Who cost Hillary the election???

You've LOST on this issue. Sorry, man, hate to break it to you, but you really have. Republicans aren't even talking about this anymore.

I remember in 2016 voters were too PC cowed even in the Rust Belt to "talk" about the bathroom mandate for public schools. So middle dems there "talked about it" behind the privacy of the voting curtain instead.
I remember in 2016 voters were too PC cowed even in the Rust Belt to "talk" about the bathroom mandate for public schools. So middle dems there "talked about it" behind the privacy of the voting curtain instead.

I'm sure that in your delusional state, you really think the rest of the world shares your homophobia.

Trump didn't win because of the bathroom mandate.

He won because he told the dumb white trash in the rust belt that their daddy's union jobs were coming back.

They aren't.
I remember in 2016 voters were too PC cowed even in the Rust Belt to "talk" about the bathroom mandate for public schools. So middle dems there "talked about it" behind the privacy of the voting curtain instead.

I'm sure that in your delusional state, you really think the rest of the world shares your homophobia.

Trump didn't win because of the bathroom mandate.

He won because he told the dumb white trash in the rust belt that their daddy's union jobs were coming back.

They aren't.

Actually we got Obama because those people you described as "dumb white trash in the rust belt" were afraid they'd be called "racist" by the MSM/Pollsters if they didn't vote for
Obama. Then when Trump's name was asked in the polls by the biased MSM etc... who they would support they were afraid they'd be called "racist"/'homophobic" by the MSM so they did what a majority of Americans did except in liberal Ca/NY... these "dumb what trash" as you call us... voted behind the curtain where they wouldn't be called names for expressing what they believed i.e. that the MSM/Democrats hate America. Hate the military. Hate cops. All issues that the "dumb white trash"/"Deplorables" like me disagree with.
We love America. WE LOVE "LEGAL Immigrants" that come and ask for asylum and don't sneak across the border stupidly paying thousands of dollars when it would be so more
effective to do it legally! We LOVED Trump for his love of America. He wants America to be better than it was going under Obama who hated America. Who hated businesses.
Trump like me and millions like me ...the deplorables are happy America is standing for honest trade...for small businesses, for LESS government regulations. All of these factors we "dumb white trash/deplorables" want and Trump is delivering!
I remember in 2016 voters were too PC cowed even in the Rust Belt to "talk" about the bathroom mandate for public schools. So middle dems there "talked about it" behind the privacy of the voting curtain instead.

I'm sure that in your delusional state, you really think the rest of the world shares your homophobia....Trump didn't win because of the bathroom mandate.

He won because he told the dumb white trash in the rust belt that their daddy's union jobs were coming back.

They aren't.
Hey dumbfuck, being shocked and alarmed at a democrat Executive Order forcing your little girls to share their bathrooms and locker rooms at public schools with deranged boys isn't even remotely homophobic. It's a totally natural, instinctive, expected and good reaction to the urge to protect one's children from harm.

Nice try though. Next?

healthmyths is correct. As am I. Dems were bullied and still are being bullied by fringe elements holding the power (Mook Mafia, I really suggest giving the thread a read) in their own party to accept the purely unacceptable and "STAY LOYAL!!". It's why Robby Mook (Hillary's gay campaign manager) and his "Mook Mafia" gay operatives celebrated saying "fuck the voters".

The Left's Serious Case of Misplaced Anger....The "Mook Mafia" In Damage-Control Mode

Well, "fuck the voters" didn't pan out too well in 2016 and ignoring that fact in 2018, claiming it's the Russians or some other smokescreen is not going to pan out well either for dem hopefuls.

You can only bully people so long before in private they turn on you. And that's exactly the split that happened in 2016. The GOP knows full well that this is so but like another poster observed "they aren't talking about it anymore". Duh. If you start talking about the anesthetic with the poison arrow in your foe's back, they might wake up and pluck it out.

