White House will go after AIPAC next — Newsweek


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

One former U.S. intelligence operative with long, firsthand familiarity with Israeli operations called the revelation “appalling but not surprising,” especially under Netanyahu…

“The fact that there is such manipulation of our institutions by a so-called ally must be exposed, and the ‘useful idiots’ in [the U.S.] government who toe the Likud line will someday be looked back upon as men and women who sacrificed the U.S. national interest for a foreign ideology—Likud right-wing Zionism,” the operative said, on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

“We know publicly that the administration is seething,” he added, “but I can assure you that behind closed doors the gloves are coming off. Bibi is in the administration’s crosshairs. If this is what is being allowed to leak publicly, you can bet that, behind the scenes, folks both in the White House and the foreign policy-intel community [are prepared to] act on that anger.”

This is not the end of it, he predicted. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which critics say has morphed from a powerful “pro-Israel” lobby to a powerful pro-Likud lobby over the years, will be Obama officials’ next target.

“I’m betting there are going to be some willing leakers now about stories such as AIPAC’s operations against Congress,” the former operative said.

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

Oh HELL YES! Read that bolded....LOVE IT! Israel Firster scum take heed.
Another important report in Newsweek says that Netanyahu alienated a crucial constituency he needed to block an Iran deal: black Congresspeople. They disliked his upstaging of Obama, most of them boycotted his speech, and they saw his racebaiting on election day:

According to aides, the South Carolina Democrat [James Clyburn] bluntly told [Israeli legislator Yuli] Edelstein he regarded the prime minister’s upcoming speech as an “affront to America’s first black president.”…

But for black Democrats like Clyburn, it was Netanyahu’s coded election-day warning that Israel’s Arab citizens were headed to the polls “in droves” to vote him out of office that pushed them from anger to outrage. Netanyahu later apologized for his remark, but his contrition appeared to have no effect on Clyburn and company. “The Congressional Black Caucus is gone,” a Democratic congressional aide told Newsweek, referring to its support for Israel under Netanyahu.

As negotiators from the U.S., Iran and five major powers close in on a framework nuclear accord in Geneva to meet an end-of-March deadline, Netanyahu’s loss of black support on Capitol Hill probably means he’s lost his gamble to create a way for Congress to pass a bill that would block an agreement. “Bibi,” a congressional aide said, using Netanyahu’s nickname, “ensured there will be no veto-proof majority in the House.”

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

For those who have no checked----the bits of shit posed
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

and considering the huge quantity of postings the little Nazi hillbilly has been submitting, it appears it hit the caffeine a little too hard this morning as well.
For those who have not checked----the bits of shit posted by
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

For those who have no checked----the bits of shit posed
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

and considering the huge quantity of postings the little Nazi hillbilly has been submitting, it appears it hit the caffeine a little too hard this morning as well.

About Mondoweiss
Mondoweiss is a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective.
It has four principal aims:

  1. To publish important developments touching on Israel/Palestine, the American Jewish community and the shifting debate over US foreign policy in a timely fashion.
  2. To publish a diversity of voices to promote dialogue on these important issues.
  3. To foster the movement for greater fairness and justice for Palestinians in American foreign policy.
  4. To offer alternatives to pro-Zionist ideology as a basis for American Jewish identity.
This blog is co-edited by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz. Weiss lives in New York state and Horowitz lives in Atlanta.

- See more at: About Mondoweiss Mondoweiss

One of them damn Jewish anti semitic websites LOL....the tears of Israel Firsters or as that dude calls them useful idiots is FUCKING HILARIOUS! OH VEY! They don't toe the line so they are anti semitic! LOL
President Obama is not a gutless wonder, bout time we have a President not afraid of the Zionist BS.
That's one thing I'll give the Blacks: they aren't afraid to name the Jew. Must be something to do with not having as many material possessions and lifestyles the Jews can choke off or threaten to make unattainable, which is how they control their herd of tame goy in Congress.
President Obama is not a gutless wonder, bout time we have a President not afraid of the Zionist BS.

