Diversity! Yay!


Snuggle weather rocks!
Jan 6, 2010
Monkey Island
Where I work, it is mostly black in the production departments. The company is a great company to work for and often feeds us lunch on their dime just as a way to say thank you.... well, that used to be the reason. Now I believe it is just habit. Since we have acquired more black employees, the company has to assign babysitters to the luncheons and regulate how much food people grab because so many seem to have a "grab as much as I can" attitude. It's really pathetic to watch.

Anyway, we play 6 different music stations and the station gets changed daily. There is a day set up for rap music and there was a complaint that when rap is playing, the music gets turned down. This was a dumb complaint because the volume is preset. So now, we get no music. YAY!

A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

We had meetings about harassment in the workplace... Now it has come down to people who do not like other people are getting them fired simply due to complaining about being offended. The union is way too scared to stand up for the white employees but jumps like heroes when a black is on the stand. Is this way of life in the workplace truly a good thing? It's not comfortable for most, including blacks, and has everyone afraid to even joke around. I mean, my workplace actually posted when it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY. Is all of this shit necessary? Can't we just do our job and have some fun while we are at it anymore?
Well this is why we have the most unqualified man in the room, Barack Obama as our President. Political Correctness.

The music where I work used to get changed weekly until something happened. I biggie from H.Q. called and was put on hold for a few seconds. Well, the music that gets piped through the building is also what people hear when they get put on hold so what did the "Biggie from H.Q." hear?:

"Yo muthuh fuckuh, Yo muthuh fuckuh, Yo muthuh fuckuh, Yo!". :lol:

Now we have to listen to elevator music all the time.
Where I work, it is mostly black in the production departments. The company is a great company to work for and often feeds us lunch on their dime just as a way to say thank you.... well, that used to be the reason. Now I believe it is just habit. Since we have acquired more black employees, the company has to assign babysitters to the luncheons and regulate how much food people grab because so many seem to have a "grab as much as I can" attitude. It's really pathetic to watch.

Anyway, we play 6 different music stations and the station gets changed daily. There is a day set up for rap music and there was a complaint that when rap is playing, the music gets turned down. This was a dumb complaint because the volume is preset. So now, we get no music. YAY!

A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

We had meetings about harassment in the workplace... Now it has come down to people who do not like other people are getting them fired simply due to complaining about being offended. The union is way too scared to stand up for the white employees but jumps like heroes when a black is on the stand. Is this way of life in the workplace truly a good thing? It's not comfortable for most, including blacks, and has everyone afraid to even joke around. I mean, my workplace actually posted when it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY. Is all of this shit necessary? Can't we just do our job and have some fun while we are at it anymore?

I don't get it.

Do you have a problem working with gays or blacks?

And could it be that you have less food because you aqcuired more workers in general? Or are you all just hiring "greedy niggas"?

And "****** motherfucker" and "white motherfucker" are different on various different levels. By the way.:eusa_angel:
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Where I work, it is mostly black in the production departments. The company is a great company to work for and often feeds us lunch on their dime just as a way to say thank you.... well, that used to be the reason. Now I believe it is just habit. Since we have acquired more black employees, the company has to assign babysitters to the luncheons and regulate how much food people grab because so many seem to have a "grab as much as I can" attitude. It's really pathetic to watch.

Anyway, we play 6 different music stations and the station gets changed daily. There is a day set up for rap music and there was a complaint that when rap is playing, the music gets turned down. This was a dumb complaint because the volume is preset. So now, we get no music. YAY!

A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

We had meetings about harassment in the workplace... Now it has come down to people who do not like other people are getting them fired simply due to complaining about being offended. The union is way too scared to stand up for the white employees but jumps like heroes when a black is on the stand. Is this way of life in the workplace truly a good thing? It's not comfortable for most, including blacks, and has everyone afraid to even joke around. I mean, my workplace actually posted when it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY. Is all of this shit necessary? Can't we just do our job and have some fun while we are at it anymore?

I don't get it.

My company went public and we hired one CEO that fired like 600 people, she got like 14 million dollars and the company showed a loss. She moved on after 2 years.

The next CEO fired 600 people he's gotten 17 million dollars and he's still here after 2 years. And the company is losing money.

