Whenever .....

The OP is blaming quite a bit on Republicans not even realizing that dems are responsible for the same things.

Whenever Christians and politicians mention God ask yourself what they do for poverty in America and the world.

Republicans have a monopoly on god? Did not know that. What do they do for the poor? Christians??? A lot more than me. I'm not Christian, but Christians have done far more for me when I was down and out than any other group.
This retardedness was isolated, scrutinized and stomped out.

One-third of the students refused to complete the assignment, she said.

Vanden Wyngaard said the exercise reflects the type of writing expected of students under the new Common Core curriculum, the tough new academic standards that require more sophisticated writing. Such assignments attempt to connect English with history and social studies.

School apologizes for 'Nazi' writing assignment - Times Union

The Teacher was fired, the school said it was unacceptable. What more do you need, nosey nancy?

observing what teachers are passing off as education

his hardly nosy
One-third of the students refused to complete the assignment, she said.

Vanden Wyngaard said the exercise reflects the type of writing expected of students under the new Common Core curriculum, the tough new academic standards that require more sophisticated writing. Such assignments attempt to connect English with history and social studies.

School apologizes for 'Nazi' writing assignment - Times Union

The Teacher was fired, the school said it was unacceptable. What more do you need, nosey nancy?

observing what teachers are passing off as education

his hardly nosy

Teachers aren't passing this off as education.

It didn't pass, it failed. Teacher was fired. School did the right thing. Next?
Addition: Whenever the NRA claims guns don't kill people, people do, ask why plastic guns are banned.

Americans use the word 'democracy' to describe our nation's political structure. The idea that representatives manage the nation is funny today given their approval ratings. Somebody in this republic must be making bad choices. Or maybe the people in our democracy see them for who they are - representatives of corporate and money interests - many were elected through gerrymandering and the fact people do not vote in large numbers nor understand the consequences. Only our national elections bring out voters. Single issue voters are also an odd bunch.

Whenever republicans mention that Iraq was fought to spread democracy, ask yourself why 'republic' was not used.

Could it be that republic could mean lots of things as its etymology isn't about common people in the same way democracy (connotation) is about people. Our nation was founded with fellow human beings being fractionated. That changed. The 'republic' rebuttal is merely a child's excuse.

The statistical response was a good one as I thought too that lots of our Representatives on both sides are either useless or so ideologically managed that a robot could replace them. I did use politician at times as cover, but in honesty republicans today are so far out there it is hard not to list them often. Consider their actions for sequester and shutting down the government because a law of the land does not fit their ideology. Cutting off your nose.....

Online Etymology Dictionary
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Just some thoughts to some of your statements:

Whenever a republican mentions American exceptionalism consider their presidential candidate hide money made in America off shore. And no one seemed to care. When Obama continues to hide his records of his schools, college entrance, grades, passport, etc. no one on the Democratic side seemed to care. Why was that?

Whenever a republican says the same thing as another republican ask yourself again, where is freedom when the same words are repeated robot-like over and over again. Could it mean that it happens to be true?

Whenever a libertarian politician talks about government being too big consider their desire to have government control women's reproductive rights and family contraceptive rights. A woman can control her own productive rights by paying for it herself. Take control, lady!

Whenever a republican mentions entitlements ask yourself why only the wealthy and corporations are entitled to the resources of America. Just like anything else, a person is entitled to four televisions when he can pay for them. If you want that last tv, don't come knocking on my door.

Whenever a republican mentions American exceptionalism think again of tax credits for outsourcing American jobs. Let's discuss this one further.

Whenever a republican says the Affordable Care Act is complicated, ask yourself why healthcare is only complicated when it includes all Americans and not just the entitled.
It's not just complicated, it's unnecessarily so. All they had to do was extend coverage competition across state lines. And keep the promises the president made.

Whenever politicians say the federal government is too large look closely at why and what they do with local within government. Let's also take a look at Congress and just how competent they are.

Whenever republicans (Cruz, Lee, or Paul) mention government as the problem consider where they work, who supports their many benefits and perks, and what they actually accomplish. Oh, and who pays for their healthcare. Or Reid and Pelosi.

Whenever republicans rant about terminated insurance policies, ask them where they were last year, the year before, and .... ask them too for their solution. They were on the outside of the door where the Democrats were making policy, refusing their contributions and the Democrats passed the bill into law without the Republicans help.

Whenever a conservative republican mentions their Christian values think of the sequester and how it has hurt children and the elderly while they changed the rules so they can travel more easily. What are you talking about?

Whenever republicans mentions American exceptionalism consider that inequality in America is now equivalent to third world nations. First of all, there is no longer "American exceptionalism," and the equality you speak of is a normal upper, middle and lower class structure of any society. In a capitalistic society, the people are free to move from class to class as they take their own future into their hands.

Whenever republicans mention unions ask yourself why Walmart workers qualify for food stamps. Can we, at the same time ask why 2/3 of the same employees are not on food stamps?

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