White male writes a book on how to engage in Pedophilia.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Here is another reason why I will never accept White men and their perversions.
This was on CNN last night. A White male wrote a book on how to engage in pedophilia with young children. This was all on Anderson Cooper 360 last night on CNN.

This is what I have been warning everyone about. As soon as you allow or accept one form of sexual perversion, white people will try to bring other forms. This is one of the main reasons I am against Homosexual marriage. It leads to other forms of sexual perversions.

This white male said it was normal to engage in pedophilia , and he saw nothing wrong with it.

White men can not be trusted with your children.!
White men can not be trusted with your children.!

So because one pervert happens to be a white male all white men can't be trusted with children?!?

Assuming that you're black does that mean you're also a criminal? Just curious because last night a couple of men tried to rob a gas station and they were black and using your logic I have to believe all black men must be criminals...
This white male said it was normal to engage in pedophilia , and he saw nothing wrong with it. White men can not be trusted with your children.!
I'll take responsibility for pedophilia if you take responsibility for drug abuse. Howze' that?
I agree, white people should NOT be allowed near children.

Here is another reason why I will never accept White men and their perversions.
This was on CNN last night. A White male wrote a book on how to engage in pedophilia with young children. This was all on Anderson Cooper 360 last night on CNN.

This is what I have been warning everyone about. As soon as you allow or accept one form of sexual perversion, white people will try to bring other forms. This is one of the main reasons I am against Homosexual marriage. It leads to other forms of sexual perversions.

This white male said it was normal to engage in pedophilia , and he saw nothing wrong with it.

White men can not be trusted with your children.!
This is a free speech issue. If it upsets you so what you should do is research your topic and write a short book on how to lure pedophiles to secluded places and kill them. You could even include a chapter on how to effectively dispose of corpses using industrial acids.

Fight fire with fire.
It's ridiculous to associate this disgusting perversion with any one race/culture/ethnicity.

And I am all for free speech. What I am not for is speech that does real world harm.

This..falls into that category.
i go back and forth on this one....ban a book....that is just such a slippery slope...i have not read the book but hear it reads like a training manuel for how to keep a kid quiet and what types of kids to target
White men can not be trusted with your children.!

So because one pervert happens to be a white male all white men can't be trusted with children?!?

Assuming that you're black does that mean you're also a criminal? Just curious because last night a couple of men tried to rob a gas station and they were black and using your logic I have to believe all black men must be criminals...

You make a valid point, I should not condem all white men as being pedophiles. But there is a percentage that feel this act of pedophilia is O.K., it is not!.
What is the world coming to!?
White men can not be trusted with your children.!

So because one pervert happens to be a white male all white men can't be trusted with children?!?

Assuming that you're black does that mean you're also a criminal? Just curious because last night a couple of men tried to rob a gas station and they were black and using your logic I have to believe all black men must be criminals...

You make a valid point, I should not condem all white men as being pedophiles. But there is a percentage that feel this act of pedophilia is O.K., it is not!.
What is the world coming to!?

There's a percentage of blacks that think robbing folks is ok ... it is not.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!
So because one pervert happens to be a white male all white men can't be trusted with children?!?

Assuming that you're black does that mean you're also a criminal? Just curious because last night a couple of men tried to rob a gas station and they were black and using your logic I have to believe all black men must be criminals...

You make a valid point, I should not condem all white men as being pedophiles. But there is a percentage that feel this act of pedophilia is O.K., it is not!.
What is the world coming to!?

There's a percentage of blacks that think robbing folks is ok ... it is not.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!

I do believe that there are more white male pedophiles than there are black pedophiles in America. The numbers are higher for white men, the last time I checked.:razz:
My favorite part was that it sold like one book prior to the scores of overweight house wives crying foul. Then sales spiked.
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You make a valid point, I should not condem all white men as being pedophiles. But there is a percentage that feel this act of pedophilia is O.K., it is not!.
What is the world coming to!?

There's a percentage of blacks that think robbing folks is ok ... it is not.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!

I do believe that there are more white male pedophiles than there are black pedophiles in America. The numbers are higher for white men, the last time I checked.:razz:

Out of morbid curiosity, what numbers are you checking to come to this conclusion?!?! From what I get with the MSM(whats fed to us) it seems Catholic priests(granted white) are the ones who are having problems keeping their hands to themeselves... For fear of a few, should I keep my children away from churches on Sundays? Hell, theres no telling what may be going on in those youth group rooms!
You make a valid point, I should not condem all white men as being pedophiles. But there is a percentage that feel this act of pedophilia is O.K., it is not!.
What is the world coming to!?

