CDZ Which Party are fascists?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
The word gets tossed around here a ton from both sides, neither side really knows what a "fascist is, so I present the definition according to Webster. Now, which of our two corrupt parties actually ARE fascists by definition?

Definition of FASCISM

Definition of fascism
  1. 1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge
play\ˈfa-shist also -sist\ noun or adjective, often capitalized
play\fa-ˈshi-stik also -ˈsi-\ adjective, often capitalized
play\fa-ˈshi-sti-k(ə-)lē also -ˈsi-\ adverb, often capitalized
The popularity of Trump answers that.

True that he wasn't elected by the popular vote and that most of the US is against him but he's still popular among a minority. Trump is openly fascist as are some of his staff. The rest will soon be.
The popularity of Trump answers that.

True that he wasn't elected by the popular vote and that most of the US is against him but he's still popular among a minority. Trump is openly fascist as are some of his staff. The rest will soon be.

Pleas show how Trump or baby Bush fit the definition please.
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Well, the answer is obvious:



So can I toss you in the "they are both fascist " camp too, or would it be more the I dont care and im changing the channel camp?
I'm in the "we're stuck in a silly hyperbolic loop in which the memories of millions who suffered are being insulted by simplistic partisan rhetoric" camp.
Both have fascist in them in their own ways.

Well I can see both in Number one to the part about Race. With the democrats, "exalting RACE above all else, I can see the republicans exalting NATION above all else, but only for looks. Those in government are pretty lazy to do much more then secure them selves a pay check, but i digress. I think.
Well, the answer is obvious:



Yep. See also "the Nazis", "the traitors", and "those who must be eliminated".

Always immediately following :lalala:

Or this guy.

Former Sanders aide: 'We don't need white people leading the Democratic Party right now' - CNNPolitics

The relationship between "fascism" and what some political wonk thinks should be the direction of a political party is lost on me. :dunno:

The irony of the name Sanders, however, whose family were killed by fascists, is not. Although still unconnected.
What party is trying to pass hate speech laws? Those are your fascists.
Earlier this year, though, Markey sponsored a bill to monitor so-called hate speech on television, radio and the Internet. The bill, if passed, would lead to a congressional report. And though Markey has said his proposal would not lead to censorship of constitutionally protected speech, he should know better than to let the government stick its nose under the First Amendment tent.

From 2014. This kind of legislation is backed by Democrats and is still being discussed.

Howard Dean doubles down on ‘hate speech isn’t protected’ claims — then it backfires big time
Ed Markey's Hate-Speech Bill Earns Him Top Spot in 2014 New England Muzzle Awards | HuffPost
Howard Dean doubles down on ‘hate speech isn’t protected’ claims — then it backfires big time
The term fascist is derived from a Roman implement the fasces, which consisted of a bundle of sticks held together tightly around an ax blade. The bundle of sticks represented a group of people sharing an utterly rigid belief system and the ax blade represented the political power they could exert due to their absolute commitment to their belief system.

Although unintelligent partisans try to claim these traits define one party or another, the truth of the matter is that it describes BOTH, especially towards the more extreme ends. ANTIFA is just as thoroughly fascist as the fascists they decry.

The key here has little to do with the left/right axis and everything to do with the authoritarian/libertarian axis. It is the authoritarians of both who behave like fascists.
Well, the answer is obvious:



Yep. See also "the Nazis", "the traitors", and "those who must be eliminated".

Always immediately following :lalala:

Or this guy.

Former Sanders aide: 'We don't need white people leading the Democratic Party right now' - CNNPolitics

The relationship between "fascism" and what some political wonk thinks should be the direction of a political party is lost on me. :dunno:

The irony of the name Sanders, however, whose family were killed by fascists, is not. Although still unconnected.

