Who Are The Palestinians?

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Are you kidding?

If it isn't from www,israelibullshit.il you don't know anything about it.

So the UN archives and Yale U are no longer valid sources of information ? But islamonazis-r-us. org is

You do not use anything but Hasbara sites. What are you talking about. You deny anything contained in non-partisan academic or governmental archives is valid.

Because not everything in their archives is true, as I have shown with your booklet that was collated from many sources is not a source document for that reason as the actual source is not given.
Now go away and stick your arse in the air as you prostrate yourself to shaitan

Who would you say is a bigger Palestinian Propagadist, Tinmore or Monti ?

The Duke of Hasbara propagandists (King Ruddy and Queen Phoney) can't even spell propagandist. Figures.

Bringing up a typo, that's low even for you Monti.

BTW, how long have you been an expert propagandist for ? Judging by the immense amount that you spew on a daily basis, I would say for quite a while.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

The 'Palestinians' have made some seriously stupid decisions that have made their situation even worse. They have been digging themselves a deeper and deeper hole for the last 70 years.
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are just people that did not accept European colonization. They continue to resist. It's the right decision. Eventually they will overcome.
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are just people that did not accept European colonization. They continue to resist. It's the right decision. Eventually they will overcome.
Can you give me some specific examples of how the Palestinians have 'resisted'
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Considering that the land given to make "Israel" was never ratified by the UN security council.....DEEMS ISRAEL Illegal.

Anyhow Why should the Palestinians accept the theft of their Land.....by a load of Illegal Immigrants....it's like saying the Mexicans should have part of America because they were there first,and they have done exactly done the same as the Jews...Illegally entered and stayed in another country.

Just sayin Not that respectfully,steve
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not about the people (Arabs, Muslims, Islamic radicals) --- it was never about the people. It is about the culture and the preservation of ancient beliefs.

Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

Well, the war has lasted almost a century, if we start counting from the time of the Sykes-Picot Agreement (16 May 1916), and with Arab Revolt which began on (5 June 1916). Forces commanded by Sharif Hussein ibn Ali’s sons, the Emirs Ali and Feisal, attacked the Ottoman garrison at Medina. Certainly, if not by then --- then the Balfour Declaration was the start of the fire (2 November 1917).

But as Wars go, this was not of the magnitude or scope and nature that worried the Allied Powers or the UN. If the status quo can be maintained for another half century, most of the issues will have been resolved.

The solution was never at their finger tips. The objective was to create a Jewish National Home. There was never an objective to placate the Arab Palestinian. Those were ancillary compromises. The longer the Arab Palestinian waits to enter into good faith negotiations --- the more Area "C" will be developed by the Israelis. The Arab Palestinian is just another substandard culture left behind because they could not adapt, were too violent and unproductive.

Most Respectfully,
What adapt to VIOLENCE AND MURDER BY ZIONIST TERRORISTS.............you need a bloody good shake,!!!!!!!They were too violent and unproductive.....Fcuck you Spew a lot of SHIT.....Rocco you are a Straw Man indeed
P F Tinmore, et al,

It is not about the people (Arabs, Muslims, Islamic radicals) --- it was never about the people. It is about the culture and the preservation of ancient beliefs.

Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

Well, the war has lasted almost a century, if we start counting from the time of the Sykes-Picot Agreement (16 May 1916), and with Arab Revolt which began on (5 June 1916). Forces commanded by Sharif Hussein ibn Ali’s sons, the Emirs Ali and Feisal, attacked the Ottoman garrison at Medina. Certainly, if not by then --- then the Balfour Declaration was the start of the fire (2 November 1917).

But as Wars go, this was not of the magnitude or scope and nature that worried the Allied Powers or the UN. If the status quo can be maintained for another half century, most of the issues will have been resolved.

The solution was never at their finger tips. The objective was to create a Jewish National Home. There was never an objective to placate the Arab Palestinian. Those were ancillary compromises. The longer the Arab Palestinian waits to enter into good faith negotiations --- the more Area "C" will be developed by the Israelis. The Arab Palestinian is just another substandard culture left behind because they could not adapt, were too violent and unproductive.

