Where is the President?

And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

now if you want to keep going back to the sites protecting the leftest movement, feel free. i just don't give a fuck anymore about your bullshit and lies.
ALL of your links are catered to the right bias published misleading reports, omit information that may damage conservative cause....

Glen Beck? redstate? Really? I mean REALLY? Why do you even bother to used these nonsense bias BS media? These kind of media are only useful If you are talking to your buddies.....

But I would like to see a link where WHITES are getting killed by cops more than the blacks. Any LINK?
please. i've already said ALL OF OUR MEDIA is doing this - so if you're going to attack one side and declare them off limits then great.

i'll pull in where CNN, ABC, CBS, Forbes, NPR and all of the others have posted edited bullshit and we can never use them as sources again.

And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

now if you want to keep going back to the sites protecting the leftest movement, feel free. i just don't give a fuck anymore about your bullshit and lies.

the blaze? LOL!!!!!!!!! glenn beck's the BLAZE???????????????

every single 'source' you provided has a 'mixed' rating for factual accuracy. you should try better.

& yer beloved fox just screwed the pooch with its 'reporting'.

Breaking|Jun 13, 2020,04:48pm EDT
Fox News Removes Manipulated Images Of Seattle Protests After Blowback
Jack BrewsterForbes Staff
Crucial quote
“It is definitely Photoshopped,” Seattle freelance photographer David Ryder told the Seattle Times, who took the June 10 photograph of an unidentified man holding a gun in front of a car in the autonomous zone. “To use a photo out of context in a journalistic setting like that seems unethical.”
Fox News Removes Manipulated Images Of Seattle Protests After Blowback
ie - you got pwned and have to now cry foul at the sources.

god damn you are pathetic.

nooooooooooo............ i'm crying foul at 'sources' that are crapped filled with fake news.

doy doy doy.
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

now if you want to keep going back to the sites protecting the leftest movement, feel free. i just don't give a fuck anymore about your bullshit and lies.
ALL of your links are catered to the right bias published misleading reports, omit information that may damage conservative cause....

Glen Beck? redstate? Really? I mean REALLY? Why do you even bother to used these nonsense bias BS media? These kind of media are only useful If you are talking to your buddies.....

But I would like to see a link where WHITES are getting killed by cops more than the blacks. Any LINK?
please. i've already said ALL OF OUR MEDIA is doing this - so if you're going to attack one side and declare them off limits then great.

i'll pull in where CNN, ABC, CBS, Forbes, NPR and all of the others have posted edited bullshit and we can never use them as sources again.


i go by media check that uses international standards for journalism.

you? whatever feels good that CONfirms yer idiocy.
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

Who laughed at the Kenyan messiah???? Really? Our allies, our enemies, and everyone in between. Our allies could not count on him to support them, our enemies knew he would kowtow to them, and the rest knew he was a foolish america-hating buffoon.

Those so-called military leaders are traitors who were scared that Trump was going to expose their incompetence and corruption, that same fear exists in the dems, the media, and the DC deep state criminals.

Trump ended the fiasco in Iraq and Syria by defeating ISIS and bring our troops home, Obozo sent billions to the Iranians who were funding ISIS, Obozo ignored Israel, our only ally in the mid east, Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem where it belongs. Obozo was scared of Kim in NK, Trump confronted him. Obama sent US jobs to China, Trump brought them back.

You really need to stop spouting dem/lib lying propaganda and look at reality.
Military leaders are traitors?? You have lost what little mind you had You are one sick puppy

yes, some of them are traitors, when a general or admiral ignores an order from the commander in chief, that is an act of treason.

my mind is fine, thanks. but I am seriously worried about yours.
What happens when or if the moron says to use an H bomb? All the generals bow their heads in obedience?? And don't worry about my mind It has me up about 2 million so far this year

I was much more concerned about the Kenyan calling for the bomb, Trump is much too smart to do that, except in retaliation if someone was stupid enough to attack us. No military person is required to follow an illegal order.

The market has been good to me too this year, if the Chinese had not sent a virus attack it would be a record gain already. Who do you credit with the lowest unemployment on record? who do you credit with businesses expanding and relocating to the USA? Who do you credit with manufacturing jobs returning to the USA? Not Obozo, he did just the opposite while doubling our national debt in just 8 years.
...yes, some of them are traitors, when a general or admiral ignores an order from the commander in chief, that is an act of treason...
1. unless that order from the CiC is unlawful or otherwise unconstitutional... ask the ghosts of Keitel and Jodl about that one

2. disobedience does not ipso facto meet the constitutional test for 'treason'... sorry

yes, we just said the same thing in different words.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
Nothing Trump does is at the right time or right move?
Was anything Obama did at the right time or right move?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
My color is the same before and after.... I am against violent protester looting and burning.... But I support peaceful demonstrations especially in this time against RACISM.... I’m always against racist dog piece of shit people.

