Where is the President?

...Translation: "Orange Man Bad, and everything is proof that Orange Man Bad, because ORANGE MAN BAAAAADDDD!!!"
Incorrect. Your Orange Baboon-God is morally and intellectually unfit for high office. His administration is a train-wreck, and the wheels are coming off.
this coming from the party supporting granola girl and the vagatarians take over seattle without enough tofu.

I swear to God, if I were in President Trump's place, I would tell Mayor Whatthefuck of Seattle and Governor Dipshit of Washington, "You have one week to get your shit together and start doing your job of maintaining law and order. At the end of that week, if you don't have this shit under control, I will declare the city of Seattle under martial law, march the damned military in there, depose the mayor in favor of a military governor, and arrest every damned one of those insurrectionists you're fawning over on charges of treason."
That is exactly right.... It's gone way to far.

This is an ultimate test for Trump's leadership, but I know that he is like most politician's today, and he is worried about the optics involved, the strength of his opponents, the election, the media, and whether or not he can succeed if he calls for order or even gives an order after this thing has gone this far.

But if Trump would just realize the backing that he has, and would think to himself that those thousands showing up to his rally's are real, and not just some illusion that the media attempts to make him believe that they are, then maybe he would act in respect to the constitution, and for the majority of all law abiding citizens in this nation now.

The Demoncrats and the left are attempting a coup with violence and murder of the innocent involved, and the last time this happened it was in the 1860's, and we know how that went, so why is it ok now ??? What has changed ? The Democrats still want their slaves if only in a quite kind of way, and they still want back that power so they can use it to crush all opposition who thinks in any opposing way to them, and this meaning in anything that they propose.

Now the nation is being extorted, and systematically ostracized if don't support these movements in total. Now does the nation have freedom of diversity or not, because the Democrats don't think so, infact they hate everything except for what they want period. With them it's my way or the highway, and Trump knows this better than anyone. If he thinks that they will just let him go after he leaves the presidency, and he somehow thinks that he will just pursue an undisturbed life afterwards guess again. After how they constantly threaten him, and deride him and his family, and after what they accuse him of, then he had better wake up.

His threats on ending corruption by locking people up during his campaign, and then dropping it in favor of just doing what's good for the country has come back to haunt big time. They saw that as a weakness, and they took full advantage of it.

They have already threatened to chaseth him, and to sue him, and to lock him up constantly after he leaves office, but just like any rich person in this country, they rely upon their money and a stable government to protect them always.

Well destabilizing our government's across this nation is leaving this nation in the hands of anarchist and murderous mobs, but who knows maybe the Democrats will secretly give Trump the thumbs up on a notion that they will protect him from harassment in his after presidential life, otherwise if he just goes quitely ???? Hmmm.

Keep your eyes open people, because trusting anything right now is getting real on whether or not we as a nation can or cannot trust our brothers, and our sisters/fellow citizens of this nation or our government anymore. Not a good place to be if you are a law and order citizen, a Christian, and a patriot in these perilous times, and especially if the leadership blinks.
trump has relied on his money to bail him out all his miserable life,,A cheat a liar a misfit a republican But again,I repeat myself

And you've relied on your envy to excuse your worthlessness all your miserable existence. A fool, an imbecile, a garbage human being, and a leftist . . . but I repeat myself.
Run along, child... you're bothering the grown-ups. You contribute no topical substance... merely one juvenile ad hominem attack after another. Go play in the street, eh?
I could forgive idiots like cecillie for not knowing what a perfect asshole trump was before becoming president What I can't forgive they're not seeing what a pos he is now
...Translation: "Orange Man Bad, and everything is proof that Orange Man Bad, because ORANGE MAN BAAAAADDDD!!!"
Incorrect. Your Orange Baboon-God is morally and intellectually unfit for high office. His administration is a train-wreck, and the wheels are coming off.

"Look how smart I am! I came up with a brand-new playground insult for Trump! Aren't I clever!"

