While we're at it, Palestinians really did get kicked out of their homes to create Israel in 1948

I blame them for stealing land that belonged to someone else.

That said it’s a done deal. As I have said many times, the toothpaste does not go back on the tube.

BUT… it is and has always been (at least since the Yom Kippur War) up to Israel to find a workable solution. They have held all the cards since then and have done nothing to make it work.

And no I don’t support Hamas. They are murdering scum.

This whole thing is an ugly fucking mess
Herr Lesh. It wasn’t theft. And they have tried to find a solution. Bill Clinton even said that the Arabs had zero intention to negotiate.

Exactly. They gotta come up with something better than what they do now. It's their responsibility to create a viable state for the Palestinians. It's long overdue thanks to the US who is complicit in the crimes against Palestinians
You dumb bitch. Educate yourself.

LOL I do have interest in history. I also have a high regard to facts.

I get it. You are Jewish and so for you this is personal. I get that. I am sorry but facts are facts.

I know you won’t read this but here is a pretty balanced history of the ME.
This has nothing to do with the end of WWI, all four mandates and the refusal of one Muslim Arab clan to allow Jews to rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland, while other Arab Muslim clans wanted the Jews to be able to rebuild their Nation on that ancient homeland.

And you are totally not interested in learning how we all got from there, 1920 to here, 2023.

Jewish population doubled from the 80,000 in the 20s to 1931.

It doubled again by 1936

And it’s been growing ever since.

That has continues as Zionist “settlers” have continued to encroach on the West Bank.

Newsflash. They ain’t buying that land either.
This has nothing to do with the end of WWI, all four mandates and the refusal of one Muslim Arab clan to allow Jews to rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland, while other Arab Muslim clans wanted the Jews to be able to rebuild their Nation on that ancient homeland.

And you are totally not interested in learning how we all got from there, 1920 to here, 2023.
“Rebuild their nation on their ancient land”

What an arrogant pompous statement.

It wasn’t “their land” and hadn’t been for a very long time
Exactly. They gotta come up with something better than what they do now. It's their responsibility to create a viable state for the Palestinians. It's long overdue thanks to the US who is complicit in the crimes against Palestinians
Stop the lack of knowledge about history.

Israel is not responsible for 103 years of a few Arab clans refusal to live in peace with Jews with the Jews having their own Nation on their Ancient homeland.

Arabs refused twice a division, in 1937 and 1947 and declared war four times after that.

The Arabs do not want Jews to have their own Nation on what they consider to be land conquered by Muslims.

It was not conquered by Arabs, but by Muslim Kurds, and then the Ottoman Muslims.

Keeping Extremist Muslims from murdering all the Jews and destroying Israel is not being complicit against Palestinians.

Palestinian leaders do not want peace with Israel, they say it on a daily basis for all to hear.
This has nothing to do with the end of WWI, all four mandates and the refusal of one Muslim Arab clan to allow Jews to rebuild their Nation on their ancient homeland, while other Arab Muslim clans wanted the Jews to be able to rebuild their Nation on that ancient homeland.

And you are totally not interested in learning how we all got from there, 1920 to here, 2023.
The deed was done. Israel exists. They are not going anywhere. The middle east seems to still be anti-Israel and that is not ending. It seems because of that this will eventually be catastrophic whether sooner or later.

Jewish population doubled from the 80,000 in the 20s to 1931.

It doubled again by 1936

And it’s been growing ever since.

That has continues as Zionist “settlers” have continued to encroach on the West Bank.

Newsflash. They ain’t buying that land either.
West Bank is actually Judea and Samaria, ancient Jewish homeland.

From 1948 to 1967 Jews were expelled from Judea and Samaria by the Hashemites, non Palestinians.

What part of that do you keep missing?

All land owned by Jews in TransJordan was stolen by the Hashemites in 1948. Jews are not allowed to live there. As they were not allowed to live in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967.

You just don't give a damn about Jews and their right to any part of their land, especially land they had to buy and was taken from them by force.