From you...... Trump nothing ever does the President right time or right move........ So tell me your excellency.

Posting photo op that you supported is good for you when church leaders, Esper, Gen Miley, Mattis, etc etc etc etc blasted Trump photo op. We are in the middle of crisis and he has the audacity to post picture.

Handling of CV-19.... blaming, finger pointing, conspiracies, tweeting nonsense, Busy playing golf, rallies, travel to India. At the same time downplaying the severity of the CV crisis.

Before Covid-19 in his regular rallies.... attack the democrats the democrats the democrats. Instigating violence against his own people the democrats . Since when you see a president attacking his own people. TRUMP.

So tell me where and what is there to love about this fucking piece of shit president? The whole world is laughing at us.....

YOu claimed I was the one that just started calling you names for no reason. So I posted my last civil post to you, before you started calling me names for no reason.

The point was not to revisit the points of that post, but to demonstrate that you were the one that started being an asshole for no reason.

Your pretense that you forgot that, is rejected.

Your error about your own behavior proves my point. YOu libs are so entitled that you truly believe you should get to smear us with the most vile slurs, while we treat you with kid gloves.

And you whine like faggots when we don't play by your stupid rules.

Well, fuck that shit. YOu dish it out, you better be prepared to take it.

Or talk like a civilized person and receive similar treatment in return. The choice is yours.

Just don't expect to get a pass for acting like an asshole. FUCK THAT SHIT.
Wrong again asshole...... I said go back and show me where in my posts that I started blasting you. Show me. GO. You did this to me in the past you are doing it again. This time you won’t get that off easily you racist asshole.

I don’t do that to you or anybody unless provoke. I prefer a good manner and professional discussion. You have this low class your buddy Morrison your kind of dog shit low class blasting me for no reasons. You are no different.

And I did that you moron. I was civil to you and you called me vile names for no reason.

See, you libs, you think that calling someone a name is an argument. You also are so used to doing that, and not being called out on it, that you don't even realize when you are doing it.

Dude. You are the ones that provoke. So much that it is like breathing to you, it just happens.

Post 732 in this thread, you just went off on me, calling me vile names for no reason.

If you want civil discussions, YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER. YOU.
Dude this is not the first time you did this to me...... SUDDENLY you came out FUCK YOU FUCK YOU....... that is your trade marks when you are loosing. Try harder.

I gave you the post number where YOU came out with the name calling first. Your lies are dismissed.
I didn’t even bother to Correl. I’ve been talking to you for years. You go bezerk every time I beat you. I’m glad you are not a cop for a living. I can’t be a cop either.

So, got it, You insist that I started it, and when I post the link showing that you started it, you ignore it and just insist that I started it.

YOu lefties are assholes, who think that you have a right to be assholes and then whine like faggots when we are rude BACK to you.

I'm not going to coddle you, like the republicans of yesterday did. YOu treat me like shit, you will get shit back.

Oh BULLSHIT Correl. You are nothing but a RACIST DOG SHIT. You proved that to me over the years.
Leftist assholes? Really look at your buddies here as an example are they any different? Then playing like a victim because how you love this piece of shit President. Worst president US ever seen.
Go take your meds old man.

I call you out on how you can dish it out, but can't take it, and your response is to call me "wacist", like the retarded asshole you are.

Do you even realize that you just proved my point?
A Globalist like yourself who lives on cheap slave labor isn't a racist?! You're such an idiot!

Good Trumpsters just make shit up as they go.
So tell us which Democrat related issues you disagree and we'll see if your response matches your posting pattern.
Wow, this constant interest in my political views is flattering.

Line 2 of my sig, linked to a thread in which I (a) list my specific views on the issues, and (b) disembowel a Regressive Lefty: https://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/come-on-jake-man-up-just-this-once.590002/

You're welcome.
What's noted is your anti-MAGA, hypocritical bullshit.
You're welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Oh, and quote me. You guys never have the balls to do that. You'd rather just make stuff up.

Thanks in advance!
Your long history of loving global slave labor is well known.
But that's expected of anyone who works as a Financial Advisor.
Slave labor? Do you know where Trump products are made? Do you know what kind of people that makes Trump products like socks and ties? Those are the products that a child labor or slave labor can make..

How are the US farmers, US Steeles, companies that are affected then layoffs are doing with the China Trade Wars? Companies are closing down in 2019 even before the Coronavirus crisis showed up.

Trump is a bad for the farmers, universities, economy, manufacturing, domestic and foreign policies. Handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and the current racism crisis now in the 16th day of demonstrations. Totally screwed up this country big time.
Wtf ever, you BS piece of shit! 'Murica! Go fuck yourself.