You are morally and intellectually unfit to be outside of a zoo. Your existence is a train wreck, and everything you're gleefully celebrating as an example of "Trump's failure" is actually an example of what a failure it was to treat you and your ilk like people. You're just too damned dumb to realize it.
And still... you have yet to substantively defend your Orange Baboon-God against the fact that he is unfit for high office... epic fail, for you, I fear. :auiqs.jpg:

And still you have yet to substantively be anyone with the right to demand a defense or anything else from me. Learn the difference between "can't defend" and "reject your assumption of authority."

Epic fail for YOU, getting called on your delusions of relevancy.

You want an answer from me, primate, you ASK. Politely. With a great deal of gratitude that your evolutionary better is deigning to acknowledge your worthless existence.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, miscreant.

For now, I'll simply observe that you have failed to defend the competency or morals or fitness to hold office, of your arrogant, ignorant Orange Baboon-God.

No surprise, that... (a) your boy is largely indefensible and (b) you would not be up to the challenge even if your Dear Leader had a 'defensible' aspect to his misbegotten rule.

Find one of my betters, and I'll see what I can do, subhuman.

You, on the other hand, remain a pissant nobody who demands nothing of me, and certainly has no standing to approve or disapprove of anything.
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

Maybe you don't remember it because your thought masters in the media deliberately didn't tell you about it, so it wouldn't interfere with your marching orders.

The police kill more white people than they do black people every year. So yeah, statistically speaking, that means at least some victims of police brutality are white. But they don't matter, because they don't fit the narrative you're being spoonfed and lapping up like a mangy stray dog.
Point to a couple of instances where police killed unarmed whites choking
them or putting bullets in their back as they ran away Oh yes find a couple of those who were suspected of drunk driving or counterfeit money
Suspected ????
I can't imagine how I ever got the idea that you were a lying, self-aggrandizing scum sucker.

Are you this angry and nasty in real life? That must be horrible.

i just don't get it. with all the winning that trump & his fans keep insisting is going on; why are they always so pissed off & so dissatisfied all the time?
Well it sure ain't that they are mad and pissed off with themselves, so it must be that people are pissing them off, now Hmmmm who could that be one wonders ???
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

are you saying antifa was part of the riots this time around? if you are, then you are swallowing the fake news CONspiratorial load donny is shooting.

Officials See Extremist Groups, Disinformation In Protests
Monday, June 1, 2020
Colleen Long, Zeke Miller and Michael Balsamo / Associated Press

U.S. officials sought to determine Sunday whether extremist groups had infiltrated police brutality protests across the country and deliberately tipped largely peaceful demonstrations toward violence — and if foreign adversaries were behind a burgeoning disinformation campaign on social media.
As demonstrations spread from Minneapolis to the White House, New York City and overseas, federal law enforcement officials insisted far-left groups were stoking violence. Meanwhile, experts who track extremist groups also reported seeing evidence of the far-right at work.

Investigators were also tracking online interference and looking into whether foreign agents were behind the effort. Officials have seen a surge of social media accounts with fewer than 200 followers created in the last month, a textbook sign of a disinformation effort.
The accounts have posted graphic images of the protests, material on police brutality and material on the coronavirus pandemic that appeared designed to inflame tensions across the political divide, according to three administration officials. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss investigations.
Officials See Extremist Groups, Disinformation In Protests

Antifa? Boogaloo? Who are the extremists blamed for stirring up trouble at protests and what are their goals?
Former Dallas FBI chief says groups likely using demonstrations to raise their profile

By David Tarrant
6:25 PM on Jun 3, 2020

Blame the outsider.
That seems to be the one thing uniting politicians, protesters and police who are blaming outside agitators for demonstrations that have turned violent in dozens of cities around the country over the past week.
But just who are these outsiders? Are they organized groups? Individuals committing random acts of violence?

President Donald Trump blames the violence on outside extremists, specifically antifa, a shadowy, far-left movement that he describes as a domestic terrorist organization.

Others who study extremism in the United States say the violence has been purposely stoked by far-right fringe groups, with names such as the Boogaloo movement, which wants to exploit the marches to sow discord and turn the public against the protesters.

