Who Are The Palestinians?

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This is the only page that identifies property ownership of Jews and Non-Jews.

The Jews paid higher taxes becaus urban land, which the Jews owned more of paid a higher rate in taxes, and the Jewish owned land was recently acquired and was assessed at the price of the last exchange, which was a value higher than land owned for centuries by the Christians and Muslims.

The non-Jews, Muslims and Christians owned more than 85% of the land prior to partition as depicted in the table whose data came from the land records as examined by the British administration.

LIAR you originally posted two pages and the first showed the real facts, that the Jews owned 4.8% of the land and the arab muslims owned just 0.8%. When asked to provide a link you posted a dead end that required payment to access the information. This is because you know that you have been rumbled and we know you are manipulating the real facts in your ISLAMONAZI favour. Now you are trying to flim flam the board with some crap about the Jews paying more tax because the land they owned was taxed higher. ( apartheid and racism isn't it ) The fact remains that you are LYING and refuse to produce a credible link because you know I will pick it apart and destroy your every claim once again.
So funny how Monte shows this over & over & yet never tells us the source of these figures. Heh Heh!

Every one knows the source. It is from the official Survey of Palestine commissioned by the UN prior to Partition and published in 1946. You see, I have the facts and you have the propaganda. That's why Phoney gets all nervous when I post the facts from the source material. It cramps his lying style.

You can download it from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive.

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

Not the original link your provided is it ?

Trouble is, there is FAR less merit in the arguments for an 'inveted' Israeli identity, than there is for an 'invented' Palestinian identity.

And, even if both arguments are found to have merit, the Israelis declared first, and most successfully, and, of the two, are the only one with a functioning State to serve such an 'invented' People.

Even in such esoteric matters, the Israelis continue to outperform and outclass the so-called Palestinians, by several orders of magnitude.

Rather like pitting the Senior Varsity Football Team against a sandlot scratch pick-up scrimmage squad.

Well, the Nazis outclassed the so-called Jews they ruled over by several orders of magnitude. That doesn't really tell us anything.

The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.
Let us consider the facts for & against land ownership by Israel & the Palestinians,. Fair enough?


That's propaganda. The source document for the facts is the UN commissioned Survey of Palestine published in 1946 before the partition.

The Survey of Palestine can be downloaded from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

The Arabs owned more than 85% of the land in Palestine in 1946, the Jews less than 15%. Fact.

View attachment 34327

Still no page 1 why is this Mohamed, could it be it shows the truth and not your islamonazi lies
Trouble is, there is FAR less merit in the arguments for an 'inveted' Israeli identity, than there is for an 'invented' Palestinian identity.

And, even if both arguments are found to have merit, the Israelis declared first, and most successfully, and, of the two, are the only one with a functioning State to serve such an 'invented' People.

Even in such esoteric matters, the Israelis continue to outperform and outclass the so-called Palestinians, by several orders of magnitude.

Rather like pitting the Senior Varsity Football Team against a sandlot scratch pick-up scrimmage squad.

Well, the Nazis outclassed the so-called Jews they ruled over by several orders of magnitude. That doesn't really tell us anything.
The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

Israel was absolutely not created off mooch. That's your bullshit version of history. And your version of history of this conflict as we all know is completely flawed.
Trouble is, there is FAR less merit in the arguments for an 'inveted' Israeli identity, than there is for an 'invented' Palestinian identity.

And, even if both arguments are found to have merit, the Israelis declared first, and most successfully, and, of the two, are the only one with a functioning State to serve such an 'invented' People.

Even in such esoteric matters, the Israelis continue to outperform and outclass the so-called Palestinians, by several orders of magnitude.

Rather like pitting the Senior Varsity Football Team against a sandlot scratch pick-up scrimmage squad.

Well, the Nazis outclassed the so-called Jews they ruled over by several orders of magnitude. That doesn't really tell us anything.
The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

The Palestinians cant even balance the books with all the aid they get from the US and UN. How many trillions of tax dollars flood into Palestine every year ?
Well, the Nazis outclassed the so-called Jews they ruled over by several orders of magnitude. That doesn't really tell us anything.
The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

Israel was absolutely not created off mooch. That's your bullshit version of history. And your version of history of this conflict as we all know is completely flawed.