You have zero clues as to the reality of this situation, you leftist turd sucker!
Where are Snappys made again? You're not even American, don't even try it, you fuck!

It's srs business now, and I'm not playing your fuck-fuck games at this point, you foreign troll.

I'm for my country, and fuck you! :fu:
You are bery panny. Understand truth hurts. In what authority do you have to question me?

Showing me your deplorable low class attitude doesn’t prove anything what you are saying. Typical Trump supporter. I’m sure Trump a piece of shit is very proud of you. Go take your meth.

You are for this country? LOL. Dude you mean Russia where Trump puppet master live.
You don’t even know what you are talking about Dude.
I am for my country of USA defending against low class asshole deplorable like you ruining this country. That’s a fact.

You cannot even give me a clear rebuttal or any kinds of conversation. Meaning you don’t know anything.
Trump made this country a laughing stock, racist, bully, ignorant and dumb around the world because of people like you. Get a life.
Don’t worry you have 5 months to go to enjoy...... Biden will kick Trump ass out of the WH.
Oaaaa you bwerry bwerry funny liddle one, now you won on back to China and tell yor people not make world sick no more, bad, bad china man, baaaad. We take care of united states, you go back to Yina now. LOL

You are bery bery fanny beagle. Me go back to China? Why? I traveled there because I have business in China........ Are you proving your self that you are a racist piece of shit? Like Trump.

China is bad because of Trump using it as an excuse to blamed........ where he screwed this country handling the Covid-19 crisis.
Oh, please.
I can go on, if you like...
So tell me Dr. Depoto. What is your several nonsense links has anything to do with Trump stupidity and ineptness handling the Covid-19 crisis?

I gave you a long list against your post but I have not heard from you. Why not respond to that? Or you are just scared????

I also gave you a rebuttal against Pelosi. I have not heard from you either.
Scared. Uh, no. You sit here stating there is no problem with China. I showed you there is.
They have also failed the world on covid. You can believe what you want, but facts back me up.
Oh please..... Doc. So why not give me your rebuttal from your original post instead of giving me these nonsense links?

I never said there’s no problem in China. 85% of my consumables are made in China since 1995. I used to travel 4 to 6 times a year but my son and his assistant are now doing the traveling. Last time I was there was March 2019..... I speak Mandarin Chinese and Tagalog.

I posted several problems in China that you never heard before in BWK thread. I even proved Coronavirus started in September not late December.

So spare me your excuses about China.

What I don’t like is this stupid Trade Wars. At the start this idiot claimed it’s very easy to win TW that was almost 3 years ago. Not a single manufacturers, retailers, technologies or any kind of business categories supported Trump. At the same Chinese is just jerking us around. Sad results he just made farmers welfare recipients totaling. $40 billions including 2020 farmers bailout no end in sight. At the same time prices went up against Americans especially poor Americans that shop at Walmart... Trump is bad for this country.

We deserves better.
At the same time he is so busy tweeting, threatening Americans and allies, blame this and that, in love with Putin, promoting conspiracies, LIE like hell...... Then Americans like you still loves him... WHY?

So, you're comfortable with every larger, record trade deficits with China?

Oh please Correl. Trade deficits doesn’t mean mean it’s bad. Trade deficits with China means we buy more than we sell. We Americans are the most spoiled and extravagant countries around the world. If we have dirty shoes mostly kids wants new shoes, back packs we buy new every year we throw away the old ones, we donate second hand clothes to other countries more than anybody, look at left over in the restaurant, we waste tons and tons of food every day. Everything is just so freaking expensive to produce here in US.

Because of CV there was a big interruption of my consumables coming out from China so I made some here in US back east. One consumables alone cost me $22 shipping included from China cost me $189 to make them here in US. Sadly I can’t recuperate that against the hospitals.

Sounds like American manufacturers and manufacturing workers are just fucked. If we want to make them compete on a level playing field with the Third World.

We are the victim of our own success.

Nope. We are the victim of shit trade policy. It is a bad idea to have FIrst World workers competing against Third World workers on a level playing field.

Not that the EU plays much better. Cheating whores.

Do you want me to remind you where most of Donn and Ivanka products are made? So you are saying Trump is victim shit trade policy? That’s silly.
Tesla just open their facilities in China to compete in Asia money made will funnel to US. Is that bad? Money I made I use it here.

B. You bragged about how good is the economy ( till Trump screwed up this country) and low unemployment before CV. How do you think we got there? From shitty trade policy? That’s silly.

A Sure. Remind me. Then make a point about it. If you can.