I just think the GOP extreme fringe is being as insane as the left hoping that the Mook Mafia will do the same mistake over and over until there is no more 2nd party to challenge them. The idea of unchallenged fascism from either end of the political spectrum is very unsettling to me. Let's keep our two parties by purging from both ends those elements that can get....out of control...like in 2016.

EXPECTING LITTLE GIRLS TO SHARE THEIR INTIMATE HYGIENE AREAS AT SCHOOL WITH DERANGED BOYS IS THE EPITOME OF INSANE. TO GO ALONG WITH THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF INSANE. YOU CAN JUST THROW AWAY THE DSM AT THAT POINT, THE DEFINITION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. Voters knew this. Voters know this. And they will vote accordingly no matter what magician sleight of hand tries to "fuck them" into obedience. There are some lines that are never crossed. We remember how cults work thanks to WWII.....
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Actually we got Obama because those people you described as "dumb white trash in the rust belt" were afraid they'd be called "racist" by the MSM/Pollsters if they didn't vote for Obama.

I don't think the dumb white trash cared. The very fact that 55% of the whites still vot

Now here's the thing. The problem wasn't how the dumb white trash voted, so much. In fact, Trump got the same percentages that Mitt the Mormon got in 2012. The real problem was too many affluent people who voted for Obama twice wasted their vote on third party candidates because they didn't like Hillary and the media told us she had it in the bag.

Then when Trump's name was asked in the polls by the biased MSM etc... who they would support they were afraid they'd be called "racist"/'homophobic" by the MSM so they did what a majority of Americans did except in liberal Ca/NY... these "dumb what trash" as you call us... voted behind the curtain where they wouldn't be called names for expressing what they believed i.e. that the MSM/Democrats hate America. Hate the military. Hate cops. All issues that the "dumb white trash"/"Deplorables" like me disagree with.

I'm sure that deplorables like you have no problem abusing pollsters with your anger... so that wasn't the case at all. Again, had a lot more to do with Russian meddling and Hillary's own missteps. She should have invested more resources to these states.

We love America. WE LOVE "LEGAL Immigrants" that come and ask for asylum and don't sneak across the border stupidly paying thousands of dollars when it would be so more effective to do it legally!

um, yeah, guy, it's actually kind of difficult to immigrate legally.

We LOVED Trump for his love of America. He wants America to be better than it was going under Obama who hated America. Who hated businesses.
Trump like me and millions like me ...the deplorables are happy America is standing for honest trade...for small businesses, for LESS government regulations. All of these factors we "dumb white trash/deplorables" want and Trump is delivering!

The sad thing is, you really think Trump cares about you. You've been conned, son..

Then again, the GOP has been conning dumb white trash like you since Tricky Dick...
healthmyths is correct. As am I. Dems were bullied and still are being bullied by fringe elements holding the power (Mook Mafia, I really suggest giving the thread a read) in their own party to accept the purely unacceptable and "STAY LOYAL!!". It's why Robby Mook (Hillary's gay campaign manager) and his "Mook Mafia" gay operatives celebrated saying "fuck the voters".

I think you are a little confused, buddy.

The real thing is, only dumb and ignorant people are still homophobic in this day and age.

You take homophobia to mental illness levels, though.

I just think the GOP extreme fringe is being as insane as the left hoping that the Mook Mafia will do the same mistake over and over until there is no more 2nd party to challenge them. The idea of unchallenged fascism from either end of the political spectrum is very unsettling to me. Let's keep our two parties by purging from both ends those elements that can get....out of control...like in 2016.

More likely result. When the Trump Recession comes, all those dumb white trash will vote for Bernie... or Bernie Lite. You really give these people too much credit for idealogy.

Guy, the GOP already went nuts... a long time before Trump. I would say the nuttiness came when Romney and Huckabee were having a real discussion about whether or not Jesus and Satan (imaginary beings) were brothers or not. But the reality is, you homophobes have already lost. We are treating homophobia like a mental illness now.