Law enforcement officials, from Dallas Police Chief U. Reneé Hall to Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven McGraw have also blamed outside groups for protests that turn violent.

Antifa? Boogaloo? Who are the extremists blamed for stirring up trouble at protests and what are their goals?
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And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

3 with ties to white extremism accused of plotting mayhem at protests
By ArLuther Lee, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Men had US military ties but have no connection to Antifa movement
Three men with ties to the U.S. military and alleged to be members of an extreme white supremacist group face multiple terrorism conspiracy charges of planning to wreak havoc at protests in Las Vegas over George Floyd’s death.

Federal prosecutors say the men belong to the far-right “Boogaloo” movement and not the American militant anti-fascist movement Antifa, which President Donald Trump continues to blame most for stoking violence around the country.

Stephen T. Parshall, aka “Kiwi,” 35; Andrew Lynam, 23; and William L. Loomis, 40, all of Las Vegas, were arrested Saturday, court records show, according to NBC News.
All three were part of a Nevada Boogaloo Facebook group and befriended each other at a rally supporting the reopening of business amid the pandemic, the network reports.
3 with ties to white extremism accused of plotting mayhem at protests

A white supremacist channel on Telegram encouraged followers to incite violence during police brutality protests by 'shooting in a crowd,' according to internal DHS memo
By Sonam Sheth
A white supremacist channel on Telegram encouraged followers to incite violence during police brutality protests by 'shooting in a crowd,' according to internal DHS memo
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And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'

Document: Threat of "lethal violence" from "lone offenders" motivated by race.
By Josh Margolin 9 June 2020, 21:30
7 min read

Despite repeated Trump administration assertions that the antifa movement has hijacked the ongoing protests around the country sparked by the police killing of George Floyd, a new federal intelligence bulletin points to white supremacists and other would-be domestic terrorists as the main problem lurking behind potentially lethal violence.

Though the document issued by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center also includes a warning to law enforcement about anarchist extremists, it makes only a limited mention of the left-leaning, loosely affiliated antifa movement, and appears to undercut recent criticisms of the movement by President Trump and top administration officials.

“Based upon current information, we assess the greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies,” according to the bulletin, which was obtained by ABC News.

“Additionally,” the document notes, “anarchist extremists continue to pose the most significant threat of targeted assaults against police, as well as targeting government buildings and police vehicles for damage, sometimes with improvised incendiary devices.”

While experts previously told ABC News that the ideology of some antifa adherents includes anarchism -- along with socialism and communism -- mention of the movement itself in the bulletin is relegated to a footnote.
It says, "Some anarchist extremists self-identify as ‘Antifa,’ a moniker for anti-fascist that is also used by non-violent adherents. Identifying with ‘Antifa’ or using the term without engaging in violent extremism may also be constitutionally protected.”

The intelligence bulletin was distributed to law enforcement agencies around the country and titled “Domestic Violent Extremists Could Exploit Current Events to Incite or Justify Attacks on Law Enforcement or Civilians Engaged in First Amendment-Protected Activities.”
Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'
Last edited:
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
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...Find one of my betters, and I'll see what I can do, subhuman...
There are a great many on this very board, including yours truly.

...You, on the other hand, remain a pissant nobody who demands nothing of me, and certainly has no standing to approve or disapprove of anything.
You continue unable to defend your Orange Baboon-God with respect to competency, ethical standards, or his unfitness for high office.

That much is clear for all to see.

How embarrassing for you... and your fellow Rumpian Cult Minions. :p

I can't imagine how I ever got the idea that you were a lying, self-aggrandizing scum sucker.

Are you this angry and nasty in real life? That must be horrible.

i just don't get it. with all the winning that trump & his fans keep insisting is going on; why are they always so pissed off & so dissatisfied all the time?
Well it sure ain't that they are mad and pissed off with themselves, so it must be that people are pissing them off, now Hmmmm who could that be one wonders ???


I can't imagine how I ever got the idea that you were a lying, self-aggrandizing scum sucker.