The first thing they did is mooch the service of Britain's military to impose the Zionist agenda on Palestine at the point of a gun.

Virtually all of the money needed to create Israel came from out of country.

Israel still lives with its hand out.
Well, the Nazis outclassed the so-called Jews they ruled over by several orders of magnitude. That doesn't really tell us anything.
The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

The Palestinians cant even balance the books with all the aid they get from the US and UN. How many trillions of tax dollars flood into Palestine every year ?
How much aid did the Palestinians get before Israel stole, bombed, and bulldozed their economic infrastructure?
So funny how Monte shows this over & over & yet never tells us the source of these figures. Heh Heh!

She does and it leads to a pay per view site that is also flagged as dangerous by my Virus programme.

No, it leads to the Berman Jewish Policy Archive a part of NYU and Wanger Universities and the Survey, all its volumes can be downloaded for free. The old Hasbara technique that attempts to keep people away from the truth by making claims such as yours is not working bozo. I know your kind doesn't use academic institutions as a resource because the facts are not consistent with the bullshit you've been fed. Here is the link again. New York University and Wagner University and a Jewish Archive, how anti Israel could they be? LOL

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

And the facts again, Arabs owned more than 85% of Palestine in 1946, from the UN document called A Survey of Palestine published in 1946 before partition and the end of the mandate. Available for download from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive of NYU and Wagner University.

Read the facts and weep Israel propagandists.

land ownership only.jpg
Let us consider the facts for & against land ownership by Israel & the Palestinians,. Fair enough?


That's propaganda. The source document for the facts is the UN commissioned Survey of Palestine published in 1946 before the partition.

The Survey of Palestine can be downloaded from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive:

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

The Arabs owned more than 85% of the land in Palestine in 1946, the Jews less than 15%. Fact.

View attachment 34327

Still no page 1 why is this Mohamed, could it be it shows the truth and not your islamonazi lies

This is page 566 what does page 1 have to do with anything. This is the page that deals with who owned the land according to the land records as tallied up by the British administrators before Partition. The Arabs owned more than 85% of the land as depicted in the table below.

land ownership only.jpg
Except...they never said "no Jews".

Nice bit of fiction though :)

Read their charter and you will see it there plain as day

Who's charter?

The Palestinians that also includes the one by hamas and the one by fatah

The Palestinians don't have a charter. Hamas does and Fatah and the PLO do.

Charters Constitutions - FATEH Constitution

Neither Fateh nor the PLO call for a nation with no Jews. Fateh's Constitution calls for "Establishing an independent democratic state with complete sovereignty on all Palestinian lands, and Jerusalem is its capital city, and protecting the citizens' legal and equal rights without any racial or religious discrimination.". The Constitution references fighting Zionism and Imperialism. Unfortunately with Arafat's death, the PLO charter did not get amended. They still call for the destruction of Israel, as a state - but not for the creation of a nation with NO JEWS. The above in Fatah's constitution seems to support that.

I didn't read through Hamas' because I don't think much of Hamas as a legitimate governing entity.

Want to try again as this is what the Palestinian National Covenant says

Palestinian National Covenant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Article 7 of the earlier document was changed from "Jews of Palestinian origin are considered Palestinians ..." to being restricted only to those "who had resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion." The final article providing that it can only be amended by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) at a special session convened for that purpose was left unchanged.

Now we all know that the "Zionist invasion began in 1870 and I doubt that any indigenous Jews from that time are still alive. So in es
Two states. Seperate. Israel. Palestine. Details to be negotiated between Israel (a Jewish majority state) and Palestine.
The window of opportunity for such a solution has long-since closed, The Palestinians themselves closed it, decades ago. Consequently, the Reconquista continues apace.

Disagree Mr. Pessimistic Conquista ;)
Yeah, I know - whether folks believe it or not, there is a part of me that wishes that this were not true - that peaceful coexistence between the Israelis and Palestinians was still possible, but - and this is pure personal opinion - I think that possibility died a quiet, lonely death, quite some time ago.

