white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

Your claims about the wing extremes are wishful thinking, they all end in authoritarianism, but that is a diversion.

The reality is they dehumanized blacks to perpetrate race based slavery and segregation. You can keep on pretending it had nothing to do with race but it is untethered from the facts.

It depends. In some cases you are looking at people who were the products of their time and their accomplishments should be taken as a whoke acknowledging the good and the bad in the context of the times. In other cases acts of inhuman cruelty are just that and even in the context of the era cannot be excused.

No. We do not. Figures like Margeret Sanger come to mind. Seems you like to pick and choose.
Race based slavery is a truly asinine argument that, in order to believe it, you must ignore the entire history of mankind.
Europeans used slaves from every race. Including whites. Which - a fact you will hate - actually the race MOST slaves were in early Europe. Another fact you are gonna have to ignore is slaves of African decent are a truly small percentage of who were slaves throughout the world. And for a truly small sliver of time.
Slavery is a global institution that goes all the way back to the earliest known civilizations.
It wasn't until the 1600s that African decent peoples were being transported to other nations on any scale. And the reason that occurred had absolutely NOTHING to do with the pigmentation of their skin - but EVERYTHING to do with availability and low cost. Slaves were very expensive. Slaves were almost entirely born out of war and invasions. Both extremely expensive to kingdom treasuries. Until the 1600s. By this time most European nations had mercantile ships traveling long distances for trade. Africa had little to offer for this trade based economy. But what they did have a lot of were small tribes all over the landscape. So larger African tribes began capturing whole smaller tribes and bringing them to shores to sell. And they sold them cheap.
That cheap availability of slaves that all they had to do was literally show up on a shore and pay a few coins for was so much cheaper than buying slaves from other nations out of conquest. And that is the only reason they were being transported.
Erase it?
There you go again.
Why do you pretend it was something it wasn't?
Obviously slavery existed in early America. Slave culture was brought here by our European ancestors that used slaves for 1000s of years before the first white face stepped foot here.
But it was absolutely NOT well liked here. The people that took the horrific journey to come to America were seeking religious freedoms and economic slavery themselves. So it is not surprising that the large majority of early Americans rejected using slaves. Of course that little tidbit of truth is not well taught. Us white folks are ALL supposed to be tainted by slavery. When in fact the vast majority of white Americans have no generational history tied to slavery.
slavery existed in the americas long before europeans came here,,

the american indians all had slaves,,
The Democratic Party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. It didn't exist until 1828 - more than 50 years after the Constitution was written.

What kind of idiot posts about history and gets it so WRONG????
just checking in to see if you got the memo of what I really said instead of the lie you told??
The Democratic Party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. It didn't exist until 1828 - more than 50 years after the Constitution was written.

What kind of idiot posts about history and gets it so WRONG????
you there??
took you off ignore so you could correct me if you dare
The Whig Party (predecessor to modern Republicans) vehemently opposed the institution of slavery in the American south which was tenaciously held onto by the mostly southern-based Jacksonian Democrats, predecessors to modern Democrats. When Blacks were finally emancipated, the Democrats realized they could perpetuate slavery on a new level by inventing the Welfare system. They would pretend to be helping the blacks when they were in fact just keeping them dependent. Utterly shocking how many of them still go for it, and even unquestioningly believe the Democrats' finger-pointing and scapegoating of other parties for this ongoing abomination of a socio-economic system. When will blacks emancipate themselves from the insulting "step-and-fetchit" quasi-slavery welfare handout institution that the modern democrats employ???? Blacks and non-democrats need to unite against these modern slave-mongers in disguise.
Well check your history because the Democratic-Republican was was one of the original parties with the The Federalists being the other party. The southern democrats started to break away from the party when the slaves were freed and the civil rights bill was the straw that broke the camels back. They the southern democrats then became republicans and form the current base of the republican party. For a long time the Repubs were quite the liberal party.

In 1964 the southern democrats because officially the republicans. The straw that pushed them into republicans was the civil rights act.

Prior to 1964 the southern democrats voted mostly along democratic lines for the president but when the civil rights act became the issue they broke away and voted republican. Voting for Goldwater and turning their backs on LB Johnson from Texas.
You are confused.. for one mixing political parties and ideologies. You conservatives were the mainstay of slavery and Jim Crowe and you fought like hell to keep the status quo and keep those bla k kids out of your white schools.
Perhaps you are right -- Slavery and Jim Crow Laws are to a big degree part of shameful history of American Conservatives.