Most Respectfully,
What adapt to VIOLENCE AND MURDER BY ZIONIST TERRORISTS.............you need a bloody good shake,!!!!!!!They were too violent and unproductive.....Fcuck you Spew a lot of SHIT.....Rocco you are a Straw Man indeed

Now now Theliq, please calm down. You'll give yourself a stroke or something & we need you here for laughs.
The Palestinians tried starting from the 1920s to gain independence. They proposed a constitution that was secular giving all confessions equal rights. The British refused because their goal was to implement Jew rule over non-Jews, in contravention of the Covenant of the League of Nations, the terms of the Mandate and the Charter of the United Nations. They more or less said so in their final letter to the UN regarding Palestine.



  • General Assembly

2 October 1947


The following letter has been received from the United Kingdom Delegation to the United Nations:

United Kingdom Delegation to the
United Nations, New York
18 August 1947


I have the honour to forward to Your Excellency herewith a memorandum by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom entitled "Political History of Palestine under British Administration".

This memorandum constitutes His Majesty's Government's account of their administration of the league of Nations mandate in Palestine, and is sent to you in accordance with the undertaking given in my note of 2nd April, in which I had the honour to request that the problem of Palestine should be placed on the Agenda of the General Assembly at its next regular session. I shall be grateful, therefore, if you will arrange for this document to be issued as an Assembly document in connexion with Item 21 of the Provisional Agenda of the Second Regular Session of the General Assembly, which was circulated on the 18th July last.

I should call your attention to the fact that this memorandum has already been made available to the Special Committee on Palestine established by the Special Session of the General Assembly called at the request of the United Kingdom Government and which met on April 28th last. His Majesty's Government thought it advisable that the memorandum be communicated to the Special Committee since, as I had the honour to inform the Special Assembly, my Government wished to be entirely at the disposal of the Committee and to give it all the information that it might require.

...............12. Foremost among the exponents of Zionism at that time was Dr. Weizmann. When a Zionist delegation appeared at the Peace Conference in 1919, the American Secretary of State (Mr. Lansing) asked them exactly what was meant by the phrase, a Jewish national home. Dr. Weizmann answered him as follows:-

  • “The Zionist organization did not want an autonomous Jewish Government, but merely to establish in Palestine, under a mandatory Power, an administration not necessarily Jewish, which would render it possible to send into Palestine 70 to 80,000 Jews annually. The Zionist Association would require to have permission at the same time to build Jewish schools, where Hebrew would be taught, and in that was to build up gradually a nationality which would be as Jewish as the French nation was French and the British nation British. Later on, when the Jews formed the large majority, they would be ripe to establish such a Government as would answer to the state of the development of the country and to their ideals.”13. The King-Crane Commission, touring Palestine later in the same years, found that the Jewish colonists were similarly looking to a radical transformation of the country:

    • “The fact came out repeatedly in the Commission’s conference with Jewish representatives, that the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine....."

How was it any different to the Jewish version, apart from who would be in charge. As history shows the arab muslims would have just treated the Jews and Christians as 4th class citizens eventually ethnically cleansing them from the M.E. Stopping them from going to their holy sites, imposing Jizya and dhimmi laws on them. And don't say they wouldn't as the Jordanians treatment of Jews and Christians from 1949 till 1967 tell the above story. And as evidence shows the arab muslims are not yet ready for nation building and don't have the intelligence to achieve anything worthwhile, so it would have been a puppet regime of the arab league.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are just people that did not accept European colonization. They continue to resist. It's the right decision. Eventually they will overcome.
Can you give me some specific examples of how the Palestinians have 'resisted'

Do you post just to see your nonsense in writing? What kind of question is that? "How have the Palestinians resisted" sheesh. It's like you've been sleeping for 50 years.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world

Even if we agree with the silly notion that the war for Palestine started 1400 years ago, what does it have to do with Jews. The people in Palestine were Roman citizens and Christians at the time, there weren't any Jews, the Romans made sure of it.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Considering that the land given to make "Israel" was never ratified by the UN security council.....DEEMS ISRAEL Illegal.

