White Fragility 101

I love getting intellectual pedantic lectures about racism generalizing how evil whites are by black pseudo intellectuals. Especially about things that are abstract or in the past.

Stuff that happened years ago, and the legacy of racism and so on and so forth. By people that sort of ignore the present. I get lectures by black pseudo intellectuals bulling ,insulting and cajoling. But then, off line in the real world I have blacks committing crimes against each other and anyone else.

Oh and some of these poor, poor blacks that are "victims" of police brutality or victims of racism, are just complete and total assholes that deserve their asses kicked. But because I notice, I am a racist? Apparently that's all it takes.. Just being white and being a realist. Not burning crosses or bombing churches. Just noticing facts that fly in the face of black propaganda apparatchiks.
Exactly! And if whites commit crimes or get shot by cops, they most likely deserved it and you don't see whites protesting, rioting and looting because of it. To avoid getting shot, don't put yourself in a situation.
I love getting intellectual pedantic lectures about racism generalizing how evil whites are by black pseudo intellectuals. Especially about things that are abstract or in the past.

Stuff that happened years ago, and the legacy of racism and so on and so forth. By people that sort of ignore the present. I get lectures by black pseudo intellectuals bulling ,insulting and cajoling. But then, off line in the real world I have blacks committing crimes against each other and anyone else.

Oh and some of these poor, poor blacks that are "victims" of police brutality or victims of racism, are just complete and total assholes that deserve their asses kicked. But because I notice, I am a racist? Apparently that's all it takes.. Just being white and being a realist. Not burning crosses or bombing churches. Just noticing facts that fly in the face of black propaganda apparatchiks.
Exactly! And if whites commit crimes or get shot by cops, they most likely deserved it and you don't see whites protesting, rioting and looting because of it. To avoid getting shot, don't put yourself in a situation.
I have to say, I seen known enough blacks in my life over the last 60 years. Most blacks I have known were just plain good hearted folks. But some were plain pure and simple sociopaths, and they were born and bred in poverty. And the vicious cycle of poor black culture has to be broken. The first step, would be to recognize the problem and not be an enabler. Second step, stop demonizing whites. Blacks need to do something constructive, like say the peace corps. did in the 60's. Wealth and elitist blacks and whites, move to Detroit or Compton. Set a positive example. Instead of running away and blaming everyone else.
I love getting intellectual pedantic lectures about racism generalizing how evil whites are by black pseudo intellectuals. Especially about things that are abstract or in the past.

Stuff that happened years ago, and the legacy of racism and so on and so forth. By people that sort of ignore the present. I get lectures by black pseudo intellectuals bulling ,insulting and cajoling. But then, off line in the real world I have blacks committing crimes against each other and anyone else.

Oh and some of these poor, poor blacks that are "victims" of police brutality or victims of racism, are just complete and total assholes that deserve their asses kicked. But because I notice, I am a racist? Apparently that's all it takes.. Just being white and being a realist. Not burning crosses or bombing churches. Just noticing facts that fly in the face of black propaganda apparatchiks.
Exactly! And if whites commit crimes or get shot by cops, they most likely deserved it and you don't see whites protesting, rioting and looting because of it. To avoid getting shot, don't put yourself in a situation.
I have to say, I seen known enough blacks in my life over the last 60 years. Most blacks I have known were just plain good hearted folks. But some were plain pure and simple sociopaths, and they were born and bred in poverty. And the vicious cycle of poor black culture has to be broken. The first step, would be to recognize the problem and not be an enabler. Second step, stop demonizing whites. Blacks need to do something constructive, like say the peace corps. did in the 60's. Wealth and elitist blacks and whites, move to Detroit or Compton. Set a positive example. Instead of running away and blaming everyone else.
I have known evil people of different races, including whites. Same for good people.
I rarely ever see whites anymore. I feel this sense of sorrow and loss, white culture is gone with the wind. Whites instead, cower away and hide behind their intellect and income level. They hire illegals to salve their guilt. They play games with race. Whites : come out come out wherever you are. Stop hiding behind gated high income communities. Come play with the rest of us.
Quite the opposite, I am stating we are individuals. This person and her guest are trying to label people and shame them into some guilt by association. I said the host's filter creates an apologetic theme specifically. You generalized that.
We are individuals and therefore....?

Also, please describe the parts and/or identify the words/phrases they used that informs you that they're trying to label and/or shame people into "guilt by association."
I remember where I was I when I heard MLK was assassinated. I remember going to school the next day full of dread. Blacks are rioting! They will kill you! Instead we bought taffy apples and played hop scotch and tether ball and life went on. Life always goes on.
Marc, Robin DiAngelo is one of the worst statist, collectivist, social justice warriors around. And she wouldn't last 30 seconds in a discussion with someone who understands the proper role of government and the collectivist agenda. Though, she does, to her credit, cater to her equally collectivist and statist, modern liberal readers and listeners who tend to like use racism and arbitrary victim status as a bait and switch path to encouraging more government interference in our lives.

She's not interested in racism. Not really. She's a collectivist statist. She's interested in institutionalized equality. And inserting whatever arbitrary victim status group that is convenient is the more historic go-to meme when encouraging more government interference in our lives.