Anyone fill me in on how that's possible?
Where I work, it is mostly black in the production departments. The company is a great company to work for and often feeds us lunch on their dime just as a way to say thank you.... well, that used to be the reason. Now I believe it is just habit. Since we have acquired more black employees, the company has to assign babysitters to the luncheons and regulate how much food people grab because so many seem to have a "grab as much as I can" attitude. It's really pathetic to watch.

Anyway, we play 6 different music stations and the station gets changed daily. There is a day set up for rap music and there was a complaint that when rap is playing, the music gets turned down. This was a dumb complaint because the volume is preset. So now, we get no music. YAY!

A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

We had meetings about harassment in the workplace... Now it has come down to people who do not like other people are getting them fired simply due to complaining about being offended. The union is way too scared to stand up for the white employees but jumps like heroes when a black is on the stand. Is this way of life in the workplace truly a good thing? It's not comfortable for most, including blacks, and has everyone afraid to even joke around. I mean, my workplace actually posted when it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY. Is all of this shit necessary? Can't we just do our job and have some fun while we are at it anymore?

Conspiracist, you work for morons. This is PC run amok, protecting the ultra-sensitive amongst us. I'm gonna make the ginormous assumption that you are not employed to grind out sentiments on greeting cards, and that at times, the work you do is physically demanding.

I agree whole-heartedly that racially-motivated, gender-based or any other sort of harrassment on the job is a serious matter and needs to be addressed by everyone. No self-respecting person should stand idly by while a person of color is taunted with vile racial epiteths at work....but that does not sound like what is happening. "Harrassment" does not mean "whatever the hell I, as the protected class, decide it should be after the fact". Or at least it shouldn't.

It sounds instead as if you have a subgroup of workers -- and we have ALL worked with such people -- who put more energy into creating drama and avoiding their responsibilities than they do into doing their fucking jobs. Why is there so much angst over the music being played or the food served as the company's free lunch? Anyone over 12 could plan a party without these issues....bring in food in individual servings and choose one station that is palatable to most people and leave the dial alone. It's background noise at work, not a national anthem on Inaugeration Day.

I dunno what to advise you. You can suck it up, look for another job or run for shop steward....and they are all crappy choices. Used to be, we expected more of one another, especially at work. People were expected to suck up minor irrtations and get the fuck on with their lives. Now everyone's got some "special need" that the whole workforce must alter their conduct to address. Cannot have peanuts, wheat, salt, sugar or most anything else because someone claims to be allergic. Cannot have Halloween parties because someone claims it's against their religion (apparently, just minding their own fucking business is as well). Cannot speak casually to a coworker because everyone has a cultivated list of "no-nos" that not everyone shares and there's a chance you'll get ripped for the wrong word choice.

Your coworker should never have used the "n" word, no matter what -- but the rest sounds to me as if grown men are acting like crazy aunts at a quilting party.

How's about we just act like grown ups who are responsible for ourselves and do our fucking jobs, eh?
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Where I work, it is mostly black in the production departments. The company is a great company to work for and often feeds us lunch on their dime just as a way to say thank you.... well, that used to be the reason. Now I believe it is just habit. Since we have acquired more black employees, the company has to assign babysitters to the luncheons and regulate how much food people grab because so many seem to have a "grab as much as I can" attitude. It's really pathetic to watch.

Anyway, we play 6 different music stations and the station gets changed daily. There is a day set up for rap music and there was a complaint that when rap is playing, the music gets turned down. This was a dumb complaint because the volume is preset. So now, we get no music. YAY!

A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

We had meetings about harassment in the workplace... Now it has come down to people who do not like other people are getting them fired simply due to complaining about being offended. The union is way too scared to stand up for the white employees but jumps like heroes when a black is on the stand. Is this way of life in the workplace truly a good thing? It's not comfortable for most, including blacks, and has everyone afraid to even joke around. I mean, my workplace actually posted when it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY. Is all of this shit necessary? Can't we just do our job and have some fun while we are at it anymore?

Reads like another bullshit story from some anonomous right winger to me.

Care to document this with some real evidence?
Blame the lawyers.