Are you this angry and nasty in real life? That must be horrible.

i just don't get it. with all the winning that trump & his fans keep insisting is going on; why are they always so pissed off & so dissatisfied all the time?
Well it sure ain't that they are mad and pissed off with themselves, so it must be that people are pissing them off, now Hmmmm who could that be one wonders ???

just for you, buttercup:

...Translation: "Orange Man Bad, and everything is proof that Orange Man Bad, because ORANGE MAN BAAAAADDDD!!!"
Incorrect. Your Orange Baboon-God is morally and intellectually unfit for high office. His administration is a train-wreck, and the wheels are coming off.

"Look how smart I am! I came up with a brand-new playground insult for Trump! Aren't I clever!"

You are morally and intellectually unfit to be outside of a zoo. Your existence is a train wreck, and everything you're gleefully celebrating as an example of "Trump's failure" is actually an example of what a failure it was to treat you and your ilk like people. You're just too damned dumb to realize it.
And still... you have yet to substantively defend your Orange Baboon-God against the fact that he is unfit for high office... epic fail, for you, I fear. :auiqs.jpg:

And still you have yet to substantively be anyone with the right to demand a defense or anything else from me. Learn the difference between "can't defend" and "reject your assumption of authority."

Epic fail for YOU, getting called on your delusions of relevancy.

You want an answer from me, primate, you ASK. Politely. With a great deal of gratitude that your evolutionary better is deigning to acknowledge your worthless existence.
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, miscreant.

For now, I'll simply observe that you have failed to defend the competency or morals or fitness to hold office, of your arrogant, ignorant Orange Baboon-God.

No surprise, that... (a) your boy is largely indefensible and (b) you would not be up to the challenge even if your Dear Leader had a 'defensible' aspect to his misbegotten rule.

Find one of my betters, and I'll see what I can do, subhuman.

You, on the other hand, remain a pissant nobody who demands nothing of me, and certainly has no standing to approve or disapprove of anything.
Find one of your betters?? I'm here and there are many others too
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

Who laughed at the Kenyan messiah???? Really? Our allies, our enemies, and everyone in between. Our allies could not count on him to support them, our enemies knew he would kowtow to them, and the rest knew he was a foolish america-hating buffoon.

Those so-called military leaders are traitors who were scared that Trump was going to expose their incompetence and corruption, that same fear exists in the dems, the media, and the DC deep state criminals.

Trump ended the fiasco in Iraq and Syria by defeating ISIS and bring our troops home, Obozo sent billions to the Iranians who were funding ISIS, Obozo ignored Israel, our only ally in the mid east, Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem where it belongs. Obozo was scared of Kim in NK, Trump confronted him. Obama sent US jobs to China, Trump brought them back.

You really need to stop spouting dem/lib lying propaganda and look at reality.
Military leaders are traitors?? You have lost what little mind you had You are one sick puppy

yes, some of them are traitors, when a general or admiral ignores an order from the commander in chief, that is an act of treason.

my mind is fine, thanks. but I am seriously worried about yours.
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'
Document: Threat of "lethal violence" from "lone offenders" motivated by race.
By Josh Margolin 9 June 2020, 21:30
7 min read

Despite repeated Trump administration assertions that the antifa movement has hijacked the ongoing protests around the country sparked by the police killing of George Floyd, a new federal intelligence bulletin points to white supremacists and other would-be domestic terrorists as the main problem lurking behind potentially lethal violence.

Though the document issued by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center also includes a warning to law enforcement about anarchist extremists, it makes only a limited mention of the left-leaning, loosely affiliated antifa movement, and appears to undercut recent criticisms of the movement by President Trump and top administration officials.

“Based upon current information, we assess the greatest threat of lethal violence continues to emanate from lone offenders with racially or ethnically motivated violent extremist ideologies and [domestic violent extremists] with personalized ideologies,” according to the bulletin, which was obtained by ABC News.

“Additionally,” the document notes, “anarchist extremists continue to pose the most significant threat of targeted assaults against police, as well as targeting government buildings and police vehicles for damage, sometimes with improvised incendiary devices.”

