Who killed Seth Rich?

25 years of bs character assassination from Fox Rush etc etc, for dupes only. ALL investigated and NOTHING. Stupid country, stupid media. Thank god for the constitution...
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

NOT TRUE: FOX News had to retract this story yesterday--because Seth Rich's family threatened a law suit over it.

"A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich – an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington, D.C. – Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.
“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post


FOX News--in collusion with Sean Hannity is desperately trying to spiin Wikileaks away from it's founder Julian Assange and this Russian--NOW
Criminal Investigation. Why? Because they own Donald Trump along with every other right wing talk show host who sold Donald Trump to their audiences.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

FOX News turned into the Trump media network during the primary--giving Trump an unprecendented 2 BILLION in free news coverage while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own him now--and ALL of them are 100% responsible for Donald Trump. This has sent them all into full panic spin mode.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity & Donald Trump have both frequently praised Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy in London--surrounded by UK police--for the last 4 YEARS, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Recently Julian Assange leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists around the world the tactics used to catch them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

CIA director Pompeo--just labeled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this country. Of course, Pompeo praised Wikileaks when it was DNC emails he was leaking, but not now.
They want Julian Assange's head on platter now.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

So FOX NEWS uses a tragic death of DNC staffer---and basically called him a traitor to this country stating he had contacted Wikileaks before his death and or on his computer to spin this story "away" from Julian Assange the real
CRIMINAL to save face and to protect Donald Trump & Sean Hannity.

Because we know who LOVES Wikileaks. Trump & his supporters do.

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…


FOX News has lost all credibility--and literally ranks lower than a tabloid magazine. The place where you can concoct any conspiracy you want too, and they'll repeat it. Especially on Trump's fairy godfather show--Sean Hannity.

False! It was a local Fox affiliate that retracted their story about the PI Rod Wheeler being paid by a third party to investigate Seth Rich. Hannity has spoken with the Seth Rich family and are on good terms. Hannity tweeted this earlier he'll continue.

Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Not giving up at all. I'm working harder than ever to get to the truth the family wants and deserves. Stay tuned.

5:53 AM · May 24, 2017

When someone is threatening to sue your ass off--it's not a "friendly relationship"--LOL--no matter how much they put on the smiles. I don't care if it's a FOX affiliate--Sean Hannity ran with it on his program--and FOX News had to admit it was FALSE or face the consequences of a law suit.

There's a reason for jumping to a FALSE conclusion and it's all over my post # 598. It's got to be pretty embarrassing for Sean Hannity & Trump to have video's of them PRAISING Julian Assange who was just labeled a HOSTILE INTELLIGENCE enemy of this nation.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

They OWN Trump they know it. They are in full panic spin mode.

And it would be very interesting to know who is this supposed 3rd party who is paying for this private investigator? As stated it's not the family. If it is FOX News or anyone connected with Trump--then they're really hanging themselves up on a credibility line with possible liable suits coming out their ears.

in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

NOT TRUE: FOX News had to retract this story yesterday--because Seth Rich's family threatened a law suit over it.

"A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich – an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington, D.C. – Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.
“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post


FOX News--in collusion with Sean Hannity is desperately trying to spiin Wikileaks away from it's founder Julian Assange and this Russian--NOW
Criminal Investigation. Why? Because they own Donald Trump along with every other right wing talk show host who sold Donald Trump to their audiences.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

FOX News turned into the Trump media network during the primary--giving Trump an unprecendented 2 BILLION in free news coverage while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own him now--and ALL of them are 100% responsible for Donald Trump. This has sent them all into full panic spin mode.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity & Donald Trump have both frequently praised Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy in London--surrounded by UK police--for the last 4 YEARS, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Recently Julian Assange leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists around the world the tactics used to catch them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

CIA director Pompeo--just labeled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this country. Of course, Pompeo praised Wikileaks when it was DNC emails he was leaking, but not now.
They want Julian Assange's head on platter now.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

So FOX NEWS uses a tragic death of DNC staffer---and basically called him a traitor to this country stating he had contacted Wikileaks before his death and or on his computer to spin this story "away" from Julian Assange the real
CRIMINAL to save face and to protect Donald Trump & Sean Hannity.

