are killing people, you are too stupid to be one person.

You think we believe they're doing it personally?

27 investigations, $100 million dollars of tax payer money to investigate the Clintons and not one piece of evidence, not one witness, not one charge.

You cannot keep secrets in Washington - as Donald Trump is quickly finding out. Someone will always rat you out. Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Johnson.

And yet not one person ratted out the Clintons, except for Bill's affairs.

Most of these investigations were based on rumours Republicans just made up with no evidence. Like the Clinton killed Vince Foster.

Foster's family knew that Vince was deeply depressed and his sister said she had been actively looking for a doctor to treat him when he died.

Ken Starr investigated the rumours and found nothing to lead him to believe the death was anything but a suicide.

Starr has publicly apologized to the Clintons for his part in what he called a partisan witch hunt. But here you are making sick partisan accusations of murder against people who you should be apologizing to for your ignorance and stupidity in promoting such lies.

Yet you want us to spend a 100 millions more on Mueller witch hunt of Trump?


Here's the difference. This Russia investigation is based on facts, not Democrat rumours. Flynn was in pay of the Turkish government, which violated the law. He was in touch with the Russian ambassador about lifting sanctions after the inauguration and lied about it. Trump knew about this and only fired Flynn when this knowledge became public.

Trump has business ties to both Russian oligarchs and banks. The extent of which is unknown because he refuses to release his tax returns.

Last but certainly not least, Trump is acting very guilty - firing Comey, trying to prevent Susan Yates from testifying, and lying about Obama wiretapping his campaign. That's what guilty people do.

At no time in the 27 investigations against them, did the Clintons fire those investigating them or do anything other than cooperate. That's how you act when you have nothing to hide.

Nothing to hide?....

You said that with a straight face?


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