I just spoke with someone who works for a large company that decided to avoid the whole "Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays" controversy, and send out Thanksgiving cards instead. Turns out Jehovah's Witnesses believe Thanksgiving is a pagan holiday, and refused to mail the cards.

We are living in bizarro world folks.
FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 1
RE: Christmas Party

I'm happy to inform you that the company Christmas Party will take place on December 23, starting at noon, in the banquet room at Luigi's Open Pit Barbecue. No host bar, but plenty of eggnog! We'll have a small band playing traditional carols... feel free to sing along. And, don't be surprised if our CEO shows up dressed as Santa Claus!

A Christmas tree will be lit at 1:00 P.M. Exchange of gifts among employees can be done at that time; however, no gift should be over $10.00 to make the giving of gifts easy for everyone's pockets. This gathering is only for employees! A special announcement will be made by our CEO at that time!

Merry Christmas to you and your family.

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 2
RE: Holiday Party

In no way was yesterday's memo intended to exclude our Jewish employees. We recognize that Chanukah is an important holiday which often coincides with Christmas, though unfortunately not this year. However, from now on we're calling it our "Holiday Party." The same policy applies to employees who are celebrating Kwanzaa at this time. There will be no Christmas tree and no Christmas carols sung. We will have other types of music for your enjoyment.

Happy now?

Happy Holidays to you and your family.

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 3
RE: Holiday Party

Regarding the note I received from a member of Alcoholics Anonymous requesting a non-drinking table ....You didn't sign your name. I'm happy to accommodate this request, but if I put a sign on a table that reads, "AA Only," you wouldn't be anonymous anymore. How am I supposed to handle this?


Forget about the gifts exchange, no gift exchange is allowed since the union members feel that $10.00 is too much money, and executives believe $10.00 is very little for a gift. NO GIFT EXCHANGE WILL BE ALLOWED.


FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 7
RE: Holiday Party

What a diverse group we are! I had no idea that December 20 begins the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which forbids eating and drinking during daylight hours. There goes the party! Seriously, we can appreciate how a luncheon this time of year does not accommodate our Muslim employees'beliefs. Perhaps Luigi's can hold off on serving your meal until the end of the party (the days are so short this time of year), or else package everything for take home in little foil swans. Will that work?

Meanwhile, I've arranged for members of Overeaters Anonymous to sit farthest from the dessert buffet. Pregnant women will get the table closest to the restrooms. Gays are allowed to sit with each other. Lesbians do not have to sit with gay men; each gender will have their own table. To the person asking permission to cross dress, no cross dressing allowed. We will have booster seats for short people. Low-fat food will be available for those on a diet. We cannot control the salt used in the food thus we suggest for those people with blood pressure problems to taste first. There will be fresh fruits as dessert for diabetics since the restaurant is unable to supply "no sugar" desserts.


Did I miss anything?

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
Date: December 9
RE: Holiday Party

People, people! Nothing sinister was intended by having our CEO dress up ike Santa Claus! Even if the anagram of "Santa" does happen to be "Satan," there is no evil connotation to our own "little man in a red suit." It's a tradition, folks, like sugar shock at Halloween, or family feuds over the Thanksgiving turkey, or broken hearts on Valentine's Day. Could we lighten up? Please?????????

Also, the company has changed their mind in announcing the special announcement at the gathering. You will get a notification in the mail, sent to your home.

FROM: Patty Lewis, Human Resources Director
TO: All #&$**@ Employees
DATE: December 10
RE: The #*&^@*^Holiday Party

I have no#&*@*^ idea what the announcement is all about. What the #&^!@ do I care...? I KNOW WHAT I AM GOING TO GET!!!!!!!!!!!! You change your address now and your are dead!!!!!!!!!!!! No more changes of address will be allowed in my office. Try to come in and change your address, I will have you hung from the ceiling in the warehouse!!

Vegetarians!?!?!? I've had it with you people!!! We're going to keep this party at Luigi's Open Pit Barbecue whether you like it or not. You can sit quietly at the table furthest from the "grill of death," as you so quaintly put it, and you'll get your @ #$^&*! salad bar, including hydroponic tomatoes. But you know, they have feelings, too. Tomatoes scream when you slice them. I've heard them scream. I'm hearing them scream right now !HA! I hope you all have a rotten holiday!