Anyhow Why should the Palestinians accept the theft of their Land.....by a load of Illegal Immigrants....it's like saying the Mexicans should have part of America because they were there first,and they have done exactly done the same as the Jews...Illegally entered and stayed in another country.

Just sayin Not that respectfully,steve

Nope as International law from 1922 had already given the land to Israel. It is Palestine that is illegal as the UN never ratified the original resolution that the arab muslims are using as the basis of their claim.

It was never their land for close on 1000 years. It certainly wasn't their land in 1917 when the Ottomans signed a surrender treaty, and it still wasn't their land in 1918 when the Turks ratified the surrender terms. So when did they acquire title to the land if the LoN did not sign it over to them via a treaty or MANDATE ?

It is the arab muslims that are illegal immigrants as shown by the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE which did not include them in the 22% of Palestine destined to be the Jewish national home.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world

Even if we agree with the silly notion that the war for Palestine started 1400 years ago, what does it have to do with Jews. The people in Palestine were Roman citizens and Christians at the time, there weren't any Jews, the Romans made sure of it.

And you have proven this how, as no evidence exists that says the Jews died out in Palestine under Roman rule.


By the way where did the Jews come from 1400 years ago that were massacred by Mohamed. Take a look at the hadiths for their numbers and explain them ?
Last edited:
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are just people that did not accept European colonization. They continue to resist. It's the right decision. Eventually they will overcome.
Can you give me some specific examples of how the Palestinians have 'resisted'

Do you post just to see your nonsense in writing? What kind of question is that? "How have the Palestinians resisted" sheesh. It's like you've been sleeping for 50 years.

Then give some specific examples ?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world
In less than ten years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. Fore eighty years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents.

A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world

Even if we agree with the silly notion that the war for Palestine started 1400 years ago, what does it have to do with Jews. The people in Palestine were Roman citizens and Christians at the time, there weren't any Jews, the Romans made sure of it.

And you have proven this how, as no evidence exists that says the Jews died out in Palestine under Roman rule.


By the way where did the Jews come from 1400 years ago that were massacred by Mohamed. Take a look at the hadiths for their numbers and explain them ?

They certainly were not in Palestine. Maybe in Mecca or Medina. Not part of the Roman Empire.

Palestine was a Roman province. The Roman state religion had been Christianity for centuries at the time. The Jews were purged from Palestine much earlier by the Romans who at the time worshipped Roman Gods.
The Christians and Muslims of Palestine are just people that did not accept European colonization. They continue to resist. It's the right decision. Eventually they will overcome.
Can you give me some specific examples of how the Palestinians have 'resisted'

Do you post just to see your nonsense in writing? What kind of question is that? "How have the Palestinians resisted" sheesh. It's like you've been sleeping for 50 years.

Then give some specific examples ?

How about a word. INTIFADA.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Considering that the land given to make "Israel" was never ratified by the UN security council.....DEEMS ISRAEL Illegal.

Anyhow Why should the Palestinians accept the theft of their Land.....by a load of Illegal Immigrants....it's like saying the Mexicans should have part of America because they were there first,and they have done exactly done the same as the Jews...Illegally entered and stayed in another country.

Just sayin Not that respectfully,steve

Nope as International law from 1922 had already given the land to Israel. It is Palestine that is illegal as the UN never ratified the original resolution that the arab muslims are using as the basis of their claim.

It was never their land for close on 1000 years. It certainly wasn't their land in 1917 when the Ottomans signed a surrender treaty, and it still wasn't their land in 1918 when the Turks ratified the surrender terms. So when did they acquire title to the land if the LoN did not sign it over to them via a treaty or MANDATE ?

It is the arab muslims that are illegal immigrants as shown by the MANDATE FOR PALESTINE which did not include them in the 22% of Palestine destined to be the Jewish national home.