Democrats Ask Teachers To Destroy Books Written By ‘Climate Deniers’

Then we got your Mancruch Half Black Jesus who put a shit tone of reporters in jail and illegally put them under surveillance. Thats some Nixon level slim right there. Matter of fact, it has only been the left calling for the "elimination" of anything really. It was blacks, Catholics and Jews after the civil war, now its just anyone not Blue. Tie is wasted onn you. You are a sheep.
One might suggest here, a linguistic observation ---

The term "fascist" as introduced here, despite its posted dictionary definition, has arguably been taking on a second colloquial metaphorical meaning in informal dialogue (such as this board) to mean vaguely a singleminded Authoritarianism, especially used politically to control expression and social behavior. Since no serious political party embodies the traditional definition from World War Two, it would seem that is the intent here.

Indeed we have the same colloquial metaphor with the word Nazi, e.g. "grammar Nazi". Metaphorical, not literal.

Those who follow my posting will rapidly recall that I resist the attempts by some here to draw the same definitional evolution for the word Liberal, their claim being a contemporary different definition from the so-called "classical" one. The difference is that the two suggested definitions above of fascism --- traditional vs. informal contemporary --- are not at odds with each other; one is an extension of the other's mentality; the newer flows naturally and logically from the older. Liberal on the other hand is held in the faux contemporary meaning to be its own opposite, which is a paradox and therefore impossible.

Such impossibility does not stop hack writers from coming up with Doublethink terms comprsed of two opposites such as "Liberal fascism". We just have to recognize that impossibilities can be rendered in words ("cold heat", "hand me that piano") but that doesn't make them real.

So to clarify OP --- do I read correctly that this thread is intended to discuss the contemporary colloquial metaphor, and not the technical political term?
We have not functionally speaking had two parties for quite some time now, merely bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy.
What party is trying to pass hate speech laws? Those are your fascists.
Earlier this year, though, Markey sponsored a bill to monitor so-called hate speech on television, radio and the Internet. The bill, if passed, would lead to a congressional report. And though Markey has said his proposal would not lead to censorship of constitutionally protected speech, he should know better than to let the government stick its nose under the First Amendment tent.

From 2014. This kind of legislation is backed by Democrats and is still being discussed.

Howard Dean doubles down on ‘hate speech isn’t protected’ claims — then it backfires big time
Ed Markey's Hate-Speech Bill Earns Him Top Spot in 2014 New England Muzzle Awards | HuffPost
Howard Dean doubles down on ‘hate speech isn’t protected’ claims — then it backfires big time

Without even reading the links, given the OP title this is a Composition Fallacy.

The topic asks about "political parties", not "Ed Markey".
Well, the answer is obvious:



Yep. See also "the Nazis", "the traitors", and "those who must be eliminated".

Always immediately following :lalala:

Or this guy.

Former Sanders aide: 'We don't need white people leading the Democratic Party right now' - CNNPolitics

The relationship between "fascism" and what some political wonk thinks should be the direction of a political party is lost on me. :dunno:

The irony of the name Sanders, however, whose family were killed by fascists, is not. Although still unconnected.

Democrats Ask Teachers To Destroy Books Written By ‘Climate Deniers’

Then we got your Mancruch Half Black Jesus who put a shit tone of reporters in jail and illegally put them under surveillance. Thats some Nixon level slim right there. Matter of fact, it has only been the left calling for the "elimination" of anything really. It was blacks, Catholics and Jews after the civil war, now its just anyone not Blue. Tie is wasted onn you. You are a sheep.
The sheep are those so beffudled that they still buy into the "left/dems" versus "right/reps" illusion.
The popularity of Trump answers that.

True that he wasn't elected by the popular vote and that most of the US is against him but he's still popular among a minority. Trump is openly fascist as are some of his staff. The rest will soon be.
No president has ever been elected by the popular vote. And just the fact that the left keeps parroting that propaganda, make them the fascists.
We have not functionally speaking had two parties for quite some time now, merely bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy.

---- Which is the very situation that Liberalism rose up to resist. Demonstrating once again that Liberalism is opposed by both the left and the right.

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