Because we know who LOVES Wikileaks. Trump & his supporters do.

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…


FOX News has lost all credibility--and literally ranks lower than a tabloid magazine. The place where you can concoct any conspiracy you want too, and they'll repeat it. Especially on Trump's fairy godfather show--Sean Hannity.

False! It was a local Fox affiliate that retracted their story about the PI Rod Wheeler being paid by a third party to investigate Seth Rich. Hannity has spoken with the Seth Rich family and are on good terms. Hannity tweeted this earlier he'll continue.

Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Not giving up at all. I'm working harder than ever to get to the truth the family wants and deserves. Stay tuned.

5:53 AM · May 24, 2017

When someone is threatening to sue your ass off--it's not a "friendly relationship"--LOL--no matter how much they put on the smiles. I don't care if it's a FOX affiliate--Sean Hannity ran with it on his program--and FOX News had to admit it was FALSE or face the consequences of a law suit.

There's a reason for jumping to a FALSE conclusion and it's all over my post # 598. It's got to be pretty embarrassing for Sean Hannity & Trump to have video's of them PRAISING Julian Assange who was just labeled a HOSTILE INTELLIGENCE enemy of this nation.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

They OWN Trump they know it. They are in full panic spin mode.

And it would be very interesting to know who is this supposed 3rd party who is paying for this private investigator? As stated it's not the family. If it is FOX News or anyone connected with Trump--then they're really hanging themselves up on a credibility line with possible liable suits coming out their ears.


Fox has no basis to determine if the story is false. Neither does the family but we'll get to the bottom of this murder one way or another. Gateway Pundit, Reddit and 4chan is doing a remarkable job connecting the dots as I spread the information across the web on forums to make the people aware. This is a diligent effort to get the truth and success is on the horizon.

From Hannity yesterday:

[Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Ok TO BE CLEAR, I am closer to the TRUTH than ever. Not only am I not stopping, I am working harder. Updates when available. Stay tuned!

9:51 PM · May 23, 2017]
The Trump-snowflakes are pulling out all the stops to deflect from Trump. They're resurrecting every conspiracy theory they ever created about anyone.
Actually this one goes well with the liberal Russian BS conspiracy theory.

You don't know a hell of a lot with that comment--and it's probably because you're watching FOX News.

What is known right now:

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

In this FOX News 8 minute video--Shep Smith explains that Trump surrogates where not only on the phone with the Russian Ambassador but with Russian intellience agents, including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

John McCain wants to know why the Republican platform changed to "we will not arm Ukranians against pro Russian Seperatists" was put into the Republican platform during the convention in July. Link above--More Trump adviser admit meeting with the Russian ambassader at the RNC convention.

Adam Schiff cochair of the House intelligence committee had this to say.

Jeff Sessions: Also accused of lying under oath to congress that he had not met with any Russians during the campaign season. Some think he misunderstood the question, but he did fill out a questionaire prior to the hearing and checked a box NO that he had no contact with any Russians. Then he refused to go back to congress to clairify. Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the Russian investigation.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

Michael Flynn: Lied to the FBI--which is a felony. Did not disclose he was acting as a foreign agent--being a paid lobbyist for Turkey--at 500K--and also being paid by Russian T.V. Grand Jury subpeonas went out on Flynn last week.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey.
Trump fires FBI director James Comey - CNNPolitics.com

Then admits Obstruction of Justice in this video.

Trump meets with Russians in the Oval office. He lets Russian media in, while blocking American media, and during the process leaks highly sensitive classified information to the Russians.
Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'


Then gets enraged because the Russians tweeted out this picture.

White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos - CNNPolitics.com

5/17/2017 The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION started.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

So Republicans have two options.
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.