Am I positive? Of course not. Do I believe it? Yes. Do I perceive realistic and likely reasons for that belief? Yes.

And IF peaceful coexistence is no longer possible, then one side or the other is gonna have to go.

And, because extermination would be an unforgivable sin and crime against God and Man...

That doesn't leave anything other than mass relocation of one side or the other.

IF we are left with nothing better than relocation, then the weaker side will be the one to go.

That's all based upon the premise that peaceful coexistence is now virtually impossible.

If I'm right, then everything I've said beyond that point is both logical and nearly inevitable.

Or a Berlin Wall...or seperation like N S Korea. I think forced relocation of huge numbers of people is the least likely outcome :)

We already have a " Berlin Wall" of sorts and team Palestine sees it as a RACIST divide. Expect even more separation barriers to be erected and for the Israeli's to enforce even harsher controls on the land they annexe in Jerusalem. Expect to see Palestinian violence and riots as the separation barriers are extended and deep piles driven into the land to deter tunnels. Maybe drilling steel/concrete lined holes and placing explosives at the bottom would also deter Palestinian tunnels as the explosions would trap the terrorists in the tunnels.

From your source:
The Palestinian National Charter was adopted on May 28, 1964, establishing the Palestine Liberation Organization, in (east) Jerusalem along with another document, variously known as the Basic Constitution, Basic Law or Fundamental Law of the PLO, based on an earlier Draft Constitution. The Charter is concerned mainly with the aims of the Palestine Liberation Organization, while the Fundamental Law is more concerned with the structure and procedures of the organization.
It's the PLO's charter. Like I said - various groups have charters. The Palestinian people as a whole do not.
I already gave my sources for this.

Sorry, but wikipedia is not a legitimate source. As said above, bring in academic, sourced evidence, otherwise, you are no more credible than any of the hacks coming from scum holes like electronicintifada.

Refute the points. Wikipedia is perfectly good source in that it lists primary sources including books which aren't available on line. It also has discussion areas so you know who is doing what and it points out articles that are insufficiently sourced or bias.

No it doesn't, the authors of the articles use the sources that suit their POV, that is why I look for the original author and were his/her loyalties lie.

Except for two things. Authors represent multiple points of view and - you can assess the sources yourself and track them back by doing your own research.

I don't know of any author that has diametrically opposite points of view on any given subject, all authors use their own POV when they write their works. I do access the sources myself right back to the original sources the author has used for their work. Invariably the links on wiki posted by team Palestine all end up back at pro Palestinian sources, and are based on propaganda, blood libels and outright lies.

And invariably the links on wiki posted by team Israel end up back at pro-Israel sources, which are based on propaganda, bigotry and outright lies ;)

Actually - I find the sources represent a broad spectrum - some quite clearly biased others not so much. The point is - it allows you to research claims and see agendas. Other sources - particularly those from clearly biased or hate sites are far less reliable once you pick them apart and they seldom link to original sources (other than their own).
The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

Israel was absolutely not created off mooch. That's your bullshit version of history. And your version of history of this conflict as we all know is completely flawed.

The first thing they did is mooch the service of Britain's military to impose the Zionist agenda on Palestine at the point of a gun.

Virtually all of the money needed to create Israel came from out of country.

Israel still lives with its hand out.

Don't you mean the arab muslims, as they ended up with 78% of Palestine and the mooched the LoN to impose pan-arab nationalism.

That would be Palestine that moches $trillions every year.

It came from Jews who then started the migration to Israel as planned way back in 1919. Not a penny piece was mooched from anyone. Not like the Palestinians that mooch $trillions from the UN and the world, and spend it all on terrorism. And they were born with their hands out
The Jews were not engaged in a decades-long political and military struggle with the Nazis - consequently, the comparison does not hold.

The Jews of Israel actually began their national life as the uncontested Underdogs, against the Arabs, and did a remarkable job of turning that around.

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.