Drive drunk and die, you hear me!!!!!!!!!!!

The Bitch from HELL!!!!!!!!
FROM: Terri Bishop, Acting Human Resources Director
TO: All Employees
DATE: December 14
RE: Patty Lewis and Holiday Party

I'm sure I speak for all of us in wishing Patty Lewis a speedy recovery from her stress-related illness, and I'll continue to forward your cards to her at the sanitarium. In the meantime, management has decided to cancel our Holiday Party and give everyone the afternoon of the 23rd off with full pay.

Happy Holidays!


The modern American holiday party at work....sad, huh?
A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

So one uses a racial slur and the other doesn't and you wonder why one was fired. :eusa_eh:
Screw diversity.
Where I work, it is mostly black in the production departments. The company is a great company to work for and often feeds us lunch on their dime just as a way to say thank you.... well, that used to be the reason. Now I believe it is just habit. Since we have acquired more black employees, the company has to assign babysitters to the luncheons and regulate how much food people grab because so many seem to have a "grab as much as I can" attitude. It's really pathetic to watch.

Anyway, we play 6 different music stations and the station gets changed daily. There is a day set up for rap music and there was a complaint that when rap is playing, the music gets turned down. This was a dumb complaint because the volume is preset. So now, we get no music. YAY!

A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

We had meetings about harassment in the workplace... Now it has come down to people who do not like other people are getting them fired simply due to complaining about being offended. The union is way too scared to stand up for the white employees but jumps like heroes when a black is on the stand. Is this way of life in the workplace truly a good thing? It's not comfortable for most, including blacks, and has everyone afraid to even joke around. I mean, my workplace actually posted when it was NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY. Is all of this shit necessary? Can't we just do our job and have some fun while we are at it anymore?

Reads like another bullshit story from some anonomous right winger to me.

Care to document this with some real evidence?

It's not bullshit. period. We just had a lawyer give us a meeting 2 weeks ago telling us how to act amongst one another and how not to offend people. The supervisors read to the employees once a month for 15 minutes about the ways of certain ethnicities and then have a discussion about situations at work that may offend such people. I wish it were bullshit man.
A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

So one uses a racial slur and the other doesn't and you wonder why one was fired. :eusa_eh:

I said the white dude was stupid and said nothing about wondering why the other was not fired. Don't put words in my mouth.
A black guy called an older white guy a dumb white motherfucker and the white guy called him a dumb ****** motherfucker in retalliation, (which was stupid), the white guy got fired and the brotha kept his job.

So one uses a racial slur and the other doesn't and you wonder why one was fired. :eusa_eh:

I said the white dude was stupid and said nothing about wondering why the other was not fired. Don't put words in my mouth.

But you implied that somehow the black guy should have been fired. :eusa_liar:
Nice try, asshole.:eusa_whistle: You really do try to insult everyone's intelligence.:cuckoo:
I said the white dude was stupid and said nothing about wondering why the other was not fired. Don't put words in my mouth.

Sure you did. You acted like it was wrong that the African American coworker did not get fired but the white one did. If you didn't, you wouldn't of mentioned it in the spiel of why African Americans and other minorities are keeping you down. Do I look like I was born last night? Don't play stupid, it's not only offensive to me but offensive to yourself.
I think they should both have been fired. They both used fighting words on the employer's premises....no excuse for that, IMO.

Even in construction or manufacturing, you cannot call your coworker a "motherfucker" in anger.
I said the white dude was stupid and said nothing about wondering why the other was not fired. Don't put words in my mouth.

Sure you did. You acted like it was wrong that the African American coworker did not get fired but the white one did. If you didn't, you wouldn't of mentioned it in the spiel of why African Americans and other minorities are keeping you down. Do I look like I was born last night? Don't play stupid, it's not only offensive to me but offensive to yourself.

Now you are the thought police. If I believed the black guy should be fired, why would I not say so now? I didn't think either one should be fired to be honest. Maybe some time off and what have ya. The white guy could have gotten his job back with an apology but refused. You assume too much and you play the game you accuse others off far too often. You are normally the one accusing others of reading too far into what you are saying. You are doing that with me right now.

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