The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Over the next coming months--you're going to hear these names mentioned a lot. Jerad Kushner (Trump's son in law)--Paul Manafort--Carter Page--Michael Flynn--Roger Stone and whomever else was involved in this.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

Now you know why this Seth Rich conspiracy which FOX News had to retract is so important to FOX News and your rightwing talk show hosts.

Last edited:
Fox has no basis to determine if the story is false. Neither does the family but we'll get to the bottom of this murder one way or another.

The problem is Fox had no proof one way or the other what happened. Yet they reported Seth Rich was killed for leaking DNC e-mails to wikileaks with nothing to support that accusation.
No evidence of any conspiracy, RWNJs. Nor of any Clinton or Obama corruption or any of the other crap Fox Rush etc etc have been going on about for 25 years, and the dupes believe to this day. A disgrace.
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

NOT TRUE: FOX News had to retract this story yesterday--because Seth Rich's family threatened a law suit over it.

"A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich – an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington, D.C. – Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.
“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post


FOX News--in collusion with Sean Hannity is desperately trying to spiin Wikileaks away from it's founder Julian Assange and this Russian--NOW
Criminal Investigation. Why? Because they own Donald Trump along with every other right wing talk show host who sold Donald Trump to their audiences.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

FOX News turned into the Trump media network during the primary--giving Trump an unprecendented 2 BILLION in free news coverage while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own him now--and ALL of them are 100% responsible for Donald Trump. This has sent them all into full panic spin mode.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity & Donald Trump have both frequently praised Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy in London--surrounded by UK police--for the last 4 YEARS, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Recently Julian Assange leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists around the world the tactics used to catch them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

CIA director Pompeo--just labeled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this country. Of course, Pompeo praised Wikileaks when it was DNC emails he was leaking, but not now.
They want Julian Assange's head on platter now.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

So FOX NEWS uses a tragic death of DNC staffer---and basically called him a traitor to this country stating he had contacted Wikileaks before his death and or on his computer to spin this story "away" from Julian Assange the real
CRIMINAL to save face and to protect Donald Trump & Sean Hannity.

Because we know who LOVES Wikileaks. Trump & his supporters do.

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…


FOX News has lost all credibility--and literally ranks lower than a tabloid magazine. The place where you can concoct any conspiracy you want too, and they'll repeat it. Especially on Trump's fairy godfather show--Sean Hannity.

False! It was a local Fox affiliate that retracted their story about the PI Rod Wheeler being paid by a third party to investigate Seth Rich. Hannity has spoken with the Seth Rich family and are on good terms. Hannity tweeted this earlier he'll continue.

Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Not giving up at all. I'm working harder than ever to get to the truth the family wants and deserves. Stay tuned.

5:53 AM · May 24, 2017

When someone is threatening to sue your ass off--it's not a "friendly relationship"--LOL--no matter how much they put on the smiles. I don't care if it's a FOX affiliate--Sean Hannity ran with it on his program--and FOX News had to admit it was FALSE or face the consequences of a law suit.

There's a reason for jumping to a FALSE conclusion and it's all over my post # 598. It's got to be pretty embarrassing for Sean Hannity & Trump to have video's of them PRAISING Julian Assange who was just labeled a HOSTILE INTELLIGENCE enemy of this nation.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

They OWN Trump they know it. They are in full panic spin mode.

And it would be very interesting to know who is this supposed 3rd party who is paying for this private investigator? As stated it's not the family. If it is FOX News or anyone connected with Trump--then they're really hanging themselves up on a credibility line with possible liable suits coming out their ears.


Fox has no basis to determine if the story is false. Neither does the family but we'll get to the bottom of this murder one way or another. Gateway Pundit, Reddit and 4chan is doing a remarkable job connecting the dots as I spread the information across the web on forums to make the people aware. This is a diligent effort to get the truth and success is on the horizon.

From Hannity yesterday:

[Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Ok TO BE CLEAR, I am closer to the TRUTH than ever. Not only am I not stopping, I am working harder. Updates when available. Stay tuned!