Have there been presidents in the USA who have been
"AFRAID OF ZIONISTS"? Can you name them and state why they were AFRAID?
That's one thing I'll give the Blacks: they aren't afraid to name the Jew. Must be something to do with not having as many material possessions and lifestyles the Jews can choke off or threaten to make unattainable, which is how they control their herd of tame goy in Congress.

what is it that blacks do not have----which makes them
invulnerable to JEWISH POWER???
For those who have not checked----the bits of shit posted by
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

For those who have no checked----the bits of shit posed
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

and considering the huge quantity of postings the little Nazi hillbilly has been submitting, it appears it hit the caffeine a little too hard this morning as well.

About Mondoweiss
Mondoweiss is a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective.
It has four principal aims:

  1. To publish important developments touching on Israel/Palestine, the American Jewish community and the shifting debate over US foreign policy in a timely fashion.
  2. To publish a diversity of voices to promote dialogue on these important issues.
  3. To foster the movement for greater fairness and justice for Palestinians in American foreign policy.
  4. To offer alternatives to pro-Zionist ideology as a basis for American Jewish identity.
This blog is co-edited by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz. Weiss lives in New York state and Horowitz lives in Atlanta.

- See more at: About Mondoweiss Mondoweiss

One of them damn Jewish anti semitic websites LOL....the tears of Israel Firsters or as that dude calls them useful idiots is FUCKING HILARIOUS! OH VEY! They don't toe the line so they are anti semitic! LOL

thanks for publishing Mondoweiss's SELF ENDORSEMENT------in fact the SELF ENDORSEMENT of STORMFRONT is even
more -----intensely ------self congratulatory
President Obama is not a gutless wonder, bout time we have a President not afraid of the Zionist BS.

Have there been presidents in the USA who have been
"AFRAID OF ZIONISTS"? Can you name them and state why they were AFRAID?

A lot of them kissed up to Israel, don't play dumb , you know the money and lobbying power of your kin, their underhandedness and well its rather disgusting to see American Politicians with a skull cap on praying at Herods west wall.
For those who have not checked----the bits of shit posted by
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

For those who have no checked----the bits of shit posed
ODOROUS------are taken from a virulently anti Israel propaganda rag and website MONDEWEISS

and considering the huge quantity of postings the little Nazi hillbilly has been submitting, it appears it hit the caffeine a little too hard this morning as well.

About Mondoweiss
Mondoweiss is a news website devoted to covering American foreign policy in the Middle East, chiefly from a progressive Jewish perspective.
It has four principal aims:

  1. To publish important developments touching on Israel/Palestine, the American Jewish community and the shifting debate over US foreign policy in a timely fashion.
  2. To publish a diversity of voices to promote dialogue on these important issues.
  3. To foster the movement for greater fairness and justice for Palestinians in American foreign policy.
  4. To offer alternatives to pro-Zionist ideology as a basis for American Jewish identity.
This blog is co-edited by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz. Weiss lives in New York state and Horowitz lives in Atlanta.

- See more at: About Mondoweiss Mondoweiss

One of them damn Jewish anti semitic websites LOL....the tears of Israel Firsters or as that dude calls them useful idiots is FUCKING HILARIOUS! OH VEY! They don't toe the line so they are anti semitic! LOL

thanks for publishing Mondoweiss's SELF ENDORSEMENT------in fact the SELF ENDORSEMENT of STORMFRONT is even
more -----intensely ------self congratulatory
LOL....like said some of them NAZI JEWS! LOL...
President Obama is not a gutless wonder, bout time we have a President not afraid of the Zionist BS.

Have there been presidents in the USA who have been
"AFRAID OF ZIONISTS"? Can you name them and state why they were AFRAID?