B. So, you missed all that talk during the election about how globalization, while good for the economy as a whole left large segments of the population behind? Wow. You missed a lot. You should look it up. It's a lot.
A. Remind you? Fat Donnie and Ivanka products are made in China, Mexico and Bangladesh.

B. Good economy is like a good orchestra playing in sequence at the same time like a good melody.
Tell me where and what I missed?

a. And your point is? Just snark? or is there a point you want to make?

b. Large segments of the orchestra being left behind, is not a good melody.
A. Is that mean Trump investments in foreign countries is nonsense? Or you don’t know what foreign investment mean?

B. So ask your self, when your fake lousy messiah and his funny gullibles like you cheers of low unemployments. Is that fake?

Left behind? I can’t help that if they are stuck being stubborn, stuck in their brain not to work with others, do not invest, lazy etc etc etc etc etc.
This country has millions of opportunities how to get better. From education to business. One of my employee petitioned his son and daughter, all live in cheap apartments here in SD. Son took engineering courses, daughter took nursing, 7 years fast forward, daughter became an RN(BSN) work at Kaiser starts at $48/hour, son now an engineer works for Fisher scientific starts at $35/hour.

If these are immigrants who doesn’t even have a DL and nothing to start with. WHY can’t native whites and blacks do that? Millions of Millennials with kids live with their parents.

Here is the deal, charwin. I made a point about how our long standing Trade Policy has been bad for the American working poor and MIddle Class in the context of that being a reason to support Presiden Trump who promised to change it.

Your response was to snidely point out that he had "Foreign investments" as though that means that he would not or could not change Trade Policy.

You didn't actually claim either of those points, and still have not, instead you have doubled down on being snide.

I know why you don't make the point. Because you know if you actually make the point, that it will be easy for me to crush it like a bug.

Your dismissal of the trials and tribulations of people who have less than you, is also noted.

You not caring, is not a policy argument. My point stands. Macroeconomic growth is not the whole story. Large percentages of the population have been ill served by these policies, which was NOT the way it was supposed to work out.

Time to change the policies.

Hence my support of the Political Leader offering change. That you need to tell yourself that that makes me a bad person, is just you not being able to explain why you support YOUR policies instead.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
Nothing Trump does is at the right time or right move?
Was anything Obama did at the right time or right move?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
My color is the same before and after.... I am against violent protester looting and burning.... But I support peaceful demonstrations especially in this time against RACISM.... I’m always against racist dog piece of shit people.

From you...... Trump nothing ever does the President right time or right move........ So tell me your excellency.

Posting photo op that you supported is good for you when church leaders, Esper, Gen Miley, Mattis, etc etc etc etc blasted Trump photo op. We are in the middle of crisis and he has the audacity to post picture.

Handling of CV-19.... blaming, finger pointing, conspiracies, tweeting nonsense, Busy playing golf, rallies, travel to India. At the same time downplaying the severity of the CV crisis.

Before Covid-19 in his regular rallies.... attack the democrats the democrats the democrats. Instigating violence against his own people the democrats . Since when you see a president attacking his own people. TRUMP.

So tell me where and what is there to love about this fucking piece of shit president? The whole world is laughing at us.....

YOu claimed I was the one that just started calling you names for no reason. So I posted my last civil post to you, before you started calling me names for no reason.

The point was not to revisit the points of that post, but to demonstrate that you were the one that started being an asshole for no reason.

Your pretense that you forgot that, is rejected.

Your error about your own behavior proves my point. YOu libs are so entitled that you truly believe you should get to smear us with the most vile slurs, while we treat you with kid gloves.

And you whine like faggots when we don't play by your stupid rules.

Well, fuck that shit. YOu dish it out, you better be prepared to take it.

Or talk like a civilized person and receive similar treatment in return. The choice is yours.

Just don't expect to get a pass for acting like an asshole. FUCK THAT SHIT.
Wrong again asshole...... I said go back and show me where in my posts that I started blasting you. Show me. GO. You did this to me in the past you are doing it again. This time you won’t get that off easily you racist asshole.

I don’t do that to you or anybody unless provoke. I prefer a good manner and professional discussion. You have this low class your buddy Morrison your kind of dog shit low class blasting me for no reasons. You are no different.

And I did that you moron. I was civil to you and you called me vile names for no reason.

See, you libs, you think that calling someone a name is an argument. You also are so used to doing that, and not being called out on it, that you don't even realize when you are doing it.

Dude. You are the ones that provoke. So much that it is like breathing to you, it just happens.

Post 732 in this thread, you just went off on me, calling me vile names for no reason.

If you want civil discussions, YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER. YOU.
Dude this is not the first time you did this to me...... SUDDENLY you came out FUCK YOU FUCK YOU....... that is your trade marks when you are loosing. Try harder.