9:51 PM · May 23, 2017]

The HELL they don't. Ethics in journalism. All stories have to be confirmed and reconfirmed to avoid LAW SUITS. Otherwise they're just a Tabloid Magazine--and will be recognized as that.
No evidence of any conspiracy, RWNJs. Nor of any Clinton or Obama corruption or any of the other crap Fox Rush etc etc have been going on about for 25 years, and the dupes believe to this day. A disgrace.

Like they say--trying to reason with a Trump supporter, is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee. They have been brain washed to believe that they can only watch FOX News--and listen to right wing talk show hosts, either radio or on FOX & only read right wing media sites over the last two decades--whom have convinced them that all other media is FAKE. They stuff their audiences full of 3 or more daily hours of right wing hyperbole, half truths and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling.

They've dumbed down this country so much, that this country just elected a T.V. reality star, that is looking to not make it into his second year as this Russian investigation just turned into a Criminal investigation as of last week.

It's one thing to be stupid about something but it's quite a different circumstance when a person insists on remaining stupid. That is the award given to a Trump supporter.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains

Here are a couple of great articles about this
Donald Trump broke the conservative media
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump


They are all in full panic spin mode right now. They know they OWN Trump--and that's why this Seth Rich's conspiracy was so important to them. FOX News has egg all over their faces by being forced to retract their conspiracy story or face the legal consequences of a major liable suit.
Last edited:
Fox has no basis to determine if the story is false. Neither does the family but we'll get to the bottom of this murder one way or another.

The problem is Fox had no proof one way or the other what happened. Yet they reported Seth Rich was killed for leaking DNC e-mails to wikileaks with nothing to support that accusation.
You don't know what they have yet. Kim DotCom is strategizing with his lawyers on the evidence he has proving Seth was the leaker. I urge patience.
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

NOT TRUE: FOX News had to retract this story yesterday--because Seth Rich's family threatened FOX News with a law suit over it.

"A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich – an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington, D.C. – Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.
“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post


FOX News--in collusion with Sean Hannity is desperately trying to spiin Wikileaks away from it's founder Julian Assange and this Russian--NOW
Criminal Investigation. Why? Because they own Donald Trump along with every other right wing talk show host who sold Donald Trump to their audiences.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

FOX News turned into the Trump media network during the primary--giving Trump an unprecendented 2 BILLION in free news coverage while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own him now--and ALL of them are 100% responsible for Donald Trump. This has sent them all into full panic spin mode.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity & Donald Trump have both frequently praised Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy in London--surrounded by UK police--for the last 4 YEARS, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Recently Julian Assange leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists around the world the tactics used to catch them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

CIA director Pompeo--just labeled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this country. Of course, Pompeo praised Wikileaks when it was DNC emails he was leaking, but not now.
They want Julian Assange's head on platter now.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

So FOX NEWS uses a tragic death of DNC staffer---and basically called him a traitor to this country stating he had contacted Wikileaks before his death and or had Wikileaks on his computer to spin this story "away" from Julian Assange the real
CRIMINAL to save face and to protect Donald Trump & Sean Hannity.

Because we know who LOVES Wikileaks. Trump & his supporters do.

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…


Sean Hannity loves Julian Assange also.
Sean Hannity to Julian Assange: ‘You’ve Done Us a Favor’

FOX News has lost all credibility--and literally ranks lower than a tabloid magazine. The place where you can concoct any conspiracy you want too, and they'll repeat it. Especially on Trump's fairy godfather show--Sean Hannity. Their viewership has dropped off a cliff--CNN is kicking their ass--and I don't see them coming back after Donald Trump.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

sorry snowflake

now another has come forward

verifying was the leaker

because he too was involved
in july of 2016 Seth a democrat staffer was gunned down in cold blood

as of late the family says they have proof he was emailing wikileaks

Marina Marraco on Twitter

NOT TRUE: FOX News had to retract this story yesterday--because Seth Rich's family threatened a law suit over it.

