Where was the armed security guard at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High?

Fake news is reporting the armed security officer went to the building and didn't go inside while the shooting was going on. Coward. Just pathetic the failures from school police, local police and sheriffs, and FBI.

BIG FAT FAILURE at every stage.

While Fake News demonizes me and my gun for over a week.
I don’t think coward is the right word. But I don’t know what is. We all think we will act in certain fashion in a crisis, but until it really happens you don’t know how you’ll react.

Plus it may very well be his training required him to stay out until help arrived. Every police dept in America had that policy until Columbine.

If that was the case he wouldn't be gone. He signed up for the job. I can't believe anyone hearing the screams wouldn't go in if you had a gun.
A lot of people who did all the right things are going thru remorse guilt saying to themselves if I had only done this or that I might have saved that kid.

I’ve been in crisises before, and thank God I did what I should have. But I always went into a “what if” phase later. This guy is going to have to live with that day.
It's ironic that the radical left, that usually falls all over itself to criticize the actions of local Police, is quiet in cases of mass shootings. As I recall the local Police failed to enter the building even when the Columbine shooters were active. Military Police were unarmed at Ft. Hood and had to call 9-11 to take the jihad Major down. Strangely enough the female local Police Officer who finally took Hasan Nadal down should have been a national hero but the mainstream media didn't want to talk about it. The local Blacksburg Va. Officers were calmly interviewing witnesses to the Va. Tech murder spree while he was still killing people on campus. Capital Police did the best job of taking down James Hodgkinson, the baseball shooter, but the MSM didn't want to talk about that either. Everything was wrong about Stephen Paddock including the fact that Vegas Swat couldn't be located so the door was apparently breached by K-9 officers. After a CBS executive posted a tweet that she had no sympathy for the 51 victims who were "just yokel Trump supporters" neither did the MSM and the entire case was strangely forgotten.

You have one detail that is incorrect. The MPs were armed, but no one else outside the base's civilian police department was armed. The victims were not allowed to carry weapons on base except while training. That has not changed as far as I know.

Both of my daughter's have lived on Fort Hood. I have a great deal of experience with their offices through getting my vehicle passes and moving household goods on and off post. My oldest daughter lived there during the shooting and had to contact me to let me know my son-in-law was NOT one of the victims.

Oh, you forgot to mention how the MSM lauded the fact that the female cop who took down Scalise's shooter was a lesbian. The male cop was barely mentioned because he was a heterosexual.
The resource officer assigned to the school never entered the building or made an attempt to stop the shooter.

Stoneman Douglas BSO resource officer did not enter school during shootings

PARKLAND, Fla. - The school resource officer at Marjory Stoneman Douglas did not enter the school during the shootings that left 17 people dead last week, said Broward Sheriff Scott Israel.

"Never went in," said Israel about the actions of Deputy Scot Peterson. The sheriff said Peterson remained outside for at least four minutes during the six minutes Nikolas Cruz opened fire inside the school.

More News Headlines
Despite being armed, video showed Peterson taking up a position outside the west side of the freshman building where the shootings occurred and remained there during the incident.

Israel announced Thursday that Peterson resigned after being suspended without pay following an investigation.

"Devastated, sick to my stomach, there are no words." Israel said to describe his feelings when he learned Peterson did not enter the building.

In regards to the above story, the wrong man was in charge of the weapon in this tragedy.

THIS is the man who should have been armed and in charge of protecting students . . .

This coach was willing to give his life to save his students. If he had a gun, he would have been able to stop the shooter and save some kids and maybe even himself.

Let's face it, the kids are sitting ducks in their schools as long as they remain "gun free zones." This situation also shows how you CANNOT always rely on the police or government authorities to protect your ass. In such a situation, it is on YOU to save your ass.

Sometimes I can't keep track of all the contradictory things that cons "claim" they know libs are like.

Aww c'mon....it's not that difficult

Everyone knows what libs are like....they....

Do lots of drugs....
Suck up lots of welfare.....
Have lots of chirruns out of wedlock....

and now we also know that even when they get a job as a Police officer, they run for cover instead of doing their job.