Since there was no Israel in 1922, land could not have been given to Israel in 1922. Sovereignty over the former colonies/territories of Turkey (Class A Mandates) was transferred to the inhabitants through provisional statehood (administered by a Mandatory), via the Treaty of Versailles Article 22.

"To those colonies and territories which as a consequence of the late war have ceased to be under the sovereignty of the States which formerly governed them and which are inhabited by peoples not yet able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world, there should be applied the principle that the well-being and development of such peoples form a sacred trust of civilisation and that securities for the performance of this trust should be embodied in this Covenant.....Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognised subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory..."

The Avalon Project The Versailles Treaty June 28 1919
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.

From your link:

(i) They were the same underlying causes as those which brought about the “disturbances” of 1920, 1921, 1929 and 1933.​

So they knew what the problem was for 15 years and the assholes did nothing about it. And this report was in 1947 and they were still sitting around saying "duh, what do we do?"

Stupid won the day and there has been war ever since.

There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world
In less than ten years three serious attacks have been made by Arabs on Jews. Fore eighty years before the first of these attacks there is no recorded instance of any similar incidents.

A AC.14 8 of 2 October 1947

Apart from the attacks in Hebron 1929, the civil war of 1930. Then the next civil war of 1933 followed by a scattering of smaller attacks up until 1947 when the arab league declared war and invaded to attack and wipe out the Jews. Do you want the rest of the attacks by arab muslims on the Jews. Or are you going to do an Ostrich and bury your head in the sand
P F Tinmore, et al,

Hummm --- in a way, your analysis is partially correct. They did know what the scope and nature of both the cause and the resulting problem was.


There are two things here that should be said.
  • There was never a way to calculate the persistence of the Arab Palestinian resistance. No one ever thought that the Palestinians would give-up on nation building and national aspirations and opt instead to go into a continuous losing War mode.
  • While the regional adjacent Arab States have pretty much decided not to pursue hostilities, it is the Hostile Palestinian that has lost all national aspirations.
Just as none of the major powers will interfere in the annexation by the Russian Federation of the internationally recognized Ukrainian territory of Crimea (10,425 sq mi)(about the size of Massachusetts); March 2014 --- It is just as likely that, as long as Israel can contain the Hostile Arab Palestinian, none of the Regional Powers will go to war again over the West Bank and Gaza Strip (2,317 sq mi)(about the size of the Everglades).

Stupid did not win the day. The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating and were not entitled to sovereignty, having rejected a number of overtures from the Government of Palestine, the International Community moved on with the more cooperative --- the consequences are clear.

Most Respectfully,
Stupid did not win the day.​

Are you kidding? Starting a hundred year (and counting) war when the solution was at their fingertips was not stupid? It was the epitome of stupid.

And Britain still wants to continue the war.

The Arab Palestinians were not cooperating...​

Indeed, and they are still rejecting the Zionist's colonial project. Perhaps the Zionists should have picked a more docile people to colonize.

But it wasn't a 100 years war was it, but a 1400 years war started by a mentally deranged psychopath who told the muslims that god had given them the world

Even if we agree with the silly notion that the war for Palestine started 1400 years ago, what does it have to do with Jews. The people in Palestine were Roman citizens and Christians at the time, there weren't any Jews, the Romans made sure of it.

And you have proven this how, as no evidence exists that says the Jews died out in Palestine under Roman rule.


By the way where did the Jews come from 1400 years ago that were massacred by Mohamed. Take a look at the hadiths for their numbers and explain them ?

They certainly were not in Palestine. Maybe in Mecca or Medina. Not part of the Roman Empire.

Palestine was a Roman province. The Roman state religion had been Christianity for centuries at the time. The Jews were purged from Palestine much earlier by the Romans who at the time worshipped Roman Gods.

Then produce the evidence from a non partisan source that state the Jews were wiped out in Palestine by the Romans, and that would be Roman Palestine and not the Palestine that exists today.

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