A lot of them kissed up to Israel, don't play dumb , you know the money and lobbying power of your kin, their underhandedness and well its rather disgusting to see American Politicians with a skull cap on praying at Herods west wall.

who is "them" against whom you rail in your whore FART MOUTH LINGO----the "kissed up" fart-----did
they "suck up" too, WHORE??? I am fully aware of the fantasies of your moonshine guzzling slut kin ---put out into the gutter by your male kin pimps. Skull caps
disgust a whore like you? Why is that? nothing for you to suck for a buck?
President Obama is not a gutless wonder, bout time we have a President not afraid of the Zionist BS.

Have there been presidents in the USA who have been
"AFRAID OF ZIONISTS"? Can you name them and state why they were AFRAID?

A lot of them kissed up to Israel, don't play dumb , you know the money and lobbying power of your kin, their underhandedness and well its rather disgusting to see American Politicians with a skull cap on praying at Herods west wall.

who is "them" against whom you rail in your whore FART MOUTH LINGO----the "kissed up" fart-----did
they "suck up" too, WHORE??? I am fully aware of the fantasies of your moonshine guzzling slut kin ---put out into the gutter by your male kin pimps. Skull caps
disgust a whore like you? Why is that? nothing for you to suck for a buck?

All of our Politicians. The ones who want to do more than take up space in Washington suck up to the Zionist.
President Obama is not a gutless wonder, bout time we have a President not afraid of the Zionist BS.

Have there been presidents in the USA who have been
"AFRAID OF ZIONISTS"? Can you name them and state why they were AFRAID?

A lot of them kissed up to Israel, don't play dumb , you know the money and lobbying power of your kin, their underhandedness and well its rather disgusting to see American Politicians with a skull cap on praying at Herods west wall.

who is "them" against whom you rail in your whore FART MOUTH LINGO----the "kissed up" fart-----did
they "suck up" too, WHORE??? I am fully aware of the fantasies of your moonshine guzzling slut kin ---put out into the gutter by your male kin pimps. Skull caps
disgust a whore like you? Why is that? nothing for you to suck for a buck?

All of our Politicians. The ones who want to do more than take up space in Washington suck up to the Zionist.

the overwhelming majority of our politicians are not jews-----they are generally protestant americans----
you actually imagine that a group of protestant americans are ASS SUCKING WHORES LIKE YOU
AND YOUR KIN? gee. you have a low opinion of
the general American protestant population------lots of whom graduated from traditional TOP NOTCH---
Christian Universities----the ones founded by the founding fathers of the USA
White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

One former U.S. intelligence operative with long, firsthand familiarity with Israeli operations called the revelation “appalling but not surprising,” especially under Netanyahu…

“The fact that there is such manipulation of our institutions by a so-called ally must be exposed, and the ‘useful idiots’ in [the U.S.] government who toe the Likud line will someday be looked back upon as men and women who sacrificed the U.S. national interest for a foreign ideology—Likud right-wing Zionism,” the operative said, on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the matter.

“We know publicly that the administration is seething,” he added, “but I can assure you that behind closed doors the gloves are coming off. Bibi is in the administration’s crosshairs. If this is what is being allowed to leak publicly, you can bet that, behind the scenes, folks both in the White House and the foreign policy-intel community [are prepared to] act on that anger.”

This is not the end of it, he predicted. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which critics say has morphed from a powerful “pro-Israel” lobby to a powerful pro-Likud lobby over the years, will be Obama officials’ next target.

“I’m betting there are going to be some willing leakers now about stories such as AIPAC’s operations against Congress,” the former operative said.

- See more at: White House will leak stories hurtful to AIPAC -- Newsweek says

Oh HELL YES! Read that bolded....LOVE IT! Israel Firster scum take heed.
On the upside this kind of behavior might deprive democrats of Jewish money and Jewish votes. Which is a very good thing.
On the upside this kind of behavior might deprive democrats of Jewish money and Jewish votes. Which is a very good thing.

be not optimistic Nothing will change-----no "going after" none of the crap that constitute the auto erotic
phantasies of our collection of USMB depraved whores and pimps

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