Newsflash: Your ignorance about the history of the past 120 years keeps showing.
Herr Lesh. It wasn’t theft. And they have tried to find a solution. Bill Clinton even said that the Arabs had zero intention to negotiate.

They tried to find a solution? Really?

I guess they committed to not only stopping settlement building but removing West Bank settlements?

No? Just the opposite?

West Bank is actually Judea and Samaria, ancient Jewish homeland.

From 1948 to 1967 Jews were expelled from Judea and Samaria by the Hashemites, non Palestinians.

What part of that do you keep missing?

All land owned by Jews in TransJordan was stolen by the Hashemites in 1948. Jews are not allowed to live there. As they were not allowed to live in Judea, Samaria and the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967.

You just don't give a damn about Jews and their right to any part of their land, especially land they had to buy and was taken from them by force.

Newsflash: Your ignorance about the history of the past 120 years keeps showing.
So you have no interest in a two state solution right? Never have?
“Rebuild their nation on their ancient land”

What an arrogant pompous statement.

It wasn’t “their land” and hadn’t been for a very long time
Nothing to do with that.
Jews legally got the right to rebuild their Nation from the British, just as Iraq, Lebanon and Syria were rebuilt after WWI

Stop the anti Jewish ignorance.

You know only what you want to know, from the sources you accept as factual.

What ignorance !
They tried to find a solution? Really?

I guess they committed to not only stopping settlement building but removing West Bank settlements?

No? Just the opposite?

Judea and Samaria are the heart of the Jewish ancient homeland, you ignorant uncaring fool.

Jews were kicked out of that homeland and TransJordan in 1948 by NON Palestinians who did not care about the Arabs who became Palestinians only in 1964.

Oh, yeah, you do not know or care about any of that part of the history of the land.

One must not forget that .
It was because a couple of years after being freed from slavery, God led the people to the border of Canaan, the land which God had promised them.
What I'm referring to (Exodus 13:17) takes place before the crossing of the Red Sea, the gold calf, Ten Commandments, etc.

Governments based on religion are problematic, as seen in Ireland and throughout the Middle East. I like the American way of dealing with religious freedom.

As for how the Palestinians feel, closest thing I can relate to it would be the Cubans in Florida.
Judea and Samaria are the heart of the Jewish ancient homeland, you ignorant uncaring fool.

Jews were kicked out of that homeland and TransJordan in 1948 by NON Palestinians who did not care about the Arabs who became Palestinians only in 1964.

Oh, yeah, you do not know or care about any of that part of the history of the land.

One must not forget that .
You’re reduced to repeating yourself.

Again, where are you on the Two State Solution given what you just said?

Without that how do you see by chance of peace?
You documented the purchase of 5% of the land prior to 1900 and then tiny purchase later… according to your source those purchases mostly came from people other than Palestinians.

Arabs called Palestinians did not own land. No different than farmers who worked in Feudal Europe. They worked the land, but it belonged to others.

But you do not know that.

The Arabs declared war. The Arabs lost, all SEVEN Arab States. Jews lost land in Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem, Arabs lost land.

That is what happens in wars, oh, unbelievably ignorant person who cannot stop being against the Jews, no matter what.
Nothing to do with that.
Jews legally got the right to rebuild their Nation from the British, just as Iraq, Lebanon and Syria were rebuilt after WWI

Stop the anti Jewish ignorance.

You know only what you want to know, from the sources you accept as factual.

What ignorance !
They got the right to take over all of Palestine from a foreign nation that was bailing out?

Woulda been nice to consult the people who were living on that land … ya think?

A history lesson!


Want more? Read this book:
You’re reduced to repeating yourself.

Again, where are you on the Two State Solution given what you just said?

Without that how do you see by chance of peace?
Do the Arab leaders want peace?
Does Abbas?
Does Hamas?
Does the PLO? Fatah?

When you figure out what they want, and have always wanted, let me know.
You’re reduced to repeating yourself.

Again, where are you on the Two State Solution given what you just said?

Without that how do you see by chance of peace?
Still ducking this huh?

Do you or do you not favor a two state solution?

Without that how do you see a peaceful resolution to this mess?

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