With regard to discussing racism, people like Robin DiAngelo actually perpetuate racism rather than discussing it relevantly and intelligently. For without that premise of arbitrary victimhood, they have a harder time soliciting more government.

IM2 referenced the statist SJW a week or so ago. I kind of chuckled.

People like Robin DiAngelo want to create the impression that only modern collectivist liberals care about racism and they do that for no other reason than, as I said, to promote more government interference and a bigger government. To promote institutionalized equality. Modern liberalism, however well-intentioned, is a byproduct of the same collectivist thinking that characterizes racism. So, it's laughable that they use racism as their reasoning given that they're the ones who are encouraging people to view humans as members of groups rather than Individuals in the first place. It's the standerd helegian dialect. Problem, reaction, solution, kind of ruse.

As a conservative, rather than a "Fragile white'', as Robin and her fellow collectivist liberals like to label us, we'll continue to challenge the myth that collectivist modern liberals care more about racism than we do. The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of Individual rights rather than group claims. Not big government institutionalized equality like Robin and most other modern collectivist liberals promote under the illusion of victim status. She doesn't care about you or any other arbitrary victim status group. She only wants more government. Encouraging Americans to view Individuals strictly as members of groups rather than as Individuals is the only real way she and other collectivist modern liberals can perpetuate the racial divide they needs in order to designate special victim status groups, for the purpose of screaming for bigger government and more government intervention in the market as well as in our daily lives.

I, for one, view the statist, collectivist rants of people like Robin DiAngelo as statist, collectivist, fragility. The idea of individualism and the proper role of government scares them to death. The idea that they should actually work their way up the ladder and to actually work to prove their worth and work to prove their ability scares them to death. Crying racial victimhood to encourage and solicit Americans to adopt a herd mentality seems the only way they know to solicit government to force society to give the slackers a free ride and an equal seat at the championship table.
The only way any of what you said actually makes sense and/or is relevant...is in a vacuum. Respectfully.

We've had hundreds of years where whites were given assistance by the government and blacks were simultaneously repressed. You can't suddenly just label it "big government" and say no help to no one and stop paying victim. This makes no sense. There is a thing called history sir. We're where we are for a reason.

You do realize that your blessed constitution has only identified one racial group specifically, right? Guess what group that is, and guess what it says about them?

You really need to cut these radical, nonsensical arguments out.

Lastly, I don't recall the doctor specifying Democrats vs. Republicans. However, I'll listen to the podcast again tomorrow to confirm.
I remember where I was I when I heard MLK was assassinated. I remember going to school the next day full of dread. Blacks are rioting! They will kill you! Instead we bought taffy apples and played hop scotch and tether ball and life went on. Life always goes on.
Consider what whites at the time would have done, had some black guy killed what was considered a "white leader."

You think black girls would have been able to play hopscotch and such with black girls at the time?

I want you to consider how whites responded to 9/11, as far as they treated Muslims, and anyone who happened to look like Muslims. (e.g. Shieks)
End of the day, there are no such things as group rights. There are only Individual rights. And some Individuals are simply more naturally gifted than other Individuals. The proper role of government is to protect Individual liberty. Not to placate arbitrary group claims.

If it's of any consolation just vote harder. That'll fix it. Heh heh.
Your blessed Constitution has only identified ONE racial group specifically. Just one. Guess which one it is, and guess what it says about them.

This is your blessed Constitution we're talking about now.
Wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhhhhh wahhhh America is racist
This post is a live example of white fragility in action. The subject simply cannot take anything that goes contrary to his fragile white sensibilities, so the subject resorts to mocking.

We'll observe another similar response from the subject.
I remember where I was I when I heard MLK was assassinated. I remember going to school the next day full of dread. Blacks are rioting! They will kill you! Instead we bought taffy apples and played hop scotch and tether ball and life went on. Life always goes on.
Consider what whites at the time would have done, had some black guy killed what was considered a "white leader."

You think black girls would have been able to play hopscotch and such with black girls at the time?

I want you to consider how whites responded to 9/11, as far as they treated Muslims, and anyone who happened to look like Muslims. (e.g. Shieks)
Hi kiddo. You read my post. I am honored. Well, SHH. I played with the Wells girls. Black girls, and we got along just fine. Mr. Wells had a Chevy nomad station wagon . Their mom took me to the first Macdonalds I have ever been too. What the hell do you know? I lived through the era.
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That's not too bad considering he's getting the news of LIFE in prison.

Consider the crying bitch Kavanaught's bitch-fest weeping, moaning and bawling over a damn job he doesn't even need to sustain himself and his family.

That bitch ass will NEVER live that down.

Talking about his pappy and bursting into tears as if the man was dead, when he was calmly sitting right behind him. Even his wife sat there calm and stoic, but the bitch-mad bastard himself wept and moaned like a herpes ho on fire.

I didn't listen to it. Basically, the title alone sounds like a form of self-justification for racism.

Just curious, however. Is this some kind of discussion bounced off of Dr. DiAngelo's discussion on White Fragility?
It is.

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