Where is the East coast aid?


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2012
Deep in the heart of Texas.
I'm not talking about federal disaster aid or FEMA I'm wondering about aid from foreign countries when another country is hit by a natural disaster they get millions and millions of dollars in aid from the U.S. yet when we get hit you never seem to see anything like that come our way or you don't hear much about it if it does.
Well....if the govt has failed to do enough.......then the private sector has FAILED.

See....we're told that we dont need the govt. That the private sector would step in in the absence of govt to get the job done..and do it better.

Well, if the govt isn't in NJ enough........where is the private sector "stepping up"?
Well....if the govt has failed to do enough.......then the private sector has FAILED.

See....we're told that we dont need the govt. That the private sector would step in in the absence of govt to get the job done..and do it better.

Well, if the govt isn't in NJ enough........where is the private sector "stepping up"?

This response has what to do with the question I asked?

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