When will America be struck again....right here in the homeland? Anyone want to guess when?


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2020
The more astute on here(unfortunately there are not many of us) reazlize America will be struck again...it is a certainty--no doubt about it.....and of course it will not be by white sumpremacists as the democrats would have you believe.

The lessons we thought we learned after 9/11 have been forgotten.,,,and despite all that has happened and is happening around the world....we as a people are confused in regarding to who the major threat actually is.

The American People are not to blame....it is the leadership...they have told the people that veterans returning from the wars and white supremacists pose the greatest danger to America....unbelievebale ---but they seem to have convinced theselves of it or are they consciously deceiving the people in order to achieve political goals?

Irregardless....I say Christmas Day is very likely to be the date.

The more astute on here(unfortunately there are not many of us) reazlize America will be struck again...it is a certainty--no doubt about it.....and of course it will not be by white sumpremacists as the democrats would have you believe.

The lessons we thought we learned after 9/11 have been forgotten.,,,and despite all that has happened and is happening around the world....we as a people are confused in regarding to who the major threat actually is.

The American People are not to blame....it is the leadership...they have told the people that veterans returning from the wars and white supremacists pose the greatest danger to America....unbelievebale ---but they seem to have convinced theselves of it or are they consciously deceiving the people in order to achieve political goals?

Irregardless....I say Christmas Day is very likely to be the date.

We already are struck! Invaded!!
Sept or Oct.

It will be early enough for the media to pretend to be shocked and stoke patriotism for Joe Biden's election bid. You know, rally around the President sort of thing.
As always, watch the market.

Most recent relevant reading regarding the phenomenon...

Apparently, there was a sharp uptick in trading activity on Tel Aviv and US stock exchanges right before October 7 and millions of dollars were made by short-selling Israeli securities...

"Days before the attack, traders appeared to anticipate the events to come....suddenly, and significantly, spiked"

That is based on October 2 data from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

On average there are around 2,000 shares shorted daily, however on October 2, it went over 227,000 shares.

Did investors have prior knowledge of Hamas attack on Israel?

Here's the full report (.pdf opens in your browser. It's 67 pages)...

Trading on Terror?
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The more astute on here(unfortunately there are not many of us) reazlize America will be struck again...it is a certainty--no doubt about it.....and of course it will not be by white sumpremacists as the democrats would have you believe.

The lessons we thought we learned after 9/11 have been forgotten.,,,and despite all that has happened and is happening around the world....we as a people are confused in regarding to who the major threat actually is.

The American People are not to blame....it is the leadership...they have told the people that veterans returning from the wars and white supremacists pose the greatest danger to America....unbelievebale ---but they seem to have convinced theselves of it or are they consciously deceiving the people in order to achieve political goals?

Irregardless....I say Christmas Day is very likely to be the date.

October 2024. From inside. But that won't be the story you're given. Don't worry though; six months later the Chinese might roll in on a "Humanitarian Mission", at the request of our own Federal Government. Gotta pay back that debt somehow...:saythat:
We were hit on 1/6/21 by largely white nationalists who believe cockamamie conspiracy theories. It is true that the lessons of 9/11 were quickly forgotten and nobody took the threat from Blob supporters seriously. The police should have been locked and loaded.

Just like 9/11, the “good” thing is that there are not going to be any more hijackings just like 1/6 has taken the bat out of the hands of violent mobs surrounding the capitol. It will take another Kent state event to make us re-think the use of live ammo; and the cycle starts all over again.

But maybe the next time the blob supporters try to show how macho they are and are slapped down with necessary violence...perhaps they’ll realize that they are in the wrong. Yeah, I doubt any force on earth can get them to admit they have been had. Their manhood is at stake after all.
Sept or Oct.

It will be early enough for the media to pretend to be shocked and stoke patriotism for Joe Biden's election bid. You know, rally around the President sort of thing.
That’s my prediction also. If It much earlier than that it will leak out the Biden administration knew the attack was coming but didn’t stop it

Can't wait to see what they have in store for us next.

