Where do religious folk who are climate deniers reconcile this?

No, you believe. You don't know for a fact. Nobody does. If it is fact, show your god to me. And please, no cop out about how i have to believe in him for him to show himself to me.
I surmise. I Intuit. I logically deduce and empirically infer. You are intellectually dead so how can anyone show you anything?

You don't want to know and you don't want to use your sense of reason, if you have one at all.
You only believe in what you can hold in your hand or be shown.
Republicans had 6 years to make it happen and didn't. Progs didn't kill anything.

Both Bushes were progressives.
Just like McCain was and his daughter is.


McCain's daughter is on video tape saying it herself.

I don't really care. You support Trump, a man who operates by lying and keeping people confused. Those are the tools of satan. Jesus has said you can tell a man by his fruits. So like I said, if you believe in God you reject Trump. I see you haven't noticed the increases in storms since Trump began.

The media has not reported fairly about what this man has done for this country in almost 3 years.

That is a lie Trump has told. The media did not implement Trumps policies. Trump is a godless man and you support him for godless reasons.
No, you believe. You don't know for a fact. Nobody does. If it is fact, show your god to me. And please, no cop out about how i have to believe in him for him to show himself to me.
I surmise. I Intuit. I logically deduce and empirically infer. You are intellectually dead so how can anyone show you anything?

You don't want to know and you don't want to use your sense of reason, if you have one at all.
You only believe in what you can hold in your hand or be shown.

I gotta say that this is a pretty fair assessment. Gump, you have asked that God be shown to you in order to prove his existence.
I don't support Trump but I do believe in God. If things go your way, we're just gone and that's it. But if things are as we believe, you have serious problems.
As has the vast majority of the world if Christian doctrine is to be believed.
Both Bushes were progressives.
Just like McCain was and his daughter is.
The party is filled with them like a bad diner is filled with cockroaches.

Trump's greatest accomplishment has been to wake people up to the slow usurpation of America by globalists and MItt Romney-type scum.
Guys like Bush and Romney can't wait for America to truly die so they can loot and exploit it like a spoiled heir goes to bed every night hoping the old man will be dead by morning so they can start to greedily take what they don't deserve or didn't help build.
Both Bushes were progressives.
Just like McCain was and his daughter is.


McCain's daughter is on video tape saying it herself.

I don't really care. You support Trump, a man who operates by lying and keeping people confused. Those are the tools of satan. Jesus has said you can tell a man by his fruits. So like I said, if you believe in God you reject Trump. I see you haven't noticed the increases in storms since Trump began.

The media has not reported fairly about what this man has done for this country in almost 3 years.

That is a lie Trump has told. The media did not implement Trumps policies. Trump is a godless man and you support him for godless reasons.

You can look it all up at any of the government websites.
The media has not reported his policies faily - period.
Don't have a clue as to why you think media makes policies.
I find the idea of an almighty creator absurd but I find the idea of a universe that just happens to exist under a uniform set of laws and governing principle for no apparent reason at all even more absurd.
Fear of the absurd, then.
A rain forest tribesman who one day finds a bicycle (that has washed down the Amazon), that he has no idea at all what such a thing could be would naturally, logically and with good reason think this thing was designed and made, for some reason he can't possibly fathom, by a superior being.
He would of course be correct though he would have no way of knowing there was no deity involved.
Oh. We're not created equal?
I suppose you feel better having invented something to cover your fear of the unknown.
I didn't invent the concept of the cosmos. And neither did Albert Einstein who also intuited God based on the reality of the cosmos.
You clearly implied a bicycle manufacturer is superior to an Amazonian.
With regard to manufacturing this piece of machinery he obviously is. You strike out again, shit stirrer.
It seems like I am making you mad and I get that a lot with atheists. I wonder why?
Your inability to accept we don't know.
I'll be happy to hear anyone who has a better hypothesis than a super intelligent being is responsible for all of creation.
Got one? But I won't accept the universe exists just because it does. Nothing that we know of or can point to "just exists".

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