Which is more money? $1,000 for 12 months or $160 for 2 months?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The idiot GOP caved to stupid ignorant MATH!

Obama stood up yesterday badgered all of us with these sob stories..
won't be able buy pizzas, won't be able to visit fatherinlaws or buy school supplies for two months!

BUT YOU idiot supporters and MSM evidently can't figure out..hmmmm

$160 for two months IS NOT as much as $1,000 for 12 months!

GOP wanted full year --- Democrats/Obama wanted for 2 months!

THAT is IT!!!

White House has this web site for sob stories about $40 dollars every 2 weeks..
What does $40 mean to you? | The White House

You haven't noticed yet? The lame stream media is behind obama 100%, and they will lie, spin and misrepresent any and all facts surrounding him and his dealings to protect their boy king. After all, they're all liberals, they're all democrats, they're all socialists, and they all hate America.
You haven't noticed yet? The lame stream media is behind obama 100%, and they will lie, spin and misrepresent any and all facts surrounding him and his dealings to protect their boy king. After all, they're all liberals, they're all democrats, they're all socialists, and they all hate America.

You haven't noticed yet? The lame stream media is behind obama 100%, and they will lie, spin and misrepresent any and all facts surrounding him and his dealings to protect their boy king. After all, they're all liberals, they're all democrats, they're all socialists, and they all hate America.


"There is a liberal bias. It's demonstrable. You look at some statistics. About 85 percent of the reporters who cover the White House vote Democratic, they have for a long time.
There is a, particularly at the networks, at the lower levels, among the editors and the so-called infrastructure, there is a liberal bias.-

George W. Bush Transcript

Newsweek Washington Bureau Chief Evan Thomas

Thomas' assertion of 85% reporters vote Democratic is further backed up by:
"MSNBC.com identified 144 journalists who made political contributions from 2004 through the start of the 2008 campaign, according to the public records of the Federal Election Commission.
Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes.

Only 17 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties."
Journalists give campaign cash - politics - msnbc.com
So the point is, no matter how good of a job the republicans are trying to do for THE PEOPLE of AMERICA, the liberal, democrat, lame stream media will spin and lie to make it appear they're not. Simply put, republicans/conservatives/Tea Party can NOT win the media war against the liberals, so they caved. I just call that gutless. We all know what's going on, so these republicans should be holding on to their principles, the ones they said they had that got them elected, or they might as well start looking for a different job.
Boehner didn't know how to articulate the facts and didn't have the guts to call Obama out on all of his lies yesterday. This is why he's useless. It's not enough to work behind the scenes for the American people, you must articulate how you're doing it and shed the light on the Democrat's dishonesty.

If someone were to attach a lie-detecter to Obama during one of his speeches it would explode. This fact must be voiced to the voters or we're screwed come November. It makes me wish Newt was still speaker instead of this stiff.
Democrats wanted 2 months with no strings attached. GOP wanted 12 months with strings attached.

Why are you having trouble grasping this?


The primary difference is the time period, not "the strings" that are attached.

This was an example of political gamesmanship. Boehner doesn't know how to play it simply because he feels shame where as Obama and Harry Reid do not.
Democrats wanted 2 months with no strings attached. GOP wanted 12 months with strings attached.

Why are you having trouble grasping this?


The primary difference is the time period, not "the strings" that are attached.

This was an example of political gamesmanship. Boehner doesn't know how to play it simply because he feels shame where as Obama and Harry Reid do not.

Oh, so a poorly thought out pipeline had nothing to do with anything?
Democrats wanted 2 months with no strings attached. GOP wanted 12 months with strings attached.

Why are you having trouble grasping this?


The primary difference is the time period, not "the strings" that are attached.

This was an example of political gamesmanship. Boehner doesn't know how to play it simply because he feels shame where as Obama and Harry Reid do not.

Oh, so a poorly thought out pipeline had nothing to do with anything?

is obie gonna say NO to that pipeline?
The Democrats wanted "NO Months" but caved in to 2

The Repulbicans wanted a whole year and almost recieved none.

Who won again? The Republicans, but they constantly saying this is not what we want!!

SORE WINNERS, I say. SORE WINNERS. I hate to see what happens when you lose. I guess that is why Libs teachers decided to give certificates for competing. So they would not have to hear conservative kids throw a hissy fit(regardless if they win or lose)!
The Democrats wanted "NO Months" but caved in to 2

The Repulbicans wanted a whole year and almost recieved none.

Who won again? The Republicans, but they constantly saying this is not what we want!!

SORE WINNERS, I say. SORE WINNERS. I hate to see what happens when you lose. I guess that is why Libs teachers decided to give certificates for competing. So they would not have to hear conservative kids throw a hissy fit(regardless if they win or lose)!
So what your saying the left wanted to have the middle class the tax hike but blamed the right for wanting. I see. Your not really for the people then huh!:cuckoo:
The Democrats wanted "NO Months" but caved in to 2

The Repulbicans wanted a whole year and almost recieved none.

Who won again? The Republicans, but they constantly saying this is not what we want!!

SORE WINNERS, I say. SORE WINNERS. I hate to see what happens when you lose. I guess that is why Libs teachers decided to give certificates for competing. So they would not have to hear conservative kids throw a hissy fit(regardless if they win or lose)!
So what your saying the left wanted to have the middle class the tax hike but blamed the right for wanting. I see. Your not really for the people then huh!:cuckoo:

Obama himself said he sees why people are fed up with Washington but he doesn't mention that he is one of the reasons and Boehner refuses to make it clear to everyone.

Boehner claims Obama is trustworthy.

This shows he cannot be frank with America about their worthless lying bastard of a President.

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