Whatever skullduggery it might be, I'm sure that many will likely love them for it.
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The more astute on here(unfortunately there are not many of us) reazlize America will be struck again...it is a certainty--no doubt about it.....and of course it will not be by white sumpremacists as the democrats would have you believe.

The lessons we thought we learned after 9/11 have been forgotten.,,,and despite all that has happened and is happening around the world....we as a people are confused in regarding to who the major threat actually is.

The American People are not to blame....it is the leadership...they have told the people that veterans returning from the wars and white supremacists pose the greatest danger to America....unbelievebale ---but they seem to have convinced theselves of it or are they consciously deceiving the people in order to achieve political goals?

Irregardless....I say Christmas Day is very likely to be the date.

If it's a guessing game to you, then I'd say, you've bought into the hype and there's no coming back from the brink...in addition to your glaring spelling and grammar issues. :)
We were hit on 1/6/21 by largely white nationalists who believe cockamamie conspiracy theories. It is true that the lessons of 9/11 were quickly forgotten and nobody took the threat from Blob supporters seriously. The police should have been locked and loaded.

Just like 9/11, the “good” thing is that there are not going to be any more hijackings just like 1/6 has taken the bat out of the hands of violent mobs surrounding the capitol. It will take another Kent state event to make us re-think the use of live ammo; and the cycle starts all over again.

But maybe the next time the blob supporters try to show how macho they are and are slapped down with necessary violence...perhaps they’ll realize that they are in the wrong. Yeah, I doubt any force on earth can get them to admit they have been had. Their manhood is at stake after all.

I bet you've been practicing that speech since January 7th, 2021 just waiting for a chance to post it.........haven't you???

Cause that's the most eloquent line of bullshit evah
This is an election year so you know SOMETHING is going to happen.......and of course it has to be bigger & badder than the last one.
The more astute on here(unfortunately there are not many of us) reazlize America will be struck again...it is a certainty--no doubt about it.....and of course it will not be by white sumpremacists as the democrats would have you believe.

The lessons we thought we learned after 9/11 have been forgotten.,,,and despite all that has happened and is happening around the world....we as a people are confused in regarding to who the major threat actually is.

The American People are not to blame....it is the leadership...they have told the people that veterans returning from the wars and white supremacists pose the greatest danger to America....unbelievebale ---but they seem to have convinced theselves of it or are they consciously deceiving the people in order to achieve political goals?

Irregardless....I say Christmas Day is very likely to be the date.

That was my first thought although heavy air traffic is an attractive target.

A New York Bridge, Christmas Eve with every one trying to get home. Protesters block one side, the bridge gets jammed. Boom. Will it be climate change, Palestinians or both.
Same thing happened during 9/11.

Also happens frequently with weather derivatives, prior to ''natural disasters''

But I'm sure it's all just a coinky dink. :dunno:
I believe you are wasting your time if you think they are going to listen , let alone absorb .
Sheeple and Normies have no idea what weather derivatives are , let alone shorting stocks or even shorting market sectors .And never will have a clue because of idea complexity and that they apparently have zero relevance to" ordinary people".

Over twenty years after 9/11 , most have no idea what Deep State is , or , what it does ,or , why it is what it is .
To them it is just another wild but vague Conspiracy Theory .
The very idea that at the very top Deep State might run key Government policy in countries like the US and Israel is just utter bosh .
And that Hamas and the IDF might work for the same people is considered so ludicrous that it is essentially ignored .Etc etc etc

It is this simple matter of fact situation which makes it near impossible to effectively fight DS .

It raises the serious question for people who do have some understanding of how reality works, of whether it would make life so much easier and literally more rewarding by keeping silent and joining the enemy .
Effectively an unpleasant and soul rotting experience but one of self preservation .
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