White Culture


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015





A movie celebrating the life of a thug.
If we can go by that definition, why does Rap music for the most part celebrate sex, crime, murder, and other stuff?

A movie about white criminals doesn't mean that white culture as a whole adores white criminals. In fact we hate white criminals just as much as black criminals.

My grandfather was friends with Junior Krippelbauer, head of one of Philadelphia notorious K&A gang crews of the 1960s and 1970s. My grandfather found out bout it and never spoke to him or of him again. He loathed what his friend did. They were both white, and my grandfather did not celebrate the actions of the man he worked beside in Pennsylvania coal pits since they were kids.
I’m not following the point here… can you elaborate?
He/she is trying to say he/she hates the white culture that pillars ALL of the worlds greatest communities, cities, states and nations.
He/she believes the culture that pillars Somalia, Liberia, Yemen and Afghanistan is much better...that's why he/she prefers to live there.
He/she is trying to say he/she hates the white culture that pillars ALL of the worlds greatest communities, cities, states and nations.
He/she believes the culture that pillars Somalia, Liberia, Yemen and Afghanistan is much better...that's why he/she prefers to live there.
I’m not interested in your distorted translation. I’d rather hear from the source
Not to start a big argument here but those people in the video would not be considered white where I grew up. Meaning no offense to anyone.
Why does one culture have to be labeled better or worse than another?
that is totally irrelevant ---those are FACTS--undeniable facts
..but, if you want to know--the blacks and left want you to believe WHITES are the ONLY evil race...they CONSTANTLY spread lies --it's an injustice ...maybe you don't care about injustice, but I do

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