I gave you the post number where YOU came out with the name calling first. Your lies are dismissed.
I didn’t even bother to Correl. I’ve been talking to you for years. You go bezerk every time I beat you. I’m glad you are not a cop for a living. I can’t be a cop either.

So, got it, You insist that I started it, and when I post the link showing that you started it, you ignore it and just insist that I started it.

YOu lefties are assholes, who think that you have a right to be assholes and then whine like faggots when we are rude BACK to you.

I'm not going to coddle you, like the republicans of yesterday did. YOu treat me like shit, you will get shit back.

Oh BULLSHIT Correl. You are nothing but a RACIST DOG SHIT. You proved that to me over the years.
Leftist assholes? Really look at your buddies here as an example are they any different? Then playing like a victim because how you love this piece of shit President. Worst president US ever seen.
Go take your meds old man.
You give racist dog shit a good name
I didn’t really mean to say that. I just got tired of the same old BS. Especially when he said FUCK YOU ....... FUCK YOU. That’s when sometimes the gloves are off.

Hint: Calling people "wacist" for no reason, is A, not an argument, and B. is just you calling them a name, because you believe you are allowed to.

When you act like that, people will respond negatively.

Don't want that? NOt what you are looking for?

Don't call people names.
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
Nothing Trump does is at the right time or right move?
Was anything Obama did at the right time or right move?
You've probably seen the poll that said 80% say that things are "out of control".

Where is the President?

Outside of threatening to use the military on protesters and holding someone's Bible upside down in front of a church with a stern look on his face, what is he doing to heal this country?

Where is his leadership, for all Americans?

You haven't a clue. That Bible belonged to the President's mother. Idiot.

Prove it. Just do some research I did and it doesn't.
He was using a bible as a prop, insulting religion.
Who owns that bible is irrelevant.

He was demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. Your hysteria is not called for.
What Bible Verse was he preaching?

He was not preaching any bible verses, that I am aware of.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
Pat Robertson a Trump supporter BLASTED this moron for photo op disagreed what you are saying. Followed by others that includes bishop, church leaders, Republicans and others.
Trump only did that for photo op. Nothing more.

I don't care what Pat Robertson thinks, and neither do you.

If you post the specifics of his complaint, I will be happy to consider and respond to it.

My point stands.

He was, as I pointed out, demonstrating his solidarity with Christians. That is not an insult. If anything it is a sign of respect.

Your inability to address what I said honestly, that was you admitting that you know I am right.
That is so fucking hilarious. You supported these church leader when they support Trump. Now they are against Trump ......... now you don’t care. Photo op at this time is the wrong time and the wrong place..... Even Esper didn’t know and against the photo op. Several GOPs blasted this MORON for the photo op.
So you are wrong AGAIN 100%.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid.

At what point did Trump said anything good about this anti racist demonstrations all over the country?
Trump blasted mayor of Seattle. Mayor Durkan responded ..... go back to your bunker. So tell me Corell I know that you are a racist dog shit. Trump moron attacking the mayor. Does it helps?

I don’t really care if it bothers you or not. But Trump proved himself over and over that he is unfit, lousy and incompetent president. That’s the sad reality.

1. At several points. Pick one. Or don't. YOu don't care.

2. I have never given you cause to call me a racist. YOu are a dog fucker. Fuck you.

3. I don't know the details of why Trump attacked the Mayor. Your assumption that I follow ever statement Trump makes, like you do, with breathless abandon, would be wrong.

4. Also, fuck you some more, you race baiting asshole.

Truths sucks eh buddy..... Did I hurt your feelings?Good....... LOL. I’m cool in control. But I will never lower my class to your low low life class. I’ve been dealing with you for several years. You are a racist then you are a racist piece of crap now.

1. That I respond with harsh language to your vile lies, is not about my feelings, but about treating a piece of shit like you appropriately. That you are pretending to be too stupid to understand that, is noted and dismissed.

2. And when you make such lies, you are sinking well below me. I am still miles higher than you, because when I call you vile names, I am being honest and truthful, and fair, while when you do it, you are a piece of shit, smearing good people because you are a piece of shit. FUCK YOU.

3. I point out that you have no cause to call me "racist" and to support your accusation, you call me a "racist". I know that that is as good as your argument's get, so, thanks for trying. But, you lose you fucking faggot retard.

4. And to conclude, go choke on a bag of dicks.

I choke on bag of dicks? Is that mean you are showing your low class disgusting piece of shit attitude here??? You are a disgusting old man.

My attitude towards you, is just fine, considering you called me, "racist dog shit".

So, yes, a big old bad of dicks. Go forth and start chocking.
Let me remind you again. You started it dick head...... You are a racist dog shit. Dude. We were talking just fine and you can’t handle it. Then you went all over the place..... You are a disgusting old man.

