White Privilege in American Society

Ok so i have a question what is your view exactly on white privilege and whit privilege alone

As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege
Ok so i have a question what is your view exactly on white privilege and whit privilege alone

As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.
Ok so i have a question what is your view exactly on white privilege and whit privilege alone

As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Ok so i have a question what is your view exactly on white privilege and whit privilege alone

As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Black privilege is societal double standards.

The Black Panthers, La Raza and the KKK are essentially the same things. Ethnic power/pride groups.

Does the press cover them the same way?

Not by a long shot. I have seen photos of Obama marching with the NBPP. Do you think the current POTUS would have ever been elected if photos had come out of him marching with KKK leaders?
Fuck statistics and fuck what you think you know. That's why we can't move past this..dont you want America to truly thrive as a country ? Why wouldn't you? If we have been divided for a long time and of course there is hostility towards whites by blacks and black by whites the only way to solve this is to move past it. How? How do we do this? Do you have any ideas so far no one has posed a solution to anything..everyone just wants to defend themselves claim there isn't an issue and move on..at this rate my kids and there kids will be in a civil war amongst the races.. do you have kids? Do you want your kids fighting a war amongst their own people? What would that solve? If everyone truly believed it didn't exists then they would have no reason to defend themselves
OK, you have my interest. What is your proposed solution?
Stop trying to justify everything neither is right black oppression and white oppression exists but it is not in any the topic. White privilege exists...the black privilege you refer to is just the guilty white man trying to atone...dosent mean white privilege is non- existent

If blacks get a 200 point bonus in Ivy League College admissions, they have "privilege" and whites are oppressed.
I would suggest that both racial and gender identifying characteristics be left off of any university/college application forms. Just name and address...and maybe not even an address. Perhaps the individual's name and a request for their high school or college transcripts?
Yes now that seems like a legitimate proposal.. eliminate the need for any racial or gender bias on any form of application. A society based off merit and scholar
That works for many things. Any application for work, or loans, or other beneficial offerings. But how do you get away from physical descriptions of criminal perpetrators? A [person] having dark-colored hair and eyes and [deeply tanned] skin, hair of medium length. No gender identification or other identifying characteristics permitted if such specifics might be construed as racial/gender/ethnic?
Fuck statistics and fuck what you think you know. That's why we can't move past this..dont you want America to truly thrive as a country ? Why wouldn't you? If we have been divided for a long time and of course there is hostility towards whites by blacks and black by whites the only way to solve this is to move past it. How? How do we do this? Do you have any ideas so far no one has posed a solution to anything..everyone just wants to defend themselves claim there isn't an issue and move on..at this rate my kids and there kids will be in a civil war amongst the races.. do you have kids? Do you want your kids fighting a war amongst their own people? What would that solve? If everyone truly believed it didn't exists then they would have no reason to defend themselves
OK, you have my interest. What is your proposed solution?

There is none, b/c it is a made up problem, the same as this "Muslim extremist terrorists" BS the media is pushing on folks.

Everything folks lean in government schools, everything corporate media pushes onto folks, it is all mind control, it is all programming of a false reality that doesn't exist.

Divide and conquer, invoke an external threat, etc.

The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot - Wikipedia

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.[/QUOTE]

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that how they've kept their power over us as a country in every community..i mean that's how they secured the majority of the black population.. But looking at the country as a whole they've (The fat cats) managed to put their thumbs on just about everyone..they control the economy completely. I work 50 hours a week at a full time job above minimum wage and still don't make enough to live comfortably.. is it possible to achieve this in this the land of the free...i mean yeah but not without signing over half my life to debt to learn the trade skill that's gonna be relevant to my generation (I'm sure several career paths will be obsolete within the next 10 years or so) Sorry for going 100% off topic but def want your opinion/correction on this. You seem well educated in the area..[emoji1]
As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that how they've kept their power over us as a country in every community..i mean that's how they secured the majority of the black population.. But looking at the country as a whole they've (The fat cats) managed to put their thumbs on just about everyone..they control the economy completely. I work 50 hours a week at a full time job above minimum wage and still don't make enough to live comfortably.. is it possible to achieve this in this the land of the free...i mean yeah but not without signing over half my life to debt to learn the trade skill that's gonna be relevant to my generation (I'm sure several career paths will be obsolete within the next 10 years or so) Sorry for going 100% off topic but def want your opinion/correction on this. You seem well educated in the area..[emoji1][/QUOTE]
So young...
I am winding down my second, and third, careers. I'll retire full-time (whatever that means) in the next 2-3 years. I have never gone into debt in order to achieve the professional credentials required for both my full- and part-time careers after I retired from the military. I work because I like the work I do. I will retire (nominally) because I am no longer 30. I have already been establishing my future "occupation", out-of-pocket. Surprising for many of your generation, my chosen on-going occupation is one that will continue to be very relevant.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
[QUOTE="gallantwarrior, post: 16903019, member: ][/QUOTE]
Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault.[/QUOTE]

This however was my favorite part. The only one not trying to do this is you..you refuse to accept any other reality than your own and when someone comes along and stumps you you panic and point the finger at me. (Going completely off topic) You are no better than a school yard bully being caught in the act and blaming someone else
Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
[QUOTE="gallantwarrior, post: 16903019, member: ]
Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault.[/QUOTE]

This however was my favorite part. The only one not trying to do this is you..you refuse to accept any other reality than your own and when someone comes along and stumps you you panic and point the finger at me. (Going completely off topic) You are no better than a school yard bully being caught in the act and blaming someone else[/QUOTE]
OK, son, I've got your number now.
Thanks for playing.
Whose sock are you?
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.
Minorities did not cause the housing collapse in 2008. They lack the equity. It was rampant speculation buying houses unseen.

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