While experts previously told ABC News that the ideology of some antifa adherents includes anarchism -- along with socialism and communism -- mention of the movement itself in the bulletin is relegated to a footnote.
It says, "Some anarchist extremists self-identify as ‘Antifa,’ a moniker for anti-fascist that is also used by non-violent adherents. Identifying with ‘Antifa’ or using the term without engaging in violent extremism may also be constitutionally protected.”

The intelligence bulletin was distributed to law enforcement agencies around the country and titled “Domestic Violent Extremists Could Exploit Current Events to Incite or Justify Attacks on Law Enforcement or Civilians Engaged in First Amendment-Protected Activities.”
Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'

quoting from fake news makes you a ------------------------------------------fake
And btw Ice I have no problem with Trump putting his foot down when it comes to China ripping us off No problem having illegals sent back to their countries WITH their children and not a big fan of unions either but lets start with the police unions who give cops a free pass but that's it All I can think of
Cops do not have a "free pass" to attack blacks. that is a total lie. Its also a lie that cops target blacks.

Here's an idea: If you don't want to deal with cops don't break the law. Simple and it works regardless of your race.
Yeah but being drunk gets you killed nowadays and how would you like a knee on your neck killing you for WHAT?? Maybe its my memory but I don't recall any of this shit happening to white guys With them there was a legit reason

those cops in MN should spend the rest of their miserable lives in jail.

BUT, 1. that was an isolated event
2. Chauvin and Floyd had a history, they did not like each other
3. Floyd was a multiple drug offender and did several jail terms, he was not a hero, he was a thug
4. There is no such thing as systemic racism, that is a bullshit excuse to burn and loot.
5. the fools in Seattle should be driven out of their haven and jailed for insurrection.
6. all of this crap is happening in dem run states and cities, think about that.
All I can say now is I was a store owner and if I was threatened with looting and burning there'd be blood on the floors BUT there is a difference between rioters and protesters and bringing the Army in??? Guess trump is right on that too??

yes there is a difference between protesters and rioters, everyone understands that. What do you call people who take over and occupy part of an american city? I call them terrorists and insurrectionists. They should be removed and that area turned back over to the city and property owners. If the local mayor and governor don't have the guts to do it, then the president MUST step in and do it. There is no other option. If you have one, lets hear it.
While I agree something must be done That's NOT what our military's purpose is for

Sorry, but putting down insurrections is very much one of the military's purposes.
When was the last time the military was used to put down a civilian protest?
when was the last time antifa took over 6 square blocks in a major city?

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest
FBI finds no evidence of Antifa’s involvement in national unrest

now if you want to keep going back to the sites protecting the leftest movement, feel free. i just don't give a fuck anymore about your bullshit and lies.
This Trump presidency iceman has shown America who is the real enemy They are the ones who support this low life POS trump who has divided America like no other did .Trump will leave sooner or later but his SB senate and supporters will remain America must always be on guard from repub scum from within
This is their time, and we'll get past it, as other countries have. And then, like other countries, we'll look back at this time as an ugly era and use it as a cautionary tale going forward.
Wise words but those cowards aren't going away They are the ugly part of America
Sure, there will always be people like this. The question is whether a society can effectively marginalize them.

Remember, we actually have: A majority of the country voted against it. I think we'll get there before long.

Here's hoping, huh?
So you want to marginalize people who don't agree with you.
You can disagree with me ice just not when it comes to what the world thinks of your leader The man is a disaster and in any conversation that's where I draw my line

thats very funny coming from an obozo supporter. The entire world was laughing at the kenyan clown for 8 years and at the usa for electing the fool. everything he did was wrong for this country and good for our enemies and potential enemies. He doubled our debt while sending billions to the terrorists running Iran. Worst president in history is too kind to the asshole.
WHO laughed at him??? He was treated with the respect he deserved WORLDWIDE and he handed over an economy on the upswing that TRUMP had NOTHING to do with And in case you forgot he started off with another republican disaster on Americas hands 4 leaders of our armies have already told you what trump is Who you gonna believe, them and the others he fired ,or FOX?