"A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich – an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington, D.C. – Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.
“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”
Fox News retracts controversial story on Seth Rich’s death, alleged WikiLeaks contact – The Denver Post


FOX News--in collusion with Sean Hannity is desperately trying to spiin Wikileaks away from it's founder Julian Assange and this Russian--NOW
Criminal Investigation. Why? Because they own Donald Trump along with every other right wing talk show host who sold Donald Trump to their audiences.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

FOX News turned into the Trump media network during the primary--giving Trump an unprecendented 2 BILLION in free news coverage while ignoring all other GOP candidates. They own him now--and ALL of them are 100% responsible for Donald Trump. This has sent them all into full panic spin mode.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

Sean Hannity & Donald Trump have both frequently praised Julian Assange (Wikileaks founder) who has been hold'd up in the Ecuador Embassy in London--surrounded by UK police--for the last 4 YEARS, avoiding extradition back to the U.S. to face charges for what he did to G.W. Bush.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?

Recently Julian Assange leaked 1000's of classified CIA documents informing terrorists around the world the tactics used to catch them.
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

CIA director Pompeo--just labeled Julian Assange (Wikileaks) a HOSTILE intelligence enemy of this country. Of course, Pompeo praised Wikileaks when it was DNC emails he was leaking, but not now.
They want Julian Assange's head on platter now.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

So FOX NEWS uses a tragic death of DNC staffer---and basically called him a traitor to this country stating he had contacted Wikileaks before his death and or on his computer to spin this story "away" from Julian Assange the real
CRIMINAL to save face and to protect Donald Trump & Sean Hannity.

Because we know who LOVES Wikileaks. Trump & his supporters do.

Trump mentioned Wikileaks 164 times in last month of election, now claims it didn’t impact one…


FOX News has lost all credibility--and literally ranks lower than a tabloid magazine. The place where you can concoct any conspiracy you want too, and they'll repeat it. Especially on Trump's fairy godfather show--Sean Hannity.

False! It was a local Fox affiliate that retracted their story about the PI Rod Wheeler being paid by a third party to investigate Seth Rich. Hannity has spoken with the Seth Rich family and are on good terms. Hannity tweeted this earlier he'll continue.

Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Not giving up at all. I'm working harder than ever to get to the truth the family wants and deserves. Stay tuned.

5:53 AM · May 24, 2017

When someone is threatening to sue your ass off--it's not a "friendly relationship"--LOL--no matter how much they put on the smiles. I don't care if it's a FOX affiliate--Sean Hannity ran with it on his program--and FOX News had to admit it was FALSE or face the consequences of a law suit.

There's a reason for jumping to a FALSE conclusion and it's all over my post # 598. It's got to be pretty embarrassing for Sean Hannity & Trump to have video's of them PRAISING Julian Assange who was just labeled a HOSTILE INTELLIGENCE enemy of this nation.
CIA director Mike Pompeo says WikiLeaks is a hostile intelligence service.

They OWN Trump they know it. They are in full panic spin mode.

And it would be very interesting to know who is this supposed 3rd party who is paying for this private investigator? As stated it's not the family. If it is FOX News or anyone connected with Trump--then they're really hanging themselves up on a credibility line with possible liable suits coming out their ears.


Fox has no basis to determine if the story is false. Neither does the family but we'll get to the bottom of this murder one way or another. Gateway Pundit, Reddit and 4chan is doing a remarkable job connecting the dots as I spread the information across the web on forums to make the people aware. This is a diligent effort to get the truth and success is on the horizon.

From Hannity yesterday:

[Sean Hannity @seanhannity

Ok TO BE CLEAR, I am closer to the TRUTH than ever. Not only am I not stopping, I am working harder. Updates when available. Stay tuned!

