White Blue coller workers and Snap (food stamps)


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
White households whose most educated member held less than a four-year college degree represented the highest share of all households receiving SNAP benefits in Trump’s key states: 69 percent in Iowa, 57 percent in Ohio, 55 percent in Wisconsin, 52 percent in Michigan, and 50 percent in Pennsylvania. The numbers were comparable in heavily white and blue-collar states like West Virginia (85 percent), Maine (82 percent), Kentucky (74 percent), Montana (68 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Missouri (59 percent), Tennessee (56 percent), and Arkansas (55 percent).

In all of these states, the blue-collar white share was far more than the share of SNAP households headed by minorities without college degrees, or by people of any race with degrees. In each of them, non-college-educated whites represented a larger share of SNAP households than they did among the overall population.


Blue-collar worker. ... Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanic, maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work.

Blue collar workers are liberals as some on this board say, so when they are done with your back and body,

die quickly, because we the Republicans do not need you anymore. You may of worked your butt off, but if you can't work, you are not worthy to eat.

As you know only liberals get food stamps. Look at the Republican states listed.
White households whose most educated member held less than a four-year college degree represented the highest share of all households receiving SNAP benefits in Trump’s key states: 69 percent in Iowa, 57 percent in Ohio, 55 percent in Wisconsin, 52 percent in Michigan, and 50 percent in Pennsylvania. The numbers were comparable in heavily white and blue-collar states like West Virginia (85 percent), Maine (82 percent), Kentucky (74 percent), Montana (68 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Missouri (59 percent), Tennessee (56 percent), and Arkansas (55 percent).

In all of these states, the blue-collar white share was far more than the share of SNAP households headed by minorities without college degrees, or by people of any race with degrees. In each of them, non-college-educated whites represented a larger share of SNAP households than they did among the overall population.


Blue-collar worker. ... Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanic, maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work.

Blue collar workers are liberals as some on this board say, so when they are done with your back and body,

die quickly, because we the Republicans do not need you anymore. You may of worked your butt off, but if you can't work, you are not worthy to eat.

As you know only liberals get food stamps. Look at the Republican states listed.
How can this happen when Obama was in office for the past 8 years and his "supposed" economic recovery where the Rich definitely got Richer and the most in Poverty since the War on Poverty started? You guys keep trying to show how bad the US is, but who was the reason why it is so bad....Obama and his Quantitative Easing, that screwed over the middle class, higher taxes, and the prevention of Keystone Pipeline that made Warren Buffet's Railroads billions of dollars more instead of employing union members.. Yep keep it up and soon no one will ever vote Democrat again.
White households whose most educated member held less than a four-year college degree represented the highest share of all households receiving SNAP benefits in Trump’s key states: 69 percent in Iowa, 57 percent in Ohio, 55 percent in Wisconsin, 52 percent in Michigan, and 50 percent in Pennsylvania. The numbers were comparable in heavily white and blue-collar states like West Virginia (85 percent), Maine (82 percent), Kentucky (74 percent), Montana (68 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Missouri (59 percent), Tennessee (56 percent), and Arkansas (55 percent).

In all of these states, the blue-collar white share was far more than the share of SNAP households headed by minorities without college degrees, or by people of any race with degrees. In each of them, non-college-educated whites represented a larger share of SNAP households than they did among the overall population.


Blue-collar worker. ... Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanic, maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work.

Blue collar workers are liberals as some on this board say, so when they are done with your back and body,

die quickly, because we the Republicans do not need you anymore. You may of worked your butt off, but if you can't work, you are not worthy to eat.

As you know only liberals get food stamps. Look at the Republican states listed.
/----/ So why do Libtards squawk like scalded kittens when Trump tries to bring back manufacturing, wants to cut corporate tax rates and relax stringent enviro laws so these folks can get back to work? Can't you make up your minds? BTW Rich Text is working again - but for how long?
Because he is not going to. If we get infrastructure, those will be blue collar workers and a few ass sitters behind the desks raking in money, then once the job is over, they will be laid off.

The manufacturing jobs will be more automated, and those not automated will be in Mexico and China due to low wages.

PS: do not blame Obama, it the Corps.
White households whose most educated member held less than a four-year college degree represented the highest share of all households receiving SNAP benefits in Trump’s key states: 69 percent in Iowa, 57 percent in Ohio, 55 percent in Wisconsin, 52 percent in Michigan, and 50 percent in Pennsylvania. The numbers were comparable in heavily white and blue-collar states like West Virginia (85 percent), Maine (82 percent), Kentucky (74 percent), Montana (68 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Missouri (59 percent), Tennessee (56 percent), and Arkansas (55 percent).

In all of these states, the blue-collar white share was far more than the share of SNAP households headed by minorities without college degrees, or by people of any race with degrees. In each of them, non-college-educated whites represented a larger share of SNAP households than they did among the overall population.


Blue-collar worker. ... Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanic, maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work.

Blue collar workers are liberals as some on this board say, so when they are done with your back and body,

die quickly, because we the Republicans do not need you anymore. You may of worked your butt off, but if you can't work, you are not worthy to eat.

