CDZ When was America at its Greatest?


Gold Member
Nov 15, 2009
I really owe Ron Howard for this one.

So what era of America do we want to go back to?

-The late 90's with the balanced budget?

~2010 with the dream of everyone paying for healthcare?


-1970 The music was pretty good and besides the spat of assassinations there was hope of change.


-1988 did feel pretty good if you ignored some corruption, terrorism failures and debt. We were winning the cold war.
Idiotic premise.

We don't want to go back to any era. We simply want to return to common sense decency and child rearing.

Here is he point where you cherry pick specific examples that were NOT very prevalent and try to pass them off as the norm in whatever era you also cherry pick.
Idiotic premise.

We don't want to go back to any era. We simply want to return to common sense decency and child rearing.

Here is he point where you cherry pick specific examples that were NOT very prevalent and try to pass them off as the norm in whatever era you also cherry pick.

Ey, I thought 1988 and really 1998 did not really suck to say the least. We had problems but there were positives.

So Common Sense Decency and Child Rearing? What does the Trump campaign have to do with decency and raising kids or what did they have to say about it? We aren't talking Mike Pence, right?
Idiotic premise.

We don't want to go back to any era. We simply want to return to common sense decency and child rearing.

Here is he point where you cherry pick specific examples that were NOT very prevalent and try to pass them off as the norm in whatever era you also cherry pick.

Ey, I thought 1988 and really 1998 did not really suck to say the least. We had problems but there were positives.

So Common Sense Decency and Child Rearing? What does the Trump campaign have to do with decency and raising kids or what did they have to say about it? We aren't talking Mike Pence, right?
Why are you asking Me about what Trump has to do with a value system I'd like us to return -- Or adapt -- to? The Presidency is a transitory office and frankly, should not be all that important to the American people.

We should support and nurture our values in our local communities, and in our States. We are far beyond the time in which social values are handed down from D.C..
I really owe Ron Howard for this one.

So what era of America do we want to go back to?

-The late 90's with the balanced budget?

~2010 with the dream of everyone paying for healthcare?


-1970 The music was pretty good and besides the spat of assassinations there was hope of change.


-1988 did feel pretty good if you ignored some corruption, terrorism failures and debt. We were winning the cold war.
70's music was awsome and people seemed more polite.
Idiotic premise.

We don't want to go back to any era. We simply want to return to common sense decency and child rearing.

Here is he point where you cherry pick specific examples that were NOT very prevalent and try to pass them off as the norm in whatever era you also cherry pick.

Ey, I thought 1988 and really 1998 did not really suck to say the least. We had problems but there were positives.

So Common Sense Decency and Child Rearing? What does the Trump campaign have to do with decency and raising kids or what did they have to say about it? We aren't talking Mike Pence, right?
Why are you asking Me about what Trump has to do with a value system I'd like us to return -- Or adapt -- to? The Presidency is a transitory office and frankly, should not be all that important to the American people.

We should support and nurture our values in our local communities, and in our States. We are far beyond the time in which social values are handed down from D.C..

I asked about the raising kids thing because you brought it up, right?

What kind of values are you talking about btw?
I really owe Ron Howard for this one.

So what era of America do we want to go back to?

-The late 90's with the balanced budget?

~2010 with the dream of everyone paying for healthcare?


-1970 The music was pretty good and besides the spat of assassinations there was hope of change.


-1988 did feel pretty good if you ignored some corruption, terrorism failures and debt. We were winning the cold war.

What does a person mean by "great"? That'll differ between people.

Do you go back to a time of slavery? A time of segregation? Or a time after these?

Do you go to the time when people have the most rights? That's now.

Also, the late 80s. If you weren't there and didn't live it, you have no idea what you missed. None.
I would say 1968. Haight/Asbury hippy children of the kids of survivors of the depression. The climax of the Boomer lifestyle self hate evaluation cycle that lead to this Californian weirdness that leads to gay marriage or sanctuary cities.
Idiotic premise.

We don't want to go back to any era. We simply want to return to common sense decency and child rearing.

Here is he point where you cherry pick specific examples that were NOT very prevalent and try to pass them off as the norm in whatever era you also cherry pick.

Ey, I thought 1988 and really 1998 did not really suck to say the least. We had problems but there were positives.

So Common Sense Decency and Child Rearing? What does the Trump campaign have to do with decency and raising kids or what did they have to say about it? We aren't talking Mike Pence, right?
Why are you asking Me about what Trump has to do with a value system I'd like us to return -- Or adapt -- to? The Presidency is a transitory office and frankly, should not be all that important to the American people.

We should support and nurture our values in our local communities, and in our States. We are far beyond the time in which social values are handed down from D.C..

I asked about the raising kids thing because you brought it up, right?

What kind of values are you talking about btw?
I brought it up in the terms of society, not how it pertains to Trump. No President should be a basis on social issues or society at large.

We have to get back to looking at the Government -- particularly the feds -- as nothing more than a body that is to represent we the people to the world as a whole. The President is our frontman and chief law enforcement. Nothing more, nothing less. No moral values should flow from that office. Hell, from any office if you want to be granular about it.

As for raising kids, I'll take the example My father used.

Know the value of a dollar. From that he taught....

If you want something, don't go into debt for it. Plan for it and work to achieve that goal.

When I wanted a new 10-speed bike, I asked My parents for it. They both said the same thing. How much? Then they asked how much money a week I made doing lawns and running My paper route. They then sat Me down and showed Me how long it would take for Me to buy that 10-speed bike.

The values were simple. If you want something, you have to work for it AND you have to be patient.

How is that different than today?

Today, everyone wants it yesterday. The kids today have to take drugs because they can't have something RIGHT NOW! They have to have participation trophies. You want to know what is so wrong with that? Even the kids who get the trophies know they didn't earn them and are embarrassed.

Our self-esteem came from actually accomplishing something. It wasn't just given to us.

My dad would have backhanded Me if I demanded a trophy for something I didn't earn.

This is ONE example of a value that isn't taught that used to be taught.

One in a list of about 500.

Here is an idea, lets see if you can think of a value you were raised to have, that isn't taught today.
I really owe Ron Howard for this one.

So what era of America do we want to go back to?

-The late 90's with the balanced budget?

~2010 with the dream of everyone paying for healthcare?


-1970 The music was pretty good and besides the spat of assassinations there was hope of change.


-1988 did feel pretty good if you ignored some corruption, terrorism failures and debt. We were winning the cold war.

We haven't reached our greatest point yet...
I really owe Ron Howard for this one.

So what era of America do we want to go back to?

-The late 90's with the balanced budget?

~2010 with the dream of everyone paying for healthcare?


-1970 The music was pretty good and besides the spat of assassinations there was hope of change.


-1988 did feel pretty good if you ignored some corruption, terrorism failures and debt. We were winning the cold war.
No way.

We lost our greatness when Dishonest Abe murdered Americans, because they wanted to leave the union.
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According to this thread MAGA is nothing more than a propaganda scam perpetrated by a scam artist. No one can explain what the fraudulent motto means. Dupes just hear it and fanaticize about some better times they dream about that never really existed anywhere at any time but their current imagination.

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