9:51 PM · May 23, 2017]

The HELL they don't. Ethics in journalism. All stories have to be confirmed and reconfirmed to avoid LAW SUITS. Otherwise they're just a Tabloid Magazine--and will be recognized as that.


try telling that to CNN

or msnbc

who can forget msnbc doctoring zimmermans 911 call

to make him sound racist

The Trump-snowflakes are pulling out all the stops to deflect from Trump. They're resurrecting every conspiracy theory they ever created about anyone.
Actually this one goes well with the liberal Russian BS conspiracy theory.

You don't know a hell of a lot with that comment--and it's probably because you're watching FOX News.

What is known right now:

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

In this FOX News 8 minute video--Shep Smith explains that Trump surrogates where not only on the phone with the Russian Ambassador but with Russian intellience agents, including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

John McCain wants to know why the Republican platform changed to "we will not arm Ukranians against pro Russian Seperatists" was put into the Republican platform during the convention in July. Link above--More Trump adviser admit meeting with the Russian ambassader at the RNC convention.

Adam Schiff cochair of the House intelligence committee had this to say.

Jeff Sessions: Also accused of lying under oath to congress that he had not met with any Russians during the campaign season. Some think he misunderstood the question, but he did fill out a questionaire prior to the hearing and checked a box NO that he had no contact with any Russians. Then he refused to go back to congress to clairify. Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the Russian investigation.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

Michael Flynn: Lied to the FBI--which is a felony. Did not disclose he was acting as a foreign agent--being a paid lobbyist for Turkey--at 500K--and also being paid by Russian T.V. Grand Jury subpeonas went out on Flynn last week.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey.
Trump fires FBI director James Comey - CNNPolitics.com

Then admits Obstruction of Justice in this video.

Trump meets with Russians in the Oval office. He lets Russian media in, while blocking American media, and during the process leaks highly sensitive classified information to the Russians.
Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'


Then gets enraged because the Russians tweeted out this picture.

White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos - CNNPolitics.com

5/17/2017 The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION started.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

So Republicans have two options.
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.

The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Over the next coming months--you're going to hear these names mentioned a lot. Jerad Kushner (Trump's son in law)--Paul Manafort--Carter Page--Michael Flynn--Roger Stone and whomever else was involved in this.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

Now you know why this Seth Rich conspiracy which FOX News had to retract is so important to FOX News and your rightwing talk show hosts.

In the end the left will be surprised once again that what they make a big deal about the majority of America could care less. If somehow the Russians helped Trump GOOD it got rid of Hillary, GOOD. There was no smear it was all true, hacked maybe but true. What it truly shows is that Hillary and the DNC were too incompetent to protect their data and too stupid to realize that emails are not private no matter how hard folks try.
You don't know what they have yet. Kim DotCom is strategizing with his lawyers on the evidence he has proving Seth was the leaker. I urge patience.

Oh, he's strategizing alright, giving he's failing in his efforts to fight his extradition for fraud and other things. Conveniently (for himself) says he'll spill the beans if he's given immunity ahead of time for everything he's done. If someone is a Trumptard, they'll think that's credible. If they're not, they'll recognize a criminal running a scam.
The Trump-snowflakes are pulling out all the stops to deflect from Trump. They're resurrecting every conspiracy theory they ever created about anyone.
Actually this one goes well with the liberal Russian BS conspiracy theory.

You don't know a hell of a lot with that comment--and it's probably because you're watching FOX News.

What is known right now:

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com
Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July

In this FOX News 8 minute video--Shep Smith explains that Trump surrogates where not only on the phone with the Russian Ambassador but with Russian intellience agents, including the very day that Russians were hacking into DNC databases.

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

John McCain wants to know why the Republican platform changed to "we will not arm Ukranians against pro Russian Seperatists" was put into the Republican platform during the convention in July. Link above--More Trump adviser admit meeting with the Russian ambassader at the RNC convention.

Adam Schiff cochair of the House intelligence committee had this to say.