But in 1776, King George III was Conservative, while Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were Progressive. King George III opposed Slavery. Slavery was banned in England proper in 1772. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington fought to maintain Slavery.
It depends. In some cases you are looking at people who were the products of their time and their accomplishments should be taken as a whole acknowledging the good and the bad in the context of the times. In other cases acts of inhuman cruelty are just that and even in the context of the era cannot be excused.
American Slavery was extremely harsh by the standards of 1776-1861.

Russian Serfdom was generally much less severe, but it was still harsh by European standards of the time.
Conservative conserve the status quo. And when that changes, so does what they conserve. It isn't a cafetaria based on your wishful thinking. You seem to forget that the Constitution had be amended to apply equality to blacks.
Perhaps in 1861, Conservatives fought for Slavery. This is a shameful fact in History of America.

But in 1776, Progressives such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson fought for Slavery.
I’m in the process of watching an excellent documentary about the history of slavery in America. It isn’t the gross oversimplification of Sowells five minute video nor is it the historically inaccurate 1619 Project. So far, it is very informative….and a lot of history I wasn’t aware of. Slavery and the Making of America . About the Series | PBS
Perhaps you are right -- Slavery and Jim Crow Laws are to a big degree part of shameful history of American Conservatives.

But in 1776, King George III was Conservative, while Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were Progressive. King George III opposed Slavery. Slavery was banned in England proper in 1772. Thomas Jefferson and George Washington fought to maintain Slavery.
Well back in those days both progressives and conservatives had slaves. GW did have slaves but upon his death he freed his slaves. He also supported the fairfax resolve which condemned the slave trade. Yes even TJ had slaves. He spoke out against it but in the end they were just words. Still he freed a few of his slaves upon his death. Yes he was with the Demorcatic-Republican party also known as the jefferson republican party or republican party.
I’m in the process of watching an excellent documentary about the history of slavery in America. It isn’t the gross oversimplification of Sowells five minute video nor is it the historically inaccurate 1619 Project. So far, it is very informative….and a lot of history I wasn’t aware of. Slavery and the Making of America . About the Series | PBS
how do you know what they are telling you is anymore true than what sowell says??
sowell has what 50 yrs of experience in history and the black community,, along with all his other credentials,,
how do you know what they are telling you is anymore true than what sowell says??
sowell has what 50 yrs of experience in history and the black community,, along with all his other credentials,,
Why do you assume the people involved in this aren’t equally or more qualified? I am not impressed with someone who compresses 400 years of history into a five minute video.
Why do you assume the people involved in this aren’t equally or more qualified? I am not impressed with someone who compresses 400 years of history into a five minute video.
I never said they werent as credible,, thats you about sowell,

and if you didnt have your head so far up your ass you would have done a little research and seen there are several videos of sowell discussing many subjects pertaining to the history of black people, so its not just a 5 min video,, it one of many,,
I never said they werent as credible,, thats you about sowell,

and if you didnt have your head so far up your ass you would have done a little research and seen there are several videos of sowell discussing many subjects pertaining to the history of black people, so its not just a 5 min video,, it one of many,,

I won’t “demand” you watch anything. A 4 part series is a significantly greater investment of time, but it really is enlightening. It isn’t politicized, it’s well documented, and interesting. But maybe you might want to watch this series?

Solwell is one person and his perspective. This is a series drawing on multiple experts. I’m watching the last part tonight.
I won’t “demand” you watch anything. A 4 part series is a significantly greater investment of time, but it really is enlightening. It isn’t politicized, it’s well documented, and interesting. But maybe you might want to watch this series?

Solwell is one person and his perspective. This is a series drawing on multiple experts. I’m watching the last part tonight.
still doesnt mean theyre right and hes wrong,,
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington believed themselves to be equal to the King George III. Sadly, they never viewed the people they enslaved as equals.

King George III believed in some inequality, but in his view, Slavery was an excess.
Thomas Jefferson and George Washington believed themselves to be equal to the King George III. Sadly, they never viewed the people they enslaved as equals.

King George III believed in some inequality, but in his view, Slavery was an excess.
what do you mean by equal??

of course they believed slaves were equal and why they tried to bring an end to slavery with the constitution,,,

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