White Privilege in American Society


That is some EXCELLENT race baiting.

YOu just validated any minorities feelings of victimhood and entitlement,

while dismissing all the trials and hard work of any and all whites, and insulting then to boot!
Live it

Which part?

The trials and hard work you dismissed? I been living that all my life.

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
Instead of using liberals means for communication, like I said before, use the book and video presented for information. When you understand how liberals use propaganda, then all their bullshit comes clear...
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
Instead of using liberals means for communication, like I said before, use the book and video presented for information. When you understand how liberals use propaganda, then all their bullshit comes clear...
What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
Instead of using liberals means for communication, like I said before, use the book and video presented for information. When you understand how liberals use propaganda, then all their bullshit comes clear...
What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
It was Southern White Democrats that hated Blacks and hung them along with White Republicans. Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
It was Southern White Democrats that made it hard for blacks to succeed in the US segregating blacks. LIES AND RACISM OF WOODROW WILSON
It was Southern White Democrats that made it hard for blacks to buy a house, so provided PROJECTS to put blacks in. The top five most racist presidents in American history - The American Mirror
It was Bill Clinton who called Blacks, super predators and had profiling enacted against blacks. SUPERPREDATOR – Bill Clinton's Use and Abuse of Black America
As a white man I have had to deal with affirmative action(Liberal policy), where I could of been more qualified than a black, but overlooked because of quota's. If a black man was selected by quota's was it his accomplishments or just his color of his skin that got him there.
The problem with your sorry ass liberal cartoons, is it is misinformation by leaving out , the REAL cause of subjugation of blacks.
When you understand liberalism, it is real easy to know how they think. I just proved his cartoons are misinformation, now lets see his next move.,

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
Instead of using liberals means for communication, like I said before, use the book and video presented for information. When you understand how liberals use propaganda, then all their bullshit comes clear...
What in that cartoon is inaccurate?
It was Southern White Democrats that hated Blacks and hung them along with White Republicans. Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
It was Southern White Democrats that made it hard for blacks to succeed in the US segregating blacks. LIES AND RACISM OF WOODROW WILSON
It was Southern White Democrats that made it hard for blacks to buy a house, so provided PROJECTS to put blacks in. The top five most racist presidents in American history - The American Mirror
It was Bill Clinton who called Blacks, super predators and had profiling enacted against blacks. SUPERPREDATOR – Bill Clinton's Use and Abuse of Black America
As a white man I have had to deal with affirmative action(Liberal policy), where I could of been more qualified than a black, but overlooked because of quota's. If a black man was selected by quota's was it his accomplishments or just his color of his skin that got him there.
The problem with your sorry ass liberal cartoons, is it is misinformation by leaving out , the REAL cause of subjugation of blacks.