Jeff Sessions: Also accused of lying under oath to congress that he had not met with any Russians during the campaign season. Some think he misunderstood the question, but he did fill out a questionaire prior to the hearing and checked a box NO that he had no contact with any Russians. Then he refused to go back to congress to clairify. Sessions was forced to recuse himself from the Russian investigation.
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

Michael Flynn: Lied to the FBI--which is a felony. Did not disclose he was acting as a foreign agent--being a paid lobbyist for Turkey--at 500K--and also being paid by Russian T.V. Grand Jury subpeonas went out on Flynn last week.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
Flynn was paid to lobby for Turkey while attending Trump intel briefings: report
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Trump fires FBI director James Comey.
Trump fires FBI director James Comey - CNNPolitics.com

Then admits Obstruction of Justice in this video.

Trump meets with Russians in the Oval office. He lets Russian media in, while blocking American media, and during the process leaks highly sensitive classified information to the Russians.
Trump reportedly revealed highly classified information to the Russians last week that the US hasn't even 'shared with our own allies'
Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador
US spies 'warned Israel not to share intelligence with Trump'


Then gets enraged because the Russians tweeted out this picture.

White House furious after being trolled with Russia Oval Office photos - CNNPolitics.com

5/17/2017 The CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION started.
Lindsey Graham: Russia probe 'now a criminal investigation'

So Republicans have two options.
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 & beyond.

If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not too hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a great education as to what that Emoluments clause in the Constitution is all about.

The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Over the next coming months--you're going to hear these names mentioned a lot. Jerad Kushner (Trump's son in law)--Paul Manafort--Carter Page--Michael Flynn--Roger Stone and whomever else was involved in this.

Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is

Now you know why this Seth Rich conspiracy which FOX News had to retract is so important to FOX News and your rightwing talk show hosts.

In the end the left will be surprised once again that what they make a big deal about the majority of America could care less. If somehow the Russians helped Trump GOOD it got rid of Hillary, GOOD. There was no smear it was all true, hacked maybe but true. What it truly shows is that Hillary and the DNC were too incompetent to protect their data and too stupid to realize that emails are not private no matter how hard folks try.

Do have any idea what the prison term for Treason is in this country? It's a mandatory LIFE SENTENCE in a Federal Prison. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON. Whatever you accuse Hillary Clinton of doing--Benghazi--and endless emails--it doesn't hold a matchstick to Treason.

You people really should not be voting much less be involved in politics. It's clear you don't have the mental capabilities to reason. You have lost all critical thinking skills because you're so accustomed to getting information regurgitated by right wing talk show hosts and then spoon fed back to you--stuffed full of half truths, right wing hyperbole and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. Whom do it for nothing more than ratings and those obscene profit breaks aka the soap box opera's of political news.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains


You ran through post # 605 on this thread that explained all that's gone on in this Russian investigation--without even bating an eyelash. You people have the attention span of a gnat.


The only way the Republican party is going to cure this is to install super delegates into their own primary process.
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Hannity is a disgrace journalist

Wait? What he does is journalism?


He never claimed to be a journalist. He admits to being very partisan. Unlike Madcow and his ilk on MSLSD.

YOU DID THIS--not Rachael Maddow. You have ELECTED a T.V. Reality Star--you were WARNED about Trump a 1000's times over and you IGNORED all those WARNINGS.

I was one of those people that were giving you the warnings. I changed my party status from Republican to Independent as soon as you made this Ass Clown the poster boy of the Republican Party. I have over 16,000 posts on this board and have been here since 2008 to prove it. I was kicked off Republican political face book pages everywhere because I was sending out the warnings.

Here is a great article --funny but TRUE--read it all the way to the bottom.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

And here is the TOP DOG of right wing talk Radio admitting something shocking when a caller was able to sneak onto his program and corner him.

For those of you that want to know what has gone on with this Russian investigation scroll back up to post # 605 on this thread. Because you're NOT getting this information from right wing talk show hosts, nor will you EVER. They are 100% responsible for this ass clown--and they know it. They are in full panic spin mode right now.
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