It provides us with excellent and highly defensible Israeli-favorable insight into the quality and nature of the Jews of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Israel, today) in comparison to the Arabs of Old Palestine (a.k.a. Rump Palestine, today) and their Muslim-Arab neighbors - and their various descendants still living in the region and still eligible for consideration.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

The Palestinians cant even balance the books with all the aid they get from the US and UN. How many trillions of tax dollars flood into Palestine every year ?
How much aid did the Palestinians get before Israel stole, bombed, and bulldozed their economic infrastructure?

All the money they generated since 1967 has been in the form of hand outs, and they spend every penny on violence and terrorism. Why do you think the EU has stopped sending them money................... They have never had any economic infrastructure they exist on zakat and alms.
So funny how Monte shows this over & over & yet never tells us the source of these figures. Heh Heh!

She does and it leads to a pay per view site that is also flagged as dangerous by my Virus programme.

No, it leads to the Berman Jewish Policy Archive a part of NYU and Wanger Universities and the Survey, all its volumes can be downloaded for free. The old Hasbara technique that attempts to keep people away from the truth by making claims such as yours is not working bozo. I know your kind doesn't use academic institutions as a resource because the facts are not consistent with the bullshit you've been fed. Here is the link again. New York University and Wagner University and a Jewish Archive, how anti Israel could they be? LOL

A Survey of Palestine Volume 1 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

And the facts again, Arabs owned more than 85% of Palestine in 1946, from the UN document called A Survey of Palestine published in 1946 before partition and the end of the mandate. Available for download from the Berman Jewish Policy Archive of NYU and Wagner University.

Read the facts and weep Israel propagandists.

View attachment 34330

Which send you round and round in circles without showing the contents of the report.
Read their charter and you will see it there plain as day

Who's charter?

The Palestinians that also includes the one by hamas and the one by fatah

The Palestinians don't have a charter. Hamas does and Fatah and the PLO do.

Charters Constitutions - FATEH Constitution

Neither Fateh nor the PLO call for a nation with no Jews. Fateh's Constitution calls for "Establishing an independent democratic state with complete sovereignty on all Palestinian lands, and Jerusalem is its capital city, and protecting the citizens' legal and equal rights without any racial or religious discrimination.". The Constitution references fighting Zionism and Imperialism. Unfortunately with Arafat's death, the PLO charter did not get amended. They still call for the destruction of Israel, as a state - but not for the creation of a nation with NO JEWS. The above in Fatah's constitution seems to support that.

I didn't read through Hamas' because I don't think much of Hamas as a legitimate governing entity.

Want to try again as this is what the Palestinian National Covenant says

Palestinian National Covenant - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Article 7 of the earlier document was changed from "Jews of Palestinian origin are considered Palestinians ..." to being restricted only to those "who had resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion." The final article providing that it can only be amended by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the Palestinian National Council (PNC) at a special session convened for that purpose was left unchanged.

Now we all know that the "Zionist invasion began in 1870 and I doubt that any indigenous Jews from that time are still alive. So in es
The window of opportunity for such a solution has long-since closed, The Palestinians themselves closed it, decades ago. Consequently, the Reconquista continues apace.

Disagree Mr. Pessimistic Conquista ;)
Yeah, I know - whether folks believe it or not, there is a part of me that wishes that this were not true - that peaceful coexistence between the Israelis and Palestinians was still possible, but - and this is pure personal opinion - I think that possibility died a quiet, lonely death, quite some time ago.

Am I positive? Of course not. Do I believe it? Yes. Do I perceive realistic and likely reasons for that belief? Yes.

And IF peaceful coexistence is no longer possible, then one side or the other is gonna have to go.

And, because extermination would be an unforgivable sin and crime against God and Man...

That doesn't leave anything other than mass relocation of one side or the other.

IF we are left with nothing better than relocation, then the weaker side will be the one to go.

That's all based upon the premise that peaceful coexistence is now virtually impossible.

If I'm right, then everything I've said beyond that point is both logical and nearly inevitable.

Or a Berlin Wall...or seperation like N S Korea. I think forced relocation of huge numbers of people is the least likely outcome :)

We already have a " Berlin Wall" of sorts and team Palestine sees it as a RACIST divide. Expect even more separation barriers to be erected and for the Israeli's to enforce even harsher controls on the land they annexe in Jerusalem. Expect to see Palestinian violence and riots as the separation barriers are extended and deep piles driven into the land to deter tunnels. Maybe drilling steel/concrete lined holes and placing explosives at the bottom would also deter Palestinian tunnels as the explosions would trap the terrorists in the tunnels.