My last post, before you showed your true colors.


When they were allying with me, on politics I was thankful and supporting them in return.

When they are choosing to oppose me and mine on political grounds, I don't support them.

For people like you, nothing the President ever does, will be the right time or the right move.

That they are treating your concerns seriously as though you are not just throwing shit against a wall, is them being stupid."

What in there, justifies you sinking to your level?
My color is the same before and after.... I am against violent protester looting and burning.... But I support peaceful demonstrations especially in this time against RACISM.... I’m always against racist dog piece of shit people.

From you...... Trump nothing ever does the President right time or right move........ So tell me your excellency.

Posting photo op that you supported is good for you when church leaders, Esper, Gen Miley, Mattis, etc etc etc etc blasted Trump photo op. We are in the middle of crisis and he has the audacity to post picture.

Handling of CV-19.... blaming, finger pointing, conspiracies, tweeting nonsense, Busy playing golf, rallies, travel to India. At the same time downplaying the severity of the CV crisis.

Before Covid-19 in his regular rallies.... attack the democrats the democrats the democrats. Instigating violence against his own people the democrats . Since when you see a president attacking his own people. TRUMP.

So tell me where and what is there to love about this fucking piece of shit president? The whole world is laughing at us.....

YOu claimed I was the one that just started calling you names for no reason. So I posted my last civil post to you, before you started calling me names for no reason.

The point was not to revisit the points of that post, but to demonstrate that you were the one that started being an asshole for no reason.

Your pretense that you forgot that, is rejected.

Your error about your own behavior proves my point. YOu libs are so entitled that you truly believe you should get to smear us with the most vile slurs, while we treat you with kid gloves.

And you whine like faggots when we don't play by your stupid rules.

Well, fuck that shit. YOu dish it out, you better be prepared to take it.

Or talk like a civilized person and receive similar treatment in return. The choice is yours.

Just don't expect to get a pass for acting like an asshole. FUCK THAT SHIT.
Wrong again asshole...... I said go back and show me where in my posts that I started blasting you. Show me. GO. You did this to me in the past you are doing it again. This time you won’t get that off easily you racist asshole.

I don’t do that to you or anybody unless provoke. I prefer a good manner and professional discussion. You have this low class your buddy Morrison your kind of dog shit low class blasting me for no reasons. You are no different.

And I did that you moron. I was civil to you and you called me vile names for no reason.

See, you libs, you think that calling someone a name is an argument. You also are so used to doing that, and not being called out on it, that you don't even realize when you are doing it.

Dude. You are the ones that provoke. So much that it is like breathing to you, it just happens.

Post 732 in this thread, you just went off on me, calling me vile names for no reason.

If you want civil discussions, YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER. YOU.
Dude this is not the first time you did this to me...... SUDDENLY you came out FUCK YOU FUCK YOU....... that is your trade marks when you are loosing. Try harder.

I gave you the post number where YOU came out with the name calling first. Your lies are dismissed.
I didn’t even bother to Correl. I’ve been talking to you for years. You go bezerk every time I beat you. I’m glad you are not a cop for a living. I can’t be a cop either.

So, got it, You insist that I started it, and when I post the link showing that you started it, you ignore it and just insist that I started it.

YOu lefties are assholes, who think that you have a right to be assholes and then whine like faggots when we are rude BACK to you.

I'm not going to coddle you, like the republicans of yesterday did. YOu treat me like shit, you will get shit back.

Oh BULLSHIT Correl. You are nothing but a RACIST DOG SHIT. You proved that to me over the years.
Leftist assholes? Really look at your buddies here as an example are they any different? Then playing like a victim because how you love this piece of shit President. Worst president US ever seen.
Go take your meds old man.
You give racist dog shit a good name
I didn’t really mean to say that. I just got tired of the same old BS. Especially when he said FUCK YOU ....... FUCK YOU. That’s when sometimes the gloves are off.

Hint: Calling people "wacist" for no reason, is A, not an argument, and B. is just you calling them a name, because you believe you are allowed to.

When you act like that, people will respond negatively.

Don't want that? NOt what you are looking for?

Don't call people names.
Yes I forgot Excuse me ,,trump is a man of all the people Latinoes blacks women , gays etc etc A republican hero ,,long may he reign
Yes I forgot Excuse me ,,trump is a man of all the people Latinoes blacks women , gays etc etc A republican hero ,,long may he reign

I made a point about how you leftards like to call people "racist" without cause.

and your response is to say, " Trump...Latinoes blacks women , gays etc etc ".

