Which state, Texas or North Carolina, will turn Blue first?

I would say North Carolina is already leaning blue
Georgia will go blue in 2016
Teaxas probably in the late 2020s
For 140 years North Carolina was dominated by democrats we kicked their nasty asses out of the state assembly in 2010 then elected a Republican Governor in 2012 and we ain't looking back. Dream on son North Carolina is fed up with how democrats do things.
North Carolina is shamelessly gerrymandered but votes primarily Democratic
So 140 years of democratic control and not once democrats didn't do that?
You are full of shit.
1,10, and 12 districts were created by Democrats.
oh yeah district 12 the one that runs through a large majority of minority areas.
Almost reminds you of a road a drunk made.
I'm not a doctor, but I can recognize someone who is irrational as well as anybody.

Quite the irony, coming from someone who is a member of a party who thinks Republicans are denying black people and hispanics the right to vote. Last time I checked, that's illegal.

So, I wonder if you could tell me in what manner those evil Republicans are carrying out such a plan?
He's got those liberal talking points down pretty good.

Talking points are all one has in the absence of a cogent argument.
Vacationing in NC now. Shocked at the number of Hispanics I see. WOW.....NC will be dark Blue by 2016.

Yeah it's never hard to find Mexican food here. :thup:

Don't like Mexican, but watched a half dozen coming out of Walmart! Especially since they found they can attend UNC and not have to go to class.
oh so you were in one of the few liberal hell holes in North Carolina? Don't get your jollies over that Chapel hill, Durham and Cary does not represent North Carolina
Vacationing in NC now. Shocked at the number of Hispanics I see. WOW.....NC will be dark Blue by 2016.

Yeah it's never hard to find Mexican food here. :thup:

Don't like Mexican, but watched a half dozen coming out of Walmart! Especially since they found they can attend UNC and not have to go to class.
oh so you were in one of the few liberal hell holes in North Carolina? Don't get your jollies over that Chapel hill, Durham and Cary does not represent North Carolina

Wrong again Wonderboy! Hispanics prefer the warm coast.:banana:
Vacationing in NC now. Shocked at the number of Hispanics I see. WOW.....NC will be dark Blue by 2016.

Yeah it's never hard to find Mexican food here. :thup:

Don't like Mexican, but watched a half dozen coming out of Walmart! Especially since they found they can attend UNC and not have to go to class.
oh so you were in one of the few liberal hell holes in North Carolina? Don't get your jollies over that Chapel hill, Durham and Cary does not represent North Carolina

Wrong again Wonderboy! Hispanics prefer the warm coast.:banana:
There is only one college refereed to as UNC in North Carolina dumb ass.
I'm not a doctor, but I can recognize someone who is irrational as well as anybody.

Quite the irony coming from someone who is a member of a party who thinks Republicans are denying black people and Hispanics the right to vote. Last time I checked, that's illegal.

So, I wonder if you could tell me in what manner those evil Republicans are carrying out such a plan?

If I told you, you wouldn't believe it, but you might believe The Pennsylvania republican house leader.

I'm not a doctor, but I can recognize someone who is irrational as well as anybody.

Quite the irony coming from someone who is a member of a party who thinks Republicans are denying black people and Hispanics the right to vote. Last time I checked, that's illegal.

So, I wonder if you could tell me in what manner those evil Republicans are carrying out such a plan?

If I told you, you wouldn't believe it, but you might believe The Pennsylvania republican house leader.

Just assuming that democrats don't cheat
I'm not a doctor, but I can recognize someone who is irrational as well as anybody.

Quite the irony, coming from someone who is a member of a party who thinks Republicans are denying black people and hispanics the right to vote. Last time I checked, that's illegal.

So, I wonder if you could tell me in what manner those evil Republicans are carrying out such a plan?
He's got those liberal talking points down pretty good.

If it can be proven with documented facts, it's more than a talking point. If it's just something you heard from Hannity, or somewhere else in your fox bubble, then that is just a talking point.
1,10, and 12 districts were created by Democrats.

This is not accurate. The districts were redrawn to include more democratic voters in 2010. Their Cook index scores all moved quite significantly further into the Democrat's column. The surrounding districts all became much less competitive and safer for Republicans.

The 2nd NC district is a prime example of this. In the 2010 GOP wave election the district "barely" went for the GOP's candidate (Ellmers), in 2012 it was much more safe despite being a much more friendly year for Democrats.

2nd District PVI ratings:
  • 2012: 40D / 60R
  • 2010: 49D / 51R

Also it's not just the three blue districts that make it gerrymandered, it's also how the other districts are drawn that crack democrat voters as well.

