White Privilege in American Society

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.
Were you ever banned from certain neighborhoods? Ever have a relative help you out getting a job?
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

Dude you should really try reading my op... I don't feel guilty I don't feel entitled. Does it make you feel special to have accomplished more than the white man? If so you are feeding into the white privilege. I'm sitting here as a white man saying hey people wake up this shit is real..its so subtle and almost unrecognizable that it is hard for most people to fathom the existence.. Please educate yourself. Or at least read my words and take them at face value and not at the interpretation of your own mind...they aren't your words they are mine don't twist them
nobody gets to choose their skin color, except maybe Michael Jackson or that nutter Dolezal.

I'm tired of affirmative action, safe spaces, genderless humans, microaggressions and a variety of other nuttery that has been loosed upon us by the hyper-oversensitive segment of the left. I'm also tired of the race baiters who have as their stock in trade continuing to define and perpetuate divisions between races for their own gain. Combine the two and what do you get?

Well, you get "White Privelege" the hybrid bastard child of both of those groups.
I agree with your statements 100% but the conclusion you have drawn is not completely right..partialy yes some of those aspects are factors but it's more than just that
Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.
Were you ever banned from certain neighborhoods? Ever have a relative help you out getting a job?

can you name all these POC banned from certain neighborhoods?

hell, POC demand to be around we whiteys so we can't be that bad
And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society
Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other? Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you? You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such? You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life? How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
slandering your intellect or your lack of experience in the real world?

BTW, you are not too bright if you swallow the concept of WP.

Are you a SKW?

where did you learn this horse shit?

Uncle Tim Wise?
Uncle Paul Gorski?
Aunt Peggy McIntosh?

the knapsack is invisible for a reason
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.
Minorities did not cause the housing collapse in 2008. They lack the equity. It was rampant speculation buying houses unseen.

the housing collapse was caused by affirmative action lending
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

Although I liked the cartoon, it was disingenuous in some parts...

For instance, we have had affirmative action in professional careers and education since the late sixties.

The Minority Business Development Agency was started during the Nixon administration.

If it hadn't been for pushing home loans on minorities that couldn't afford it, the housing catastrophe of 2008 might not have happened. Fannie was set up so European immigrants could get homes in the 1920's, (we saw how that went down.) Freddie was set up so minorities after the civil rights movement could afford homes. Both regardless of whether these folks actually could afford them, or defaulted, the fat cats on Wall Street would profit. Little people are brainwashed and pitted against each other.

Unfortunately, these toxic assets (MBS) are still sitting on the balance sheet at the FED, waiting to destroy the world economy when the time is right.

I hope you are happy with your affirmative action.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that how they've kept their power over us as a country in every community..i mean that's how they secured the majority of the black population.. But looking at the country as a whole they've (The fat cats) managed to put their thumbs on just about everyone..they control the economy completely. I work 50 hours a week at a full time job above minimum wage and still don't make enough to live comfortably.. is it possible to achieve this in this the land of the free...i mean yeah but not without signing over half my life to debt to learn the trade skill that's gonna be relevant to my generation (I'm sure several career paths will be obsolete within the next 10 years or so) Sorry for going 100% off topic but def want your opinion/correction on this. You seem well educated in the area..[emoji1][/QUOTE]

You're rambling a bit.

I'm not sure what you are asking in regards to "white privilege."

From my perspective, your problems are the same problems that any minority has. What we have now, is a culture that has been made into a "victim" culture, where it has been made okay to blame everyone, and everything, but oneself for their problems.

If you are minority, you blame institutional racism. If you are white, you blame affirmative action. If you are this, you blame that. If you are that, you blame this.

Life has always been hard, and everyone has their burdens. The first place we should always look, is in the mirror.

Sometimes, I realize, that is hard to do if you can't even afford a mirror. :badgrin:

Keep searching, keep learning. Don't accept what the schools teach, or what the media tells you. All of them, every person you meet, and everything you are told, has an agenda.

It's not often we have someone that is from Gen Z, Post-Millennials, the iGeneration, Plurals or the Homeland Generation join us. That last was Pumpkin, and she has not been around as of late. You're sort of on the cusp between the millennial and the next. According the press, you're more millennial than Z, but we'll see. Do your self a favor, don't be identified with them. Being a victim looking for a participation trophy isn't cool.

Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

...One person does not account for an entire race...

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.
[QUOTE="gallantwarrior, post: 16903019, member: ]
Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault.

This however was my favorite part. The only one not trying to do this is you..you refuse to accept any other reality than your own and when someone comes along and stumps you you panic and point the finger at me. (Going completely off topic) You are no better than a school yard bully being caught in the act and blaming someone else[/QUOTE]
OK, son, I've got your number now.
Thanks for playing.
Whose sock are you?[/QUOTE]

either a brainwashed SJW or a sambo jealous of whitey
Notice how this liberal, who lies about him being a rightwinger, is trying to give you misinformation, because he being a liberal is the true racist. We legal US citizens don't mind who comes to the US, we just want to have them come legally, while those liberals, want them to come illegally because since they(liberals) execute their born and unborn babies, their(liberal) population is declining so they must get new voters illegally. This is the TRUE RACISM, because without the vote, just like with blacks, Democrats don't give a shit about them. Then the liberals lie, by calling US the racists, just because we want LAWS to be followed. Thank you Rightwinger for making my point by using your MEME.

What in that cartoon is inaccurate?

It's pure utter bullshit. I'm Asian and I've accomplished more than most white people have, so what's your explanation for that, tard?