Don't believe me? Please go into work tomorrow and screech one your deranged homophobic rants in the middle of the office.


Let us know how it works out.
You've LOST on this issue. Sorry, man, hate to break it to you, but you really have. Republicans aren't even talking about this anymore.

I remember in 2016 voters were too PC cowed even in the Rust Belt to "talk" about the bathroom mandate for public schools. So middle dems there "talked about it" behind the privacy of the voting curtain instead.

You think the people of the Rust Belt region were afraid to speak their minds!? Tell me, have you actually ever been to the Rust Belt? :lol:
Actually we got Obama because those people you described as "dumb white trash in the rust belt" were afraid they'd be called "racist" by the MSM/Pollsters if they didn't vote for Obama.

I don't think the dumb white trash cared. The very fact that 55% of the whites still vot

Now here's the thing. The problem wasn't how the dumb white trash voted, so much. In fact, Trump got the same percentages that Mitt the Mormon got in 2012. The real problem was too many affluent people who voted for Obama twice wasted their vote on third party candidates because they didn't like Hillary and the media told us she had it in the bag.

Then when Trump's name was asked in the polls by the biased MSM etc... who they would support they were afraid they'd be called "racist"/'homophobic" by the MSM so they did what a majority of Americans did except in liberal Ca/NY... these "dumb what trash" as you call us... voted behind the curtain where they wouldn't be called names for expressing what they believed i.e. that the MSM/Democrats hate America. Hate the military. Hate cops. All issues that the "dumb white trash"/"Deplorables" like me disagree with.

I'm sure that deplorables like you have no problem abusing pollsters with your anger... so that wasn't the case at all. Again, had a lot more to do with Russian meddling and Hillary's own missteps. She should have invested more resources to these states.

We love America. WE LOVE "LEGAL Immigrants" that come and ask for asylum and don't sneak across the border stupidly paying thousands of dollars when it would be so more effective to do it legally!

um, yeah, guy, it's actually kind of difficult to immigrate legally.

We LOVED Trump for his love of America. He wants America to be better than it was going under Obama who hated America. Who hated businesses.
Trump like me and millions like me ...the deplorables are happy America is standing for honest trade...for small businesses, for LESS government regulations. All of these factors we "dumb white trash/deplorables" want and Trump is delivering!

The sad thing is, you really think Trump cares about you. You've been conned, son..

Then again, the GOP has been conning dumb white trash like you since Tricky Dick...

"um, yeah, guy, it's actually kind of difficult to immigrate legally. "

YOU are 100% correct! My relative spent nearly 5 years and thousands of dollars becoming a "LEGAL" naturalized Citizen of the United States and like millions of others
who have relatives or are Legal immigrants" resent like crazy the sympathy and wasted money idiots like you seem to pour into the coffers of the MSM believing the crap
about oh those poor babies ripped by the big bad ICE from their sobbing mothers arms!
MY goodness you people are such suckers!

Of course we resent "illegal immigrants"! And there are millions of Americans like me and far far fewer suckers like you! Thank goodness!

Trump doesn't care about ME! You dummies think Trump cares about ME or them? HELL no!
He like me and millions like me are selfish. We want our offspring...Trump's kids and grandkids, my son and his daughter to thrive not just survive!
That makes me and millions like Trump SELFISH and I honestly don't care!

But of course Obamatrons like you NEVER ever read Obama's autobiography and pay close attention to his statement that clearly shows HE TRICKED YOU dumb shits!
Talk about DUPED people conned by the community organizer who tells YOU should be your brothers keeper... NOT him!
YOU are 100% correct! My relative spent nearly 5 years and thousands of dollars becoming a "LEGAL" naturalized Citizen of the United States and like millions of others
who have relatives or are Legal immigrants" resent like crazy the sympathy and wasted money idiots like you seem to pour into the coffers of the MSM believing the crap
about oh those poor babies ripped by the big bad ICE from their sobbing mothers arms!
MY goodness you people are such suckers!

