When will the GOP recognize the MSM is the enemy and the MSM favors Democrats?

More from THE DAILY KOS:

The fact that the email was not marked classified at the time does not excuse Mrs. Clinton. This is because information gathered from foreign government sources, a great deal of her email was so sourced, is presumed classified. Mrs Clinton received Departmental training on recognizing and handling classified materials. Presumed classified information is defined by Executive Order as "The unauthorized disclosure of foreign government information is presumed to cause damage to the national security." (see full text of that section of Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information, Sec. 1.1(4)(d), below)
Secretary Clinton was trained in handling of classified materials, and acknowledges that she understood them. By transmitting and receiving email correspondence that contained information gleaned from foreign government sources on an unauthorized, insecure system, she violated the law. This was not something she did unwittingly, and that the foreign government sourced material was not stamped classified is irrelevant
are we at the part where the left-wing loser admits the Daily Kos can hardly be seen as some kind of "hermetcially-sealed worldview", and a very comprehensive article is hardly a "snippet"?

or will the left-wing loser predictable stay true to cowardly form and just keep denying facts put in her worthless face???
On his last day in office, President Bill Clinton pardoned former CIA Director John Deutch who had committed similar violations. Deutch left the CIA on December 15, 1996 and soon after it was revealed that several of his laptop computers contained classified materials. In January 1997, the CIA began a formal security investigation of the matter. Senior management at CIA declined to fully pursue the security breach. Over two years after his departure, the matter was referred to the Department of Justice, where Attorney General Janet Reno declined prosecution. She did, however, recommend an investigation to determine whether Deutch should retain his security clearance.
All Deutch did was to take some classified material home with him to work on his unsecured personal laptops that were connected to his home commercial internet. In other words, pretty much what Hillary did on a much larger scale.
enough of that

how about the NAACP saying black people have been worse off under obama?

now it isnt hypocritical to point out these things; they arent proof the media overall isnt in the tank for Democrats. you have to really look for them. most myopic, brainwashed left-wing losers operating on a spoon-fed narrative certainly arent looking for them.

NAACP President Says Black People are Worse Under ...
NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Jealous is known for making headlines, and ... NAACP President Says Black People are Worse Under President Obama ... Do us a favor and turn off MSNBC, NBC, ABC, and CBS...they have ALL been ...
is the NAACP outside the cult of right-wing worldview enough for you leftard??????
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.
is the NAACP outside the cult of right-wing worldview enough for you leftard??????

more winger projection from the rightwingnutloon.

since when do you give a flying about what Benjamin jealous said?


try not t be a stupid douche and just answer the question. it's simple enough even for you. what i feel of the guy is irrelevan to the question leftard
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.

no doubt; except that you cant back up the stupid shit you say; as usual
does my opinion of ben jealous matter? did he say what i'm saying he said leftard?

am i lying? making it up?

taking it "out of context"??

lol libs are losers who lie to themselves!
When will the GOP recognize the MSM is the enemy and the MSM favors Democrats?

The MSM is not the enemy.

Militant Islamic terrorists are the enemy.
People leading this country to economic ruin by wild spending (in both parties) are the enemy.
Legislators and judges destroying American values by ignoring the Constitution (ditto) are the enemy.
Russia trying to rebuild a communist Soviet Union are the enemy.

The MSM are merely what Stalin once called Useful Idiots.
Poor bedowin certainly is a loyal and prolific cult parrot. And he's not the only member of that cut-and-paste legion. They get their marching orders, and run here to carry them out.

Of course, they don't know any better, given how their cult has forbidden them from viewing any info that comes from outside the cult. That's how the right-wing-fringe cult keeps such tight control over the minds of its members. The media is liberal, they've got the meaningless snippets to "prove" it, and any counter-evidence is, by definition, faked by the liberal conspiracy. It's a hermetically sealed worldview.
TRANSLATION: I can't refute what bedowin said, especially since the full, in-context quote from Obama bears it out in no uncertain terms. So I'll call him names instead, and try to pretend he's merely quoting some dark and nefarious source (I'll offer no evidence of this), pretend that they somehow "control his mind", and pretend further that this would somehow make his words less true. I will then rant hysterically about dark conspiracies. And to top it off, I'll then announce that his opinion is the one that's "hermetically sealed" with no connection to reality, instead of my own.
First lets admit that there is bias in news. There is bias in sports. There is bias in weather. There is bias in fashion. There is bias in where you take your car to get it serviced. There is bias in the way the teacher grades your paper. Anytime you hear Briebart or whatever that guy's name is, you discount it out of hand since it has been so obviously biased in the past.

Bias exists.

The question is this; does it sway anyone. The answer is no.

But lets entertain the OP's whine of bias. Lets say there is bias in the media. One would have to explain the "right track" polling then.


You'd have that red line (the red line isn't necessarily republicans or consea) way below the blue one (the blue one isn't necessarily democrats or liberals),
The above chart shows that more people think we are going in the wrong direction.
This to me means that when In 2008 85% of media donated money to Democrats that ties with the beginning of going with wrong track of the above chart. It takes time after Obama election for people to see that the money spent by the below BIASED donors had been put into
a harmful president's election...i.e. wrong direction!

1,160 (85%) of the 1,353 of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters

130,213 stories can't be swept under the rug that show that the Democrat Bias is very evident!
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election BY PAUL BEDARD | MARCH 16, 2015 | 10:49 AM
Smooch: Study of 130,213 stories shows Obama bias in 2012 election
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.

Prove your statement with a link please. Just your saying so doesn't make it so!
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.

Prove your statement with a link please. Just your saying so doesn't make it so!

SHE CANT; and she's such a douche she remains blissfully ignorant she is engaging in the exact same kind of ignorant, bumper-sticker mentality talking points and memes she loves to accuse others of doing.
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.

Prove your statement with a link please. Just your saying so doesn't make it so!

You deny that newspapers have always contained plenty of editorial content?

lol good one.
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.

LIBS ARE LOSERS who lie to themselves

doo dah doo dah

bedowin never took English in school

oh de doo dah day.
The media has always been a political force in this country.

The 1st Amendment's freedom of the press is there to protect opinion more than to protect reporting the news.

Get over it.

I wonder if they even remember that ben franklin started his newspaper to convince people of the correctness of his political views.

just saying.

no doubt those lovely "constitutionalists" would limit every right except for the 2nd amendment if they could.

Prove your statement with a link please. Just your saying so doesn't make it so!

your ignorance as to history is not really my problem... although it probably is one of the root causes of the garbage you spew.

do i really need to tell you that the editorials in the courant were intended to influence people?

and correction: it was started by ben's brother... he was originally a printer's apprentice there.

but the thought that newspapers weren't intended to influence is laughable.

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