There's a percentage of blacks that think robbing folks is ok ... it is not.

Damn you are one stupid fuck!

I do believe that there are more white male pedophiles than there are black pedophiles in America. The numbers are higher for white men, the last time I checked.:razz:

Seeing that blacks represent less than 20 percent of the population you may be right, however, blacks account for over 50 percent of all violent crime. Now what does that tell you?
Here is another reason why I will never accept White men and their perversions.
This was on CNN last night. A White male wrote a book on how to engage in pedophilia with young children. This was all on Anderson Cooper 360 last night on CNN.

This is what I have been warning everyone about. As soon as you allow or accept one form of sexual perversion, white people will try to bring other forms. This is one of the main reasons I am against Homosexual marriage. It leads to other forms of sexual perversions.

This white male said it was normal to engage in pedophilia , and he saw nothing wrong with it.

White men can not be trusted with your children.!

Interesting opinion.

Here's another. Black men can't speak English, beat women for sport, don't know pants should be worn around their waist, smoke Kools, think educating one's self is 'acting white,' only want to produce bastard children, dress like pimps, and think by putting a $2000 set of rims on a beat up old Caddy no one will notice it's beat up. Just to name a few.
Here is another reason why I will never accept White men and their perversions.
This was on CNN last night. A White male wrote a book on how to engage in pedophilia with young children. This was all on Anderson Cooper 360 last night on CNN.

This is what I have been warning everyone about. As soon as you allow or accept one form of sexual perversion, white people will try to bring other forms. This is one of the main reasons I am against Homosexual marriage. It leads to other forms of sexual perversions.

This white male said it was normal to engage in pedophilia , and he saw nothing wrong with it.

White men can not be trusted with your children.!

Interesting opinion.

Here's another. Black men can't speak English, beat women for sport, don't know pants should be worn around their waist, smoke Kools, think educating one's self is 'acting white,' only want to produce bastard children, dress like pimps, and think by putting a $2000 set of rims on a beat up old Caddy no one will notice it's beat up. Just to name a few.

Well blast off if you want to get technical, White men Dress up in womens clothes,transvestites,
most serial killers are white males, make all kinds of bombs to kill people, made the Atomic bomb, to kill us all,caused the biggest economic collasp since the depression,
with their credit default swap, sub prime mortgage fiasco,stole 2 Trillion dollars$. Are trying to legalize sodomy, in the
form of homosexual marriage, are child molesters, and murderers. And stole this land called America from the Indians.:razz:
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Here is another reason why I will never accept White men and their perversions.
This was on CNN last night. A White male wrote a book on how to engage in pedophilia with young children. This was all on Anderson Cooper 360 last night on CNN.

This is what I have been warning everyone about. As soon as you allow or accept one form of sexual perversion, white people will try to bring other forms. This is one of the main reasons I am against Homosexual marriage. It leads to other forms of sexual perversions.

This white male said it was normal to engage in pedophilia , and he saw nothing wrong with it.

White men can not be trusted with your children.!

Interesting opinion.

Here's another. Black men can't speak English, beat women for sport, don't know pants should be worn around their waist, smoke Kools, think educating one's self is 'acting white,' only want to produce bastard children, dress like pimps, and think by putting a $2000 set of rims on a beat up old Caddy no one will notice it's beat up. Just to name a few.

Well blast off if you want to get technical, White men Dress up in womens clothes,transvestites,
most serial killers are white males, make all kinds of bombs to kill people, made the Atomic bomb, to kill us all,caused the biggest economic collasp since the depression,
with their credit default swap, sub prime mortgage fiasco,stole 2 Trillion dollars$. Are trying to legalize sodomy, in the
form of homosexual marriage, are child molesters, and murderers. And stole this land called America from the Indians.:razz:

Oh, so no Negroes do such things. Interesting. Stupid but interesting.
So now only white males can be pedophiles and only black men do drugs? What a strange world we live in.

Thats the world 52 lives in but in my world women can be pedophiles blacks can be pedophiles whites can be pedophiles on and on you can go.

Heres what I am going to do\. Go to Family watchdog web site. Click on the first contact name and lets see if the offender is black or white MALE OR FEMALE.

The lucky winner was a white female.

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