Naw, we are just decent people who think people shouldn't have their children ripped from their arms for committing a petty misdemeanor.

Of course we resent "illegal immigrants"! And there are millions of Americans like me and far far fewer suckers like you! Thank goodness!

Then why do you live in mortal terror of selecting by popular vote?

Oh, that's right. Because if we had straight up proportional representation, you'd lose.

rump doesn't care about ME! You dummies think Trump cares about ME or them? HELL no!
He like me and millions like me are selfish. We want our offspring...Trump's kids and grandkids, my son and his daughter to thrive not just survive!
That makes me and millions like Trump SELFISH and I honestly don't care!

Selfishness is ultimately self-defeating.

Here, try an experiment. Put your head in a guillotine, and then put a wad of $100 bills on the fob... You'll be a lot shorter in short order. But in an unselfish society, someone would call the cops and try to get you out of that situation.

See how that works. We all look out for each other, we are all better off. And this is where the GOP went wrong. Bush and Reagan, for their faults, understood we are all in this together. Trump just appeals to the worst in people.

But of course Obamatrons like you NEVER ever read Obama's autobiography and pay close attention to his statement that clearly shows HE TRICKED YOU dumb shits!
Talk about DUPED people conned by the community organizer who tells YOU should be your brothers keeper... NOT him!

Um,okay, so you take these quotes out of context, to prove Obama is a bad person, how? Because frankly, this is a man who has spent his entire life trying to make things better for people. Maybe some of his ideas were dumb and he lacked the political skills to do some of it, but his heart is in the right place.

Compared to Trump,who scammed people with crooked investments, get rich quick schemes and so on.
YOU are 100% correct! My relative spent nearly 5 years and thousands of dollars becoming a "LEGAL" naturalized Citizen of the United States and like millions of others
who have relatives or are Legal immigrants" resent like crazy the sympathy and wasted money idiots like you seem to pour into the coffers of the MSM believing the crap
about oh those poor babies ripped by the big bad ICE from their sobbing mothers arms!
MY goodness you people are such suckers!

Naw, we are just decent people who think people shouldn't have their children ripped from their arms for committing a petty misdemeanor.

Of course we resent "illegal immigrants"! And there are millions of Americans like me and far far fewer suckers like you! Thank goodness!

Then why do you live in mortal terror of selecting by popular vote?

Oh, that's right. Because if we had straight up proportional representation, you'd lose.

rump doesn't care about ME! You dummies think Trump cares about ME or them? HELL no!
He like me and millions like me are selfish. We want our offspring...Trump's kids and grandkids, my son and his daughter to thrive not just survive!
That makes me and millions like Trump SELFISH and I honestly don't care!

Selfishness is ultimately self-defeating.

Here, try an experiment. Put your head in a guillotine, and then put a wad of $100 bills on the fob... You'll be a lot shorter in short order. But in an unselfish society, someone would call the cops and try to get you out of that situation.

See how that works. We all look out for each other, we are all better off. And this is where the GOP went wrong. Bush and Reagan, for their faults, understood we are all in this together. Trump just appeals to the worst in people.

But of course Obamatrons like you NEVER ever read Obama's autobiography and pay close attention to his statement that clearly shows HE TRICKED YOU dumb shits!
Talk about DUPED people conned by the community organizer who tells YOU should be your brothers keeper... NOT him!

Um,okay, so you take these quotes out of context, to prove Obama is a bad person, how? Because frankly, this is a man who has spent his entire life trying to make things better for people. Maybe some of his ideas were dumb and he lacked the political skills to do some of it, but his heart is in the right place.

Compared to Trump,who scammed people with crooked investments, get rich quick schemes and so on.

