White People Make Me Proud

What a great showing of humanity when those White men gave their lives to protect two muslim black girls. These are the types of behavior that make me proud to be White

White people are just great! They are the best people on the planet. They invented modern civilization, modern technology, laws that protect everybody, human rights and most anything else. They are one of the few that go out there every day and die fighting for others around the world who cannot fight for themselves.
These liberals love to blame White people for their miserable lives

The sad part is these liberal would be much more miserable with out White folks
I also note that when white Christians turn terrorist and start killing children or people of colour,
When did that happen?

I presume your history classes did not cover the KKK. Or apparently any other history.

Tulsa race riot - Wikipedia

Rosewood massacre - Wikipedia

I could go on and on.

Good god fearing whites who really feared blacks.

July 29, 1910: Slocum Massacre in Texas
And it was White people who stopped these things

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