Also it's not District 10 that's solid blue...it's 4.
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I'm not a doctor, but I can recognize someone who is irrational as well as anybody.

Quite the irony, coming from someone who is a member of a party who thinks Republicans are denying black people and hispanics the right to vote. Last time I checked, that's illegal.

So, I wonder if you could tell me in what manner those evil Republicans are carrying out such a plan?
He's got those liberal talking points down pretty good.

If it can be proven with documented facts, it's more than a talking point. If it's just something you heard from Hannity, or somewhere else in your fox bubble, then that is just a talking point.
Stephen Ansolabehere; Eitan Hersh, 2012, "Replication data for: Validation: What Big Data Reveal About Survey Misreporting and the Real Electorate", Replication data for Validation What Big Data Reveal About Survey Misreporting and the Real Electorate - Political Analysis Dataverse - Harvard Dataverse Network IQSS Dataverse Network [Distributor] V2 [Version]
1,10, and 12 districts were created by Democrats.

This is not accurate. The districts were redrawn to include more democratic voters in 2010. Their Cook index scores all moved quite significantly further into the Democrat's column. The surrounding districts all became much less competitive and safer for Republicans.

The 2nd NC district is a prime example of this. In the 2010 GOP wave election the district "barely" went for the GOP's candidate (Ellmers), in 2012 it was much more safe despite being a much more friendly year for Democrats.

2nd District PVI ratings:
  • 2012: 40D / 60R
  • 2010: 49D / 51R

Also it's not just the three blue districts that make it gerrymandered, it's also how the other districts are drawn that crack democrat voters as well.
District 12 was drawn up by democrats in the 90's moistly blacks in that district looks like as drunk man tried to make a road and failed
1,10, and 12 districts were created by Democrats.

This is not accurate. The districts were redrawn to include more democratic voters in 2010. Their Cook index scores all moved quite significantly further into the Democrat's column. The surrounding districts all became much less competitive and safer for Republicans.

The 2nd NC district is a prime example of this. In the 2010 GOP wave election the district "barely" went for the GOP's candidate (Ellmers), in 2012 it was much more safe despite being a much more friendly year for Democrats.

2nd District PVI ratings:
  • 2012: 40D / 60R
  • 2010: 49D / 51R

Also it's not just the three blue districts that make it gerrymandered, it's also how the other districts are drawn that crack democrat voters as well.
District 12 was drawn up by democrats in the 90's moistly blacks in that district looks like as drunk man tried to make a road and failed

The current borders are not the same as the ones in the 90's. That's a very significant point.
1,10, and 12 districts were created by Democrats.

This is not accurate. The districts were redrawn to include more democratic voters in 2010. Their Cook index scores all moved quite significantly further into the Democrat's column. The surrounding districts all became much less competitive and safer for Republicans.

The 2nd NC district is a prime example of this. In the 2010 GOP wave election the district "barely" went for the GOP's candidate (Ellmers), in 2012 it was much more safe despite being a much more friendly year for Democrats.

2nd District PVI ratings:
  • 2012: 40D / 60R
  • 2010: 49D / 51R

Also it's not just the three blue districts that make it gerrymandered, it's also how the other districts are drawn that crack democrat voters as well.
District 12 was drawn up by democrats in the 90's moistly blacks in that district looks like as drunk man tried to make a road and failed

The current borders are not the same as the ones in the 90's. That's a very significant point.
District 12 remained from the 90's until it was changed in 2011 you can't pick and choose on this so shut the hell up
Who will decide who wins the U.S. Senate race in N.C. Don t count out Latino voters Fox News Latino

We all know what the demographics in Texas are turning it into a blue state, but not until recently did I realize that North Carolina is also in danger of turning blue. I think Texas will turn first because the old " Jessie Helms" republicans have not all dies out in North Carolina.

Which do you think will turn Blue first, Texas or North Carolina?

Since I am sure that some of you dedicated to Red States will say neither. Whatever makes you sleep better at night....:eusa_whistle:

Texas will not turn blue this November.

Abbott is leading by big margins, and the Senate seats are going to stay red.

Now I will bet North Carolina will be before Texas.
North Carolina is now officially a swing state. Texas? No. Democrats need to run bonafide centrists in Texas to make gains.
I love how those who don't live in a state can say what it is and is not. I know the political environment of North Carolina better than any poll I know where North Carolina came from and what it is fed up with.
Majority democrat for 140 years controlled by the democrats, the people in the state are fed up with democrats we kicked their ass out of the general assembly in 2010

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