That's fine but there is NOTHING unselfish in this world. NOTHING... pious people like you say "oh It makes me feel good to help others... THAT"S THE POINT!
You are too stupid to recognize it "MAKES you feel good"!
That's why "HONEST" people like me no "PHONIES" like you say those stupid things KNOWING you are selfish and you are too dishonest to admit it!
YOU are 100% correct! My relative spent nearly 5 years and thousands of dollars becoming a "LEGAL" naturalized Citizen of the United States and like millions of others
who have relatives or are Legal immigrants" resent like crazy the sympathy and wasted money idiots like you seem to pour into the coffers of the MSM believing the crap
about oh those poor babies ripped by the big bad ICE from their sobbing mothers arms!
MY goodness you people are such suckers!

Naw, we are just decent people who think people shouldn't have their children ripped from their arms for committing a petty misdemeanor.

Of course we resent "illegal immigrants"! And there are millions of Americans like me and far far fewer suckers like you! Thank goodness!

Then why do you live in mortal terror of selecting by popular vote?

Oh, that's right. Because if we had straight up proportional representation, you'd lose.

rump doesn't care about ME! You dummies think Trump cares about ME or them? HELL no!
He like me and millions like me are selfish. We want our offspring...Trump's kids and grandkids, my son and his daughter to thrive not just survive!
That makes me and millions like Trump SELFISH and I honestly don't care!

Selfishness is ultimately self-defeating.

Here, try an experiment. Put your head in a guillotine, and then put a wad of $100 bills on the fob... You'll be a lot shorter in short order. But in an unselfish society, someone would call the cops and try to get you out of that situation.

See how that works. We all look out for each other, we are all better off. And this is where the GOP went wrong. Bush and Reagan, for their faults, understood we are all in this together. Trump just appeals to the worst in people.

But of course Obamatrons like you NEVER ever read Obama's autobiography and pay close attention to his statement that clearly shows HE TRICKED YOU dumb shits!
Talk about DUPED people conned by the community organizer who tells YOU should be your brothers keeper... NOT him!

Um,okay, so you take these quotes out of context, to prove Obama is a bad person, how? Because frankly, this is a man who has spent his entire life trying to make things better for people. Maybe some of his ideas were dumb and he lacked the political skills to do some of it, but his heart is in the right place.

Compared to Trump,who scammed people with crooked investments, get rich quick schemes and so on.

You've got to be kidding about Obama!
What do you think he made off the ACORN/Citibank/redlining lawsuits he filed in 1994 in Chicago? But of course people like you are so ignorant of the facts about Obama
you believe that eleemosynary crap about Obama!
Grow up and smell the crap coming from that community organizer!
That's fine but there is NOTHING unselfish in this world. NOTHING... pious people like you say "oh It makes me feel good to help others... THAT"S THE POINT!
You are too stupid to recognize it "MAKES you feel good"!
That's why "HONEST" people like me no "PHONIES" like you say those stupid things KNOWING you are selfish and you are too dishonest to admit it!

So I'm selfish because I feel good when I help other people...

Okay, this is bizarre.

Do you do special exercises to be this stupid?

You've got to be kidding about Obama!
What do you think he made off the ACORN/Citibank/redlining lawsuits he filed in 1994 in Chicago? But of course people like you are so ignorant of the facts about Obama

I live in Chicago and grew up here... if you lived here, you'd know what kind of shit the banks and the city were pulling for years to keep "those people" out of the neighborhoods. The banks totally deserved to be sued.

you believe that eleemosynary crap about Obama!

Meh, Frankly, Obama didn't really have a big profile until he became Senator... Which he probably wouldn't have been had Blair Hull not lied about slapping his wife around and calling her the C-word.
Secretary Clinton is a national treasure!

Then the Democrats should give her the nomination in 2020.

Although he my own view, her only "qualification" is that she presumably had relations with Bill Clinton.

The Party might consider Monica Lewinsky if Mrs. C is unavailable then.
Grover Norquist got a better reception than Crooked Hillary at some progressive event (Ozyfest)

thats how unpopular she is with her base. thats why she lost!

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