From your source:
The Palestinian National Charter was adopted on May 28, 1964, establishing the Palestine Liberation Organization, in (east) Jerusalem along with another document, variously known as the Basic Constitution, Basic Law or Fundamental Law of the PLO, based on an earlier Draft Constitution. The Charter is concerned mainly with the aims of the Palestine Liberation Organization, while the Fundamental Law is more concerned with the structure and procedures of the organization.
It's the PLO's charter. Like I said - various groups have charters. The Palestinian people as a whole do not.

Which was adopted as the Palestinian National Charter when the PLO became fatah. So it is for all the Palestinian people and not just the PLO.
To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

Israel was absolutely not created off mooch. That's your bullshit version of history. And your version of history of this conflict as we all know is completely flawed.

The first thing they did is mooch the service of Britain's military to impose the Zionist agenda on Palestine at the point of a gun.

Virtually all of the money needed to create Israel came from out of country.

Israel still lives with its hand out.

Don't you mean the arab muslims, as they ended up with 78% of Palestine and the mooched the LoN to impose pan-arab nationalism.

That would be Palestine that moches $trillions every year.

It came from Jews who then started the migration to Israel as planned way back in 1919. Not a penny piece was mooched from anyone. Not like the Palestinians that mooch $trillions from the UN and the world, and spend it all on terrorism. And they were born with their hands out

To say that they 'outclassed' and 'out-maneuvered' and 'outsmarted' and out-fought the Arabs is an exercise in classic understatement.​

Don't forget outmooched.

It was the Zionists ability to mooch that made the difference.

Load of crap. Out classed, out maneuvered, outsmarted is absolutely right.

Mooching? Palestinians are the king of moochers !

Are you kidding? Israel is the mooch capital of the world.

Israel was created on the mooch and exists on the mooch.

There isn't a bigger bunch of freeloaders in the world.

Israel was absolutely not created off mooch. That's your bullshit version of history. And your version of history of this conflict as we all know is completely flawed.

The first thing they did is mooch the service of Britain's military to impose the Zionist agenda on Palestine at the point of a gun.

Virtually all of the money needed to create Israel came from out of country.

Israel still lives with its hand out.

Don't you mean the arab muslims, as they ended up with 78% of Palestine and the mooched the LoN to impose pan-arab nationalism.

That would be Palestine that moches $trillions every year.

It came from Jews who then started the migration to Israel as planned way back in 1919. Not a penny piece was mooched from anyone. Not like the Palestinians that mooch $trillions from the UN and the world, and spend it all on terrorism. And they were born with their hands out

The Christians and Muslims at Partition would have received less than half of the land they owned 85% of and had double the population. You are truly a Phoney.

"On September 3, UNSCOP submitted its report to the U.N. General Assembly. Thereport noted that the population of Palestine at the end of 1946 was estimated to be almost 1,846,000, with 1,203,000 Arabs (65 percent) and 608,000 Jews (33 percent). Again, the growth of the Jewish population was mainly the result of immigration, whereas the Arab growth was “almost entirely” natural increase.....Land ownership statistics from 1945 showed that Arabs owned more land than Jews in every single district in Palestine. In Jaffa, with the highest percentage of Jewish ownership of any district, 47 percent of the land was owned by Arabs versus 39 percent owned by Jews. At the opposite end of the spectrum, in Ramallah district, Arabs owned 99 percent of the land and Jews less than 1 percent.[7] In the whole of Palestine, Arabs were in possession of 85 percent of the land, while Jews owned less than 7 percent.[8]......The plan would have awarded a majority of the territory to its minority Jewish population, who were in possession of a mere fraction of the land, and so was naturally rejected by the Arab majority who legally owned most of Palestine.[16]..."

The U.N. Partition Plan and Arab Catastrophe Page 3 of 3 Foreign Policy Journal
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