Would you like to explain, was that an attempt to counter my accusation of calling people "racist" by calling me and Trump,....

wait for it, wait for it,



That was a rhetorical question, for two reasons. One, because I know it was, and Two, because I know that you as a liberal, do not have the moral courage or intellectual integrity to answer truthfully, or even clearly.

Dude. you just demonstrated my point. Don't you even realize that?
I made a point about how you leftards like to call people "racist" without cause.

and your response is to say, " Trump...Latinoes blacks women , gays etc etc ".

Would you like to explain, was that an attempt to counter my accusation of calling people "racist" by calling me and Trump,....

wait for it, wait for it,



That was a rhetorical question, for two reasons. One, because I know it was, and Two, because I know that you as a liberal, do not have the moral courage or intellectual integrity to answer truthfully, or even clearly.

Dude. you just demonstrated my point. Don't you even realize that?
And you can't realize that Trump has a history of doing and saying racist things about blacks latinoes? and in my world you support a racist pos like trump you're not far from being much the same as him and I'm a Dem whose last vote as a republican was for GWB in 2000
And you can't realize that Trump has a history of doing and saying racist things about blacks latinoes? and in my world you support a racist pos like trump you're not far from being much the same as him and I'm a Dem whose last vote as a republican was for GWB in 2000

So, you implicitly admit it. YOur defense against my point about you people crying "Wacist" all the time,

is to cry, "wacist".

I take it that is as close as you can come to admitting that you know you are wrong.

oK. I accept your apology for your behavior.

Do you think you can stop being such an asshole, or would trying cause a stroke and your death?
So, you implicitly admit it. YOur defense against my point about you people crying "Wacist" all the time,

is to cry, "wacist".

I take it that is as close as you can come to admitting that you know you are wrong.

oK. I accept your apology for your behavior.

Do you think you can stop being such an asshole, or would trying cause a stroke and your death?
I was brought up in one of the greatest places in America Brooklyn NY where I learned if you smell shit you don't call it perfume Where were you brought up? Did they teach you differently? Trump sure emits the former
I was brought up in one of the greatest places in America Brooklyn NY where I learned if you smell shit you don't call it perfume Where were you brought up? Did they teach you differently? Trump sure emits the former

In a world where you lefties have not completely lost the Contest of Ideas and degenerated to poo flinging monkeys,

what you would have said, was something along the lines of

"We disagree with you conservatives on POLICY, and sometimes in the course of such disagreements, we just point out that your positions or ideas are racist, but we do not substitute name calling for crafting serious policy arguments."

But, you can't say that, because you know, on some level, that not only is it not true, but it is completely the opposite of true, and if you said it, you would just be drawing attention to how you liberals are just poo flinging monkeys.

The shit you smell, is your ideas rotting in your head.

You made a confused and vague reference to Trump talking about Latinos, in your Race Baiting.

Here is the reality of the situation.

We have millions of illegals living in this country, and that is a valid issue.

When we conservatives try to discuss that issue, you liberals cry Wacism, to shut down any discussion on the issue, because you are on the side of the illegals and not America or your fellow Americans.

You are anti-America traitors. And you smear good people with shit to try to bring them down to your level.

You are scum.
In a world where you lefties have not completely lost the Contest of Ideas and degenerated to poo flinging monkeys,

what you would have said, was something along the lines of

"We disagree with you conservatives on POLICY, and sometimes in the course of such disagreements, we just point out that your positions or ideas are racist, but we do not substitute name calling for crafting serious policy arguments."

But, you can't say that, because you know, on some level, that not only is it not true, but it is completely the opposite of true, and if you said it, you would just be drawing attention to how you liberals are just poo flinging monkeys.

The shit you smell, is your ideas rotting in your head.

You made a confused and vague reference to Trump talking about Latinos, in your Race Baiting.

Here is the reality of the situation.

We have millions of illegals living in this country, and that is a valid issue.

When we conservatives try to discuss that issue, you liberals cry Wacism, to shut down any discussion on the issue, because you are on the side of the illegals and not America or your fellow Americans.

You are anti-America traitors. And you smear good people with shit to try to bring them down to your level.

You are scum.
They are on the side of brown or light skinned minorities whether they are illegal or not, because hey you know it all goes back to slavery right, where as that mean old white man is always trying to work or exploit them brown skinned minorities in one way or the other, and especially when ever he can gather large numbers of them together or have them brought into America from afar in order to work or do for those old white geezers in charge.

Ok, but then we look to areas or countries where these people are from, and what do we see ??? Heck look at the areas that they (many assended Africans, for whom their relatives became freed American's so very, very long ago here), upon how they still carry on in the old native or tribal traditions, and what do we see in alot of that cultural thinking kept alive after so many years ago (some of it strange right) ???? Is all of it the white man's fault for whom it is that they have become now or do they share some blame in the ways that they live when the white man ain't looking or bothering them so much ????

