Who is really behind all the race riots?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
They were orchestrated. It wasn't locals causing all that trouble. They started off peacefully. I think this explains a lot:

"Although most of the riots and disturbances have been characterized by spontaneous outbursts of mob violence dominated by young hoodlums, the involvement of other violent, lawless, subversive and extremist elements became readily apparent as the rioting grew and spread."

"The riots and disturbances of recent years have given Communists a golden opportunity to emphasize the Marxist concept of the ‘class struggle’ by identifying Negro and other minority group problems with it.

"Communists seek to advance the cause of Communism by injecting themselves into racial situations and in exploiting them (1) to intensify frictions between Negroes and whites to ‘prove’ that the discrimination against minorities is an inherent defect of the capitalist system, (2) to foster domestic disunity by dividing Negroes and whites into antagonistic, warring factions, (3) to undermine and destroy established authority, (4) to incite Negro hostility toward law and order, (5) to encourage and foment further racial strife and riotous activity, and (6) to portray the Communist movement as the ‘champion’ of social protest and the only force capable of ameliorating the conditions of the Negroes and the oppressed.

"The net result of agitation and propaganda by Communist and other subversive and extremist elements has been to create a climate of conflict between the races in this country and to poison the atmosphere."

The latest round of race wars is nothing but history repeating itself and it's likely the same type of assholes orchestrating them. The above was testimony given by J. Edgar Hoover in 1967 after race riots.

The riots back in the 60's sound much like the recent riots in Ferguson and Baltimore. And, like in the past, communists and other radicals bussed people in to incite violence and keep things going. Of course, the radicals hold themselves out as the only solution to the problem they helped create. It's nothing more than mind games being played with a largely uneducated and unsuspecting group of people who are being used to push an agenda. Of course, these days there are way more useful idiots who don't value their freedom and liberty and too many have no understanding about capitalism or what made this country so prosperous. Now it's all about what our country can do for them. I'm sure the radicals of today are having much better luck than the ones of the past.

Yo, the " Socialist Progressive Democrat Agenda" is to destroy Capitalism, and they will not stop until we elect a different Party to the White House! Obama just went to a jail to find more convicts to destroy America, tell me different!!! Lock and Load!

Now I need you to go out and destroy America, don`t worry, I`ll keep you out of jail, I have the power! We all brothers, we need to pay back whitey for slavery!!!


Really? Communists again? That old chestnut? :)

We both know they are still around and just as determined as ever. I think there are several radical groups, from socialists to communists, that would like to tear down capitalism. Enough lefties on this board have expressed disdain for capitalism and think it should go.

The riots were orchestrated and things were peaceful until the riot inciters were bussed in. Yes, it's history repeating itself, though I think it's likely to be more effective today because of so many idiots.

Once people were riled to violence during the first couple protests and convinced that violence is the "only way to get whites to listen", it takes very little now to push people to attack. That is proven by the number of cop murders and the attacks on whites. This is exactly what some want. The administration is already working on "solutions" for all this racial tension. Integrating neighborhoods and calling for the gap in income inequality to close. Government shouldn't be interfering with any of that and the purpose isn't equality and easing racial tensions. It's about controlling people and talking them in to ceding more power to government "for their own good." That has always been the goal of the far left and not a damn thing has changed. They almost have enough useful idiots to proceed without the majority opposing them.
Actually, it's true.

Malik Shabazz was up to his old tricks in Charleston after that last tragedy that occurred recently. They wanted a full on race war down there.

Media fail to identify leader of Baltimore riots
Ex-New Black Panther chairman a notorious racist

Media fail to identify leader of Baltimore riots

The AP reported: “A smaller ‘splinter group’ looted a convenience store and threw tables and chairs through storefront windows, shattering the glass. One group smashed the window of a department store inside a downtown mall and, at one point, a protester tossed a flaming metal garbage can toward a line of police officers in riot gear as they tried to push back the crowd.

“Earlier, a group of protesters smashed the windows of at least three police cars and got into fights with baseball fans outside a bar.”

Shabazz was a leader of that “splinter group.”

FBI: New Black Panther leader inciting violence in Ferguson
FBI New Black Panther leader inciting violence in Ferguson - National Crime Courts Examiner.com
This is not the first time the New Black Panther Party has sought to stir racial strife. Throughout the George Zimmerman trial, for example, the NBPP advocated violence against white people and placed a bounty on Zimmerman.

As we reported in May 2012, King Samir Shabazz, the National Field Marshal for the New Black Panther Party, called for violence against white people on his national radio program. A month later, a New Black Panther Party leader using the name "General Taco" said members of the New Black Panther Party will hunt down and kill white people.

Despite her comments about creating a “space” for more destructive elements in protests, Mayor Rawlings-Blake expressed disappointment on Sunday night at the “outside forces” who she said were “inciting some of the ‘shut this city down’ sort of messaging,” according to the Baltimore Sun.

This is Malik Shabazz:


Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and then mocking their widows.
Who is really behind all the race riots?

would you believe me if i told you ALL that it is none other than that muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch living in our once clean white house, Bubba Cliton spewed his slime all over the oral orifice, it has never been clean since then.

when President Trump is elected, he will have the place fumigated and bleached clean, then move in. :up:
The American Constitution presents:
Battle of the Haters





two hate groups, two protests
at the same place!!

Let freedom ring--by bringing the Noise!!
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