Has nothing to do with the cartoon....but it does make for some humorous rightwing propaganda
Why do you keep on trying to change this from white privilege to black privilege if that's what I wanted to discuss that's what the title would be.. Distracting yourself by changing the subject won't change the fact that it exists..you are unable to see this because you refuse to consider any other views than your own. Nobody has said it's one sided..nobody has said that, so why are you being so defensive
Why do you keep on trying to change this from white privilege to black privilege if that's what I wanted to discuss that's what the title would be.. Distracting yourself by changing the subject won't change the fact that it exists..you are unable to see this because you refuse to consider any other views than your own. Nobody has said it's one sided..nobody has said that, so why are you being so defensive
Confess your crimes...we are waiting
White privilege is not necessarily committing a crime but more along the lines of how you are treated on a daily basis compared to that of the rest of the racial community. Such as not getting stopped by the police because they have now noticed a "suspicious" black man. Perfectly obeying the law but unlawfully detaining him and searching him anyway. (The officer facing 0 repercussions) You don't know this happened yet you was saved from your seatbelt ticket.. Can you honestly sit there and deny that the black community is not targeted by everyone and looked down upon even the slightest little bit whether you are committing something as heinous as a hate crime to simply avoiding the black guy who was walking down the same road as you...
White privilege is not necessarily committing a crime but more along the lines of how you are treated on a daily basis compared to that of the rest of the racial community. Such as not getting stopped by the police because they have now noticed a "suspicious" black man. Perfectly obeying the law but unlawfully detaining him and searching him anyway. (The officer facing 0 repercussions) You don't know this happened yet you was saved from your seatbelt ticket.. Can you honestly sit there and deny that the black community is not targeted by everyone and looked down upon even the slightest little bit whether you are committing something as heinous as a hate crime to simply avoiding the black guy who was walking down the same road as you...
God you are naive........... btw lib cities are the most racist...why is that......dont believe me go check out the cities the Justice Dept has moved in on their police depts. Since I"ve had 3 seat belt tickets guess I dont have any. Continue to swallow every piece of propaganda you are fed just realize nothing you do will ever get you off the hook so you will need to bow and scrape every day.
Firstly I would never bow to anybody.. Now how many times have I said white people face no issues in their lives and are handed everything in the world because they was born white... don't worry I'll wait.. while you search and twist and event some new shit to say stop avoiding the fact that you can't defensively argue that a white man would be looked over to get at a black man.. you've never seen this? Not even one time? Not noticed a situation going in your favor once because you seem more "inteligent"? aka the black man just looked ignorant and you didn't ? Never once in your entire life noticed anything in this White America that favors white people over black people?
Firstly I would never bow to anybody.. Now how many times have I said white people face no issues in their lives and are handed everything in the world because they was born white... don't worry I'll wait.. while you search and twist and event some new shit to say stop avoiding the fact that you can't defensively argue that a white man would be looked over to get at a black man.. you've never seen this? Not even one time? Not noticed a situation going in your favor once because you seem more "inteligent"? aka the black man just looked ignorant and you didn't ? Never once in your entire life noticed anything in this White America that favors white people over black people?
Zip zero nada........when I was young I was stopped several times because i was driving a vehicle above my age and station by white and black cops. ....How bout you...bet youve seen all this right.....did you report the crime........
White privilege is not necessarily committing a crime but more along the lines of how you are treated on a daily basis compared to that of the rest of the racial community. Such as not getting stopped by the police because they have now noticed a "suspicious" black man. Perfectly obeying the law but unlawfully detaining him and searching him anyway. (The officer facing 0 repercussions) You don't know this happened yet you was saved from your seatbelt ticket.. Can you honestly sit there and deny that the black community is not targeted by everyone and looked down upon even the slightest little bit whether you are committing something as heinous as a hate crime to simply avoiding the black guy who was walking down the same road as you...
I try to stay with what Martin Luther King Jr, had once said, and never will I forget it. "judge not a person by the color of ones skin, but by the content of his character". So let me tell you something about Black Culture that creates the atmosphere of White Privilege. Once the 60s happened and LBJ decided to create the welfare state, projects and Uncle Sugar, instead of the blacks raising themselves above what the liberal Democrats thought of blacks, people like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton enhanced the victimhood of the blacks and thus created a dependent society. This of course didn't happen to all blacks, because those that did leave the plantation, like Herman Cain, Condie Rice, and other predominant blacks, were called Oreo's, Uncle Toms, and Traitors to their people. Why is it that those who went above were talked down too? What happened to White Privilege for these blacks? Liberalism is all about victimhood, because if you are a victim then you had someone take something away from you, where if you stop listening to the left, and enable yourself to raise above it, you can achieve great things like many rich blacks living in the US. This is something liberals don't want you to learn, for if you do become successful, then you will no longer need the Democats, Welare, and their victimhood polices.
I bet you wont read the book, or watch the movie, it seems that your mind is already set, in your victimhood. Be Democrat, be a victim, don't use your God given gifts to make something of yourself. Be like this lady who was duped by Obama.


That is some EXCELLENT race baiting.

YOu just validated any minorities feelings of victimhood and entitlement,

while dismissing all the trials and hard work of any and all whites, and insulting then to boot!
Live it

Which part?

The trials and hard work you dismissed? I been living that all my life.


What part of trials and hard work don't you understand?

Details won't change the fact that you don't care because my skin in white.

That is some EXCELLENT race baiting.

YOu just validated any minorities feelings of victimhood and entitlement,

while dismissing all the trials and hard work of any and all whites, and insulting then to boot!
Live it

Which part?

The trials and hard work you dismissed? I been living that all my life.


What part of trials and hard work don't you understand?

Details won't change the fact that you don't care because my skin in white.

Just what I expected

You were bluffing
In Africa, Black Lives Have Never Mattered

In America, Blacks have never been treated worse than they deserved. There is such a thing as justifiable prejudice. Otherwise, the word has no meaning. In even the most unfair society, those on the very bottom deserve to be there. Even Karl Marx called them the lumpen proletariat and didn't try to turn them into a usable victim group.

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