Who Are The Palestinians?

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Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

Now where does it say that all the Jews were expelled from Palestine in your cut and paste. It doesn't does it so once again proving that you are a RACIST LIAR that cant support your claims. So I will ask again for a non partisan link to your false claim that the Romans expelled every last Jews from Roman Palestine. A tip would be to first find out what Roman Palestine was.

By the way you do know that Jesus died at Masada don't you fighting the Romans, the evidence was found there by some archaeologists and whisked away to the Vatican.

As they say on another forum Phoenall is well known on, he often has meltdowns. They call it "phoenalling". Now, he claims that Jesus Christ died fighting the Romans at Massada. Pontius Pilate was governor of Palestine 26-36 AD, the Jews at Masada were defeated by the Romans in 73 AD. So Jesus Christ was at Masada a few decades after his Crucifixion. Leave it to Phoney.
Now you present the rantings of a right-wing virtually fascist, commentator who happens to be a Jew, as reliable facts. Sheesh.
"Shapiro, who has positioned himself as a stalwart defender of Israel and of the Jewish people, has expressed views that place him squarely in the fascist camp," Goldberg explains. "Not only is he to the right of Chuck Hagel and Barack Obama, he is to the right of the mainstream pro-Israel community; of the right-wing Zionist Organization of America; the Likud Party; and the governing body of the West Bank settlement movement."

"Shapiro is the one who seems completely divorced from Jewish values," Goldberg concludes. "His leadership role in the dump-Hagel movement reflects well on Barack Obama."

Jeffrey Goldberg

Goldberg Breitbart s Ben Shapiro fascist - POLITICO.com
"Shapiro, who has positioned himself as a stalwart defender of Israel and of the Jewish people, has expressed views that place him squarely in the fascist camp," Goldberg explains. "Not only is he to the right of Chuck Hagel and Barack Obama, he is to the right of the mainstream pro-Israel community; of the right-wing Zionist Organization of America; the Likud Party; and the governing body of the West Bank settlement movement."

"Shapiro is the one who seems completely divorced from Jewish values," Goldberg concludes. "His leadership role in the dump-Hagel movement reflects well on Barack Obama."

Jeffrey Goldberg

Goldberg Breitbart s Ben Shapiro fascist - POLITICO.com

LMAO! Good one Monte. THAT"S funny. He is even "to the right of Barak Obama." Monte, I think I love you. Heh Heh.
WHO ARE THE PALESTINIANS? This article was written in 2007. Some things never change much over time. Palestinians will be Palestinians.

The Radical Evil Of The Palestinian Arab Population by Ben Shapiro on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent
Last week, the extremists, led by Holocaust denier and Fatah strongman Mahmoud Abbas, were ousted in a bloody coup by the radical extremists, Islamist terrorist group Hamas.​

A lie in the first paragraph.

Why should I read farther?
"Shapiro, who has positioned himself as a stalwart defender of Israel and of the Jewish people, has expressed views that place him squarely in the fascist camp," Goldberg explains. "Not only is he to the right of Chuck Hagel and Barack Obama, he is to the right of the mainstream pro-Israel community; of the right-wing Zionist Organization of America; the Likud Party; and the governing body of the West Bank settlement movement."

"Shapiro is the one who seems completely divorced from Jewish values," Goldberg concludes. "His leadership role in the dump-Hagel movement reflects well on Barack Obama."

Jeffrey Goldberg

Goldberg Breitbart s Ben Shapiro fascist - POLITICO.com

LMAO! Good one Monte. THAT"S funny. He is even "to the right of Barak Obama." Monte, I think I love you. Heh Heh.

LMAO, MJ has reading comprehension issues.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.


There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world
In less than ten years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. Fore eighty years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents.

A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947

Apart from the attacks in Hebron 1929, the civil war of 1930. Then the next civil war of 1933 followed by a scattering of smaller attacks up until 1947 when the arab league declared war and invaded to attack and wipe out the Jews. Do you want the rest of the attacks by arab muslims on the Jews. Or are you going to do an Ostrich and bury your head in the sand

Why wouldn't colonized people attack the colonists? It happened in almost all European colonies.

And your Grand Mufti has stated on oath that this is not the case

MUFTI: A large part of these lands belong to absentee landlords who sold the land over the heads of their tenants,

SIR L. HAMMOND: I ask him now this: does he think that as compared with the standard of life under the Turkish rule the position of the fellahin in the villages has improved or deteriorated?

SIR L. HAMMOND: Is taxation heavier or lighter?

MUFTI: Taxation was much heavier then, but now there are additional burdens.

SIR L. HAMMOND: I am asking him if it is now, the present day, as we are sitting together here, is it a fact that the fellahin has a much lighter tax than he had under the Turkish rule? Or is he taxed more heavily?

MUFTI: The present taxation is lighter, but the Arabs nevertheless have now other taxation, for instance, customs.

LORD PEEL: And the condition of the fellahin as regards, for example, education. Are there more schools or fewer schools now?

MUFTI: They may have more schools, comparatively, but at the same time there has been an increase in their numbers.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.


There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world
In less than ten years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. Fore eighty years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents.

A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947

Apart from the attacks in Hebron 1929, the civil war of 1930. Then the next civil war of 1933 followed by a scattering of smaller attacks up until 1947 when the arab league declared war and invaded to attack and wipe out the Jews. Do you want the rest of the attacks by arab muslims on the Jews. Or are you going to do an Ostrich and bury your head in the sand
Indeed, those were the attacks that they were talking about that happened after the Zionist invasion.

No Zionist invasion according to the Grand mufti, you know the leader of Palestine. Who stated on Oath

MUFTI: In one case they sold about 400,000 dunams in one lot.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Who? An Arab?

MUFTI: Sarsuk. An Arab of Beyrouth.

SIR L. HAMMOND: His Eminence gave us a picture of the Arabs being evicted from their land and villages being wiped out. What I want to know is, did the Government of Palestine, the Administration, acquire the land and then hand it over to the Jews?

MUFTI: In most cases the lands were acquired.

SIR L. HAMMOND: I mean forcibly acquired-compulsory acquisition as land would be acquired for public purposes?

MUFTI: No, it wasn’t.

SIR L. HAMMOND: Not taken by compulsory acquisition?

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