White House spokesman ‘not familiar with’ Chris Lane murder

How do you know why they killed him, there has been no trial.

Moon glow you have a point
why did BHO stick his nose in TM case?
WE had no idea it was self defense or murder then
It just will get worse

If President Obama talks about an issue, he's sticking his nose in because he's racist.
If he does not talk about an issue, he's racist.

yadda yadda yadda

if someone doesn't agree with obama, they are racist

yadda yadda yadda
Oh no Australia is pissed!! What will we do when they stop shipping Boomerangs?

You will be singing a different tune when you can't get your kangaroo burger at Mickey D's.

Did u call this an "international incident"? :lol:

obama can inject himself into the martin case. He can congratulate some sports guy on coming out as gay. He can even make a personal phone call sniffing after sanra fluke's twat. He ignores the murder of a foreign national even when that foreign government is screaming bloody hell over it.

This is really insulting to Australia. The dismissive attitude to Australia's concerns is incomprehensible.

^^^^^^^^^ Yes, that. ^^^^^^^^^^
Moon glow you have a point
why did BHO stick his nose in TM case?
WE had no idea it was self defense or murder then
It just will get worse

If President Obama talks about an issue, he's sticking his nose in because he's racist.
If he does not talk about an issue, he's racist.

yadda yadda yadda

if someone doesn't agree with obama, they are racist

yadda yadda yadda

I guess the teleprompter is down.
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

It has nothing to do with bias or racism. It does, however, have everything to do with stupidity and cluelessness on the part of Obama and his lackys.

A 10 megaton nuclear device could go off in the middle of Times Square and this administration wouldn't know about it until 24 hours afterwards.
Ding ding.

One liar backing up another liar's claim? It's the dimocrap way...

St Skittles was shot on Feb 26, 2012.

Zimmerman was questioned and let go.

Nobody was paying any attention to it.

Race hustlers finally got the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM to make a "Big Deal" out of it on March 13-15 when the HuffBlo, the NY Slimes, The Atlantic and Crimesider ALL run essentially the same stories. While the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Broadcast and Cable Media interviewed his mommy and daddy.

Zimmerman is still a free man. No charges are filed yet.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk of a RACIST piece of shit makes his infamous, "If I had son" racist comment on Mar 23, 2012.....

Before ANY charges are filed against Zimmerman.

On April 11, 2012 Angela Corey announces he will be charged and is in custody.

the Stuttering Clusterfukk made his comments three weeks before he was even arrested. Eric Himmler even started an investigation before he was charged at the State level.

We have a racist as president, people.

Just that simple

3 years ago I would have dis agreed with you
2 years ago?
100% racisit
I live in the south and know not one minority that is as racist as he is

This case was an eye opener on where the line is drawn.

Not once but TWICE he stuck his foot in it. The opportunity to bridge the race gap was laid out at his feet and he stomped the shit out of it and used his position to CREATE a greater divide.

After the system worked as it should, he had the opportunity again to bridge the gap, the system worked whether you like the outcome or not, time to move past it yada ya.

Nope. Asshole says it AGAIN.

There is no question on where he stands. He said so himself.
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

It has nothing to do with bias or racism. It does, however, have everything to do with stupidity and cluelessness on the part of Obama and his lackys.

A 10 megaton nuclear device could go off in the middle of Times Square and this administration wouldn't know about it until 24 hours afterwards.

But a white kills a black teenager, he'll be in the rose garden claiming it could have been his son in a matter of hours....
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As much effect as this incident has had in Australia does odumbo expect us to believe that the PM hasn't called him? No one in the wh press office got contacted by the Australian media?

This crime, as horrific as it is, has been eclipsed by another obama foolisness. All we need now is for Putin to offer his condolences.
this admin is so biased and racist
I have never felt so ashamed of who our president is and how he conducts him self
White House spokesman 'not familiar with' Chris Lane murder | The Daily Caller
If our country cannot start to undo this biased as well as racist agenda, were done

It has nothing to do with bias or racism. It does, however, have everything to do with stupidity and cluelessness on the part of Obama and his lackys.

A 10 megaton nuclear device could go off in the middle of Times Square and this administration wouldn't know about it until 24 hours afterwards.

But a white kills a black teenager, he'll be in the rose garden claiming it could have been his son in a matter of hours....

Just after his black and white beer summit. I'm so tired of that sleazy, racist little bastard.
He is Zimmermans. President. Too.

He is supposed to be president for all citizens.

He had ZERO right to open his fat mouth in March before an investigation, before charges, before anything.

There should have been a mistrial on HIS back.
He is Zimmermans. President. Too.

He is supposed to be president for all citizens.

He had ZERO right to open his fat mouth in March before an investigation, before charges, before anything.

There should have been a mistrial on HIS back.

I guess he figures he wasn't Chris Lane's president!
As much effect as this incident has had in Australia does odumbo expect us to believe that the PM hasn't called him? No one in the wh press office got contacted by the Australian media?

This crime, as horrific as it is, has been eclipsed by another obama foolisness. All we need now is for Putin to offer his condolences.

Sad thing is, that Putin would know to do that. Obama, not so much. Obama and his first baby mamma are the two sorriest pieces of ill mannered ghetto shit I have ever seen. And they had the audacity to think they could represent this country in the international community.
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If the Aussies get our guns will they get the guns that belong to the blacks or just the ones that belong to the whites?
So now the repubs WANTS Obama to comment on stories?

This is like the Somali Pirates. They're going to cry when Obama doesn't do something then cry when he does.
What's the matter, a president that does not give a pass to every white on minority crime not okay?

He passed on a self defense event as an act that race was involved (which it was not)
This act was 100% race
not a peep
This ghetto street trash culture cannot continue. The only I can think of to stop it is to get blacks in inner city hoods, or wherever, to volunteer for sterilization. Same barrio trash, or white trash.
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