The problem is mostly culture clash between the people, and there are things the whites (some groups of them), and the blacks (some groups of them), carry themselves either in character, and/or in actions that causes the splits to take place in societies.

Examples: Most white's and blacks hate or can't stand thug culture, and many black's as well as white's can't stand redneck culture.

Keeping these two culture's separated is getting harder and harder these days, because the agitator's never sleep, and the race pimps are relentless in their quest for power.

Assimilation is important, but we are getting farther and farther away from that these days, but why ??? What is truly causing the ideas that assimilating is some kind of a bad thing ???? Is it that the group that so many had once respected in the world, uhhh has since fallen (is no longer respected) ???? If so what led to this fall over time ???? Was it group fail or was it by other group's swelling in numbers so large, and so quickly, that land, power, and resources become vital interest in retaining the cultural identities of a group or groups whom wish to retain those cultural identities by way of such things that are then gathered or hoarded if it feels threatened ????
They are on the side of brown or light skinned minorities whether they are illegal or not, because hey you know it all goes back to slavery right, where as that mean old white man is always trying to work or exploit them brown skinned minorities in one way or the other, and especially when ever he can gather large numbers of them together or have them brought into America from afar in order to work or do for those old white geezers in charge.

Ok, but then we look to areas or countries where these people are from, and what do we see ??? Heck look at the areas that they (many assended Africans, for whom their relatives became freed American's so very, very long ago here), upon how they still carry on in the old native or tribal traditions, and what do we see in alot of that cultural thinking kept alive after so many years ago (some of it strange right) ???? Is all of it the white man's fault for whom it is that they have become now or do they share some blame in the ways that they live when the white man ain't looking or bothering them so much ????

The problem is mostly culture clash between the people, and there are things the whites (some groups of them), and the blacks (some groups of them), carry themselves either in character, and/or in actions that causes the splits to take place in societies.

Examples: Most white's and blacks hate or can't stand thug culture, and many black's as well as white's can't stand redneck culture.

Keeping these two culture's separated is getting harder and harder these days, because the agitator's never sleep, and the race pimps are relentless in their quest for power.

Assimilation is important, but we are getting farther and farther away from that these days, but why ??? What is truly causing the ideas that assimilating is some kind of a bad thing ???? Is it that the group that so many had once respected in the world, uhhh has since fallen (is no longer respected) ???? If so what led to this fall over time ???? Was it group fail or was it by other group's swelling in numbers so large, and so quickly, that land, power, and resources become vital interest in retaining the cultural identities of a group or groups whom wish to retain those cultural identities by way of such things that are then gathered or hoarded if it feels threatened ????

I'm not sure what you mean by redneck culture. The country whites I grew up with, where/are good people.
What I can't forgive they're not seeing what a pos he is now
They see what he is, and they like it. When he refuses to hold the Right accountable for white racism, he's just one of them.

As for his flamboyant buffoonery, the 5th Avenue rule kicks in and they don't care. They just don't want to have to look in the mirror, and they know he'll never make them do that.

It's an ugly, ugly time. But we'll be okay.
They see what he is, and they like it. When he refuses to hold the Right accountable for white racism, he's just one of them.

As for his flamboyant buffoonery, the 5th Avenue rule kicks in and they don't care. They just don't want to have to look in the mirror, and they know he'll never make them do that.

It's an ugly, ugly time. But we'll be okay.

Eddie is making the case that there is no problem with illegal immigration in this country. That millions and millions of foreign nationals living here without our consent is not a valid political issue.

That is his position and you are siding with that.

"White racism" is not the problem. What ever you guys have going on over there, is the problem.
Eddie is making the case that there is no problem with illegal immigration in this country. That millions and millions of foreign nationals living here without our consent is not a valid political issue.

That is his position and you are siding with that.

"White racism" is not the problem. What ever you guys have going on over there, is the problem.
I'll let him speak for himself. I don't believe anything that people like you say unless and until I can corroborate it.

Meanwhile, you continue to enable white racism and are complicit in it.
I'll let him speak for himself. I don't believe anything that people like you say unless and until I can corroborate it.

Meanwhile, you continue to enable white racism and are complicit in it.

It was right in this thread, just a few posts above. (this is why i never cut down post, btw, because of stuff like this)

Illegal immigration is a real issue. Trump addressed it, and eddie cries Wacism. And you come running to join in the chorus.

Meanwhile, all the white people that think that having millions and millions of people living here, illegally is a valid issue, they are getting pissed at being called names, for no reason.

More and more pissed.

And that is not "wacism" on their part. That is righteous anger at your smearing them, for no reason.

And the more you harp on "Wacism" the more you divide this nation.