Who laughed at the Kenyan messiah???? Really? Our allies, our enemies, and everyone in between. Our allies could not count on him to support them, our enemies knew he would kowtow to them, and the rest knew he was a foolish america-hating buffoon.

Those so-called military leaders are traitors who were scared that Trump was going to expose their incompetence and corruption, that same fear exists in the dems, the media, and the DC deep state criminals.

Trump ended the fiasco in Iraq and Syria by defeating ISIS and bring our troops home, Obozo sent billions to the Iranians who were funding ISIS, Obozo ignored Israel, our only ally in the mid east, Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem where it belongs. Obozo was scared of Kim in NK, Trump confronted him. Obama sent US jobs to China, Trump brought them back.

You really need to stop spouting dem/lib lying propaganda and look at reality.
Military leaders are traitors?? You have lost what little mind you had You are one sick puppy

yes, some of them are traitors, when a general or admiral ignores an order from the commander in chief, that is an act of treason.

my mind is fine, thanks. but I am seriously worried about yours.
What happens when or if the moron says to use an H bomb? All the generals bow their heads in obedience?? And don't worry about my mind It has me up about 2 million so far this year
You gotta love the transparency of Trump His ability to bring Americans together and not try to separate them is a thing of beauty His great show in front of a church with a bible in his hand wasn't a transparent attempt at a photo opp for his re election ?
Like you want to be brought together.
There are some Republicans that aren't sick schmucks that know Trump is a blight on America Those I can live in peace with
Like I said, you don't want the truth, only emotional validation.

Anyone who doesn't agree with you is scum. How is that attitude helpful?
You can have a disagreement with me on many things a polite conversation BUT where I draw the line on polite is when anyone thinks trump is better than low rotting feces a blight upon America

"Let's have a polite conversation, but only if you agree with me that Trump is bad!"

Get a dictionary and look up the word "conversation", because you're really weak on the concept.
LOL and trumpettes like you make it so easy Unable to smell the feces when it's right under your nose with Trump

You're still thinking "conversation" means "I say what you should believe, and you agree with me."

Your ignorance, and your pride in your ignorance, makes you part of the problem.
Hey eagle you wearing a mask or don't need one like your master trump ? Notice those 19 states where virus is skyrocketing?? Wonder why? Just go to the next trump rally and don't wear a mask Be brave
Yet it's your leftists saying protests are fine and safe.
Are you saying protesting is unamerican? and calling in the military is fine and dandy??

"Trump supporters are bad for not wearing masks."
"But you don't mind if protesters don't wear masks."
"Are you saying protesting is unAmerican?"

While you're moving those goalposts, Sparky, do us a favor and drop them on your foot. Twice.
NO I'm saying ANYONE not wearing a mask is an asshole and that includes Trump

Yes, and I'm not supposed to notice that you "mysteriously" stopped saying that when it was leftists' pet barbarians who were crowding the streets without masks.

Too bad for you that I'm not a leftist, so I'm neither that stupid nor that gullible.

I wish you lots of luck trying to revive your "Panic about Covid-19!" rhetoric.
Hey eagle you wearing a mask or don't need one like your master trump ? Notice those 19 states where virus is skyrocketing?? Wonder why? Just go to the next trump rally and don't wear a mask Be brave
Yet it's your leftists saying protests are fine and safe.
Are you saying protesting is unamerican? and calling in the military is fine and dandy??

"Trump supporters are bad for not wearing masks."
"But you don't mind if protesters don't wear masks."
"Are you saying protesting is unAmerican?"

While you're moving those goalposts, Sparky, do us a favor and drop them on your foot. Twice.
NO I'm saying ANYONE not wearing a mask is an asshole and that includes Trump

Yes, and I'm not supposed to notice that you "mysteriously" stopped saying that when it was leftists' pet barbarians who were crowding the streets without masks.

Too bad for you that I'm not a leftist, so I'm neither that stupid nor that gullible.

I wish you lots of luck trying to revive your "Panic about Covid-19!" rhetoric.
19 states reporting an upsurge in the virus isn't enough for you?

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