Where's the confusion?
Will wait for more info, its a big campus, he could have been where there was no shooting, he could have been afraid, or any number of other factors.
He went to the building and sat up outside it. He was getting suspended without pay, and retired instead.
He resigned because he was proved to be a coward who was taking money under false pretenses. All this proves is that he COULD have stopped the gunman and chose not to.
Yeah, and at the news conference earlier, the sheriff said ”he arrived”, then proceeded to the bldg, but didn’t enter.
I still question if he was there.

i also wonder if he was there

takes the steam out of the anti gun folks

who would argue that having a armed presence does not work

same at Columbine the security was off campus several blocks away

monitoring kids who smoke
If he had a gun, he would have been able to stop the shooter
haha... you watch WAY too much TV. Yes, he would have hopped right out and put two in the shooter's head, shooting from the hip. Then pretty music would have started playing, and the kids would have skipped out of the school, arm-in-arm... give me a break...

More likely, the shooter -- armed with a long gun and all warmed up -- would have dropped the teacher and his handgun with a quickness.
Apparently the cop is on video showing he failed to enter the building.

Stoneman Douglas cop resigns; Sheriff says he should have 'killed the killer'

School cop resigns after shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School

You aren''t helping your gun control agenda. All you're doing is showing us we can't depend on cops to protect us.
So much for the good guy with a gun theory, huh?

That makes no sense.
The bad guys always have guns.
So what else is there except good guys with guns?
Are you expecting bad guys intent on murder, to be so intimidated by increasing the penalty for illegal possession of a firearm, that they just stop intending murder?
That's never going to happen, and is crazy.
Only someone who wants a police dictatorship would suggest something like that.
Bull, it is the bluest county in the state.
Fake news is reporting the armed security officer went to the building and didn't go inside while the shooting was going on. Coward. Just pathetic the failures from school police, local police and sheriffs, and FBI.

BIG FAT FAILURE at every stage.

While Fake News demonizes me and my gun for over a week.
So much for the NRA's "good guy with a gun" bullshit. Apparently even good guys with a gun are afraid of the pure killing power of an assault rifle!!!!!
So now it will become "a good guy with an assault rifle."

First you have to be a good guy. The county is the bluest in Florida so where in the hell do you find enough good guys?
The county was red enough to produce the shooter!!!
Yet still red enough to produce the killer gun nut.
I don’t know if this went through or not, hopefully it did-

DoD Releases Plan to Allow Personnel to Carry Firearms on Base

It's ironic that the radical left, that usually falls all over itself to criticize the actions of local Police, is quiet in cases of mass shootings. As I recall the local Police failed to enter the building even when the Columbine shooters were active. Military Police were unarmed at Ft. Hood and had to call 9-11 to take the jihad Major down. Strangely enough the female local Police Officer who finally took Hasan Nadal down should have been a national hero but the mainstream media didn't want to talk about it. The local Blacksburg Va. Officers were calmly interviewing witnesses to the Va. Tech murder spree while he was still killing people on campus. Capital Police did the best job of taking down James Hodgkinson, the baseball shooter, but the MSM didn't want to talk about that either. Everything was wrong about Stephen Paddock including the fact that Vegas Swat couldn't be located so the door was apparently breached by K-9 officers. After a CBS executive posted a tweet that she had no sympathy for the 51 victims who were "just yokel Trump supporters" neither did the MSM and the entire case was strangely forgotten.

You have one detail that is incorrect. The MPs were armed, but no one else outside the base's civilian police department was armed. The victims were not allowed to carry weapons on base except while training. That has not changed as far as I know.

Both of my daughter's have lived on Fort Hood. I have a great deal of experience with their offices through getting my vehicle passes and moving household goods on and off post. My oldest daughter lived there during the shooting and had to contact me to let me know my son-in-law was NOT one of the victims.

Oh, you forgot to mention how the MSM lauded the fact that the female cop who took down Scalise's shooter was a lesbian. The male cop was barely mentioned because he was a heterosexual.
Fake news is reporting the armed security officer went to the building and didn't go inside while the shooting was going on. Coward. Just pathetic the failures from school police, local police and sheriffs, and FBI.

BIG FAT FAILURE at every stage.

While Fake News demonizes me and my gun for over a week.

Are you admitting to being a wife beater or mental patient who illegally purchased a gun?

peanut, you need a new hobby. You've been screaming all week the NRA is a terrorist organization. While the cops totally failed the community even after being called to his home 39 times and the FBI just fucked it off.
The FBI and the sheriff were whispering sweet nothings into this kid's ear for the purpose of creating this situation.

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