While You Sleep….

Immigration should be slowed to a trickle and those Somalians need to start being deported.
They are not going to assimilate.

Most don't know that from 1924 to 1965...when the Democrats changed the immigration laws to stop Europeans, and encourage third worlders....all immigration was nearly brought to zero.

A little history here.....the Democrat plan was to replace Americans, and the usual immigrants who agreed with American values, with third world immigrants who need welfare and will vote Democrat for same.

Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....

Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

" Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.

The proponents of the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [Democrat] President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[16] [Democrat] Secretary of StateDean Rusk and other politicians, including [Democrat] Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[17] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe." Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

Democrats certainly must hate American culture, huh?

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain. https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Lawful_Permanent_Residents_2013.pdf

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Half a Century of Barely Controlled Immigration

How would he vote, Democrat or Republican?

Here's a plan:

  1. Rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and shutdown all immigration immediately.
  2. Enforce E-Verify documentation of an employee applications.
  3. Outlaw and deport all illegal alien pregnant woman who are here to birth their “anchor baby.”
  4. Stop all chain migration and diversity migrations.
  5. Stop all welfare, food stamps, medical care and schooling for all illegal aliens within the United States.
  6. Enforce US Code 8, Section 1324 in order to take jobs away or the ability to live in the USA by anyone in violation of our laws. The estimated 25 million illegal aliens would have no other choice but to leave on their own dime. The Great Displacement of Americans: Devolving Western Civilization - DC Dirty Laundry
Abolish Refugee Status as an automatic entrance in to The US. Deport all Refugees who display hostile attitudes towards American Culture and who do not have legal status, have violated any laws, or who have associations with terrorist groups.

Rescind Citizenship for Refugees for anyone engaged in hate speech against America, or who have committed a Felony or 3rd Degree Misdemeanor within 10 years of receiving citizenship.

Build a 1 Million Man Deportation Force and Permanently Deport all Illegal Aliens.
…your enemies are hard at work.

The American as founded, and what you grew up believing, and hope to teach your children....is being turned into something very different.

1.“A nonprofit public interest law firm has reportedly uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic indoctrination campaign aimed at teachers in the school system throughout several U.S. states.

2. The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents after concerns were raised about a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islam conducted by a Muslim consultant who was hired by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District.

3. “We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed–all funded by Novi taxpayers.”

4. … it was an “extremely coercive program” that was hosted by Huda Essa, a “professional Muslim apologist”.

5. According to a press release issued by the law firm, “During the past five years, the school district has presented no teacher-training seminars focusing on Christianity, Judaism or any other religion — only Islam.”

6. The workshop was attended by more than 400 teachers, and according to TMLC, not one teacher present challenged Essa’s denigration of Christianity or attacks on America.

7. “The information on Islam she provided to Novi teachers was riddled with falsehoods and errors of omission that were clearly meant to deceive,” the law firm said.

8. “All references to terrorism were dismissed as having nothing to do with Islam. White Christian males, she suggested, are more dangerous than Islamic radicals.”

9. …patriotic American parents to take action to help stop the indoctrination of teachers and students, by attending school board meetings and calling attention to unconstitutional Islamic propaganda wherever it’s found.

10.“When their board is unresponsive, [parents] must be willing to take legal action to stop it whenever the law permits,”
Taxpayer funded Islamic propaganda forced on teachers: “Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed”

They’re taking your most valued possessions, your children.

And you’re asleep….
I thought The Left did not want Religion in The Schools?

Oh wait, Remember The Sanders Campaign talking about Rounding Up People and sending them to Re-Education camps? Especially Conservatives.

These People are an Imminent Threat To The Republic.

"Elizabeth Warren Attacks Christian Schools for Following Biblical Sexual Morality
On Sunday Sen. Elizabeth Warren shared a HuffPost article on Twitter bashing private Christian schools for having “anti-LGBTQ+ policies.”

The article focused attention on a U.S. Supreme Court case attacking Montana private religious schools and attempting to take away tax credits to individuals who contributed to private schools because the money supports policies that “discriminate against LGBTQ staff and employees.”

Such policies include having bathrooms designated for people according to their biological gender and hiring faculty and staff who abide by Christian marriage values.

Four of the 13 schools signed up for the Montana tax credit program have implemented policies that HuffPost considered anti-LGBTQ.

They then cited statements from some of the handbooks.

Foothills Community Christian School’s handbook states that “there is no room for a non-Christian or an uncommitted Christian” to teach at the school.

Heritage Christian School states in its handbook that it reserved “the right to reject students based on ‘sexual conduct (including but not limited to sexual activity outside of marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender conduct).”

The Stillwater Christian School handbook requires that “students and campus visitors must use restrooms, locker rooms, and changing facilities conforming with their biological sex.”

Other handbooks, such as the one published by Helena Christian School, argued that “God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other.”

Public school groups have been vocal about their feelings towards the case, claiming that it “could have a devastating effect on education and play a major role in disintegrating the U.S. doctrine of the separation of church and state.”
Elizabeth Warren Attacks Christian Schools for Following Biblical Sexual Morality

I sure hope so.....
Immigration should be slowed to a trickle and those Somalians need to start being deported.
They are not going to assimilate.

Most don't know that from 1924 to 1965...when the Democrats changed the immigration laws to stop Europeans, and encourage third worlders....all immigration was nearly brought to zero.

A little history here.....the Democrat plan was to replace Americans, and the usual immigrants who agreed with American values, with third world immigrants who need welfare and will vote Democrat for same.

Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....

Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

" Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.

The proponents of the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [Democrat] President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[16] [Democrat] Secretary of StateDean Rusk and other politicians, including [Democrat] Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[17] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe." Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

Democrats certainly must hate American culture, huh?

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain. https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Lawful_Permanent_Residents_2013.pdf

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Half a Century of Barely Controlled Immigration

How would he vote, Democrat or Republican?

Here's a plan:

  1. Rescind the 1965 Immigration Reform Act and shutdown all immigration immediately.
  2. Enforce E-Verify documentation of an employee applications.
  3. Outlaw and deport all illegal alien pregnant woman who are here to birth their “anchor baby.”
  4. Stop all chain migration and diversity migrations.
  5. Stop all welfare, food stamps, medical care and schooling for all illegal aliens within the United States.
  6. Enforce US Code 8, Section 1324 in order to take jobs away or the ability to live in the USA by anyone in violation of our laws. The estimated 25 million illegal aliens would have no other choice but to leave on their own dime. The Great Displacement of Americans: Devolving Western Civilization - DC Dirty Laundry
Abolish Refugee Status as an automatic entrance in to The US. Deport all Refugees who display hostile attitudes towards American Culture and who do not have legal status, have violated any laws, or who have associations with terrorist groups.

Rescind Citizenship for Refugees for anyone engaged in hate speech against America, or who have committed a Felony or 3rd Degree Misdemeanor within 10 years of receiving citizenship.

Build a 1 Million Man Deportation Force and Permanently Deport all Illegal Aliens.

Now.....just wait: if the 60-80 million illegal aliens in this country were deported.....

......imagine how difficult it would be for Hussein Obama to get the word out to them to vote Democrat?????

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