As you know only liberals get food stamps. Look at the Republican states listed.
/----/ So why do Libtards squawk like scalded kittens when Trump tries to bring back manufacturing, wants to cut corporate tax rates and relax stringent enviro laws so these folks can get back to work? Can't you make up your minds? BTW Rich Text is working again - but for how long?
View attachment 156623
BECAUSE HE RAN AS A REPUBLICAN WHO IS GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. These miscreant liberals don't want greatness they want America to be like Venezuela, because then everyone will be equal. Equally poor and equally miserable, that will teach those EVIL rich people....
Because he is not going to. If we get infrastructure, those will be blue collar workers and a few ass sitters behind the desks raking in money, then once the job is over, they will be laid off.

The manufacturing jobs will be more automated, and those not automated will be in Mexico and China due to low wages.

PS: do not blame Obama, it the Corps.
You do realize that if those jobs are automated, that there will need to be someone who can fix those robots? I used to fix Jets, but then I went into Fire Alarms then Building Management. Each time I increased my fortune and knowledge so now I work for myself and take abandoned houses and make them better. These I rent to military members only at cost, because those families need to be cared for who are out their willingly fighting to keep US safe..
White households whose most educated member held less than a four-year college degree represented the highest share of all households receiving SNAP benefits in Trump’s key states: 69 percent in Iowa, 57 percent in Ohio, 55 percent in Wisconsin, 52 percent in Michigan, and 50 percent in Pennsylvania. The numbers were comparable in heavily white and blue-collar states like West Virginia (85 percent), Maine (82 percent), Kentucky (74 percent), Montana (68 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Missouri (59 percent), Tennessee (56 percent), and Arkansas (55 percent).

In all of these states, the blue-collar white share was far more than the share of SNAP households headed by minorities without college degrees, or by people of any race with degrees. In each of them, non-college-educated whites represented a larger share of SNAP households than they did among the overall population.


Blue-collar worker. ... Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanic, maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work.

Blue collar workers are liberals as some on this board say, so when they are done with your back and body,

die quickly, because we the Republicans do not need you anymore. You may of worked your butt off, but if you can't work, you are not worthy to eat.

As you know only liberals get food stamps. Look at the Republican states listed.
/----/ So why do Libtards squawk like scalded kittens when Trump tries to bring back manufacturing, wants to cut corporate tax rates and relax stringent enviro laws so these folks can get back to work? Can't you make up your minds? BTW Rich Text is working again - but for how long?
View attachment 156623
BECAUSE HE RAN AS A REPUBLICAN WHO IS GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. These miscreant liberals don't want greatness they want America to be like Venezuela, because then everyone will be equal. Equally poor and equally miserable, that will teach those EVIL rich people....

Jobs are not coming back. Those blue collar workers who break their backs can't wait till 70 to get SS, ass sitters who go the gym can. No more factories like before. We are in the 21st century.

If the elites want to continue to live in the US, they had best start paying workers more and pay more in taxes.
White households whose most educated member held less than a four-year college degree represented the highest share of all households receiving SNAP benefits in Trump’s key states: 69 percent in Iowa, 57 percent in Ohio, 55 percent in Wisconsin, 52 percent in Michigan, and 50 percent in Pennsylvania. The numbers were comparable in heavily white and blue-collar states like West Virginia (85 percent), Maine (82 percent), Kentucky (74 percent), Montana (68 percent), Indiana (61 percent), Missouri (59 percent), Tennessee (56 percent), and Arkansas (55 percent).

In all of these states, the blue-collar white share was far more than the share of SNAP households headed by minorities without college degrees, or by people of any race with degrees. In each of them, non-college-educated whites represented a larger share of SNAP households than they did among the overall population.


Blue-collar worker. ... Blue-collar work may involve skilled or unskilled manufacturing, mining, sanitation, custodial work, oil field work, construction, mechanic, maintenance, warehousing, firefighting, technical installation and many other types of physical work.

Blue collar workers are liberals as some on this board say, so when they are done with your back and body,

die quickly, because we the Republicans do not need you anymore. You may of worked your butt off, but if you can't work, you are not worthy to eat.

As you know only liberals get food stamps. Look at the Republican states listed.
/----/ So why do Libtards squawk like scalded kittens when Trump tries to bring back manufacturing, wants to cut corporate tax rates and relax stringent enviro laws so these folks can get back to work? Can't you make up your minds? BTW Rich Text is working again - but for how long?
View attachment 156623
BECAUSE HE RAN AS A REPUBLICAN WHO IS GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. These miscreant liberals don't want greatness they want America to be like Venezuela, because then everyone will be equal. Equally poor and equally miserable, that will teach those EVIL rich people....

Jobs are not coming back. Those blue collar workers who break their backs can't wait till 70 to get SS, ass sitters who go the gym can. No more factories like before. We are in the 21st century.

If the elites want to continue to live in the US, they had best start paying workers more and pay more in taxes.
And there it is, SOCIALISM at its finest.....


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