If you want to sit around feeling guilty about being born then I guess that's YOUR privilege. We have a word for people like that. It's cuck.

asian success is proof that there is no racism and white privilege.

cuck = brainwashed sissy

...One person does not account for an entire race...

What do I mean? America was founded upon white religon..only focusing on the prosperity of this establishment. Even though America is a "free" country where you should experience these "freedoms" despite race, religion, and nationality the fact remains that it was founded and built around white religion and thus deems anything not of the nature as wrong in societies view. (Not going to indulge myself with the religion topic) Whether you realize this or not it happens on a day to day basis in America. For example maybe the black man had a better resume but you hired the white guy because he seemed "more professional" (subconscious: not black) ..it could be anything like this. The number of examples are endless to say the least. Now am I saying that all white people are born to be successful? Or that black people are born doomed to be failures? Umm no not at all in the end you will be as successful as you make yourself you have to put the time and energy into your goals to achieve them.

Knowingly or not, society in America has been built to favor white people. We (the white community) are ignorant to the fact of this white privilege..which in turn enables this to continue throughout the generations. Does this mean you are racist because you are ignorant to this? No, this just means nothing is being done to correct this in society. Becoming aware of this and implementing ways of fixing this is one of the many steps (in my opinion) in eliminating racism in America. Am I a bad person for being born white? No not at all, being a good or bad person is entirely up to ones self...while I may not be proud of the decisions and actions of some of my ancestors...I can't change the past. I can't change the fact that I am white. I can change the way I view things.

does that apply for white privilege?
Children, such as yourself, have little ability to understand and equate what people of my generation, regardless of race/religion/creed/gender, or whatever, may have experienced. Mostly, your lack of ability to assimilate and understand is not your fault. You are the product of the so-called education system that focuses more on assimilation of certain social dogma than on education. Many of my generation have worked hard and gained whatever we have through that work. No one handed us one damned thing.
I would encourage you to educate yourself, but it remains to be seen whether that lies within your intellectual abilities.
Good luck, child.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society

it is difficult to decipher your blathering.

hopefully new generations of white people will realize they are lambs being lead to the slaughter

PS one of the local black supremacists warned you that you would have your ass handed to you
As has been said, it is an invention designed to justify discrimination in favor of blacks and against whites.
Ok define what black privilege is?

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color.
Woah woah woah now your choking on your own words here...you just said white privilege dissent exist yet lumped it under black privilege

Don't play stupid word games.

YOu have my answer. Address it, or run away.

Favorable discrimination/treatment based on skin color

And you sit there with confidence as the words leave your mouth discrediting everything you've said? Wouldn't your definition apply to any race? Even if you're just a dumbass of the English language and have accidentally done so you honestly believe one can exist and not the other?

a. Obviously it would apply to any race which received favorable discrimination based on skin color.

b. And YES, you can easily have one and not the other.

c As is the case in modern America.

Is it because you are white and the rules of "favorable discrimination" as you put it... dose not apply to you?

Nope. It is because of the meaning of the word "privilege".

a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group of people.

You honestly belive a country built on mass genocide and slavery was not setup as such?

Centuries ago? Yes. it was. Things change. That is one of things that changed.

You honestly can sit there and say you as a white man have never experienced this anywhere throughout your life?
Not that I have ever seen.

How hard is it to understand simple and I mean simple things such as these.

I understand what you are saying. I just think you are wrong.
So sad you can't come up with a definitive answer for your argument so you challenge my intellect and slander me with accusations of not working hard because I'm a product of my generation...you sir are a product of your generation being you are stubborn and single minded. You have no idea of my accomplishments I haven't sat hear and told you a detailed account of my life so who are you to say I haven't worked hard.. but I can say that about you because you have all but admitted this throughout your posts on this thread.
I will grant a mylack of knowledge about your achievements. Surprise me. I know many of your generation who work hard and are worthy of admiration. You would be surprised (possibly) how open-minded I can be, given compelling, factual information to counter my opinions and beliefs. And yet, your protests as to my ignorance of your life entitle you to claim that I have accomplished nothing, not worked for and achieved my goals. I would be interested in how you came to that conclusion based on my posts.
I didn't say you haven't accomplished anything or that you are not successful I would never go on assuming something about someone I don't personally know but your responses have been stubborn and single minded. You refuse to accept the possibility thus refusing to change any opinion you already have on the matter

the concept of white privilege that you espouse claims that white people can only accomplish anything because of their skin color and at the expense of POC

yes, you have assumed
Nah fam you assuming...yet again .y words are being twisted..taken out of context if you can't grasp my concepts out of the words I haven given then I'll assume this..there isn't any hope for the understanding of this throughout my generation...maybe my kids generation will see this come to pass but everyone seems to be blind in this society

it is difficult to decipher your blathering.

hopefully new generations of white people will realize they are lambs being lead to the slaughter
I only wish this upon this topic.. whether or not you belive it exists. I do..in MY opinion it is one of the many many issues we must face to put an end to the division of America. (meaning several issues..as in not the only thing out there to be aware of and resolved) I hope any and all forms of racism throughout all races in the United States is resolved and we as Americans can come together as one America (one nation under God right?) I don't however believe i will see this in my lifetime...maybe The climax (Implying it will definitely get worse before it gets better) but not the resolution...my children might not see this either...but if I do my job right and educate them correctly then I will have done my part in reaching this goal.
Maybe I'm just a silly child who is uneducated upon the actual issues of America and I'm rambling off nonsense or maybe I'm into something and it could happen..who knows ?

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